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/ PC World Komputer 1998 April A / Pcwk4a98.iso / Cdinst / Bmp / DELPHI16.BMP (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1998-02-21  |  63KB  |  640x480  |  4-bit (11 colors)
Labels: crt screen | dialog box | monitor | web site | window
OCR: SourceLister 60x Copyright EmZet Computing 1998 ANIMCUR PEEKUNIT. .PAS BACKUP CALC unit PeekUnit: CALENDAR CALMIRA interface DIRSCAN DIRSELCT uses DISP3D SysUtils, WinTypes. WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, EXCEL Forms Dialogs ExtCtr|s StdCtrls FileCtrl MPlayer FC_ WIN FILEFIND. type "FILEPEEK TForm1 class(TForm) FORMAT LBHolder TPanel; FOURPAGE README .TXT KTMBEVEL GLYPHTRY This 1S simple little file viewer I whipped together in an hour or P0RADA10 two after getting my Delphi. . It is AVI files able to via the display ICO MediaPl BMP Player WMF control files P0RADA20 a.s well 8.s playing WAV and P0RADA30 developers YPASSWRD am posting this program to help encourage other Delphi to start sharing their code You' will notice that there aren't too many lines of code (about 25 ...