pTextLabel6="This option lets you choose if you want to run silently mkISOfs. This procedure can take much time if your build is too big and Winbuilder seems to hang!",1,1,147,74,333,42,8,Normal
pCheckBox2="Burn ISO",1,3,16,151,122,18,False
pButton2="Burn current ISO",1,8,147,145,120,25,BurnIso
pTextLabel1="Please select the root directory of your USB-Device",1,1,14,200,272,19,8,Normal
pButton3="Make USB boot device",1,8,288,205,149,25,MakeUSB
If,"%BuildModel%",NotEqual,"RAM",Message,"You can not use non standard boot manager with #$qNORMAL#$q build model. please use #$qIn RAM#$q build model or standard boot manager."
If,"%BuildModel%",NotEqual,"RAM",Halt,"You can not use non standard boot manager with #$qNORMAL#$q build model. please use #$qIn RAM#$q build model or standard boot manager."