home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2009-11-02 | 39.1 KB | 1,442 lines |
- #================
- # FILE : KIWIConfig.sh
- #----------------
- # PROJECT : OpenSUSE Build-Service
- # COPYRIGHT : (c) 2006 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Germany
- # :
- # AUTHOR : Marcus Schaefer <ms@suse.de>
- # :
- # BELONGS TO : Operating System images
- # :
- # DESCRIPTION : This module contains common used functions
- # : for the config.sh image scripts
- # :
- # :
- # STATUS : Development
- #----------------
- #======================================
- # suseInsertService
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseInsertService {
- # /.../
- # Recursively insert a service. If there is a service
- # required for this service it will be inserted first
- # -----
- local service=$1
- local result
- while true;do
- result=`/sbin/insserv $service 2>&1`
- if [ $? = 0 ];then
- echo "Service $service inserted"
- break
- else
- result=`echo $result | head -n 1 | cut -f3 -d " "`
- if [ -f /etc/init.d/$result ];then
- suseInsertService /etc/init.d/$result
- else
- echo "$service: required service: $result not found...skipped"
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # suseRemoveService
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseRemoveService {
- # /.../
- # Remove a service and its dependant services
- # using insserv -r
- # ----
- local service=/etc/init.d/$1
- while true;do
- /sbin/insserv -r $service &>/dev/null
- if [ $? = 0 ];then
- echo "Service $service removed"
- break
- else
- result=`/sbin/insserv -r $service 2>&1|tail -n 2|cut -f10 -d " "`
- if [ -f /etc/init.d/$result ];then
- suseRemoveService $result
- else
- echo "$service: $result not found...skipped"
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # suseActivateServices
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseActivateServices {
- # /.../
- # Check all services in /etc/init.d/ and activate them
- # by calling insertService
- # -----
- for i in /etc/init.d/*;do
- if [ -x $i ] && [ -f $i ];then
- echo $i | grep -q skel
- if [ $? = 0 ];then
- continue
- fi
- suseInsertService $i
- fi
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # suseActivateDefaultServices
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseActivateDefaultServices {
- # /.../
- # Call all postin scriptlets which among other things activates
- # all default services required using insserv
- # -----
- local ifss=$IFS
- local file=kiwi-services.default
- local name=""
- local name1=$name
- local name2=$name
- rm -f $file
- for p in `rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}\n"`;do
- rpm -q --qf \
- "%|POSTIN?{%|POSTINPROG?{}|%{POSTIN}\n}:{%|POSTINPROG?{}|}|" \
- $p > $p.sh
- if [ -s "$p.sh" ];then
- echo "Calling post script $p.sh"
- bash $p.sh 2>&1
- cat $p.sh | sed -e s@\$SCRIPTNAME@$p@g | grep insserv >> $file
- fi
- rm -f $p.sh
- done
- IFS="
- "
- for i in \
- `cat $file | grep -v ^.*# | cut -f2- -d"/" | grep ^insserv`
- do
- name=`echo $i | cut -f2 -d. | cut -f2 -d/`
- if echo $name | grep -q insserv; then
- name1=`echo $name | cut -f2 -d" "`
- name2=`echo $name | cut -f3 -d" "`
- if [ ! -z $name1 ];then
- name=$name1
- fi
- if [ ! -z $name2 ];then
- name=$name2
- fi
- else
- name=`echo $name | tr -d " "`
- fi
- if [ -f /etc/init.d/$name ];then
- echo $name >> kiwi-services.tmp
- fi
- done
- for i in `cat kiwi-services.tmp | sort | uniq`;do
- suseInsertService $i
- done
- rm -f kiwi-services.tmp
- rm -f $file
- IFS=$ifss
- }
- #======================================
- # suseService
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseService {
- # /.../
- # if a service exist then enable or disable it using chkconfig
- # example : suseService apache2 on
- # example : suseService apache2 off
- # ----
- local service=$1
- local action=$2
- if [ -x /etc/init.d/$i ] && [ -f /etc/init.d/$service ];then
- if [ $action = on ];then
- /sbin/chkconfig $service on
- elif [ $action = off ];then
- /sbin/chkconfig $service off
- fi
- fi
- }
- #======================================
- # suseServiceDefaultOn
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseServiceDefaultOn {
- # /.../
- # Some basic services that needs to be on.
- # ----
- services=(
- boot.rootfsck
- boot.cleanup
- boot.localfs
- boot.localnet
- boot.clock
- policykitd
- dbus
- consolekit
- haldaemon
- network
- atd
- syslog
- cron
- kbd
- )
- for i in "${services[@]}";do
- if [ -x /etc/init.d/$i ] && [ -f /etc/init.d/$i ];then
- /sbin/chkconfig $i on
- fi
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # suseCloneRunlevel
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseCloneRunlevel {
- # /.../
- # Clone the given runlevel to work in the same way
- # as the default runlevel 3.
- # ----
- local clone=$1
- if [ -z "$clone" ];then
- echo "suseCloneRunlevel: no runlevel given... abort"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ $clone = 3 ];then
- echo "suseCloneRunlevel: can't clone myself... abort"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ -d /etc/init.d/rc$clone.d ];then
- rm -rf /etc/init.d/rc$clone.d
- fi
- cp -a /etc/init.d/rc3.d /etc/init.d/rc$clone.d
- sed -i -e s"@#l$clone@l4@" /etc/inittab
- }
- #======================================
- # suseImportBuildKey
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseImportBuildKey {
- # /.../
- # Add missing gpg keys to rpm database
- # ----
- local KEY
- local TDIR=$(mktemp -d)
- if [ ! -d "$TDIR" ]; then
- echo "suseImportBuildKey: Failed to create temp dir"
- return
- fi
- pushd "$TDIR"
- /usr/lib/rpm/gnupg/dumpsigs /usr/lib/rpm/gnupg/suse-build-key.gpg
- ls gpg-pubkey-*.asc | while read KFN; do
- KEY=$(basename "$KFN" .asc)
- rpm -q "$KEY" >/dev/null
- [ $? -eq 0 ] && continue
- echo "Importing $KEY to rpm database"
- rpm --import "$KFN"
- done
- popd
- rm -rf "$TDIR"
- }
- #======================================
- # baseSetupOEMPartition
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseSetupOEMPartition {
- local oemfile=/config.oempartition
- if [ -e $oemfile ];then
- echo "config.oempartition already defined:"
- cat $oemfile
- return
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_oemreboot" ];then
- echo "Setting up OEM_REBOOT=1"
- echo "OEM_REBOOT=1" >> $oemfile
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_oemswap" ];then
- echo "Setting up OEM_WITHOUTSWAP=1"
- echo "OEM_WITHOUTSWAP=1" >> $oemfile
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_oemswapMB" ];then
- echo "Setting up OEM_SWAPSIZE=$kiwi_oemswapMB"
- echo "OEM_SWAPSIZE=$kiwi_oemswapMB" >> $oemfile
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_oemhome" ];then
- echo "Setting up OEM_WITHOUTHOME=1"
- echo "OEM_WITHOUTHOME=1" >> $oemfile
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_oemrootMB" ];then
- echo "Setting up OEM_SYSTEMSIZE=$kiwi_oemrootMB"
- echo "OEM_SYSTEMSIZE=$kiwi_oemrootMB" >> $oemfile
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_oemtitle" ];then
- echo "Setting up OEM_BOOT_TITLE=$kiwi_oemtitle"
- echo "OEM_BOOT_TITLE=\"$kiwi_oemtitle\"" >> $oemfile
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_oemkboot" ];then
- echo "Setting up OEM_KIWI_INITRD=$kiwi_oemkboot"
- echo "OEM_KIWI_INITRD=$kiwi_oemkboot" >> $oemfile
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_oemsap" ];then
- echo "Setting up OEM_SAP_INSTALL=$kiwi_oemsap"
- echo "OEM_SAP_INSTALL=$kiwi_oemsap" >> $oemfile
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_oemrecovery" ];then
- echo "Setting up OEM_RECOVERY=1"
- echo "OEM_RECOVERY=1" >> $oemfile
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_oemrecoveryID" ];then
- echo "Setting up OEM_RECOVERY_ID=$kiwi_oemrecoveryID"
- echo "OEM_RECOVERY_ID=$kiwi_oemrecoveryID" >> $oemfile
- fi
- }
- #======================================
- # baseSetupUserPermissions
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseSetupUserPermissions {
- while read line in;do
- dir=`echo $line | cut -f6 -d:`
- uid=`echo $line | cut -f3 -d:`
- usern=`echo $line | cut -f1 -d:`
- group=`echo $line | cut -f4 -d:`
- if [ -d "$dir" ] && [ $uid -gt 200 ] && [ $usern != "nobody" ];then
- group=`cat /etc/group | grep "$group" | cut -f1 -d:`
- chown -c -R $usern:$group $dir/*
- fi
- done < /etc/passwd
- }
- #======================================
- # baseSetupBoot
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseSetupBoot {
- if [ -f /linuxrc ];then
- cp linuxrc init
- exit 0
- fi
- }
- #======================================
- # suseConfig
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseConfig {
- #======================================
- # keytable
- #--------------------------------------
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_keytable" ];then
- cat etc/sysconfig/keyboard |\
- sed -e s"@KEYTABLE=\".*\"@KEYTABLE=\"$kiwi_keytable\"@" \
- > etc/sysconfig/keyboard.new
- mv etc/sysconfig/keyboard.new etc/sysconfig/keyboard
- fi
- #======================================
- # locale
- #--------------------------------------
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_language" ];then
- language=$(echo $kiwi_language | cut -f1 -d,).UTF-8
- cat /etc/sysconfig/language |\
- sed -e s"@RC_LANG=\".*\"@RC_LANG=\"$language\"@" \
- > etc/sysconfig/language.new
- mv etc/sysconfig/language.new etc/sysconfig/language
- fi
- #======================================
- # timezone
- #--------------------------------------
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_timezone" ];then
- if [ -f /usr/share/zoneinfo/$kiwi_timezone ];then
- cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/$kiwi_timezone /etc/localtime
- cat /etc/sysconfig/clock |\
- sed -e s"@TIMEZONE=\".*\"@TIMEZONE=\"$kiwi_timezone\"@" \
- > etc/sysconfig/clock.new
- mv etc/sysconfig/clock.new etc/sysconfig/clock
- cat /etc/sysconfig/clock |\
- sed -e s"@HWCLOCK=\".*\"@HWCLOCK=\"-u\"@" \
- > etc/sysconfig/clock.new
- mv etc/sysconfig/clock.new etc/sysconfig/clock
- else
- echo "timezone: $kiwi_timezone not found"
- fi
- fi
- #======================================
- # SuSEconfig
- #--------------------------------------
- /sbin/SuSEconfig
- }
- #======================================
- # baseGetPackagesForDeletion
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseGetPackagesForDeletion {
- echo $kiwi_delete
- }
- #======================================
- # baseGetProfilesUsed
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseGetProfilesUsed {
- echo $kiwi_profiles
- }
- #======================================
- # baseCleanMount
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseCleanMount {
- umount /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
- umount /proc
- umount /dev/pts
- umount /sys
- }
- #======================================
- # baseStripMans
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseStripMans {
- # /..,/
- # remove all manual pages, except
- # one given as parametr
- #
- # params - name of keep man pages
- # example baseStripMans less
- # ----
- local keepMans="$@"
- local directories="
- /opt/gnome/share/man
- /usr/local/man
- /usr/share/man
- /opt/kde3/share/man/packages
- "
- find $directories -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -type f 2>/dev/null |\
- baseStripAndKeep ${keepMans}
- }
- #======================================
- # baseStripDocs
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseStripDocs {
- # /.../
- # remove all documentation, except
- # copying license copyright
- # ----
- local docfiles
- local directories="
- /opt/gnome/share/doc/packages
- /usr/share/doc/packages
- /opt/kde3/share/doc/packages
- "
- for dir in $directories; do
- docfiles=$(find $dir -type f |grep -iv "copying\|license\|copyright")
- rm -f $docfiles
- done
- rm -rf /usr/share/info
- rm -rf /usr/share/man
- }
- #======================================
- # baseStripLocales
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseStripLocales {
- local keepLocales="$@"
- local directories="
- /usr/lib/locale
- "
- find $directories -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d 2>/dev/null |\
- baseStripAndKeep ${keepLocales}
- }
- #======================================
- # baseStripTranslations
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseStripTranslations {
- local keepMatching="$@"
- find /usr/share/locale -name "*.mo" | grep -v $keepMatching | xargs rm -f
- }
- #======================================
- # baseStripInfos
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseStripInfos {
- # /.../
- # remove all info files,
- # except one given as parametr
- #
- # params - name of keep info files
- # ----
- local keepInfos="$@"
- local directories="
- /usr/share/info
- "
- find $directories -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f 2>/dev/null |\
- baseStripAndKeep "${keepInfos}"
- }
- #======================================
- # baseStripAndKeep
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseStripAndKeep {
- # /.../
- # helper function for strip* functions
- # read stdin lines of files to check
- # for removing
- # - params - files which should be keep
- # ----
- local keepFiles="$@"
- while read file; do
- local baseFile=`/usr/bin/basename $file`
- local found="no"
- for keep in $keepFiles;do
- if echo $baseFile | grep -q $keep; then
- found="yes"
- break
- fi
- done
- if test $found = "no";then
- Rm -rf $file
- fi
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # baseStripTools
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseStripTools {
- local tpath=$1
- local tools=$2
- for file in `find $tpath`;do
- found=0
- base=`/usr/bin/basename $file`
- for need in $tools;do
- if [ $base = $need ];then
- found=1
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ $found = 0 ] && [ ! -d $file ];then
- Rm -fv $file
- fi
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # suseStripPackager
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseStripPackager {
- # /.../
- # remove smart o zypper packages and db
- # files. Also remove rpm package and db
- # if "-a" given
- #
- # params [-a]
- # ----
- local removerpm=falseq
- if [ ! -z ${1} ] && [ $1 = "-a" ]; then
- removerpm=true
- fi
- #zypper#
- Rpm -e --nodeps zypper libzypp satsolver-tools
- Rm -rf /var/lib/zypp
- #smart
- Rpm -e --nodeps smart smart-gui
- Rm -rf /var/lib/smart
- if [ $removerpm = true ]; then
- Rpm -e --nodeps rpm
- Rm -rf /var/lib/rpm
- fi
- }
- #======================================
- # baseStripRPM
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseStripRPM {
- # /.../
- # remove rpms defined in config.xml
- # under image=delete section
- # ----
- for i in `baseGetPackagesForDeletion`
- do
- Rpm -e --nodeps $i
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # baseSetupInPlaceSVNRepository
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseSetupInPlaceSVNRepository {
- # /.../
- # create an in place subversion repository for the
- # specified directories. A standard call could look like this
- # baseSetupInPlaceSVNRepository /etc /srv /var/log
- # ----
- local paths=$1
- local repo=/var/adm/sys-repo
- if [ ! -x /usr/bin/svn ];then
- echo "subversion not installed... skipped"
- return
- fi
- svnadmin create $repo
- chmod 700 $repo
- svn mkdir -m created file:///$repo/trunk
- local ifss=$IFS
- local subp=""
- for dir in $paths;do
- subp=""
- IFS="/"; for n in $dir;do
- if [ -z $n ];then
- continue
- fi
- subp="$subp/$n"
- svn mkdir -m created file:///$repo/trunk/$subp
- done
- done
- IFS=$ifss
- for dir in $paths;do
- chmod 700 $dir/.svn
- svn add $dir/*
- find $dir -name .svn | xargs chmod 700
- svn ci -m initial $dir
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # baseSetupPlainTextGITRepository
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseSetupPlainTextGITRepository {
- # /.../
- # create an in place git repository of the root
- # directory containing all plain/text files.
- # ----
- if [ ! -x /usr/bin/git ];then
- echo "git not installed... skipped"
- return
- fi
- pushd /
- local ignore=""
- #======================================
- # directories to ignore
- #--------------------------------------
- local dirs="
- /sys /dev /var/log /home /media /var/run /var/tmp /tmp /var/lock
- /image /var/spool /var/cache /var/lib /boot /root /var/adm
- /usr/share/doc /base-system /usr/lib /usr/lib64 /usr/bin /usr/sbin
- /usr/share/man /proc /bin /sbin /lib /lib64 /opt
- /usr/share/X11 /.git
- "
- #======================================
- # files to ignore
- #--------------------------------------
- local files="
- ./etc/Image* *.lock ./etc/resolv.conf *.gif *.png
- *.jpg *.eps *.ps *.la *.so */lib */lib64 */doc */zoneinfo
- "
- #======================================
- # creae .gitignore and find list
- #--------------------------------------
- for entry in $files;do
- echo $entry >> .gitignore
- if [ -z "$ignore" ];then
- ignore="-wholename $entry"
- else
- ignore="$ignore -or -wholename $entry"
- fi
- done
- for entry in $dirs;do
- echo $entry >> .gitignore
- if [ -z "$ignore" ];then
- ignore="-path .$entry"
- else
- ignore="$ignore -or -path .$entry"
- fi
- done
- #======================================
- # init git base
- #--------------------------------------
- git init
- #======================================
- # find all text/plain files except ign
- #--------------------------------------
- for i in `find . \( $ignore \) -prune -o -print`;do
- file=`echo $i | cut -f2 -d.`
- if file -i $i | grep -q "text/*";then
- git add $i
- fi
- if file -i $i | grep -q "application/x-shellscript";then
- git add $i
- fi
- if file -i $i | grep -q "application/x-awk";then
- git add $i
- fi
- if file -i $i | grep -q "application/x-c";then
- git add $i
- fi
- if file -i $i | grep -q "application/x-c++";then
- git add $i
- fi
- if file -i $i | grep -q "application/x-not-regular-file";then
- echo $file >> .gitignore
- fi
- if file -i $i | grep -q "application/x-gzip";then
- echo $file >> .gitignore
- fi
- if file -i $i | grep -q "application/x-empty";then
- echo $file >> .gitignore
- fi
- done
- #======================================
- # commit the git
- #--------------------------------------
- git commit -m "deployed"
- popd
- }
- #======================================
- # baseSetupInPlaceGITRepository
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseSetupInPlaceGITRepository {
- # /.../
- # create an in place git repository of the root
- # directory. This process may take some time and you
- # may expect problems with binary data handling
- # ----
- if [ ! -x /usr/bin/git ];then
- echo "git not installed... skipped"
- return
- fi
- pushd /
- echo /proc > .gitignore
- local files="
- /sys /dev /var/log /home /media /var/run /etc/Image*
- /var/tmp /tmp /var/lock *.lock /image /var/spool /var/cache
- /var/lib /boot /root /var/adm /base-system
- "
- for entry in $files;do
- echo $entry >> .gitignore
- done
- git init && git add . && \
- git commit -m "deployed"
- popd
- }
- #======================================
- # Rm
- #--------------------------------------
- function Rm {
- # /.../
- # delete files & anounce it to log
- # ----
- Debug "rm $@"
- rm $@
- }
- #======================================
- # Rpm
- #--------------------------------------
- function Rpm {
- # /.../
- # all rpm function & anounce it to log
- # ----
- Debug "rpm $@"
- rpm $@
- }
- #======================================
- # Echo
- #--------------------------------------
- function Echo {
- # /.../
- # print a message to the controling terminal
- # ----
- local option=""
- local prefix="----->"
- local optn=""
- local opte=""
- while getopts "bne" option;do
- case $option in
- b) prefix=" " ;;
- n) optn="-n" ;;
- e) opte="-e" ;;
- *) echo "Invalid argument: $option" ;;
- esac
- done
- shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
- echo $optn $opte "$prefix $1"
- }
- #======================================
- # Debug
- #--------------------------------------
- function Debug {
- # /.../
- # print message if variable DEBUG is set to 1
- # -----
- if test "$DEBUG" = 1;then
- echo "+++++> (caller:${FUNCNAME[1]}:${FUNCNAME[2]} ) $@"
- fi
- }
- #======================================
- # baseSetupBusyBox
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseSetupBusyBox {
- # /.../
- # activates busybox if installed for all links from
- # the busybox/busybox.links file - you can choose custom apps to
- # be forced into busybox with the "-f" option as first parameter
- # ---
- # example: baseSetupBusyBox -f /bin/zcat /bin/vi
- # ---
- local applets=""
- local force=no
- local busyboxlinks=/usr/share/busybox/busybox.links
- if ! rpm -q --quiet busybox; then
- echo "Busybox not installed... skipped"
- return 0
- fi
- if [ $# -gt 0 ] && [ "$1" = "-f" ]; then
- force=yes
- shift
- fi
- if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
- for i in "$@"; do
- if grep -q "^$i$" "$busyboxlinks"; then
- applets="${applets} $i"
- fi
- done
- else
- applets=`cat "$busyboxlinks"`
- fi
- for applet in $applets; do
- if [ ! -f "$applet" ] || [ "$force" = "yes" ]; then
- echo "Busybox Link: ln -sf /usr/bin/busybox $applet"
- ln -sf /usr/bin/busybox "$applet"
- fi
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # stripUnusedLibs
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseStripUnusedLibs {
- # /.../
- # remove libraries which are not directly linked
- # against applications in the bin directories
- # ----
- local needlibs
- local found
- local dir
- local lnk
- local new
- # /.../
- # find directly used libraries, by calling ldd
- # on files in *bin*
- # ---
- ldconfig
- rm -f /tmp/needlibs
- for i in /usr/bin/* /bin/* /sbin/* /usr/sbin/*;do
- for n in `ldd $i 2>/dev/null`;do
- if [ -e $n ];then
- echo $n >> /tmp/needlibs
- fi
- done
- done
- count=0
- for i in `cat /tmp/needlibs | sort | uniq`;do
- needlibs[$count]=$i
- count=`expr $count + 1`
- if [ -L $i ];then
- dir=`dirname $i`
- lnk=`readlink $i`
- new=$dir/$lnk
- needlibs[$count]=$new
- count=`expr $count + 1`
- fi
- done
- # /.../
- # add exceptions
- # ----
- while [ ! -z $1 ];do
- for i in /lib*/$1* /usr/lib*/$1* /usr/X11R6/lib*/$1*;do
- if [ -e $i ];then
- needlibs[$count]=$i
- count=`expr $count + 1`
- fi
- done
- shift
- done
- # /.../
- # find unused libs and remove it, dl loaded libs
- # seems not to be that important within the initrd
- # ----
- rm -f /tmp/needlibs
- for i in \
- /lib/lib* /lib64/lib* /usr/lib/lib* \
- /usr/lib64/lib* /usr/X11R6/lib*/lib*
- do
- found=0
- if [ -d $i ];then
- continue
- fi
- for n in ${needlibs[*]};do
- if [ $i = $n ];then
- found=1; break
- fi
- done
- if [ $found -eq 0 ];then
- echo "Removing: $i"
- rm $i
- fi
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # baseSysConfig
- #--------------------------------------
- function baseUpdateSysConfig {
- # /.../
- # update sysconfig variable contents
- # ----
- local FILE=$1
- local VAR=$2
- local VAL=$3
- sed -i "s/^\($VAR=\).*$/\1\"$VAL\"/" $FILE
- }
- #======================================
- # suseStripInitrd
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseStripInitrd {
- #==========================================
- # remove unneeded files
- #------------------------------------------
- rm -rf `find -type d | grep .svn`
- local files="
- /usr/share/info /usr/share/man /usr/share/cracklib /usr/lib*/python*
- /usr/lib*/perl* /usr/share/doc/packages /var/lib/rpm
- /usr/lib*/rpm /var/lib/smart /opt/* /usr/include /root/.gnupg
- /etc/PolicyKit /etc/sysconfig /etc/init.d /etc/profile.d /etc/skel
- /etc/ssl /etc/java /etc/default /etc/cron* /etc/dbus*
- /etc/pam.d* /etc/DIR_COLORS /etc/rc* /usr/share/hal /usr/share/ssl
- /usr/lib*/hal /usr/lib*/*.a /usr/lib*/*.la /usr/lib*/librpm*
- /usr/lib*/libpanel* /usr/lib*/libmenu* /usr/src/packages/RPMS
- /usr/lib*/X11 /var/X11R6 /usr/share/X11 /etc/X11
- /usr/lib*/xorg /usr/lib*/libidn* /usr/share/locale-bundle
- /etc/ppp /etc/xdg /etc/NetworkManager /lib*/YaST /lib*/security
- /lib*/mkinitrd /srv /var/adm /usr/lib*/engines /usr/src/packages
- /usr/src/linux* /usr/local /var/log/* /usr/share/pixmaps
- /usr/share/gtk-doc /var/games /opt /var/spool /var/opt
- /var/cache /var/tmp /etc/rpm /etc/cups /etc/opt
- /home /media /lib/firmware /usr/lib*/lsb /usr/lib*/krb5
- /usr/lib*/ldscripts /usr/lib*/getconf /usr/lib*/pwdutils
- /usr/lib*/pkgconfig /usr/lib*/browser-plugins
- /usr/share/omc /usr/share/tmac /usr/share/emacs /usr/share/idnkit
- /usr/share/games /usr/share/PolicyKit /usr/share/tabset
- /usr/share/mkinitrd /usr/share/xsessions /usr/share/pkgconfig
- /usr/share/dbus-1 /usr/share/sounds /usr/share/dict /usr/share/et
- /usr/share/ss /usr/share/java /usr/share/themes /usr/share/doc
- /usr/share/applications /usr/share/mime /usr/share/icons
- /usr/share/xml /usr/share/sgml /usr/share/fonts /usr/games
- /usr/lib/mit /usr/lib/news /usr/lib/pkgconfig /usr/lib/smart
- /usr/lib/browser-plugins /usr/lib/restricted /usr/x86_64-suse-linux
- /etc/logrotate* /etc/susehelp* /etc/SuSEconfig /etc/permissions.d
- /etc/aliases.d /etc/hal /etc/news /etc/pwdutils /etc/uucp
- /etc/openldap /etc/xinetd /etc/depmod.d /etc/smart /etc/lvm
- /etc/named* /etc/bash_completion* usr/share/gnupg
- /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/net/wireless
- /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/net/pcmcia
- /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/net/tokenring
- /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/net/bonding
- /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/net/hamradio
- /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale
- "
- for i in $files;do
- rm -rfv $i
- done
- #==========================================
- # remove unneeded files
- #------------------------------------------
- if [ -d /var/cache/zypp ];then
- files="
- /usr/lib*/libzypp* /lib*/libgcrypt* /lib*/libgpg*
- /usr/lib*/dirmngr /usr/lib*/gnupg* /usr/lib*/gpg*
- /usr/lib*/libboost* /usr/lib*/libcurl* /usr/lib*/libicu*
- /usr/lib*/libksba* /usr/lib*/libpth*
- /var/cache/zypp /usr/lib*/zypp* /usr/share/curl
- /usr/share/emacs /usr/share/gnupg
- /usr/share/zypp* /var/lib/zypp* /var/log/zypper.log
- "
- for i in $files;do
- rm -rfv $i
- done
- fi
- #==========================================
- # remove unneeded tools
- #------------------------------------------
- local tools="
- tune2fs swapon swapoff shutdown sfdisk resize_reiserfs
- reiserfsck reboot halt pivot_root modprobe modinfo rmmod
- mkswap mkinitrd mkreiserfs mkfs.cramfs
- losetup ldconfig insmod init ifconfig fdisk e2fsck fsck.ext2
- fsck.ext3 fsck.ext4 dhcpcd mkfs.ext2 mkfs.ext3 mkfs.ext4
- depmod atftpd klogconsole hwinfo xargs wc tail tac readlink
- mkfifo md5sum head expr file free find env du dirname cut
- column chroot atftp tr host test printf mount dd uname umount
- true touch sleep sh pidof sed rmdir rm pwd ps mv mkdir kill hostname
- gzip grep false df cp cat bash basename arch sort ls uniq lsmod
- usleep parted mke2fs pvcreate vgcreate lvm resize2fs ln hdparm
- dmesg splash fbmngplay portmap start-statd sm-notify
- rpc.statd rpc.idmapd nbd-client mount.nfs mount.nfs4 eject
- blockdev posbios ping killall killall5 udevcontrol udevd
- udevsettle udevtrigger mknod stat path_id hwup scsi_id scsi_tur
- usb_id ata_id vol_id edd_id setctsid dumpe2fs debugreiserfs
- fuser udevadm blogd showconsole killproc curl tar
- ldd driveready checkmedia splashy bzip2 hexdump vgremove
- pvchange pvresize pvscan vgscan vgchange vgextend vgdisplay
- lvchange lvresize lvextend lvcreate grub dcounter tty
- dmsetup dialog awk gawk clicfs cryptsetup clear blkid fbiterm
- gettext diff bc utimer cmp
- "
- tools="$tools $@"
- for path in /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /bin;do
- baseStripTools "$path" "$tools"
- done
- #==========================================
- # remove unused libs
- #------------------------------------------
- baseStripUnusedLibs \
- librt libutil libsysfs libnss_files libnss_compat libnsl libpng \
- libfontenc libutempter libfreetype libgcc_s
- #==========================================
- # remove images.sh and /root
- #------------------------------------------
- rm -f /image/images.sh
- rm -rf /root
- #==========================================
- # strip down configuration files
- #------------------------------------------
- rm -rf /tmp/*
- rm -rf /tmp/.*
- files="
- /etc/modprobe.conf /etc/modprobe.conf.local /etc/mtab
- /etc/protocols /etc/services /etc/termcap /etc/aliases
- /etc/bash.bashrc /etc/filesystems /etc/ld.so.conf /etc/magic
- /etc/group /etc/passwd /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/scsi_id.config
- "
- for i in $files;do
- if [ -e $i ];then
- mv $i /tmp
- fi
- done
- rm -f /etc/*
- mv /tmp/* /etc
- }
- #======================================
- # suseGFXBoot
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseGFXBoot {
- local theme=$1
- local loader=$2
- export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_boottheme" ];then
- theme=$kiwi_boottheme
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_hybrid" ];then
- loader="isolinux"
- fi
- #======================================
- # setup bootloader data
- #--------------------------------------
- if [ -d /usr/share/gfxboot ];then
- #======================================
- # create boot theme with gfxboot-devel
- #--------------------------------------
- cd /usr/share/gfxboot
- # check for new source layout
- local newlayout=
- [ -f themes/$theme/config ] && newlayout=1
- # update configuration for new layout only
- if [ "$newlayout" ];then
- if [ $loader = "isolinux" ];then
- local gfxcfg=themes/$theme/data-install/gfxboot.cfg
- # tell the bootloader about live CD setup
- gfxboot --config-file $gfxcfg \
- --change-config install::livecd=1
- # tell the bootloader to hand over keytable to cmdline
- gfxboot --config-file $gfxcfg \
- --change-config live::addopt.keytable=1
- # tell the bootloader to hand over lang to cmdline
- gfxboot --config-file $gfxcfg \
- --change-config live::addopt.lang=1
- else
- local gfxcfg=themes/$theme/data-boot/gfxboot.cfg
- # tell the bootloader to hand over keytable to cmdline
- gfxboot --config-file $gfxcfg \
- --change-config boot::addopt.keytable=1
- # tell the bootloader to hand over lang to cmdline
- gfxboot --config-file $gfxcfg \
- --change-config boot::addopt.lang=1
- # add selected languages to the bootloader menu
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_language" ];then
- for l in `echo $kiwi_language | tr "," " "`;do
- echo "Adding language: $l"
- echo $l >> themes/$theme/data-boot/languages
- done
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # create the archive
- [ "$newlayout" ] || make -C themes/$theme prep
- make -C themes/$theme
- mkdir /image/loader
- local gfximage=
- local bootimage=
- if [ "$newlayout" ] ; then
- gfximage=themes/$theme/bootlogo
- bootimage=themes/$theme/message
- else
- gfximage=themes/$theme/install/bootlogo
- bootimage=themes/$theme/boot/message
- fi
- if [ $loader = "isolinux" ];then
- # isolinux boot data...
- cp $gfximage /image/loader
- bin/unpack_bootlogo /image/loader
- else
- # boot loader graphics image file...
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_language" ];then
- msgdir=/image/loader/message.dir
- mkdir $msgdir && mv $bootimage $msgdir
- (cd $msgdir && cat message | cpio -i && rm -f message)
- if [ "$newlayout" ];then
- for l in `echo $kiwi_language | tr "," " "`;do
- l=$(echo $l | cut -f1 -d_)
- cp themes/$theme/po/$l*.tr $msgdir
- cp themes/$theme/help-boot/$l*.hlp $msgdir
- done
- else
- for l in `echo $kiwi_language | tr "," " "`;do
- l=$(echo $l | cut -f1 -d_)
- cp themes/$theme/boot/$l*.tr $msgdir
- cp themes/$theme/boot/$l*.hlp $msgdir
- echo $l >> $msgdir/languages
- done
- fi
- (cd $msgdir && find | cpio --quiet -o > ../message)
- rm -rf $msgdir
- else
- mv $bootimage /image/loader
- fi
- fi
- make -C themes/$theme clean
- elif [ -f /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/bootloader/message ];then
- #======================================
- # use boot theme from gfxboot-branding
- #--------------------------------------
- echo "gfxboot devel not installed, custom branding skipped !"
- echo "using gfxboot branding package"
- mkdir /image/loader
- if [ $loader = "isolinux" ];then
- # isolinux boot data...
- mv /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/cdrom/* /image/loader
- local gfxcfg=/image/loader/gfxboot.cfg
- # tell the bootloader about live CD setup
- gfxboot --config-file $gfxcfg \
- --change-config install::livecd=1
- # tell the bootloader to hand over keytable to cmdline
- gfxboot --config-file $gfxcfg \
- --change-config live::addopt.keytable=1
- # tell the bootloader to hand over lang to cmdline
- gfxboot --config-file $gfxcfg \
- --change-config live::addopt.lang=1
- else
- # boot loader graphics image file...
- mv /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/bootloader/message /image/loader
- local archive=/image/loader/message
- # tell the bootloader to hand over keytable to cmdline
- gfxboot --archive $archive \
- --change-config boot::addopt.keytable=1
- # tell the bootloader to hand over lang to cmdline
- gfxboot --archive $archive \
- --change-config boot::addopt.lang=1
- # add selected languages to the bootloader menu
- if [ ! -z "$kiwi_language" ];then
- gfxboot --archive $archive --add-language \
- $(echo $kiwi_language | tr "," " ") --default-language en_US
- fi
- fi
- else
- #======================================
- # no graphics boot possible
- #--------------------------------------
- echo "gfxboot devel not installed"
- echo "gfxboot branding not installed"
- echo "graphics boot skipped !"
- mkdir /image/loader
- fi
- #======================================
- # copy bootloader binaries of required
- #--------------------------------------
- if [ $loader = "isolinux" ];then
- # isolinux boot code...
- mv /usr/share/syslinux/isolinux.bin /image/loader
- if [ -f "/usr/share/syslinux/gfxboot.com" ];then
- mv /usr/share/syslinux/gfxboot.com /image/loader
- fi
- if [ -f "/usr/share/syslinux/mboot.c32" ];then
- mv /usr/share/syslinux/mboot.c32 /image/loader
- fi
- if [ -f "/boot/memtest.bin" ];then
- mv /boot/memtest.bin /image/loader/memtest
- fi
- else
- # boot loader binary part of MBR
- :
- fi
- #======================================
- # create splash screen
- #--------------------------------------
- if [ ! -f /sbin/splash ];then
- echo "bootsplash not installed... skipped"
- return
- fi
- sname[0]="08000600.spl"
- sname[1]="10240768.spl"
- sname[2]="12801024.spl"
- index=0
- if [ ! -d /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme ];then
- theme="SuSE-$theme"
- fi
- if [ ! -d /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme ];then
- echo "bootsplash branding not installed... skipped"
- return
- fi
- mkdir -p /image/loader/branding
- cp /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/images/logo.mng /image/loader/branding
- cp /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/images/logov.mng /image/loader/branding
- for cfg in 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024;do
- cp /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/images/bootsplash-$cfg.jpg \
- /image/loader/branding
- cp /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/images/silent-$cfg.jpg \
- /image/loader/branding
- cp /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/config/bootsplash-$cfg.cfg \
- /image/loader/branding
- done
- mkdir -p /image/loader/animations
- cp /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/animations/* \
- /image/loader/animations &>/dev/null
- for cfg in 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024;do
- /sbin/splash -s -c -f \
- /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/config/bootsplash-$cfg.cfg |\
- gzip -9c \
- > /image/loader/${sname[$index]}
- tdir=/image/loader/xxx
- mkdir $tdir
- cp -a --parents /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/config/*-$cfg.* $tdir
- cp -a --parents /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/images/*-$cfg.* $tdir
- ln -s /etc/bootsplash/themes/$theme/config/bootsplash-$cfg.cfg \
- $tdir/etc/splash.cfg
- pushd $tdir
- chmod -R a+rX .
- find | cpio --quiet -o -H newc |\
- gzip -9 >> /image/loader/${sname[$index]}
- popd
- rm -rf $tdir
- index=`expr $index + 1`
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # suseSetupProductInformation
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseSetupProductInformation {
- # /.../
- # This function will use zypper to search for the installed
- # product and prepare the product specific information
- # for YaST
- # ----
- if [ ! -x /usr/bin/zypper ];then
- echo "zypper not installed... skipped"
- return
- fi
- local zypper="zypper --non-interactive --no-gpg-checks"
- local product=$($zypper search -t product | grep product | head -n 1)
- local p_alias=$(echo $product | cut -f4 -d'|')
- local p_name=$(echo $product | cut -f 4-5 -d'|' | tr '|' '-' | tr -d " ")
- p_alias=$(echo $p_alias)
- p_name=$(echo $p_name)
- echo "Installing product information for $p_name"
- $zypper install -t product $p_alias
- }
- #======================================
- # suseStripKernel
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseStripKernel {
- # /.../
- # this function will strip the kernel according to the
- # drivers information in the xml descr. It also will create
- # the vmlinux.gz and vmlinuz files which are required
- # for the kernel extraction in case of kiwi boot images
- # ----
- local ifss=$IFS
- local kversion
- local i
- local d
- local mod
- local stripdir
- local kdata
- for kversion in /lib/modules/*;do
- IFS="
- "
- if [ ! -d "$kversion" ];then
- IFS=$ifss
- continue
- fi
- if [ -x /bin/rpm ];then
- kdata=$(rpm -qf $kversion)
- else
- kdata=$kversion
- fi
- for p in $kdata;do
- #==========================================
- # get kernel VERSION information
- #------------------------------------------
- if [ ! $? = 0 ];then
- # not in a package...
- IFS=$ifss
- continue
- fi
- if echo $p | grep -q "\-kmp\-";then
- # a kernel module package...
- IFS=$ifss
- continue
- fi
- if echo $p | grep -q "\-source\-";then
- # a kernel source package...
- IFS=$ifss
- continue
- fi
- VERSION=$(/usr/bin/basename $kversion)
- echo "Stripping kernel $p: Image [$kiwi_iname]..."
- #==========================================
- # run depmod, deps should be up to date
- #------------------------------------------
- if [ ! -f /boot/System.map-$VERSION ];then
- # no system map for kernel
- echo "no system map for kernel: $p found... skip it"
- IFS=$ifss
- continue
- fi
- /sbin/depmod -F /boot/System.map-$VERSION $VERSION
- #==========================================
- # check for modules.order and backup it
- #------------------------------------------
- if [ -f $kversion/modules.order ];then
- mv $kversion/modules.order /tmp
- fi
- #==========================================
- # strip the modules but take care for deps
- #------------------------------------------
- stripdir=/tmp/stripped_modules
- IFS=,
- for mod in \
- $kiwi_usbdrivers $kiwi_scsidrivers \
- $kiwi_netdrivers $kiwi_drivers
- do
- local path=`/usr/bin/dirname $mod`
- local base=`/usr/bin/basename $mod`
- for d in kernel updates weak-updates;do
- if [ "$base" = "*" ];then
- if test -d $kversion/$d/$path ; then
- mkdir -pv $stripdir$kversion/$d/$path
- cp -avl $kversion/$d/$path/* \
- $stripdir$kversion/$d/$path
- fi
- else
- if test -f $kversion/$d/$mod ; then
- mkdir -pv $stripdir$kversion/$d/$path
- cp -avl $kversion/$d/$mod \
- $stripdir$kversion/$d/$mod
- elif test -L $kversion/$d/$base ; then
- mkdir -pv $stripdir$kversion/$d
- cp -avl $kversion/$d/$base \
- $stripdir$kversion/$d
- elif test -f $kversion/$d/$base ; then
- mkdir -pv $stripdir$kversion/$d
- cp -avl $kversion/$d/$base \
- $stripdir$kversion/$d
- fi
- fi
- done
- done
- IFS=$ifss
- for mod in `find $stripdir -name "*.ko"`;do
- d=`/usr/bin/basename $mod`
- i=`/sbin/modprobe \
- --set-version $VERSION \
- --ignore-install \
- --show-depends \
- ${d%.ko} | sed -ne 's:.*insmod /\?::p'`
- for d in $i; do
- case "$d" in
- *=*) ;;
- *)
- if ! test -f $stripdir/$d ; then
- echo "Fixing kernel module Dependency: $d"
- mkdir -vp `/usr/bin/dirname $stripdir/$d`
- cp -flav $d $stripdir/$d
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- done
- rm -rf $kversion
- mv -v $stripdir/$kversion $kversion
- rm -rf $stripdir
- if [ -f /tmp/modules.order ];then
- mv /tmp/modules.order $kversion
- fi
- #==========================================
- # run depmod
- #------------------------------------------
- /sbin/depmod -F /boot/System.map-$VERSION $VERSION
- #==========================================
- # create common kernel files, last wins !
- #------------------------------------------
- pushd /boot
- if [ -f vmlinux-$VERSION.gz ];then
- mv vmlinux-$VERSION.gz vmlinux.gz
- mv vmlinuz-$VERSION vmlinuz
- elif [ -f vmlinuz-$VERSION ];then
- mv vmlinuz-$VERSION vmlinuz
- else
- rm -f vmlinux
- cp vmlinux-$VERSION vmlinux
- mv vmlinux-$VERSION vmlinuz
- fi
- popd
- done
- done
- }
- #======================================
- # suseSetupProduct
- #--------------------------------------
- function suseSetupProduct {
- # /.../
- # This function will create the /etc/products.d/baseproduct
- # link pointing to the product referenced by either
- # the /etc/SuSE-brand file or the latest .prod file
- # available in /etc/products.d
- # ----
- local prod=undef
- if [ -f /etc/SuSE-brand ];then
- prod=$(head /etc/SuSE-brand -n 1)
- fi
- pushd /etc/products.d
- if [ -f $prod.prod ];then
- ln -sf $prod.prod baseproduct
- else
- prod=$(ls -1t *.prod 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1)
- if [ -f $prod ];then
- ln -sf $prod baseproduct
- fi
- fi
- popd
- }