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Text File  |  2009-12-13  |  43.5 KB  |  1,482 lines

  1. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. // Social & Bookmarking services module.
  3. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. const Cc = Components.classes;
  6. const Ci = Components.interfaces;
  8. var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["samfind_modsbservices"];
  10. var samfind_modsbservices_json = { JSON : null };
  11. Components.utils.import("resource://samfind/JSON.jsm", samfind_modsbservices_json);
  12. Components.utils.import("resource://samfind/samfind_modutils.jsm");
  14. var samfind_modsbservices =
  15. {
  16.     _services : null,
  17.     _services_dynamic : null,
  19.     _init : function()
  20.     {
  21.         samfind_modsbservices._services = {
  22.              aim : "AIM Share",
  23.              amazon : "Amazon Wishlist",
  24.              allvoices : "Allvoices",
  25.              ask : "Ask",
  26.              attentionmeter : "AttentionMeter",
  27.              ballhype : "BallHype",
  28.              barrapunto : "Barrapunto",
  29.              bebo : "Bebo",
  30.              bitly : "bit.ly",
  31.              bizsugar : "bizSugar",
  32.              blinklist : "BlinkList",
  33.              blogger : "Blogger",
  34.              bloglines : "Bloglines",
  35.              blogmemesfr : "BlogMemes.fr",
  36.              bookmarksfr : "Bookmarks.fr",
  37.              bx : "Business Exchange",
  38.              care2 : "Care2",
  39.              citeulike : "CiteULike",
  40.              cliqset : "Cliqset",
  41.              connotea : "Connotea",
  42.              current : "Current",
  43.              dailyme : "DailyMe",
  44.              delicious : "Delicious",
  45.              designbump : "Design Bump",
  46.              designfloat : "Design Float",
  47.              digg : "Digg",
  48.              diggita : "Diggita",
  49.              diigo : "Diigo",
  50.              dotnetkicks : "DotNetKicks",
  51.              dropjack : "Dropjack",
  52.              dzone : "DZone",
  53.              ekudos : "eKudos",
  54.              email : "Email to a friend",
  55.              evernote : "Evernote",
  56.              facebook : "Facebook",
  57.              fark : "Fark",
  58.              faves : "Faves",
  59.              favoritus : "Favoritus",
  60.              fnews : "Fnews",
  61.              followup : "FollowUp",
  62.              foxiewire : "FoxieWire",
  63.              fresqui : "Fresqui",
  64.              friendfeed : "FriendFeed",
  65.              fsdaily : "FSDaily",
  66.              funp : "Funp",
  67.              gabbr : "Gabbr",
  68.              gather : "Gather",
  69.              globalgrind : "Global Grind",
  70.              gmail : "Gmail",
  71.              googlebookmarks : "Google Bookmarks",
  72.              googlenotebook : "Google Notebook",
  73.              googlereader : "Google Reader",
  74.              hatena : "Hatena",
  75.              healthranker : "Health Ranker",
  76.              hellotxt : "HelloTxt",
  77.              hemidemi : "HEMiDEMi",
  78.              hipstr : "hipstr",
  79.              hotmail : "Hotmail",
  80.              hyves : "Hyves.nl",
  81.              identica : "Identi.ca",
  82.              indianpad : "IndianPad",
  83.              instapaper : "Instapaper",
  84.              isgd : "is.gd",
  85.              jumptags : "Jumptags",
  86.              kaboodle : "Kaboodle",
  87.              kirtsy : "Kirtsy",
  88.              laterthis : "LaterThis",
  89.              linkarena : "linkARENA",
  90.              linkagogo : "linkaGoGo",
  91.              linkninja : "Link Ninja",
  92.              linkedin : "LinkedIn",
  93.              live : "Live",
  94.              livejournal : "LiveJournal",
  95.              lunch : "Lunch",
  96.              meneame : "Meneame",
  97.              misterwong : "Mister Wong",
  98.              mixx : "Mixx",
  99.              mozillaca : "Mozillaca",
  100.              multiply : "Multiply",
  101.              myaol : "MyAOL",
  102.              myshare : "MyShare",
  103.              myspace : "MySpace",
  104.              n4g : "N4G",
  105.              netvibes : "Netvibes",
  106.              netvouz : "Netvouz",
  107.              newstrust : "NewsTrust",
  108.              newsvine : "Newsvine",
  109.              nujij : "NUjij",
  110.              oknotizie : "OKNOtizie",
  111.              oneviewcom : "oneview.com",
  112.              oneviewde : "oneview.de",
  113.              orkut : "Orkut",
  114.              picnik : "Picnik",
  115.              pingfm : "Ping.fm",
  116.              plurk : "Plurk",
  117.              posterous : "Posterous",
  118.              propeller : "Propeller",
  119.              pusha : "Pusha",
  120.              quantcast : "Quantcast",
  121.              reddit : "Reddit",
  122.              scoopeo : "Scoopeo",
  123.              scoopit : "Scoopit",
  124.              segnalo : "Segnalo",
  125.              shoutwire : "ShoutWire",
  126.              simpy : "Simpy",
  127.              slashdot : "Slashdot",
  128.              smaknews : "SmakNews",
  129.              socialmedian : "socialmedian",
  130.              socialogs : "Socialogs",
  131.              soup : "Soup",
  132.              sphere : "Sphere It!",
  133.              sphinn : "Sphinn",
  134.              spring : "Spring",
  135.              spurl : "Spurl",
  136.              squidoo : "Squidoo",
  137.              strands : "Strands",
  138.              streakr : "Streakr",
  139.              stumble : "Stumble!",
  140.              stumbleupon : "StumbleUpon",
  141.              stumpedia : "Stumpedia",
  142.              stylehive : "Stylehive",
  143.              supr : "Su.pr",
  144.              swik : "SWiK",
  145.              symbaloo : "Symbaloo",
  146.              tailrank : "Tailrank",
  147.              tbuzz : "TBUZZ",
  148.              technorati : "Technorati",
  149.              thisnext : "ThisNext",
  150.              tinyurl : "TinyURL",
  151.              tipd : "Tip'd",
  152.              trim2 : "tr.im",
  153.              truemors : "Truemors",
  154.              tumblr : "Tumblr",
  155.              twackle : "Twackle",
  156.              twiddla : "Twiddla",
  157.              twine : "Twine",
  158.              twitter : "Twitter",
  159.              viadeo : "Viadeo",
  160.              visualize : "vi.sualize.us",
  161.              weheartit : "We heart it",
  162.              wikio : "Wikio",
  163.              wists : "Wists",
  164.              wordpress : "WordPress",
  165.              xanga : "Xanga",
  166.              xerpi : "Xerpi",
  167.              yahoobookmarks : "Yahoo! Bookmarks",
  168.              yahoobuzz : "Yahoo! Buzz",
  169.              yammer : "Yammer",
  170.              ycombinator : "Y Combinator",
  171.              yigg : "YiGG",
  172.              yoolink : "Yoolink",
  173.              youmob : "YouMob"
  174.         };
  175.         //
  176.         samfind_modsbservices._services_dynamic = new Array(
  177.             "delicious",
  178.             "digg",
  179.             "reddit"
  180.         );
  181.       },
  183.     createButtons : function(services, parent, dataProvider, sidebarOpener)
  184.     {
  185.         var dynamic = false;
  186.         var space = samfind_modutils._pref_branch.getCharPref("social.space");
  187.         for (var i=0; i<services.length; ++i)
  188.         {
  189.             var service = services[i];
  190.             switch (service)
  191.             {
  192.                 case "delicious":
  193.                 case "digg":
  194.                 case "reddit":
  195.                     {
  196.                         dynamic = true;
  197.                     }
  198.                 default:
  199.                     {
  200.                         samfind_modsbservices.createButton(service, parent, dataProvider, sidebarOpener);
  201.                     }
  202.             }
  203.             if (i != services.length - 1 && space != "small")
  204.             {
  205.                 var spacer = parent.appendChild(parent.ownerDocument.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul", "spacer"));
  206.                 spacer.width = (space == "medium" ? 3 : 6);
  207.             }
  208.         }
  209.         return dynamic;
  210.     },
  212.     createButton : function(service, parent, dataProvider, sidebarOpener)
  213.     {
  214.         var service_text = samfind_modsbservices._services[service];
  215.         var toolbarbutton = parent.appendChild(parent.ownerDocument.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul", "toolbarbutton"));
  216.         toolbarbutton.setAttribute("id", "samfind-" + service);
  217.         toolbarbutton.setAttribute("class", "samfindsb sb-" + service);
  218.         toolbarbutton.setAttribute("dataprovider", dataProvider);
  219.         var command_share = "samfind_modsbservices.share(" + dataProvider + ", '" + service + "');";
  220.         switch (service)
  221.         {
  222.             case "amazon":
  223.                 {
  224.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Save to your Amazon Wishlist");
  225.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  226.                 }
  227.                 break;
  228.             case "attentionmeter":
  229.                 {
  230.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Compare with AttentionMeter");
  231.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  232.                 }
  233.                 break;
  234.             case "bitly":
  235.                 {
  236.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Shorten URL with bit.ly");
  237.                     var login = samfind_modutils._pref_branch.getCharPref("bitly.user.login");
  238.                     var apikey = samfind_modutils._pref_branch.getCharPref("bitly.user.apikey");
  239.                     if (login.length && apikey.length)
  240.                     {
  241.                         toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", (sidebarOpener == null ? "toggleSidebar('samfind-bitly-view', true);" : (sidebarOpener + "('bitly', event);")));
  242.                     }
  243.                     else
  244.                     {
  245.                         toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  246.                     }
  247.                 }
  248.                 break;
  249.             case "email":
  250.                 {
  251.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", service_text);
  252.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", (sidebarOpener == null ? "toggleSidebar('samfind-email-view', true);" : (sidebarOpener + "('email', event);")));
  253.                 }
  254.                 break;
  255.             case "identica":
  256.                 {
  257.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Share with Identi.ca");
  258.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", (sidebarOpener == null ? "toggleSidebar('samfind-identica-view', true);" : (sidebarOpener + "('identica', event);")));
  259.                 }
  260.                 break;
  261.             case "isgd":
  262.                 {
  263.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Shorten URL with is.gd");
  264.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  265.                 }
  266.                 break;
  267.             case "n4g":
  268.                 {
  269.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Tips N4G");
  270.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  271.                 }
  272.                 break;
  273.             case "quantcast":
  274.                 {
  275.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Quantify with Quantcast");
  276.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  277.                 }
  278.                 break;
  279.             case "sphere":
  280.             case "stumble":
  281.                 {
  282.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", service_text);
  283.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  284.                 }
  285.                 break;
  286.             case "supr":
  287.                 {
  288.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Shorten URL with Su.pr");
  289.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  290.                 }
  291.                 break;
  292.             case "tinyurl":
  293.                 {
  294.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Make TinyURL!");
  295.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  296.                 }
  297.                 break;
  298.             case "trim2":
  299.                 {
  300.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Shorten URL with tr.im");
  301.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  302.                 }
  303.                 break;
  304.             case "twitter":
  305.                 {
  306.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Share with Twitter");
  307.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", (sidebarOpener == null ? "toggleSidebar('samfind-twitter-view', true);" : (sidebarOpener + "('twitter', event);")));
  308.                 }
  309.                 break;
  310.             case "wordpress":
  311.                 {
  312.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Press to " + samfind_modutils._pref_branch.getCharPref("wordpress.blogname"));
  313.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  314.                 }
  315.                 break;
  316.             default:
  317.                 {
  318.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Share with " + service_text);
  319.                     toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share);
  320.                 }
  321.         }
  322.     },
  324.     resetDynamicInfo : function(button, service)
  325.     {
  326.         var width = button.boxObject.width;
  327.         button.removeAttribute("label");
  328.         var total_width = (width - button.boxObject.width);
  329.         switch (service)
  330.         {
  331.             case "digg":
  332.                 {
  333.                     button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Share with Digg");
  334.                 }
  335.                 break;
  336.             case "reddit":
  337.                 {
  338.                     button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Share with Reddit");
  339.                 }
  340.                 break;
  341.         }
  342.         button.setAttribute("oncommand", "samfind_modsbservices.share(" + button.getAttribute("dataprovider") + ", '" + service + "');");
  343.         return total_width;
  344.     },
  346.     fetchDynamicInfo : function(service, href, button, fetchedObserver)
  347.     {
  348.         switch (service)
  349.         {
  350.             case "delicious":
  351.                 {
  352.                     samfind_modsbservices.getDeliciousSaves(href, button, fetchedObserver);
  353.                 }
  354.                 break;
  355.             case "digg":
  356.                 {
  357.                     samfind_modsbservices.getDiggs(href, button, fetchedObserver);
  358.                 }
  359.                 break;
  360.             case "reddit":
  361.                 {
  362.                     samfind_modsbservices.getRedditPoints(href, button, fetchedObserver);
  363.                 }
  364.                 break;
  365.         }
  366.     },
  368.     getDeliciousSaves : function(href, button, fetchedObserver)
  369.     {
  370.         try
  371.         {
  372.             var xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
  373.             xhr.open("GET", "http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/json/urlinfo/data?url=" + href, true);
  374.             var timeout = samfind_modutils.setXhrAbortTimeout(xhr, 10000);
  375.             xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e)
  376.             {
  377.                 if (xhr.readyState == 4)
  378.                 {
  379.                     timeout.cancel();
  380.                     timeout = null;
  381.                     if (xhr.status == 200)
  382.                     {
  383.                         var json_obj = samfind_modsbservices_json.JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
  384.                         var info = json_obj[0];
  385.                         var saves = 0;
  386.                         if (info)
  387.                         {
  388.                             saves = info.total_posts;
  389.                         }
  390.                         info = null;
  391.                         json_obj = null;
  392.                         if (saves > 0)
  393.                         {
  394.                             button.setAttribute("label", "(" + saves + ")");
  395.                             if (fetchedObserver != null)
  396.                             {
  397.                                 fetchedObserver.dynamicInfoFetched();
  398.                             }
  399.                         }
  400.                     }
  401.                     xhr = null;
  402.                 }
  403.             }
  404.             xhr.send(null);
  405.         }
  406.         catch (e)
  407.         {}
  408.     },
  410.     getDiggs : function(href, button, fetchedObserver)
  411.     {
  412.         try
  413.         {
  414.             var xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
  415.             xhr.open("GET", "http://services.digg.com/stories?count=1&type=json&appkey=http://samfind.com&link=" + href, true);
  416.             var timeout = samfind_modutils.setXhrAbortTimeout(xhr, 10000);
  417.             xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e)
  418.             {
  419.                 if (xhr.readyState == 4)
  420.                 {
  421.                     timeout.cancel();
  422.                     timeout = null;
  423.                     if (xhr.status == 200)
  424.                     {
  425.                         var json_obj = samfind_modsbservices_json.JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
  426.                         var total_stories = json_obj.total;
  427.                         var diggs = 0;
  428.                         var comments;
  429.                         var href;
  430.                         if (total_stories > 0)
  431.                         {
  432.                             var story_info = json_obj.stories[0];
  433.                             if (story_info)
  434.                             {
  435.                                 diggs = story_info.diggs;
  436.                                 comments = story_info.comments;
  437.                                 href = story_info.href;
  438.                             }
  439.                         }
  440.                         json_obj = null;
  441.                         if (diggs > 0)
  442.                         {
  443.                             button.setAttribute("label", "(" + diggs + ")");
  444.                             button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", diggs + " diggs, " + comments + " comments, click to digg and comment");
  445.                             button.setAttribute("oncommand", "samfind_utils.openTab('" + href + "', false, null, event);");
  446.                             if (fetchedObserver != null)
  447.                             {
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  449.                             }
  450.                         }
  451.                     }
  452.                     xhr = null;
  453.                 }
  454.             }
  455.             xhr.send(null);
  456.         }
  457.         catch (e)
  458.         {}
  459.     },
  461.     getRedditPoints : function(href, button, fetchedObserver)
  462.     {
  463.         try
  464.         {
  465.             var xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
  466.             xhr.open("GET", "http://www.reddit.com/api/info.json?count=1&url=" + href, true);
  467.             var timeout = samfind_modutils.setXhrAbortTimeout(xhr, 10000);
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  469.             {
  470.                 if (xhr.readyState == 4)
  471.                 {
  472.                     timeout.cancel();
  473.                     timeout = null;
  474.                     if (xhr.status == 200)
  475.                     {
  476.                         var json_obj = samfind_modsbservices_json.JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
  477.                         var data = json_obj.data;
  478.                         var points = 0;
  479.                         var id;
  480.                         if (data)
  481.                         {
  482.                             var children = data.children;
  483.                             if (children && children.length)
  484.                             {
  485.                                 for (var i=0; i<children.length; ++i)
  486.                                 {
  487.                                     data = children[i].data;
  488.                                     if (data && data.score > 0)
  489.                                     {
  490.                                         points = data.score;
  491.                                         id = data.id;
  492.                                         break;
  493.                                     }
  494.                                 }
  495.                             }
  496.                         }
  497.                         json_obj = null;
  498.                         if (points > 0)
  499.                         {
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  501.                             button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", points + " points, click to vote and comment");
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  503.                             if (fetchedObserver != null)
  504.                             {
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  506.                             }
  507.                         }
  508.                     }
  509.                     xhr = null;
  510.                 }
  511.             }
  512.             xhr.send(null);
  513.         }
  514.         catch (e)
  515.         {}
  516.     },
  518.     share : function(dataProvider, aService)
  519.     {
  520.         var location = dataProvider.getLocation();
  521.         if (location == null)
  522.         {
  523.             return;
  524.         }
  525.         else
  526.         {
  527.             location = encodeURIComponent(location);
  528.         }
  529.         var title = dataProvider.getTitle();
  530.         if (title.length)
  531.         {
  532.             title = encodeURIComponent(title);
  533.         }
  534.         var selection = dataProvider.getSelection();
  535.         if (selection.length)
  536.         {
  537.             selection = encodeURIComponent(selection);
  538.         }
  539.         //
  540.         var url = null;
  541.         var win = samfind_modutils.getWindow();
  542.         //
  543.         switch (aService)
  544.         {
  545.             case "aim":
  546.                 {
  547.                     url = "http://share.aim.com/share/?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  548.                 }
  549.                 break;
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  551.                 {
  552.                     url = "http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/add?u=" + location + "&t=" + title;
  553.                 }
  554.                 break;
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  556.                 {
  557.                     url = "http://www.allvoices.com/post_event?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  558.                 }
  559.                 break;
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  561.                 {
  562.                     url = "http://myjeeves.ask.com/mysearch/BookmarkIt?v=1.2&t=webpages&url=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&abstext=" + selection;
  563.                 }
  564.                 break;
  565.             case "attentionmeter":
  566.                 {
  567.                     var decoded = decodeURIComponent(location);
  568.                     var decoded_uri = samfind_modutils._io_service.newURI(decoded, null, null);
  569.                     var host = decoded_uri.host;
  570.                     if (host.indexOf("www.") == 0)
  571.                     {
  572.                         host = host.substring(4);
  573.                     }
  574.                     url = "http://www.attentionmeter.com/bookmarklet.php?d1=" + host;
  575.                 }
  576.                 break;
  577.             case "ballhype":
  578.                 {
  579.                     url = "http://ballhype.com/post/url/?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  580.                 }
  581.                 break;
  582.             case "barrapunto":
  583.                 {
  584.                     url = "http://barrapunto.com/submit.pl?subj=" + title + "&story=" + location;
  585.                 }
  586.                 break;
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  588.                 {
  589.                     url = "http://www.bebo.com/c/share?Url=" + location + "&Title=" + title;
  590.                 }
  591.                 break;
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  594.                     url = "http://bit.ly/?url=" + location;
  595.                 }
  596.                 break;
  597.             case "bizsugar":
  598.                 {
  599.                     url = "http://www.bizsugar.com/submit.php?url=" + location;
  600.                 }
  601.                 break;
  602.             case "blinklist":
  603.                 {
  604.                     url = "http://blinklist.com/blink?u=" + location + "&t=" + title + "&d=" + selection + "&v=2";
  605.                 }
  606.                 break;
  607.             case "blogger":
  608.                 {
  609.                     url = "http://www.blogger.com/blog_this.pyra?u=" + location + "&n=" + title + "&t=" + selection;
  610.                 }
  611.                 break;
  612.             case "bloglines":
  613.                 {
  614.                     url = "http://www.bloglines.com/sub/" + decodeURIComponent(location);
  615.                 }
  616.                 break;
  617.             case "blogmemesfr":
  618.                 {
  619.                     url = "http://www.blogmemes.fr/post.php?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  620.                 }
  621.                 break;
  622.             case "bookmarksfr":
  623.                 {
  624.                     url = "http://www.bookmarks.fr/favoris/AjoutFavori?action=add&address=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&description=" + selection;
  625.                 }
  626.                 break;
  627.             case "bx":
  628.                 {
  629.                     url = "http://bx.businessweek.com/api/add-article-to-bx.tn?url=" + location;
  630.                 }
  631.                 break;
  632.             case "care2":
  633.                 {
  634.                     url = "http://www.care2.com/news/compose?share[link_url]=" + location + "&share[title]=" + title;
  635.                 }
  636.                 break;
  637.             case "citeulike":
  638.                 {
  639.                     url = "http://www.citeulike.org/posturl?bml=nopopup&url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  640.                 }
  641.                 break;
  642.             case "cliqset":
  643.                 {
  644.                     win.getBrowser().loadURI("javascript:void((function(){var%20b=document.body;if(b){var%20e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type','text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src','http://cliqset.com/bookmarklet/bookmarklet.js');b.appendChild(e);}})());");
  645.                 }
  646.                 break;
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  648.                 {
  649.                     url = "http://www.connotea.org/add?continue=return&uri=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&description=" + selection;
  650.                 }
  651.                 break;
  652.             case "current":
  653.                 {
  654.                     url = "http://current.com/clipper.htm?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  655.                 }
  656.                 break;
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  658.                 {
  659.                     url = "http://dailyme.com/bookmarklet?u=" + location + "&t=" + title;
  660.                 }
  661.                 break;
  662.             case "designbump":
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  664.                     url = "http://designbump.com/node/add/drigg?url=" + location;
  665.                 }
  666.                 break;
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  669.                     url = "http://designfloat.com/submit.php?url=" + decodeURIComponent(location);
  670.                 }
  671.                 break;
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  676.                 break;
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  678.                 {
  679.                     url = "http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&bodytext=" + selection;
  680.                 }
  681.                 break;
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  684.                     url = "http://www.diggita.it/submit.php?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
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  686.                 break;
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  692.                 break;
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  696.                 }
  697.                 break;
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  700.                     url = "http://www.dropjack.com/submit.php?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  701.                 }
  702.                 break;
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  705.                     url = "http://www.dzone.com/links/add.html?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
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  716.                 }
  717.                 break;
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  721.                 }
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  724.                 {
  725.                     url = "http://cgi.fark.com/cgi/fark/farkit.pl?u=" + location + "&h=" + title;
  726.                 }
  727.                 break;
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  730.                     url = "http://faves.com/Authoring.aspx?u=" + location + "&t=" + title;
  731.                 }
  732.                 break;
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  735.                     url = "http://www.favoritus.com/add.php?lang=EN&gettitle=" + title + "&getlink=" + location;
  736.                 }
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  739.                 {
  740.                     url = "http://fnews.az/node/add/drigg?url=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&body=" + selection;
  741.                 }
  742.                 break;
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  744.                 {
  745.                     url = "http://www.followup.cc/bookmark.php?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  746.                 }
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  749.                 {
  750.                     url = "http://www.foxiewire.com/?q=submit&url=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&body=" + selection;
  751.                 }
  752.                 break;
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  755.                     url = "http://fresqui.com/enviar?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  756.                 }
  757.                 break;
  758.             case "friendfeed":
  759.                 {
  760.                     url = "http://friendfeed.com/?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  761.                 }
  762.                 break;
  763.             case "fsdaily":
  764.                 {
  765.                     url = "http://www.fsdaily.com/submit?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  766.                 }
  767.                 break;
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  769.                 {
  770.                     url = "http://funp.com/pages/submit/add.php?title=" + title + "&url=" + location;
  771.                 }
  772.                 break;
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  774.                 {
  775.                     url = "http://www.gabbr.com/submit/?bookurl=" + location;
  776.                 }
  777.                 break;
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  779.                 {
  780.                     url = "http://www.gather.com/sharePosts.action?title=" + title + "&body=" + location;
  781.                 }
  782.                 break;
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  784.                 {            
  785.                     url = "http://globalgrind.com/submission/submit.aspx?url=" + location + "&type=Article&title=" + title;
  786.                 }
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  789.                 {
  790.                     url = "http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=1&view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=&su=" + title + "&body=Link: " + location + "%0D%0A%0D%0A" + selection + "%0D%0A%0D%0A" + "%28via samfind Bookmarks Bar%29";
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  792.                 break;
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  794.                 {
  795.                     url = "http://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=add&bkmk=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&annotation=" + selection;
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  799.                 {
  800.                     win.getBrowser().loadURI("javascript:(function(){var%20w=window;var%20d=document;var%20g=w.open('about:blank','gnotesWin','location=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,toolbar=0,width=300,height=300,resizable=1');var%20s=d.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src','http://www.google.com/notebook/bookmarkletPoster?zx='+(new%20Date()).valueOf());d.body.appendChild(s);w.setTimeout(function(){w.blur();g.focus();},%20100)}).call({});");
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  806. "javascript:var%20b=document.body;var%20GR________bookmarklet_domain='https://www.google.com';if(b&&!document.xmlVersion){void(z=document.createElement('script'));void(z.src='https://www.google.com/reader/ui/link-bookmarklet.js');void(b.appendChild(z));}else{}");
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  811.                     url = "http://b.hatena.ne.jp/bookmarklet?url=" + location + "&btitle=" + title;
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  816.                     url = "http://www.healthranker.com/submit.php?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  817.                 }
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  826.                     url = "http://www.hemidemi.com/user_bookmark/new?title=" + title + "&url=" + location + "&description=" + selection + "&via=samfind%20Bookmarks%20Bar";
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  831.                     url = "http://hipstr.com/submit.php?burl=" + location;
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  841.                     url = "http://www.hyves.nl/profilemanage/add/tips/?name=" + title + "&text=" + location;
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  850.                 {
  851.                     url = "http://www.indianpad.com/submit.php?url=" + location;
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  861.                     url = "http://is.gd/create.php?longurl=" + location;
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  876.                     url = "http://www.kirtsy.com/submit.php?url=" + location;
  877.                 }
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  944.                 }
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  953.                     url = "http://myshare.url.com.tw/index.php?func=newurl&url=" + location + "&desc=" + title;
  954.                 }
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  963.                     url = "http://www.n4g.com/tips.aspx?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
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  968.                     url = "http://www.netvibes.com/share?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
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  979.                 }
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  988.                     url = "http://nujij.nl/jij.lynkx?t=" + title + "&u=" + location + "&b=" + selection;
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  995.                 break;
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  998.                     url = "http://www.oneview.com/quickadd/neu/addBookmark.jsf?URL=" + location + "&title=" + title;
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  1013.                     url = "http://www.picnik.com/?import=" + location;
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  1015.                 break;
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  1225.                     url = "http://truemors.nowpublic.com/post/?headline=" + title + "&truemor=" + selection + "%0D%0D%0A%3Ca href=%22" + location + "%22%3E%3C/a%3E";
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  1234.                 {    
  1235.                     url = "http://www.twackle.com/chicklet?site=" + location;
  1236.                 }
  1237.                 break;
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  1239.                 {
  1240.                     url = "http://www.twiddla.com/NewSession.aspx?url=" + escape(decodeURIComponent(location)) + "&title=" + escape(decodeURIComponent(title).substr(0, 50));
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  1263.             case "weheartit":
  1264.                 {
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  1270.                     url = "http://www.wikio.com/sharethis?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
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  1274.                 {
  1275.                     url = "http://wists.com/u.php?r=" + location + "&t=" + title;
  1276.                 }
  1277.                 break;
  1278.             case "wordpress":
  1279.                 {
  1280.                     win.getBrowser().loadURI("javascript:var%20d=document,w=window,e=w.getSelection,k=d.getSelection,x=d.selection,s=(e?e():(k)?k():(x?x.createRange().text:0)),f='https://" + samfind_modutils._pref_branch.getCharPref("wordpress.blogname") + "/wp-admin/press-this.php',l=d.location,e=encodeURIComponent,g=f+'?u=" + location + "&t=" + title + "&s=" + selection + "&v=2';function%20a(){if(!w.open(g,'t','toolbar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=1,status=1,width=720,height=620,left=" + ((win.screen.availWidth - 720) / 2) + ",top=" + ((win.screen.availHeight - 620) / 2) + "')){l.href=g;}}setTimeout(a,0);void(0);");
  1281.                 }
  1282.                 break;
  1283.             case "xanga":
  1284.                 {
  1285.                     url = "http://www.xanga.com/private/editorx.aspx?u=" + location + "&t=" + title;
  1286.                 }
  1287.                 break;
  1288.             case "xerpi":
  1289.                 {
  1290.                     url = "http://www.xerpi.com/favorite/post?url=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  1291.                 }
  1292.                 break;
  1293.             case "yahoobookmarks":
  1294.                 {
  1295.                     url = "http://bookmarks.yahoo.com/toolbar/savebm?u=" + location + "&t=" + title + "&d=" + selection + "&opener=bm&ei=UTF-8";
  1296.                 }
  1297.                 break;
  1298.             case "yahoobuzz":
  1299.                 {
  1300.                     url = "http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzz?targetUrl=" + location + "&headline=" + title + "&summary=" + selection;
  1301.                 }
  1302.                 break;
  1303.             case "yammer":
  1304.                 {
  1305.                     url = "http://www.yammer.com/home/bookmarklet?bookmarklet_pop=0&v=1&u=" + location + "&t=" + title + "&s=" + selection;
  1306.                 }
  1307.                 break;
  1308.             case "ycombinator":
  1309.                 {
  1310.                     url = "http://news.ycombinator.com/submitlink?u=" + location + "&t=" + title;
  1311.                 }
  1312.                 break;
  1313.             case "yigg":
  1314.                 {
  1315.                     url = "http://www.yigg.de/neu?exturl=" + location + "&exttitle=" + title;
  1316.                 }
  1317.                 break;
  1318.             case "yoolink":
  1319.                 {
  1320.                     url = "http://www.yoolink.fr/addorshare?url_value=" + location + "&title=" + title;
  1321.                 }
  1322.                 break;
  1323.             case "youmob":
  1324.                 {
  1325.                     url = "http://youmob.com/startmob.aspx?mob=" + location;
  1326.                 }
  1327.                 break;
  1328.         }
  1329.         //
  1330.         if (url != null)
  1331.         {
  1332.             samfind_modutils.openTab(url, null);
  1333.         }
  1334.     },
  1336.     shortenURL : function(url, observer)
  1337.     {
  1338.         var login = samfind_modutils._pref_branch.getCharPref("bitly.user.login");
  1339.         if (login.length == 0)
  1340.         {
  1341.             login = "samfind";
  1342.         }
  1343.         var apikey = samfind_modutils._pref_branch.getCharPref("bitly.user.apikey");
  1344.         if (apikey.length == 0)
  1345.         {
  1346.             apikey = "R_5e58220fae38fe8a7b63d7bf0e73852a";
  1347.         }
  1348.         //
  1349.         try
  1350.         {
  1351.             var xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
  1352.             xhr.open("GET", "http://api.bit.ly/shorten?version=2.0.1&longUrl=" + escape(url) + "&login=" + login + "&apiKey=" + apikey,
  1353.                             true);
  1354.             var timeout = samfind_modutils.setXhrAbortTimeout(xhr, 10000);
  1355.             xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e)
  1356.             {
  1357.                 if (xhr.readyState == 4)
  1358.                 {
  1359.                     timeout.cancel();
  1360.                     timeout = null;
  1361.                     if (xhr.status == 200)
  1362.                     {
  1363.                         var json_obj = samfind_modsbservices_json.JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
  1364.                         if (json_obj.errorCode != 0)
  1365.                         {
  1366.                             observer.fail();
  1367.                         }
  1368.                         else
  1369.                         {
  1370.                             var results = json_obj.results;
  1371.                             for (var i in results)
  1372.                             {
  1373.                                 var result = results[i];
  1374.                                 if (result.errorCode)
  1375.                                 {
  1376.                                     observer.fail();
  1377.                                 }
  1378.                                 else
  1379.                                 {
  1380.                                     observer.ok(result.shortUrl);
  1381.                                 }
  1382.                             }
  1383.                             results = null;
  1384.                         }
  1385.                         json_obj = null;
  1386.                     }
  1387.                     else
  1388.                     {
  1389.                         observer.fail();
  1390.                     }
  1391.                     xhr = null;
  1392.                 }
  1393.             };
  1394.             xhr.send(null);
  1395.         }
  1396.         catch (e)
  1397.         {
  1398.             observer.fail();
  1399.         }
  1400.     },
  1402.     getTwitterAuth : function()
  1403.     {
  1404.         return samfind_modutils.getAuth("samfindtwitter", "samfindtwitter");
  1405.     },
  1407.     postToTwitter : function(update, auth, observer)
  1408.     {
  1409.         var post_param = "source=samfindtoolbar&status=" + encodeURIComponent(update);
  1410.         if (auth == null)
  1411.         {
  1412.             auth = samfind_modsbservices.getTwitterAuth();
  1413.         }
  1414.         var xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
  1415.         xhr.open("POST", "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json", true);
  1416.         xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(auth.username + ":" + auth.password));
  1417.         xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
  1418.         xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", post_param.length);
  1419.         var timeout = samfind_modutils.setXhrAbortTimeout(xhr, 10000);
  1420.         xhr.onreadystatechange = function()
  1421.         {
  1422.             if (xhr.readyState == 4)
  1423.             {
  1424.                 timeout.cancel();
  1425.                 timeout = null;
  1426.                 if (xhr.status == 200)
  1427.                 {
  1428.                     observer.ok();
  1429.                 }
  1430.                 else
  1431.                 {
  1432.                     observer.fail(xhr.status);
  1433.                 }
  1434.                 xhr = null;
  1435.             }
  1436.         };
  1437.         xhr.send(post_param);
  1438.     },
  1440.     getIdenticaAuth : function()
  1441.     {
  1442.         return samfind_modutils.getAuth("samfindidentica", "samfindidentica");
  1443.     },
  1445.     postToIdentica : function(update, auth, observer)
  1446.     {
  1447.         var post_param = "status=" + encodeURIComponent(update);
  1448.         if (auth == null)
  1449.         {
  1450.             auth = samfind_modsbservices.getIdenticaAuth();
  1451.         }
  1452.         var xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
  1453.         xhr.open("POST", "http://identi.ca/api/statuses/update.json", true);
  1454.         xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(auth.username + ":" + auth.password));
  1455.         xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
  1456.         xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", post_param.length);
  1457.         var timeout = samfind_modutils.setXhrAbortTimeout(xhr, 10000);
  1458.         xhr.onreadystatechange = function()
  1459.         {
  1460.             if (xhr.readyState == 4)
  1461.             {
  1462.                 timeout.cancel();
  1463.                 timeout = null;
  1464.                 if (xhr.status == 200)
  1465.                 {
  1466.                     observer.ok();
  1467.                 }
  1468.                 else
  1469.                 {
  1470.                     observer.fail(xhr.status);
  1471.                 }
  1472.                 xhr = null;
  1473.             }
  1474.         };
  1475.         xhr.send(post_param);
  1476.     }
  1477. };
  1479. /**
  1480.  * Constructor.
  1481.  */
  1482. (function() { this._init(); }).apply(samfind_modsbservices);