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- <!ENTITY flashgotLink "FlashGot Link">
- <!ENTITY flashgotLink.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY flashgotSel "FlashGot Selection">
- <!ENTITY flashgotSel.accesskey "G">
- <!ENTITY flashgotAll "FlashGot All">
- <!ENTITY flashgotAll.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY flashgotTabs "FlashGot Tabs">
- <!ENTITY flashgotTabs.accesskey "b">
- <!ENTITY flashgotOptions "FlashGot Options">
- <!ENTITY includeImages.label "Include images found in current page">
- <!ENTITY hideDisabledCmds.label "Hide Disabled Commands">
- <!ENTITY flashgotBuildGallery "Build Gallery…">
- <!ENTITY flashgotBuildGallery.title "FlashGot - Build Gallery">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGBVariableURLs "Variable URLs">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGBSample "Variable ranges are expressed in the form [start-end;step] or [function_name(…)], for instance:">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGBPreview "Preview:">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGBContent "Content:">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGBReferrer "Referrer URL:">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGBSync "Synchronize ranges">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGBRanges "Ranges">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGBExpressions "JavaScript Functions">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGeneral "General">
- <!ENTITY flashgotMenu "Menu">
- <!ENTITY flashgotDownloadManager "Download Manager">
- <!ENTITY flashgotMoreOpts "More Options…">
- <!ENTITY flashgotExtensions "File Extensions (e.g. jpg, mpg, mp3…)">
- <!ENTITY flashgotAdd "Add">
- <!ENTITY flashgotRemove "Remove">
- <!ENTITY flashgotPrivacy "Privacy">
- <!ENTITY flashgotReferrer "Referrer">
- <!ENTITY flashgotAutodetectReferrer "Send autodetected Referrer URL">
- <!ENTITY flashgotFakeReferrer "Use always this Referrer URL:">
- <!ENTITY flashgotSendCookies "Send Cookies">
- <!ENTITY flashgotAdvanced "Advanced">
- <!ENTITY flashgotBGProcessing "Process links in background">
- <!ENTITY flashgotShowLog "Show Log…">
- <!ENTITY flashgotClearLog "Clear Log">
- <!ENTITY flashgotAbout "About FlashGot">
- <!ENTITY flashgotDMQuiet "Skip Confirmation Prompts">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGetRightQuick "Use togetright.exe whenever it is possible">
- <!ENTITY flashgotAutostart "Autostart downloads">
- <!ENTITY flashgotNoDMS.tip "Show supported Download Managers">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGetRightOld "OLD GetRight ( <= 5.2b )">
- <!ENTITY flashgotEncodeURLs "Send encoded URLs">
- <!ENTITY flashgotEnable "Enable">
- <!ENTITY flashgotDisable "Disable">
- <!ENTITY flashgotTmpDir "Temporary Directory">
- <!ENTITY flashgotBrowse "Browse…">
- <!ENTITY flashgotReset "Reset">
- <!ENTITY flashgotRebootChange "This change will take effect on next browser startup">
- <!ENTITY flashgotAltClick "Alt+Click = FlashGot">
- <!ENTITY flashgotBypassCombo "Alt+Shift+Click = NO FlashGot">
- <!ENTITY flashgotDownloads "Downloads">
- <!ENTITY flashgotInterceptAll "Intercept all downloads">
- <!ENTITY flashgotLog "Log">
- <!ENTITY flashgotShowFilter "Show Filter Dialog">
- <!ENTITY flashgotFilter "Filter">
- <!ENTITY flashgotHost "Host">
- <!ENTITY flashgotRegExp "Regular Expression">
- <!ENTITY flashgotGlob "Glob Pattern">
- <!ENTITY flashgotSelAll "Select All">
- <!ENTITY flashgotSelInv "Invert Selection">
- <!ENTITY flashgotSelect "Select">
- <!ENTITY flashgotUnselect "Deselect">
- <!ENTITY hideIcons "Hide Icons">
- <!ENTITY nestedMenu "Compact context menu (use submenu if needed)">
- <!ENTITY flashgotExecutable "Executable path:">
- <!ENTITY flashgotArguments "Command line arguments template:">
- <!ENTITY flashgotAutodetect "Automatic download manager detection">
- <!ENTITY flashgotDetect "Detect Now">
- <!ENTITY flashgotPlaceHolders "Placeholders">
- <!ENTITY flashgotQuoteWarn1 "You cannot use quotes within the arguments template.">
- <!ENTITY flashgotQuoteWarn2 "If you need them, consider writing a batch script.">
- <!ENTITY flashgotBadInstall "A core FlashGot component is missing or corrupted. Please reinstall FlashGot.">
- <!ENTITY flashgotWellGetPath "WellGet path:">
- <!ENTITY flashgotExtFilter "Apply file extension filter to batch downloads too">
- <!ENTITY flashgotHTTPAuth "HTTP Authentication">
- <!ENTITY flashgotAppearance "Appearance">
- <!ENTITY flashgotDownloadDropdown "Show FlashGot drop-down inside the default download dialog">
- <!ENTITY flashgotVisitHomepage "Visit extension home page">
- <!ENTITY flashgotShownInContextMenu "Shown in context menu">
- <!ENTITY flashgotCustomEntries "Custom Entries">
- <!ENTITY flashgotDigGallery "Dig Gallery">
- <!ENTITY flashgotOverwrite "Overwrite">
- <!ENTITY flashgotMedia "FlashGot Media">
- <!ENTITY flashgotShowReleaseNotes "Display the release notes on update">
- <!ENTITY flashgotUninstall "Uninstall">