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- #!/bin/bash
- # build.sh -- builds JAR and XPI files for mozilla extensions
- # by Nickolay Ponomarev <asqueella@gmail.com>
- # (original version based on Nathan Yergler's build script)
- # Most recent version is at <http://kb.mozillazine.org/Bash_build_script>
- # This script assumes the following directory structure:
- # ./
- # chrome.manifest (optional - for newer extensions)
- # install.rdf
- # (other files listed in $ROOT_FILES)
- #
- # content/ |
- # locale/ |} these can be named arbitrary and listed in $CHROME_PROVIDERS
- # skin/ |
- #
- # defaults/ |
- # components/ |} these must be listed in $ROOT_DIRS in order to be packaged
- # ... |
- #
- # It uses a temporary directory ./build when building; don't use that!
- # Script's output is:
- # ./$APP_NAME.xpi
- # ./$APP_NAME.jar (only if $KEEP_JAR=1)
- # ./files -- the list of packaged files
- #
- # Note: It modifies chrome.manifest when packaging so that it points to
- # chrome/$APP_NAME.jar!/*
- #
- # default configuration file is ./config_build.sh, unless another file is
- # specified in command-line. Available config variables:
- APP_NAME= # short-name, jar and xpi files name. Must be lowercase with no spaces
- CHROME_PROVIDERS= # which chrome providers we have (space-separated list)
- CLEAN_UP= # delete the jar / "files" when done? (1/0)
- ROOT_FILES= # put these files in root of xpi (space separated list of leaf filenames)
- ROOT_DIRS= # ...and these directories (space separated list)
- BEFORE_BUILD= # run this before building (bash command)
- AFTER_BUILD= # ...and this after the build (bash command)
- if [ -z $1 ]; then
- . ./config_build.sh
- else
- . $1
- fi
- if [ -z $APP_NAME ]; then
- echo "You need to create build config file first!"
- echo "Read comments at the beginning of this script for more info."
- exit;
- fi
- ROOT_DIR=`pwd`
- TMP_DIR=build
- #uncomment to debug
- #set -x
- # remove any left-over files from previous build
- rm -f $APP_NAME.jar $APP_NAME.xpi files
- rm -rf $TMP_DIR
- mkdir --parents --verbose $TMP_DIR/chrome
- # generate the JAR file, excluding CVS and temporary files
- JAR_FILE=$TMP_DIR/chrome/$APP_NAME.jar
- echo "Generating $JAR_FILE..."
- find $CHROME_SUBDIR -path '*CVS*' -prune -o -type f -print | grep -v \~ >> files
- done
- zip -0 -r $JAR_FILE `cat files`
- # The following statement should be used instead if you don't wish to use the JAR file
- #cp --verbose --parents `cat files` $TMP_DIR/chrome
- # prepare components and defaults
- echo "Copying various files to $TMP_DIR folder..."
- for DIR in $ROOT_DIRS; do
- mkdir $TMP_DIR/$DIR
- FILES="`find $DIR -path '*CVS*' -prune -o -type f -print | grep -v \~`"
- echo $FILES >> files
- cp --verbose --parents $FILES $TMP_DIR
- done
- # Copy other files to the root of future XPI.
- for ROOT_FILE in $ROOT_FILES install.rdf chrome.manifest; do
- cp --verbose $ROOT_FILE $TMP_DIR
- if [ -f $ROOT_FILE ]; then
- echo $ROOT_FILE >> files
- fi
- done
- cd $TMP_DIR
- if [ -f "chrome.manifest" ]; then
- echo "Preprocessing chrome.manifest..."
- # You think this is scary?
- #s/^(content\s+\S*\s+)(\S*\/)$/\1jar:chrome\/$APP_NAME\.jar!\/\2/
- #s/^(skin|locale)(\s+\S*\s+\S*\s+)(.*\/)$/\1\2jar:chrome\/$APP_NAME\.jar!\/\3/
- #
- # Then try this! (Same, but with characters escaped for bash :)
- sed -i -r s/^\(content\\s+\\S*\\s+\)\(\\S*\\/\)$/\\1jar:chrome\\/$APP_NAME\\.jar!\\/\\2/ chrome.manifest
- sed -i -r s/^\(skin\|locale\)\(\\s+\\S*\\s+\\S*\\s+\)\(.*\\/\)$/\\1\\2jar:chrome\\/$APP_NAME\\.jar!\\/\\3/ chrome.manifest
- # (it simply adds jar:chrome/whatever.jar!/ at appropriate positions of chrome.manifest)
- fi
- # generate the XPI file
- echo "Generating $APP_NAME.xpi..."
- zip -r ../$APP_NAME.xpi *
- cd "$ROOT_DIR"
- echo "Cleanup..."
- if [ $CLEAN_UP = 0 ]; then
- # save the jar file
- mv $TMP_DIR/chrome/$APP_NAME.jar .
- else
- rm ./files
- fi
- # remove the working files
- rm -rf $TMP_DIR
- echo "Done!"