home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/python
- import sys
- import os
- import gettext
- import apt
- import re
- from LanguageSelector.LanguageSelector import *
- from optparse import OptionParser
- from gettext import gettext as _
- class checkLanguageSupport(LanguageSelectorBase, apt.Cache):
- def getMissingPackages(self, pkgcode):
- if (self.system_pkgcode and pkgcode == self.system_pkgcode):
- scanlist = ['language-pack', 'language-support-fonts', 'language-support-input', 'language-support-writing']
- else:
- scanlist = ['language-pack']
- for x in scanlist:
- pkg = '%s-%s' % (x, pkgcode)
- if pkg in self:
- if not self[pkg].isInstalled and \
- not self[pkg].markedInstall:
- self.missing.add(pkg)
- else:
- self.installed.add(pkg)
- if pkgcode in self.pkg_translations:
- for (pkg, translation) in self.pkg_translations[pkgcode]:
- if pkg in self and \
- (self[pkg].isInstalled or \
- self[pkg].markedInstall):
- if not self[translation].isInstalled and \
- not self[translation].markedInstall:
- self.missing.add(translation)
- else:
- self.installed.add(translation)
- if pkgcode in self.pkg_writing and \
- (pkgcode == self.system_pkgcode or \
- self['language-support-writing-%s' % pkgcode].isInstalled or \
- self['language-support-writing-%s' % pkgcode].markInstall):
- for (pkg, pull_pkg) in self.pkg_writing[pkgcode]:
- if '|' in pkg:
- # multiple dependencies, if one of them is installed, pull the pull_pkg
- added = 0
- for p in pkg.split('|'):
- if p in self and \
- (self[p].isInstalled or \
- self[p].markedInstall) and \
- pull_pkg in self and \
- added == 0:
- if not self[pull_pkg].isInstalled and \
- not self[pull_pkg].markedInstall:
- self.missing.add(pull_pkg)
- else:
- self.installed.add(pull_pkg)
- added = 1
- else:
- if pkg in self and \
- (self[pkg].isInstalled or \
- self[pkg].markedInstall) and \
- pull_pkg in self:
- if not self[pull_pkg].isInstalled and \
- not self[pull_pkg].markedInstall:
- self.missing.add(pull_pkg)
- else:
- self.installed.add(pull_pkg)
- def __init__(self, options):
- self.BLACKLIST = os.path.join(options.datadir, 'data', 'blacklist')
- self.LANGCODE_TO_LOCALE = os.path.join(options.datadir, 'data', 'langcode2locale')
- self.PACKAGE_DEPENDS = os.path.join(options.datadir, 'data', 'pkg_depends')
- LanguageSelectorBase.__init__(self, options.datadir)
- apt.Cache.__init__(self)
- if self._depcache.BrokenCount > 0:
- print ("%s\n%s" % (
- _("Software database is broken"),
- _("It is impossible to install or remove any software. "
- "Please use the package manager \"Synaptic\" or run "
- "\"sudo apt-get install -f\" in a terminal to fix "
- "this issue at first.")))
- sys.exit(1)
- self.langpack_locales = {}
- self.pkg_translations = {}
- self.pkg_writing = {}
- filter_list = {}
- blacklist = []
- self.missing = set()
- self.installed = set()
- self.system_pkgcode = ''
- for l in open(self.BLACKLIST):
- l = l.strip()
- if not l.startswith('#'):
- blacklist.append(l)
- for l in open(self.LANGCODE_TO_LOCALE):
- try:
- l = l.rstrip()
- if ':' in l:
- (pkgcode, locale) = l.split(':')
- else:
- pkgcode = l
- locale = l
- except ValueError:
- continue
- self.langpack_locales[locale] = pkgcode
- for l in open(self.PACKAGE_DEPENDS):
- if l.startswith('#'):
- continue
- try:
- l = l.rstrip()
- # sort out comments
- if l.find('#') >= 0:
- continue
- (c, lc, k, v) = l.split(':')
- except ValueError:
- continue
- if (c == 'tr' and lc == ''):
- filter_list[v] = k
- elif (c == 'wa' and lc != ''):
- if not lc in self.pkg_writing:
- self.pkg_writing[lc] = []
- self.pkg_writing[lc].append(("%s" % k, "%s" % v))
- # get list of all packages available on the system and filter them
- for item in self.keys():
- if item in blacklist:
- continue
- for x in filter_list.keys():
- if item.startswith(x) and not item.endswith('-base'):
- # parse language code
- langcode = item.replace(x, '')
- #print "%s\t%s" % (item, langcode)
- if langcode == 'zh':
- # special case: zh langpack split
- for langcode in ['zh-hans', 'zh-hant']:
- if not langcode in self.pkg_translations:
- self.pkg_translations[langcode] = []
- self.pkg_translations[langcode].append(("%s" % filter_list[x], "%s" % item))
- elif langcode in self.langpack_locales.values():
- # langcode == pkgcode
- if not langcode in self.pkg_translations:
- self.pkg_translations[langcode] = []
- self.pkg_translations[langcode].append(("%s" % filter_list[x], "%s" % item))
- #print self.pkg_translations[langcode]
- else:
- # need to scan for LL-CC and LL-VARIANT codes
- for locale in self.langpack_locales.keys():
- if '_' in locale or '@' in locale:
- if '@' in locale:
- (locale, variant) = locale.split('@')
- else:
- variant = ''
- (lcode, ccode) = locale.split('_')
- if langcode in ["%s-%s" % (lcode, ccode.lower()),
- "%s%s" % (lcode, ccode.lower()),
- "%s-%s" % (lcode, variant),
- "%s%s" % (lcode, variant),
- "%s-latn" % lcode,
- "%slatn" % lcode,
- "%s-%s-%s" % (lcode, ccode.lower(), variant),
- "%s%s%s" % (lcode, ccode.lower(), variant)]:
- # match found, get matching pkgcode
- langcode = self.langpack_locales[locale]
- if not langcode in self.pkg_translations:
- self.pkg_translations[langcode] = []
- self.pkg_translations[langcode].append(("%s" % filter_list[x], "%s" % item))
- #print self.pkg_translations[langcode]
- break
- if options.language:
- pkgcode = ''
- if options.language == 'zh-hans' or options.language == 'zh-hant':
- self.system_pkgcode = options.language
- elif options.language in self.langpack_locales:
- self.system_pkgcode = self.langpack_locales[options.language]
- else:
- # pkgcode = ll
- if '_' in options.language:
- (self.system_pkgcode) = options.language.split('_')[0]
- elif '@' in options.language:
- (self.system_pkgcode) = options.language.split('@')[0]
- else:
- self.system_pkgcode = options.language
- self.getMissingPackages(self.system_pkgcode)
- elif options.all:
- # try all available languages
- pkgcodes = []
- for item in self.keys():
- if item in blacklist:
- continue
- if item.startswith('language-pack-') and \
- not item.startswith('language-pack-gnome') and \
- not item.startswith('language-pack-kde') and \
- not item.endswith('-base'):
- pkgcode = item.replace('language-pack-', '')
- pkgcodes.append(pkgcode)
- for pkgcode in pkgcodes:
- self.getMissingPackages(pkgcode)
- else:
- # get a list of language-packs we have already installed or are going to install
- # 1. system locale
- system_langcode = self.getSystemDefaultLanguage()
- if system_langcode == None:
- system_langcode = 'en_US'
- if system_langcode in self.langpack_locales:
- self.system_pkgcode = self.langpack_locales[system_langcode]
- # 2. installed language-packs
- pkgcodes = []
- for item in self.keys():
- if item in blacklist:
- continue
- if item.startswith('language-pack-') and \
- not item.startswith('language-pack-gnome') and \
- not item.startswith('language-pack-kde') and \
- not item.endswith('-base') and \
- (self[item].isInstalled or \
- self[item].markedInstall):
- pkgcode = item.replace('language-pack-', '')
- pkgcodes.append(pkgcode)
- if self.system_pkgcode and \
- not self.system_pkgcode in pkgcodes:
- pkgcodes.append(self.system_pkgcode)
- for pkgcode in pkgcodes:
- self.getMissingPackages(pkgcode)
- if options.show_installed:
- show = self.missing | self.installed
- else:
- show = self.missing
- if show:
- print (' '.join(sorted(show)))
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = OptionParser()
- parser.add_option("-l", "--language",
- help=_("target language code"))
- parser.add_option("-d", "--datadir",
- default="/usr/share/language-selector/",
- help=_("alternative datadir"))
- parser.add_option("-a", "--all", action='store_true', default=False,
- help=_("check all available languages"))
- parser.add_option("--show-installed",
- action='store_true', default=False,
- help=_("show installed packages as well as missing ones"))
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- # sanity check for language code
- if options.language and \
- not re.match('^([a-z]{2,3}(_[A-Z]{2})?(@[a-z]+)?|(zh-han[st]))$', options.language):
- print ("Error: Unsupported language code format.\n\
- Supported formats: 'll' or 'lll'\n\
- 'll_CC' or 'lll_CC'\n\
- 'll@variant' or 'lll@variant'\n\
- 'll_CC@variant' or 'lll_CC@variant'\n\
- Also supported are 'zh-hans' and 'zh-hant'.")
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- checkLanguageSupport(options)