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IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] ( @success int, @event int, @actObjectType tinyint, @actObjectName nvarchar(512), @actObjectGuid uniqueidentifier, @targetType tinyint, @targetName nvarchar(512), @targetGuid uniqueidentifier, @otherInfo nvarchar(1024) ) AS DECLARE @UserName nvarchar(256) DECLARE @UserSid varbinary(85) SELECT @UserName = User_Name() SELECT @UserSid = SUSER_SID() -- events: -- 0 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_CREATE -- 1 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_DELETE -- 2 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_ASSIGN -- 3 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_REMOVE Exec master.dbo.AzGenerateAudit @success, @event, @actObjectType, @actObjectName, @actObjectGuid, 0, @UserName, @UserSid, @targetType, @targetName, @targetGuid, @otherInfo GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE [AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit] GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit] ( @success int, @event int, @actObjectType tinyint, @actObjectName nvarchar(512), @actObjectGuid uniqueidentifier, @memberName nvarchar(256), @memberSid varbinary(85), @memberFlag int, @otherInfo nvarchar(1024) ) AS DECLARE @UserName nvarchar(256) DECLARE @UserSid varbinary(85) SELECT @UserName = User_Name() SELECT @UserSid = SUSER_SID() -- events: -- 4 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_MEMBER_ASSIGN -- 5 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_MEMBER_REMOVE -- memberFlags: -- 0 for non-members -- 1 for members -- 2 for admins -- 3 for readers -- 4 for delegated users Exec master.dbo.AzGenerateAudit @success, @event, @actObjectType, @actObjectName, @actObjectGuid, 0, @UserName, @UserSid, @memberName, @memberSid, @memberFlag, @otherInfo GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] ( @success int, @actObjectType tinyint, @actObjectName nvarchar(512), @actObjectGuid uniqueidentifier, @otherInfo nvarchar(1024) ) AS DECLARE @UserName nvarchar(256) DECLARE @UserSid varbinary(85) SELECT @UserName = User_Name() SELECT @UserSid = SUSER_SID() -- events: -- 6 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OTHER Exec master.dbo.AzGenerateAudit @success, 6, @actObjectType, @actObjectName, @actObjectGuid, 0, @UserName, @UserSid, @otherInfo GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPU_SqlRoleUpdated' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPU_SqlRoleUpdated GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.AzMan_SPU_SqlRoleUpdated ( @Return int output, @ObjectID int, @ObjectType tinyint ) AS DECLARE @OldChildTS timestamp -- We can't just manually update the row timestamp because it is a timestamp column. -- So we set-and-reset the ChildUpdateTimeStamp for the update of the timestamp column IF @ObjectType = 0 BEGIN SELECT @OldChildTS = [ChildUpdateTimeStamp] FROM [AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] WHERE ID = @ObjectID UPDATE [AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] SET [ChildUpdateTimeStamp]=@OldChildTS + 1 WHERE ID = @ObjectID UPDATE [AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] SET [ChildUpdateTimeStamp]=@OldChildTS WHERE ID = @ObjectID END ELSE IF @ObjectType = 1 BEGIN SELECT @OldChildTS = [ChildUpdateTimeStamp] FROM [AzMan_AzApplication] WHERE ID = @ObjectID UPDATE [AzMan_AzApplication] SET [ChildUpdateTimeStamp]=@OldChildTS + 1 WHERE ID = @ObjectID UPDATE [AzMan_AzApplication] SET [ChildUpdateTimeStamp]=@OldChildTS WHERE ID = @ObjectID END ELSE IF @ObjectType = 4 BEGIN SELECT @OldChildTS = [ChildUpdateTimeStamp] FROM [AzMan_AzScope] WHERE ID = @ObjectID UPDATE [AzMan_AzScope] SET [ChildUpdateTimeStamp]=@OldChildTS + 1 WHERE ID = @ObjectID UPDATE [AzMan_AzScope] SET [ChildUpdateTimeStamp]=@OldChildTS WHERE ID = @ObjectID END SET @Return = @@ERROR RETURN @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SP_GetRoleMemberCount' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SP_GetRoleMemberCount GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.AzMan_SP_GetRoleMemberCount ( @SqlRoleName nvarchar(64), @count int output ) AS select @count = count(*) from sysusers u, sysusers g, sysmembers m where g.uid = m.groupuid and g.name = @SqlRoleName and g.issqlrole = 1 and u.uid = m.memberuid RETURN GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole] ( @Return [int] output, @ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@RoleType [tinyint] ,@SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (64) output ) As Set @Return = 0 Select @SQLRoleName = SQLRoleName from Azman_SQLRole where ObjectID = @ID and ObjectType = @ObjectType and RoleType = @RoleType Go IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPI_SQLRole' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPI_SQLRole GO Create PROCEDURE dbo.AzMan_SPI_SQLRole ( @Return [int] output ,@ID int ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@RoleType [tinyint] ,@SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (64) output ) AS Set @SQLRoleName = '' DECLARE @myid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @RoleID smallint DECLARE @Ret [int] declare @dbName nvarchar (255) Set @Return = 0 SET @myid = NEWID() Set @SQLRoleName = CONVERT(varchar(64), @myid) Set @RoleID = 1 If Is_Member('db_owner') = 1 or Is_Member('db_securityadmin') = 1 Begin EXEC @Ret = sp_addrole @SQLRoleName End else begin Set @dbName = db_name() Exec master.dbo.xp_AzManAddRole @Ret output, @ID, @ObjectType, @dbName, @SQLRoleName End if @Ret = 0 Begin select @RoleID = uid from sysusers where (name = @SQLRoleName) and (issqlrole = 1) Insert Into [dbo].[Azman_SQLRole] ( [uid], [ObjectID], [ObjectType], [SQLRoleName], [RoleType] ) Values ( @RoleID, @ID, @ObjectType, @SQLRoleName, @RoleType ) End Else Begin Set @Return = -1 End Return @Return go IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPI_SQLRole_From_XP' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPI_SQLRole_From_XP GO Create PROCEDURE dbo.AzMan_SPI_SQLRole_From_XP ( @Return [int] output ,@SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (64) ) AS DECLARE @RoleID smallint DECLARE @Ret [int] Set @Return = -1 Set @RoleID = -1 EXEC @Ret = sp_addrole @SQLRoleName if @Ret = 0 Begin select @RoleID = uid from sysusers where (name = @SQLRoleName) and (issqlrole = 1) if @RoleID <> -1 Begin set @Return = 0 End End Else Begin Set @Return = -1 End Return @Return go IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_SQLRole_From_XP' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_SQLRole_From_XP GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_SQLRole_From_XP ( @Return [int] output ,@ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@RoleType [tinyint] ,@UserName [nvarchar] (255) ) AS DECLARE @Ret [int] Declare @NameInDB [nvarchar] (255) Declare @SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (64) DECLARE @RoleMemberCount [int] Set @Return = -1 Set @SQLRoleName = NULL Exec dbo.[AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole] @Ret output, @ID, @ObjectType, @RoleType, @SQLRoleName = @SQLRoleName output if len(@SQLRoleName) > 0 Begin set @NameInDB = null SET @Ret = 0 -- if no such loging yet, then grant the user login IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master..syslogins WHERE UPPER(loginname) = UPPER(@UserName) AND hasaccess=1) BEGIN EXEC @Ret = sp_grantlogin @Username END -- if the user does not have access to the db IF @Ret= 0 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysusers WHERE UPPER(Name) = UPPER(@UserName) AND hasdbaccess = 1) BEGIN EXEC @Ret = sp_grantdbaccess @Username, @NameInDB output END -- workaround for now sp_grantdbaccess returns 1 when the user already has access if @Ret= 0 or len(@NameInDB) > 0 BEGIN Exec @Ret = sp_addrolemember @SQLRoleName, @UserName -- if the user is successfully added to a scope's role IF @Ret = 0 AND @ObjectType = 4 -- scope BEGIN EXEC AzMan_SP_GetRoleMemberCount @SQLRoleName, @RoleMemberCount output IF @RoleMemberCount > 0 UPDATE dbo.AzMan_AzScope SET dbo.AzMan_AzScope.HasSpecificUsers = 1 WHERE dbo.AzMan_AzScope.ID = @ID END END End Set @Return = @Ret GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_SQLRole' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_SQLRole GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_SQLRole ( @Return [int] output ,@ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@RoleType [tinyint] ,@SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (64) ,@UserSid varbinary(85) ,@UserName [nvarchar] (255) ,@SaclIsOn [bit] ) AS DECLARE @Ret [int] Declare @NameInDB [nvarchar] (255) DECLARE @ObjectName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @ObjectGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @MemberType int declare @dbName nvarchar (255) DECLARE @RoleMemberCount [int] Set @Return = -1 -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN IF @ObjectType = 0 -- store SELECT @ObjectName = store.Name, @ObjectGuid=store.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[Azman_AzAuthorizationStore] store WHERE store.ID=@ID IF @ObjectType = 1 -- app SELECT @ObjectName = app.Name, @ObjectGuid=app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[Azman_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID=@ID IF @ObjectType = 4 -- scope SELECT @ObjectName = scope.Name, @ObjectGuid=scope.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[Azman_AzScope] scope WHERE scope.ID=@ID IF @RoleType = 1 -- admin SET @MemberType = 2 IF @RoleType = 2 -- reader SET @MemberType = 3 IF @RoleType = 3 -- delegated users SET @MemberType = 4 END set @NameInDB = null If Is_Member('db_owner') = 1 Begin exec AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_SQLRole_From_XP @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, @RoleType, @UserName End else Begin Set @dbName = db_name() Exec master.dbo.xp_AzManAddUserToRole @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, @RoleType, @dbName, @UserName End -- trigger the parent object's update timestamp IF @Return = 0 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPU_SqlRoleUpdated @Ret output, @ID, @ObjectType IF @ObjectType = 4 -- scope BEGIN EXEC AzMan_SP_GetRoleMemberCount @SQLRoleName, @RoleMemberCount output IF @RoleMemberCount > 0 UPDATE dbo.AzMan_AzScope SET dbo.AzMan_AzScope.HasSpecificUsers = 1 WHERE dbo.AzMan_AzScope.ID = @ID END END -- generate an audit IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit] @Return, 4, -- 0 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_MEMBER_ASSIGN @ObjectType, @ObjectName, @ObjectGuid, @UserName, @UserSid, @MemberType, -- member type N'' -- no other info END Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPI_Create_SqlRole_For_Object' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPI_Create_SqlRole_For_Object GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPI_Create_SqlRole_For_Object ( @Return [int] output ,@ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@RoleType [tinyint] ) AS DECLARE @Ret [int] DECLARE @SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (255) DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] DECLARE @AccessAtObjType tinyint Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Exec dbo.[AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole] @Ret output, @ID, @ObjectType, @RoleType, @SQLRoleName = @SQLRoleName output if @SQLRoleName Is NULL begin Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output, @ID, @ObjectType, 1, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <> 1 begin Set @Return = -5 goto Done end -- we have proper access, then insert the role Exec AzMan_SPI_SQLRole @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, @RoleType, @SQLRoleName = @SQLRoleName output end Done: Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_Role' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_Role GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_Role ( @Return [int] output ,@ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@RoleType [tinyint] ,@UserSid varbinary(85) ,@UserName [nvarchar] (255) ) AS DECLARE @Ret [int] DECLARE @SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (255) Declare @NameInDB [nvarchar] (255) DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] DECLARE @AccessAtObjType tinyint Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output, @ID, @ObjectType, 1, @SaclIsOn output IF @Return <> 1 BEGIN Set @Return = -5 goto Done END Set @Return = -1 Exec dbo.[AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole] @Ret output, @ID, @ObjectType, @RoleType, @SQLRoleName = @SQLRoleName output if @SQLRoleName Is NULL Begin Exec AzMan_SPI_SQLRole @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, @RoleType, @SQLRoleName = @SQLRoleName output End if @SQLRoleName is NOT NULL Begin Exec AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_SQLRole @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, @RoleType, @SQLRoleName, @UserSid, @UserName, @SaclIsOn End Else Begin Set @Return = -1 End Done: Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPD_User_From_SQLRole_From_XP' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_User_From_SQLRole_From_XP GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_User_From_SQLRole_From_XP ( @Return [int] output ,@SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (64) ,@UserName [nvarchar] (255) ) AS DECLARE @Ret [int] SET NOCOUNT ON Set @Return = -1 Exec @Ret = sp_droprolemember @SQLRoleName, @UserName if @Ret <> 0 Begin Set @return = -1 End Else Begin Set @return = 0 End SET NOCOUNT OFF Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPD_User_From_SQLRole' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_User_From_SQLRole GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_User_From_SQLRole ( @Return [int] output ,@ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@RoleType [tinyint] ,@SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (64) ,@UserSid varbinary(85) ,@UserName [nvarchar] (255) ,@SaclIsOn [bit] ) AS DECLARE @Ret [int] DECLARE @ObjectName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @ObjectGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @MemberType int Declare @DbName [nvarchar] (255) DECLARE @RoleMemberCount int DECLARE @OtherRoleMemberCount int DECLARE @OtherRoleName [nvarchar] (64) Set @Return = -1 If is_Member('db_owner') = 1 or is_Member('db_securityadmin') = 1 or is_member('db_accessyadmin') = 1 Begin Exec @Ret = sp_droprolemember @SQLRoleName, @UserName End else begin Set @dbName = db_name() Exec master.dbo.xp_AzManRemoveUserFromRole @Ret output, @ID, @ObjectType, @dbName, @SQLRoleName, @UserName End if @Ret <> 0 Begin Set @return = -1 End Else Begin -- trigger the parent object's update timestamp Set @return = 0 Exec AzMan_SPU_SqlRoleUpdated @return output, @ID, @ObjectType -- if the delete is successful to a scope role IF @return = 0 AND @ObjectType = 4 BEGIN -- we need to get the other role's name for the scope SET @OtherRoleName = NULL IF @RoleType = 1 -- admin Exec [AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole] @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, 2, @OtherRoleName output ELSE IF @RoleType = 2 -- reader Exec [AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole] @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, 1, @OtherRoleName output SET @RoleMemberCount = 0 SET @OtherRoleMemberCount = 0 IF @SQLRoleName IS NOT NULL EXEC AzMan_SP_GetRoleMemberCount @SQLRoleName, @RoleMemberCount output IF @OtherRoleName IS NOT NULL EXEC AzMan_SP_GetRoleMemberCount @OtherRoleName, @OtherRoleMemberCount output IF @RoleMemberCount = 0 AND @OtherRoleMemberCount = 0 UPDATE dbo.AzMan_AzScope SET dbo.AzMan_AzScope.HasSpecificUsers = 0 WHERE dbo.AzMan_AzScope.ID = @ID END End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN IF @ObjectType = 0 -- store SELECT @ObjectName = store.Name, @ObjectGuid=store.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[Azman_AzAuthorizationStore] store WHERE store.ID=@ID IF @ObjectType = 1 -- app SELECT @ObjectName = app.Name, @ObjectGuid=app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[Azman_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID=@ID IF @ObjectType = 4 -- scope SELECT @ObjectName = scope.Name, @ObjectGuid=scope.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[Azman_AzScope] scope WHERE scope.ID=@ID IF @RoleType = 1 -- admin SET @MemberType = 2 IF @RoleType = 2 -- reader SET @MemberType = 3 IF @RoleType = 3 -- delegated users SET @MemberType = 4 -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit] @Return, 5, -- 0 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_MEMBER_REMOVE @ObjectType, @ObjectName, @ObjectGuid, @UserName, @UserSid, @MemberType, -- member type N'' -- no other info END Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPD_User_From_Role' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_User_From_Role GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_User_From_Role ( @Return [int] output ,@ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@RoleType [tinyint] ,@UserSid varbinary(85) ,@UserName [nvarchar] (255) ) AS DECLARE @Ret [int] DECLARE @SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (64) DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] DECLARE @AccessAtObjType tinyint Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output, @ID, @ObjectType, 1, @SaclIsOn output IF @Return <> 1 BEGIN Set @Return = -5 goto Done END Set @Return = -1 Exec [AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole] @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, @RoleType, @SQLRoleName = @SQLRoleName output if @SQLRoleName Is not NULL Begin Exec AzMan_SPD_User_From_SQLRole @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, @RoleType, @SQLRoleName, @UserSid, @UserName, @SaclIsOn End Done: Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPS_Get_DBOwners' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Get_DBOwners GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Get_DBOwners ( @Return [int] output, @ID [int] ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON -- @ID is not used. But our internal implementation requires non-empty -- parameter set where @Return is not considered one of them. EXEC @Return = sp_helprolemember 'db_owner' SET NOCOUNT OFF Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPS_Get_Role_For_Object' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Get_Role_For_Object GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Get_Role_For_Object ( @Return [int] output ,@ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@RoleType [tinyint] ) AS DECLARE @SQLRolename [nvarchar] (64) SET NOCOUNT ON Set @SQLRolename = NULL Set @Return = 0 Select @SQLRolename = SQLRolename From [dbo].[Azman_SQLRole] where [ObjectID] = @ID and [ObjectType] = @ObjectType and [RoleType] = @RoleType if @SQLRolename is not NULL Begin EXEC @Return = sp_helprolemember @SQLRoleName End SET NOCOUNT OFF Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path_For_Container' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path_For_Container GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path_For_Container] ( @Return [int] output ,@ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@StoreID [int] output ,@AppID [int] output ,@ScopeID [int] output ) AS DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @ParentID [int] Declare @ParentType [int] Set @StoreID = -1 Set @AppID = -1 Set @ScopeID = -1 Set @Return = 0 if @ObjectType = 0 --Store Begin Set @StoreID = @ID End if @ObjectType = 1 -- App Begin Select @StoreID=StoreID From AzMan_AzApplication where ID = @ID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 -- Record not found End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End else Begin Set @AppID = @ID End End If @ObjectType = 4 -- Scope Begin Select @AppID = AppID From [AzMan_AzScope] where ID = @ID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @RowCount = 1 Begin Select @StoreID = StoreId From AzMan_AzApplication where ID = @AppID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 -- Record not found End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End else Begin Set @ScopeID = @ID End End else Begin if @Error = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 -- Record not found End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End End Return @Return Go IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path] ( @Return [int] output ,@ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@StoreID [int] output ,@AppID [int] output ,@ScopeID [int] output ) AS Declare @ParentID [int] Declare @ParentType [int] DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Set @StoreID = -1 Set @AppID = -1 Set @ScopeID = -1 Set @Return = 0 if @ObjectType = 0 --Store Begin Exec AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path_For_Container @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType , @StoreID output, @AppID output, @ScopeID output goto Return_Get_ObjPath End if @ObjectType = 1 -- App Begin Exec AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path_For_Container @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType , @StoreID output, @AppID output, @ScopeID output goto Return_Get_ObjPath End If @ObjectType = 2 -- Operation Begin Select @AppID= AppID From [AzMan_AzOperation] where ID = @ID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 -- Record not found End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End Else Begin Select @StoreID =StoreID From AzMan_AzApplication where ID = @AppID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 -- Record not found End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End End goto Return_Get_ObjPath End If @ObjectType = 4 -- Scope Begin Exec AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path_For_Container @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType , @StoreID output, @AppID output, @ScopeID output goto Return_Get_ObjPath End If @ObjectType = 3 -- Task Begin Select @ParentID = case ParentType when 1 then AppID when 4 then ScopeID end, @ParentType = ParentType from [AzMan_AzTask] where ID = @ID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT End If @ObjectType = 5 -- Group Begin Select @ParentID = case ParentType when 0 then StoreID when 1 then AppID when 4 then ScopeID end, @ParentType = ParentType from [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] where ID = @ID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT End If @ObjectType = 6 -- Role Begin Select @ParentID = case ParentType when 1 then AppID when 4 then ScopeID end, @ParentType = ParentType from AzMan_AzRoleAssignment where ID = @ID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT End if @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 -- Record not found End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End else Begin exec AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path_For_Container @Return output, @ParentID, @ParentType, @StoreID output, @AppID output, @ScopeID output End Return_Get_ObjPath: Return @Return Go -- Access Check Store Procedure IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SP_AccessCheck_For_Container' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SP_AccessCheck_For_Container GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_AccessCheck_For_Container] ( @Return [int] output ,@ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ) As -- Check MemberShip starting with current node and going up Declare @SQLRoleName [nvarchar](64) Declare @SQLRoleType [TinyInt] Set @Return = -5 -- Check Admin Set @SQLRoleType = 1 Set @SQLRoleName = '' Exec [AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole] @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, @SQLRoleType, @SQLRoleName = @SQLRoleName output -- Is a member of admin if @SQlRoleName <> '' Begin If Is_Member(@SqlRoleName) = 1 Begin Set @Return = 1 -- Admin Access Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck_For_Container End End -- Is a member of Reader? Set @SQLRoleType = 2 Set @SQLRoleName = '' Exec [AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole] @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, @SQLRoleType, @SQLRoleName = @SQLRoleName output if @SQlRoleName <> '' Begin If Is_Member(@SqlRoleName) = 1 Begin Set @Return = 2 -- Reader Access Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck_For_Container End End -- Is a member of Delegated Users? Set @SQLRoleType = 3 Set @SQLRoleName = '' Exec [AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole] @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, @SQLRoleType, @SQLRoleName = @SQLRoleName output if @SQlRoleName <> '' Begin If Is_Member(@SqlRoleName) = 1 Begin Set @Return = 3 -- Delegated user Access Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck_For_Container End End Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck_For_Container: Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SP_AccessCheck' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SP_AccessCheck GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_AccessCheck] ( @Return [int] output ,@AccessAtObjType [tinyint] output ,@ID [int] ,@ObjectType [tinyint] ,@CheckSacl [bit] = 0 ,@SaclIsOn [bit] output ) As -- Check MemberShip starting with current node and going up Declare @SQLRoleName [nvarchar](64) Declare @SQLRoleType [TinyInt] Declare @StoreID [int] Declare @AppID [int] Declare @ScopeID [int] Declare @StoreAccess [int] -- If this bit is set we know access check result, but we need to do SACL Declare @CheckSaclOnly [int] Declare @TempRet [int] Set @Return = -5 Set @StoreAccess = -5 Set @AccessAtObjType = 0 -- default to SACL off Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @CheckSaclOnly = 0 -- If the user is a DB_Owner, he has full control if Is_Member('db_owner') = 1 Begin set @Return = 1 --print 'User is member of db_Owner' IF @CheckSacl = 0 Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck ELSE Set @CheckSaclOnly = 1 End else if Is_Member('db_datawriter') = 1 -- If the user is a data writer he has full control Begin set @Return = 1 --print 'User is member of db_datawriter' IF @CheckSacl = 0 Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck ELSE Set @CheckSaclOnly = 1 End else if Is_Member('db_datareader') = 1 -- If the user is a data reader he has read control Begin set @Return = 2 --print 'User is member of db_datareader' IF @CheckSacl = 0 Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck ELSE Set @CheckSaclOnly = 1 End IF @CheckSaclOnly = 1 Set @TempRet = @Return -- Go all the way up to the store -- Check Access from top to bottom Exec AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType , @StoreID output, @AppID output, @ScopeID output -- Error ? Record not found if @Return < 0 Begin goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck End -- we honor application's SACL setting over the store's IF @CheckSacl = 1 AND @StoreID <> -1 AND @AppID <> -1 BEGIN SELECT @SaclIsOn = IsNull(ApplyStoreSacl, 0) FROM AzMan_AzApplication App WHERE App.ID = @AppID AND App.StoreID = @StoreID END ELSE IF @CheckSacl = 1 AND @StoreID <> -1 BEGIN SELECT @SaclIsOn = IsNull(ApplyStoreSacl, 0) FROM AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore Store WHERE Store.ID = @StoreID END -- if we are only to check SACL settings (in other words, we already know the answer of access) IF @CheckSaclOnly = 1 Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck if @StoreID <> -1 Begin set @AccessAtObjType = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck_For_Container @Return output, @StoreID, 0 Set @StoreAccess = @Return if @Return <= 2 Begin Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck End End else Begin Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck End if @AppID <> -1 Begin set @AccessAtObjType = 1 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck_For_Container @Return output, @AppID, 1 if @Return <= 2 Begin Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck End End else Begin Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck End if @ScopeID <> -1 Begin set @AccessAtObjType = 4 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck_For_Container @Return output, @ScopeID, 4 if @Return <= 2 Begin Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck End End Begin Goto Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck End Exit_AzMan_SP_AccessCheck: IF @CheckSaclOnly = 1 Set @Return = @TempRet Return @Return GO Create PROCEDURE dbo.AzMan_SPS_Get_StoreIDByName ( @Return [int] output, @ID int OUTPUT, @Name nvarchar(512) ) AS Set @ID = -1 -- this means it doesn't exist Set @Return = 0 SELECT @ID = ID FROM AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore WHERE Name = @Name RETURN @@RowCount go Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Task_For_Given_Parent] ( @Return [int] output, @ParentID [int], @ParentType [tinyint] , @ID [int], @Name [nvarchar](64) ) AS Set @Return = 0 -- Make sure that the name doesn't exist at the same level if @ParentType = 1 Begin if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] where ParentType = @ParentType and AppID = @ParentID and ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0) and LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End End else if @ParentType = 4 Begin if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] where ParentType = @ParentType and ScopeID = @ParentID and ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0) and LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End End else Begin Set @Return = -87 -- invalid parameter End Return @Return go Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Task] ( @Return [int] output, @ParentID [int], @ParentType [tinyint] , @ID [int], @Name [nvarchar](64) ) AS Declare @ParentAppID [int] Set @Return = 0 Set @ParentAppID = 0 -- First Check the current Parent exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Task_For_Given_Parent @Return output, @ParentID, @ParentType, @ID, @Name if @Return <> 0 Begin Return(@Return) End -- Behave differently depending on the object type of the parent object -- A task that is a child of an application -- cannot have the same name as any tasks that are children of any of the child scopes. if @ParentType = 1 -- Application Begin Set @ParentAppID = @ParentID if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] where ( ParentType = 4 ) -- All Child scope and LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) and (@ParentID IN ( Select AppID from Azman_AzScope where AppID = @ParentID and ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0)) ) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End End else if @ParentType = 4 -- Scope Begin -- A task that is a child of a scope, -- cannot have the same name as tasks that are children of the application. -- Find the Parent App Select @ParentAppID = [AppId] from AzMan_AzScope where [ID] = @ParentID if ( @ParentAppID = 0 ) Begin Set @Return = -1 -- General Error End else Begin exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Task_For_Given_Parent @Return output, @ParentAppID, 1, @ID, @Name End End -- Tasks and operations share a namespace so ensure there -- isn't an operation by this name. if @Return = 0 Begin if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzOperation] where LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) and (@ParentAppID = AppID) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End End Return @Return go Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_RoleAssignment] ( @Return [int] output, @ParentID [int], @ParentType [tinyint], @ID [int], @Name [nvarchar](64) ) AS Set @Return = 0 if @ParentType = 1 Begin if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] where ParentType = @ParentType and AppID = @ParentID and ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0) and LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End End else if @ParentType = 4 Begin if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] where ParentType = @ParentType and ScopeID = @ParentID and ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0) and LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End End Else Begin Set @Return = -1 End Return @Return go Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Application] ( @Return [int] output, @StoreID [int], @ID [int], @Name [nvarchar](512) ) AS Set @Return = 0 -- Make sure that the name doesn't exist at the same level if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] where StoreID = @StoreID and ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0) and LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End Return @Return go Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Scope] ( @Return [int] output, @AppID [int], @ID [int], @NameHash [binary] (32) ) AS Set @Return = 0 -- Make sure that the name doesn't exist at the same level begin if Exists( Select ID from [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] where ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0) and AppID = @AppID and [NameHash] = @NameHash ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End end Return @Return go Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Operation] ( @Return [int] output, @AppID [int], @ID [int], @Name [nvarchar](64) ) AS Set @Return = 0 -- Make sure that the name doesn't exist at the same level if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzOperation] where AppID = @AppID and ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0) and LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End Return @Return go Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Group_For_Given_Parent] ( @Return [int] output, @ParentID [int], @ParentType [tinyint] , @ID [int], @Name [nvarchar](64) ) AS Set @Return = 0 if @ParentType = 0 Begin if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] where ( ParentType = @ParentType ) and (StoreID = @ParentID) and LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) and ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End End else if @ParentType = 1 Begin if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] where ( ParentType = @ParentType ) and (AppID = @ParentID) and LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) and ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End End else if @ParentType = 4 Begin if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] where ( ParentType = @ParentType ) and (ScopeID = @ParentID) and LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) and ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End End Else Begin Set @Return = -1 Return (@Return) End Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Group] ( @Return [int] output, @ParentID [int], @ParentType [tinyint] , @ID [int], @Name [nvarchar](64) ) AS Declare @ParentStore [int] Declare @ParentAppID [int] Set @Return = 0 Set @ParentStore = 0 Set @ParentAppID = 0 -- First Check the current Parent exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Group_For_Given_Parent @Return output, @ParentID, @ParentType, @ID, @Name if @Return <> 0 Begin Return(@Return) End -- Behave differently depending on the object type of the parent object -- -- A group that is a child of the authorization store, -- cannot have the same name as any groups that are children of any of the child applications, and -- cannot have the same name as any groups that are children of any of the grandchild child scopes. if @ParentType = 0 -- Auth Store Begin if Exists( Select ID from [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] where ( ( ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0) ) and ( [Name] = @Name ) and ( ( ( ParentType = 1 ) and -- Application ( AppID in ( select ID from AzMan_AzApplication where StoreID = @ParentID ) ) ) or ( ( ParentType = 4 ) and -- Scope ( ScopeID in ( select ID from AzMan_AzScope where AppID in (select ID from AzMan_AzApplication where StoreID = @ParentID) ) ) ) ) ) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End End else if @ParentType = 1 -- Application Begin -- A group that is a child of an application -- cannot have the same name as groups that are children of the authorization store, -- and cannot have the same name as any groups that are children of any of the child scopes. -- Find the parent of Application Select @ParentStore = [StoreId] from AzMan_AzApplication where [ID] = @ParentID if ( @ParentStore = 0 ) Begin Set @Return = -1 -- General Error End Else Begin -- and Check for conflict exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Group_For_Given_Parent @Return output, @ParentStore, 0, @ID, @Name End if ( @Return = 0 ) Begin -- Find All the Child scopes of parent and check for conflicts if Exists( Select [Name] from [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] where ( ParentType = 4 ) -- All Child scope and LOWER([Name]) = LOWER(@Name) and (@ParentID IN ( Select AppID from Azman_AzScope where AppID = @ParentID and ID <> IsNULL(@ID,0)) ) ) Begin Set @Return = -183 -- Same Name exist End End End else if @ParentType = 4 -- Scope Begin -- A group that is a child of a scope, -- cannot have the same name as groups that are children of the application or authorization store -- Find the Parent App Select @ParentAppID = [AppId] from AzMan_AzScope where [ID] = @ParentID if ( @ParentAppID = 0 ) Begin Set @Return = -1 -- General Error End else Begin exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Group_For_Given_Parent @Return output, @ParentAppID, 1, @ID, @Name if @Return = 0 Begin -- Find the Parent Store Select @ParentStore = [StoreId] from AzMan_AzApplication where [ID] = @ParentAppID if ( @ParentStore = 0 ) Begin Set @Return = -1 -- General Error End else Begin exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Group_For_Given_Parent @Return output, @ParentStore, 0, @ID, @Name End End End End Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzAuthorizationStore] -- Inserts a new record in [AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] OUTPUT , @ObjectGuid [uniqueidentifier] = Null , @DomainTimeout [int] = Null , @ScriptEngineTimeout [int] = Null , @MaxScriptEngines [int] = Null , @ApplyStoreSacl [bit] = Null , @GenerateAudits [bit] = 0 , @MajorVersion [int] = 1 , @MinorVersion [int] = 0 , @TargetMachine [nvarchar](50) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @Name [nvarchar] (512) = NULL , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) as DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Set @Return = 0 Set @ID = 0 Set NoCount On Begin Insert Into [dbo].[AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] ( [ObjectGuid] , [Name] , [Description] , [ApplicationData] , [DomainTimeout] , [ScriptEngineTimeout] , [MaxScriptEngines] , [TargetMachine] , [ApplyStoreSacl] , [GenerateAudits] , [MajorVersion] , [MinorVersion] ) Values ( @ObjectGuid , @Name , @Description , @ApplicationData , @DomainTimeout , @ScriptEngineTimeout , @MaxScriptEngines , @TargetMachine , @ApplyStoreSacl , @GenerateAudits , @MajorVersion , @MinorVersion ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @RowCount = 1 Begin Set @ID = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() As [int]) End else Begin Set @Return = @Error End -- generate a generic audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] @Return, 0, -- 0 for store @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'Trying to create an AzAuthorizationStore' -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 0, -- 0 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_CREATE 0, -- 0 for store @Name, @ObjectGuid, 0, -- 0 for store @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'' -- no other info End Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzApplication] -- Inserts a new record in [AzMan_AzApplication] table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] = Null Output , @ObjectGuid [uniqueidentifier] = Null , @StoreId [int] , @ApplyStoreSacl [bit] = Null , @GenerateAudits [bit] = Null , @AuthzInterfaceClsId [int] = Null , @CheckDup [bit] = 1 , @ApplicationVersion [nvarchar](50) = Null , @Name [nvarchar](512) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) As Set NoCount On Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @storeName [nvarchar](512) DECLARE @storeGuid [uniqueidentifier] Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output, @StoreID, 0, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End -- Check for duplicate name IF @CheckDup = 1 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Application @Return output, @StoreID, @ID, @Name END ELSE Set @Return = 0 if @Return = 0 Begin Insert Into [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] ( [ObjectGuid] , [StoreId] , [Name] , [Description] , [ApplicationData] , [ApplyStoreSacl] , [GenerateAudits] , [AuthzInterfaceClsId] , [ApplicationVersion] ) Values ( @ObjectGuid , @StoreId , @Name , @Description , @ApplicationData , @ApplyStoreSacl , @GenerateAudits , @AuthzInterfaceClsId , @ApplicationVersion ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount = 1 Begin Set @ID = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() As [int]) End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End -- generate an audit if SACL is on IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- get the store info SELECT @storeName = Store.Name, @storeGuid = Store.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] Store WHERE Store.ID = @StoreID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 0, -- 0 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_CREATE 0, -- 0 for store @storeName, @storeGuid, 1, -- 1 for Application @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'' -- no other info END End End Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPU_AzApplication] -- Update an existing record in [AzMan_AzApplication] table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] , @StoreId [int] , @ConsiderNull_Description bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData bit = 0 , @ApplyStoreSacl [bit] = Null , @ConsiderNull_ApplyStoreSacl bit = 0 , @GenerateAudits [bit] = Null , @ConsiderNull_GenerateAudits bit = 0 , @AuthzInterfaceClsId [int] = Null , @ConsiderNull_AuthzInterfaceClsId bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_ApplicationVersion bit = 0 , @ApplicationVersion [nvarchar](50) = Null , @Name [nvarchar](512) , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) As DECLARE @ObjectGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set NoCount On Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 0, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 If @ConsiderNull_Description Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_Description = 0 If @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData = 0 If @ConsiderNull_ApplyStoreSacl Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_ApplyStoreSacl = 0 If @ConsiderNull_GenerateAudits Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_GenerateAudits = 0 If @ConsiderNull_AuthzInterfaceClsId Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_AuthzInterfaceClsId = 0 If @ConsiderNull_ApplicationVersion Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_ApplicationVersion = 0 IF @Name Is Not NULL Begin -- Check for duplicate name Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Application @Return output, @StoreID, @ID, @Name End If @Return = 0 Begin Update [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] Set [Name] = IsNull(@Name, [Name]) ,[Description] = Case @ConsiderNull_Description When 0 Then IsNull(@Description, [Description]) When 1 Then @Description End ,[ApplicationData] = Case @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData When 0 Then IsNull(@ApplicationData, [ApplicationData]) When 1 Then @ApplicationData End ,[ApplyStoreSacl] = Case @ConsiderNull_ApplyStoreSacl When 0 Then IsNull(@ApplyStoreSacl, [ApplyStoreSacl]) When 1 Then @ApplyStoreSacl End ,[GenerateAudits] = Case @ConsiderNull_GenerateAudits When 0 Then IsNull(@GenerateAudits, [GenerateAudits]) When 1 Then @GenerateAudits End ,[AuthzInterfaceClsId] = Case @ConsiderNull_AuthzInterfaceClsId When 0 Then IsNull(@AuthzInterfaceClsId, [AuthzInterfaceClsId]) When 1 Then @AuthzInterfaceClsId End ,[ApplicationVersion] = Case @ConsiderNull_ApplicationVersion When 0 Then IsNull(@ApplicationVersion, [ApplicationVersion]) When 1 Then @ApplicationVersion End Where ([ID] = @ID) End -- generate an audit if SACL is on IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- get info for auditing SELECT @ObjectGuid = app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID = @ID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] @Return, 1, -- 0 for application @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'The shallow properties of the application may have been modified' END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzScope] -- Inserts a new record in [AzMan_AzScope] table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] = Null output , @AppId [int] = Null , @NameLen [int] = 0 , @NameHash [Binary] (32) = NULL , @ObjectGuid [uniqueidentifier] = Null , @CheckDup [bit] = 1 , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @Name [ntext] , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) As DECLARE @appName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @appGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set NoCount On Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@AppId, 1, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access at App if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End IF @CheckDup = 1 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Scope @Return output, @AppID, -1, @NameHash End ELSE Set @Return = 0 if @Return = 0 Begin Insert Into [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] ( [AppId] , [Name] , [NameLen] , [NameHash] , [Description] , [ApplicationData] , [ObjectGuid] ) Values ( @AppId , @Name , @NameLen , @NameHash , @Description , @ApplicationData , @ObjectGuid ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount = 1 Begin Set @ID = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() As [int]) End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- get the store info for auditing SELECT @appName = app.Name, @appGuid = app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID = @AppId -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 0, -- 0 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_CREATE 1, -- 1 for Application @appName, @appGuid, 4, -- 4 for scope @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'' -- no other info END End Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzOperation] -- Inserts a new record in [AzMan_AzOperation] table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] = Null Output , @OperationID [int] = Null , @AppId [int] = Null , @ObjectGuid [uniqueidentifier] = Null , @CheckDup [bit] = 1 , @Name [nvarchar](64) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) As DECLARE @appName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @appGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set NoCount On Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] Set @Return = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output, @AppID, 1, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End -- if check dup IF @CheckDup = 1 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Operation @Return output, @AppID, @ID, @Name End ELSE Set @Return = 0 if @Return = 0 Begin Insert Into [dbo].[AzMan_AzOperation] ( [ObjectGuid] , [AppId] , [Name] , [Description] , [ApplicationData] , [OperationID] ) Values ( @ObjectGuid , @AppId , @Name , @Description , @ApplicationData , @OperationID ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount = 1 Begin Set @ID = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() As [int]) End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- get the store info for auditing SELECT @appName = app.Name, @appGuid = app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID = @AppId -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 0, -- 0 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_CREATE 1, -- 1 for Application @appName, @appGuid, 2, -- 2 for operation @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'' -- no other info END End Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup] -- Inserts a new record in [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] = Null Output , @ParentId [int] , @ParentType [int] , @GroupType [tinyint] = Null , @ObjectGuid [uniqueidentifier] = Null , @CheckDup [bit] = 1 , @Name [nvarchar](64) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @StoreID int, @AppID int , @ScopeID int -- parent name and guid is only needed for auditing DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 set @StoreID = 0 set @AppID = 0 set @ScopeID = 0 Set NoCount On Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output, @ParentId, @ParentType, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End IF @CheckDup = 1 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Group @Return output, @ParentID, @ParentType, @ID, @Name END ELSE Set @Return = 0 if @Return = 0 Begin if @ParentType = 0 Begin set @StoreID = @ParentID -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName = store.Name, @parentGuid = store.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] store WHERE store.ID = @ParentID END End else if @ParentType = 1 Begin set @AppID = @ParentID -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName = app.Name, @parentGuid = app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID = @ParentID END End else if @ParentType = 4 Begin set @ScopeID = @ParentID -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName = scope.Name, @parentGuid = scope.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] scope WHERE scope.ID = @ParentID END End Insert Into [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] ( [ObjectGuid] , [StoreId] , [AppId] , [ScopeId] , [ParentType] , [Name] , [Description] , [GroupType] ) Values ( @ObjectGuid , @StoreId , @AppId , @ScopeId , @ParentType , @Name , @Description , @GroupType ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount = 1 Begin Set @ID = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() As [int]) End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 0, -- 0 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_CREATE @ParentType, -- parent type @parentName, @parentGuid, 5, -- 5 for group @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'' -- no other info END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzTask] -- Inserts a new record in [AzMan_AzTask] table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] = Null Output , @IsRoleDefinition [bit] = 0 , @ParentId [int] , @ParentType [tinyint] , @ObjectGuid [uniqueidentifier] = Null , @CheckDup [bit] = 1 , @Name [nvarchar](64) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AppID [int], @ScopeID [int] DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ParentId, @ParentType, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @AppID = null Set @ScopeID = null if @ParentType = 1 Begin Set @AppID = @ParentID -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName = app.Name, @parentGuid = app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID = @ParentID END End Else if @ParentType = 4 Begin Set @ScopeID = @ParentID -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName = scope.Name, @parentGuid = scope.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] scope WHERE scope.ID = @ParentID END End Else Begin Set @Return = -1 goto Done End -- Make sure that the name doesn't exist at the same level IF @CheckDup = 1 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Task @Return output, @ParentID, @ParentType, @ID, @Name End ELSE Set @Return = 0 if @Return = 0 Begin Insert Into [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] ( [ObjectGuid] , [AppId] , [ScopeId] , [ParentType] , [Name] , [Description] , [ApplicationData] , [IsRoleDefinition] ) Values ( @ObjectGuid , @AppId , @ScopeId , @ParentType , @Name , @Description , @ApplicationData , @IsRoleDefinition ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount = 1 Begin Set @ID = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() As [int]) End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End IF @SaclIsOn = 1 -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 0, -- 0 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_CREATE @ParentType, -- parent type @parentName, @parentGuid, 3, -- 3 for task @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'' -- no other info Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzTask_Single_Operation] ( @Return [int] output , @TaskID [int] -- ID Of task , @OperationID [int] , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @taskName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @taskGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @opName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @opGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On INSERT INTO [AzMan_Task_To_Operation_Link] (TaskID, OperationID) VALUES (@TaskID, @OperationID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1 --Generic Error End End IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- get the info for auditing SELECT @taskName = Task.Name, @taskGuid = Task.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] Task WHERE Task.ID = @TaskID SELECT @opName = Op.Name, @opGuid = Op.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzOperation] Op WHERE Op.ID = @OperationID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 2, -- 2 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_ASSIGN 3, -- 3 for task @taskName, @taskGuid, 2, -- 2 for Operation @opName, @opGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzTask_Single_Operation] ( @Return [int] output , @TaskID [int] -- ID Of task , @OperationID [int] , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As Set @Return = 0 DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @taskName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @taskGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @opName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @opGuid uniqueidentifier Set NoCount On delete [AzMan_Task_To_Operation_Link] where TaskID = @TaskID and OperationID = @OperationID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- get the info for auditing SELECT @taskName = Task.Name, @taskGuid = Task.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] Task WHERE Task.ID = @TaskID SELECT @opName = Op.Name, @opGuid = Op.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzOperation] Op WHERE Op.ID = @OperationID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 3, -- 3 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_REMOVE 3, -- 3 for task @taskName, @taskGuid, 2, -- 2 for Operation @opName, @opGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzTask_Multi_Operations] ( @Return [int] output , @TaskID [int] -- ID Of Task , @SepChar [char] (1) = "|" , @OperationIDs [nvarchar] (4000) ) As Set @Return = 0 DECLARE @equal char DECLARE @addOrDelete nvarchar(10) DECLARE @isAdd int Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 SET @equal = '=' Set NoCount On Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@TaskID, 3, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End -- First parse the string -- Insert each one of them DECLARE @OperationID varchar(100), @Pos int Declare @iOperationID int SET @OperationIDs = LTRIM(RTRIM(@OperationIDs))+ @SepChar SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @OperationIDs, 1) IF REPLACE(@OperationIDs, @SepChar, '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @Pos > 0 BEGIN SET @OperationID = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@OperationIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @iOperationID = CAST(@OperationID as int) -- remove the left part (the id) SET @OperationIDs = RIGHT(@OperationIDs, LEN(@OperationIDs) - @Pos) -- now move to the pipe separator SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@SepChar, @OperationIDs, 1) SET @addOrDelete = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@OperationIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @isAdd = CAST(@addOrDelete as int) IF @iOperationID <> 0 BEGIN -- if NNNN=0, then it means to delete IF @isAdd <> 0 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPI_AzTask_Single_Operation @Return output, @TaskID, @iOperationID, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End End ELSE BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPD_AzTask_Single_Operation @Return output, @TaskID, @iOperationID, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End End END SET @OperationIDs = RIGHT(@OperationIDs, LEN(@OperationIDs) - @Pos) SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @OperationIDs, 1) END END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Operation] ( @Return [int] output , @RoleID [int] -- ID Of Role , @OperationID [int] , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @roleName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @roleGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @opName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @opGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On INSERT INTO [AzMan_Role_To_Operation_Link] (RoleID, OperationID) VALUES (@RoleID, @OperationID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1 --Generic Error End End IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- get the info for auditing SELECT @roleName = Role.Name, @roleGuid = Role.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] Role WHERE Role.ID = @RoleID SELECT @opName = Op.Name, @opGuid = Op.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzOperation] Op WHERE Op.ID = @OperationID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 2, -- 2 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_ASSIGN 6, -- 6 for role @roleName, @roleGuid, 2, -- 2 for Operation @opName, @opGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Operation] ( @Return [int] output , @RoleID [int] -- ID Of Role assignment , @OperationID [int] , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @roleName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @roleGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @opName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @opGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On delete [AzMan_Role_To_Operation_Link] where RoleID = @RoleID and OperationID = @OperationID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- get the info for auditing SELECT @roleName = Role.Name, @roleGuid = Role.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] Role WHERE Role.ID = @RoleID SELECT @opName = Op.Name, @opGuid = Op.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzOperation] Op WHERE Op.ID = @OperationID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 3, -- 3 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_REMOVE 6, -- 6 for role @roleName, @roleGuid, 2, -- 1 for Operation @opName, @opGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Multi_Operations] ( @Return [int] output , @RoleID [int] -- ID Of Role , @SepChar [nchar] (1) = "|" , @OperationIDs [nvarchar] (4000) ) As Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On -- First parse the string -- Insert each one of them Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@RoleID, 6, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End DECLARE @OperationID nvarchar(100), @Pos int Declare @iOperationID int DECLARE @equal char DECLARE @addOrDelete nvarchar(10) DECLARE @isAdd int SET @equal = '=' SET @OperationIDs = LTRIM(RTRIM(@OperationIDs))+ @SepChar SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @OperationIDs, 1) IF REPLACE(@OperationIDs, @SepChar, '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @Pos > 0 BEGIN SET @OperationID = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@OperationIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @iOperationID = CAST(@OperationID as int) -- remove the left part (the id) SET @OperationIDs = RIGHT(@OperationIDs, LEN(@OperationIDs) - @Pos) -- now move to the pipe separator SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@SepChar, @OperationIDs, 1) SET @addOrDelete = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@OperationIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @isAdd = CAST(@addOrDelete as int) IF @iOperationID <> 0 BEGIN -- if NNNN=0, then it means to delete IF @isAdd <> 0 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Operation @Return output, @RoleID, @iOperationID, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End End ELSE BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Operation @Return output, @RoleID, @iOperationID, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End END END SET @OperationIDs = RIGHT(@OperationIDs, LEN(@OperationIDs) - @Pos) SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @OperationIDs, 1) END END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzTask_Single_Task] ( @Return [int] output , @TaskID [int] , @ChildID [int] , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @taskName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @taskGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @refTaskName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @refTaskGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On INSERT INTO [AzMan_Task_To_Task_Link] (TaskID, ChildID) VALUES (@TaskID, @ChildID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1 --Generic Error End End -- get the info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @taskName = Task.Name, @taskGuid = Task.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] Task WHERE Task.ID = @TaskID SELECT @refTaskName = refTask.Name, @refTaskGuid = refTask.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] refTask WHERE refTask.ID = @ChildID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 2, -- 2 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_ASSIGN 3, -- 3 for task @taskName, @taskGuid, 3, -- 3 for task @refTaskName, @refTaskGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzTask_Single_Task] ( @Return [int] output, @TaskID [int] , @ChildID [int] , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @taskName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @taskGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @refTaskName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @refTaskGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On Delete From [AzMan_Task_To_Task_Link] where TaskID = @TaskID and ChildID = @ChildID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin Set @Return = @Error End -- get the info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @taskName = Task.Name, @taskGuid = Task.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] Task WHERE Task.ID = @TaskID SELECT @refTaskName = refTask.Name, @refTaskGuid = refTask.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] refTask WHERE refTask.ID = @ChildID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 3, -- 3 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_REMOVE 3, -- 3 for task @taskName, @taskGuid, 3, -- 3 for task @refTaskName, @refTaskGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzTask_Multi_Tasks] ( @Return [int] output , @ParentTaskId [int] -- ID Of Task , @SepChar [char] (1) = "|" , @TaskIDs [nvarchar] (4000) ) As Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ParentTaskId, 3, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End -- First parse the string -- Insert each one of them DECLARE @TaskID varchar(100), @Pos int Declare @iTaskID int DECLARE @equal char DECLARE @addOrDelete nvarchar(10) DECLARE @isAdd int SET @equal = '=' SET @TaskIDs = LTRIM(RTRIM(@TaskIDs))+ @SepChar SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @TaskIDs, 1) --IF REPLACE(@TaskIDs, @SepChar, '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @Pos > 0 BEGIN SET @TaskID = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@TaskIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @iTaskID = CAST(@TaskID as int) -- remove the left part (the id) SET @TaskIDs = RIGHT(@TaskIDs, LEN(@TaskIDs) - @Pos) -- now move to the pipe separator SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@SepChar, @TaskIDs, 1) SET @addOrDelete = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@TaskIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @isAdd = CAST(@addOrDelete as int) IF @iTaskID <> 0 BEGIN if @IsAdd <> 0 Begin Exec AzMan_SPI_AzTask_Single_Task @Return output, @ParentTaskID, @iTaskID, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End End else Begin Exec AzMan_SPD_AzTask_Single_Task @Return output, @ParentTaskID, @iTaskID, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End End END SET @TaskIDs = RIGHT(@TaskIDs, LEN(@TaskIDs) - @Pos) SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @TaskIDs, 1) END END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Task] ( @Return [int] output, @RoleID [int] -- ID Of Role , @TaskID [int] , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @roleName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @roleGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @refTaskName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @refTaskGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On INSERT INTO [AzMan_Role_To_Task_Link] (RoleID, TaskID) VALUES (@RoleID, @TaskID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1 --Generic Error End End IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- get the info for auditing SELECT @roleName = role.Name, @roleGuid = role.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] role WHERE role.ID = @RoleID SELECT @refTaskName = refTask.Name, @refTaskGuid = refTask.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] refTask WHERE refTask.ID = @TaskID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 2, -- 2 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_ASSIGN 6, -- 6 for role @roleName, @roleGuid, 3, -- 3 for task @refTaskName, @refTaskGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Task ( @Return [int] output, @RoleId [int] -- ID Of Role Assignment , @TaskID [int] , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @roleName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @roleGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @refTaskName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @refTaskGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On Delete From [AzMan_Role_To_Task_Link] where TaskID = @TaskID and RoleID = @RoleID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End -- get the info for auditing SELECT @roleName = role.Name, @roleGuid = role.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] role WHERE role.ID = @RoleID SELECT @refTaskName = refTask.Name, @refTaskGuid = refTask.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] refTask WHERE refTask.ID = @TaskID IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 3, -- 3 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_REMOVE 6, -- 6 for role @roleName, @roleGuid, 3, -- 3 for task @refTaskName, @refTaskGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) go Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Multi_Tasks] ( @Return [int] output , @RoleId [int] , @SepChar [char] (1) = "|" , @TaskIDs [nvarchar] (4000) ) As Set NoCount On Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@RoleId, 6, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End -- First parse the string -- Insert each one of them DECLARE @TaskID varchar(100), @Pos int Declare @iTaskID int DECLARE @equal char DECLARE @addOrDelete nvarchar(10) DECLARE @isAdd int SET @equal = '=' SET @TaskIDs = LTRIM(RTRIM(@TaskIDs))+ @SepChar SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @TaskIDs, 1) IF REPLACE(@TaskIDs, @SepChar, '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @Pos > 0 BEGIN SET @TaskID = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@TaskIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @iTaskID = CAST(@TaskID as int) -- remove the left part (the id) SET @TaskIDs = RIGHT(@TaskIDs, LEN(@TaskIDs) - @Pos) -- now move to the pipe separator SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@SepChar, @TaskIDs, 1) SET @addOrDelete = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@TaskIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @isAdd = CAST(@addOrDelete as int) IF @iTaskID <> 0 BEGIN -- if NNNN=0, then it means to delete IF @isAdd <> 0 Begin Exec [AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Task] @Return output, @RoleID, @iTaskID, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End End else Begin Exec [AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Task] @Return output, @RoleID, @iTaskID, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End End END SET @TaskIDs = RIGHT(@TaskIDs, LEN(@TaskIDs) - @Pos) SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @TaskIDs, 1) END END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment] ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] = Null Output , @ParentId [int] , @ParentType [tinyint] , @ObjectGuid [uniqueidentifier] = Null , @CheckDup [bit] = 1 , @Name [nvarchar](64) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AppId [int] , @ScopeID [int] DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ParentId, @ParentType, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End IF @CheckDup = 1 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_RoleAssignment @Return output, @ParentID, @ParentType, @ID, @Name END ELSE Set @Return = 0 if @Return = 0 Begin Set @AppID = null Set @ScopeID= null if @ParentType = 1 Begin Set @AppId = @ParentID -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName=app.Name, @parentGuid=app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID = @ParentID END End else if @ParentType = 4 Begin Set @ScopeID = @ParentID -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName=scope.Name, @parentGuid=scope.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] scope WHERE scope.ID = @ParentID END End else Begin Set @Return = -1 Return End Insert Into [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] ( [ObjectGuid] , [AppID] , [ScopeID] , [ParentType] , [Name] , [Description] , [ApplicationData] ) Values ( @ObjectGuid , @AppID , @ScopeID , @ParentType , @Name , @Description , @ApplicationData ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount = 1 Begin Set @ID = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() As [int]) End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End -- generate an audit IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 0, -- 0 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_CREATE @ParentType, @parentName, @parentGuid, 6, -- 6 for role @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'' -- no other info END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPU_AzAuthorizationStore] -- Update an existing record in [AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] , @ConsiderNull_Description bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData bit = 0 , @DomainTimeout [int] = Null , @ConsiderNull_DomainTimeout bit = 0 , @ScriptEngineTimeout [int] = Null , @ConsiderNull_ScriptEngineTimeout bit = 0 , @MaxScriptEngines [int] = Null , @ConsiderNull_MaxScriptEngines bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_TargetMachine bit = 0 , @ApplyStoreSacl [bit] = Null , @ConsiderNull_ApplyStoreSacl bit = 0 , @GenerateAudits [bit] = Null , @ConsiderNull_GenerateAudits bit = 0 , @MajorVersion [int] = Null , @ConsiderNull_MajorVersion bit = 0 , @MinorVersion [int] = Null , @ConsiderNull_MinorVersion bit = 0 , @TargetMachine [nvarchar](50) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @ObjectName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @ObjectGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@Id, 0, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 -- no error If @ConsiderNull_Description Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_Description = 0 If @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData = 0 If @ConsiderNull_DomainTimeout Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_DomainTimeout = 0 If @ConsiderNull_ScriptEngineTimeout Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_ScriptEngineTimeout = 0 If @ConsiderNull_MaxScriptEngines Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_MaxScriptEngines = 0 If @ConsiderNull_TargetMachine Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_TargetMachine = 0 If @ConsiderNull_ApplyStoreSacl Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_ApplyStoreSacl = 0 If @ConsiderNull_GenerateAudits Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_GenerateAudits = 0 If @ConsiderNull_MajorVersion Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_MajorVersion = 0 If @ConsiderNull_MinorVersion Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_MinorVersion = 0 Update [dbo].[AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] Set [Description] = Case @ConsiderNull_Description When 0 Then IsNull(@Description, [Description]) When 1 Then @Description End ,[ApplicationData] = Case @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData When 0 Then IsNull(@ApplicationData, [ApplicationData]) When 1 Then @ApplicationData End ,[DomainTimeout] = Case @ConsiderNull_DomainTimeout When 0 Then IsNull(@DomainTimeout, [DomainTimeout]) When 1 Then @DomainTimeout End ,[ScriptEngineTimeout] = Case @ConsiderNull_ScriptEngineTimeout When 0 Then IsNull(@ScriptEngineTimeout, [ScriptEngineTimeout]) When 1 Then @ScriptEngineTimeout End ,[MaxScriptEngines] = Case @ConsiderNull_MaxScriptEngines When 0 Then IsNull(@MaxScriptEngines, [MaxScriptEngines]) When 1 Then @MaxScriptEngines End ,[TargetMachine] = Case @ConsiderNull_TargetMachine When 0 Then IsNull(@TargetMachine, [TargetMachine]) When 1 Then @TargetMachine End ,[ApplyStoreSacl] = Case @ConsiderNull_ApplyStoreSacl When 0 Then IsNull(@ApplyStoreSacl, [ApplyStoreSacl]) When 1 Then @ApplyStoreSacl End ,[GenerateAudits] = Case @ConsiderNull_GenerateAudits When 0 Then IsNull(@GenerateAudits, [GenerateAudits]) When 1 Then @GenerateAudits End ,[MajorVersion] = Case @ConsiderNull_MajorVersion When 0 Then IsNull(@MajorVersion, [MajorVersion]) When 1 Then @MajorVersion End ,[MinorVersion] = Case @ConsiderNull_MinorVersion When 0 Then IsNull(@MinorVersion, [MinorVersion]) When 1 Then @MinorVersion End Where ([ID] = @ID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin Set @Return = @Error End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @ObjectName=store.Name, @ObjectGuid = store.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] store WHERE store.ID = @ID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] @Return, 0, -- 0 for store @ObjectName, @ObjectGuid, N'The shallow properties of the store may have been modified' END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPU_AzScope] -- Update an existing record in [AzMan_AzScope] table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] , @AppId [int] , @ConsiderNull_Description bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData bit = 0 , @NameHash [Binary] (32) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @Name [ntext] = Null , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) As Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @ObjectGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @iScopeNameLen int Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@Id, 4, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End -- Only store or app admin can modify property of the scope object if ( (@AccessAtObjType <> 0) and (@AccessAtObjType <> 1) ) begin Set @Return = -5 goto Done end Set @Return = 0 If @ConsiderNull_Description Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_Description = 0 If @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData = 0 if @Name Is NOT NULL Begin Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Scope @Return output, @AppID, @ID, @NameHash End if @Return = 0 Begin set @iScopeNameLen = DATALENGTH(@Name) Update [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] Set [Name] = IsNull(@Name, [Name]) ,[NameHash] = IsNull(@NameHash, [NameHash]) ,[Description] = Case @ConsiderNull_Description When 0 Then IsNull(@Description, [Description]) When 1 Then @Description End ,[ApplicationData] = Case @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData When 0 Then IsNull(@ApplicationData, [ApplicationData]) When 1 Then @ApplicationData End Where ([ID] = @ID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin Set @Return = @Error End End IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- get info for auditing SELECT @ObjectGuid = scope.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] scope WHERE scope.ID = @ID -- TODO Should we truncate the name for scopes? -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] @Return, 4, -- 0 for scope @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'The shallow properties of the scope may have been modified' END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPU_AzOperation] -- Update an existing record in [AzMan_AzOperation] table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] , @AppId [int] , @ConsiderNull_Description bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData bit = 0 , @OperationID [int] = Null , @ConsiderNull_OperationID bit = 0 , @Name [nvarchar](64) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) As Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @ObjectGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 2, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End If @ConsiderNull_Description Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_Description = 0 If @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData = 0 If @ConsiderNull_OperationID Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_OperationID = 0 If @Name Is Not NULL Begin Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Operation @Return output, @AppID, @ID, @Name End if @Return = 0 Begin Update [dbo].[AzMan_AzOperation] Set [Name] = IsNull(@Name, [Name]) ,[Description] = Case @ConsiderNull_Description When 0 Then IsNull(@Description, [Description]) When 1 Then @Description End ,[ApplicationData] = Case @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData When 0 Then IsNull(@ApplicationData, [ApplicationData]) When 1 Then @ApplicationData End ,[OperationID] = Case @ConsiderNull_OperationID When 0 Then IsNull(@OperationID, [OperationID]) When 1 Then @OperationID End Where ([ID] = @ID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin Set @Return = @Error End End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @ObjectGuid = op.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzOperation] op WHERE op.ID = @ID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] @Return, 2, -- 2 for operation @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'The shallow properties of the operation may have been modified' END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPU_AzApplicationGroup] -- Update an existing record in [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] , @ParentType [tinyint] , @ParentID [int] , @GroupType [tinyint] = Null , @ConsiderNull_GroupType bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_GroupDescription bit = 0 , @Name [nvarchar](64) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @ObjectGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 5, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End If @ConsiderNull_GroupType Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_GroupType = 0 if @Name IS NOT NULL Begin Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Group @Return output, @ParentID, @ParentType, @ID, @Name End if @Return = 0 Begin Update [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] Set [Name] = IsNull(@Name, [Name]) ,[GroupType] = Case @ConsiderNull_GroupType When 0 Then IsNull(@GroupType, [GroupType]) When 1 Then @GroupType End ,[Description] = Case @ConsiderNull_GroupDescription When 0 Then IsNull(@Description, [Description]) When 1 Then @Description End Where ([ID] = @ID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin Set @Return = @Error End End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @ObjectGuid = appGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] appGroup WHERE appGroup.ID = @ID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] @Return, 5, -- 5 for application group @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'The shallow properties of the application group may have been modified' END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPU_AzTask] -- Update an existing record in table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] , @ParentID [int] , @ParentType [tinyint] , @ConsiderNull_Description bit = 0 , @IsRoleDefinition [bit] = Null , @ConsiderNull_IsRoleDefinition bit = NULL , @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData bit = NULL , @Name [nvarchar](64) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) As DECLARE @ObjectGuid uniqueidentifier Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 3, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 If @ConsiderNull_Description Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_Description = 0 if @ConsiderNull_IsRoleDefinition is NULL Set @ConsiderNull_IsRoleDefinition = 0 If @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData = 0 if @Name Is Not NULL Begin Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Task @Return output, @ParentID, @ParentType, @ID, @Name End if @Return = 0 Begin Update [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] Set [Name] = IsNull(@Name, [Name]) ,[Description] = Case @ConsiderNull_Description When 0 Then IsNull(@Description, [Description]) When 1 Then @Description End ,[IsRoleDefinition] = Case @ConsiderNull_IsRoleDefinition When 0 Then IsNull(@IsRoleDefinition, [IsRoleDefinition]) When 1 Then @IsRoleDefinition End ,[ApplicationData] = Case @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData When 0 Then IsNull(@ApplicationData, [ApplicationData]) When 1 Then @ApplicationData End Where ([ID] = @ID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin Set @Return = @Error End End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @ObjectGuid = task.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] task WHERE task.ID = @ID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] @Return, 3, -- 3 for task @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'The shallow properties of the task may have been modified' END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPU_AzRoleAssignment] -- Update an existing record in the table ( @Return [int] output , @ID [int] , @ParentID [int] , @ParentType [tinyint] , @ConsiderNull_Description bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData bit = NULL , @Name [nvarchar](64) = Null , @Description [nvarchar](1024) = Null , @ApplicationData [ntext] = Null ) As Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @ObjectGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 6, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 If @ConsiderNull_Description Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_Description = 0 If @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData = 0 IF @Name Is Not NULL Begin Exec AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_RoleAssignment @Return output, @ParentID, @ParentType, @ID, @Name End if @Return = 0 Begin Update [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] Set [Name] = IsNull(@Name, [Name]) ,[Description] = Case @ConsiderNull_Description When 0 Then IsNull(@Description, [Description]) When 1 Then @Description End ,[ApplicationData] = Case @ConsiderNull_ApplicationData When 0 Then IsNull(@ApplicationData, [ApplicationData]) When 1 Then @ApplicationData End Where ([ID] = @ID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin Set @Return = @Error End End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @ObjectGuid = role.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] role WHERE role.ID = @ID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] @Return, 6, -- 6 for role @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'The shallow properties of the role assignment may have been modified' END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPIU_AzApplicationGroup_LDAPQuery' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPIU_AzApplicationGroup_LDAPQuery GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPIU_AzApplicationGroup_LDAPQuery] -- Inserts or updates a record in [AzMan_LDAPQuery] table ( @Return [int] output , @GroupId [int] = Null -- ID Of Application Group , @ConsiderNull_LdapQuery bit = 0 , @LdapQuery [ntext] = Null -- LDAP Query ) As Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @Name nvarchar(512) DECLARE @ID [int] DECLARE @ObjectGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @ExistingLdapQueryID [int] Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] Set @ExistingLdapQueryID = Null DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@GroupId, 5, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 Select @ExistingLdapQueryID = [LdapQueryID] From [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] Where [ID] = @GroupID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error=0 Begin if @RowCount = 0 Begin -- Parent Group was not found Set @Return = 1 Return(1) End End else Begin Return @Error End If @ExistingLdapQueryID Is Null Begin Begin Insert Into [dbo].[AzMan_LDAPQuery] ( [GroupId] , [LdapQuery] ) Values ( @GroupId , @LdapQuery ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount = 1 Begin Set @ID = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() As [int]) -- Update the AzApplication Groups with the new ID if @ID <> 0 Begin Update [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] Set [LdapQueryID] = @ID where [ID] = @GroupID End End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End End Else Begin If @ConsiderNull_LdapQuery Is Null Set @ConsiderNull_LdapQuery = 0 Update [dbo].[AzMan_LDAPQuery] Set [GroupId] = @GroupId ,[LdapQuery] = Case @ConsiderNull_LdapQuery When 0 Then IsNull(@LdapQuery, [LdapQuery]) When 1 Then @LdapQuery End Where [ID] = @ExistingLdapQueryID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @RowCount <> 1 Set @ID = @ExistingLdapQueryID else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @Name=appGroup.Name, @ObjectGuid = appGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] appGroup WHERE appGroup.ID = @GroupId -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] @Return, 5, -- 5 for group @Name, @ObjectGuid, N'The LDAP query of the application may have been modified' END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPIU_Bizrule] ( @Return [int] output, @ParentId [int] , @ParentType [tinyint] , @BizRuleImportedPath [nvarchar](512) = Null -- for [AzMan_BizRule].[BizRuleImportedPath] column , @ConsiderNull_BizRuleImportedPath bit = 0 , @BizRule [ntext] = Null -- for [AzMan_BizRule].[BizRule] column , @ConsiderNull_BizRule bit = 0 , @BizRuleLanguage [nvarchar](64) = Null -- for [AzMan_BizRule].[BizRuleLanguage] column , @ConsiderNull_BizRuleLanguage bit = 0 ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On Declare @ExistingBizruleID [int] Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] Set @ExistingBizruleID = Null Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ParentID, @ParentType, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 if @ParentType = 3 -- task Begin Select @ExistingBizruleID = [BizruleID] From [dbo].[AzMan_BizRule_To_Task] Where [TaskID] = @ParentID End else if @ParentType = 5 -- group Begin Select @ExistingBizruleID = [BizruleID] From [dbo].[AzMan_BizRule_To_Group] Where [GroupID] = @ParentID End SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @ExistingBizruleID Is Null or @ExistingBizruleID = 0 Begin Begin Insert Into [dbo].[AzMan_BizRule] ( [ParentId] , [ParentType] , [BizRuleImportedPath] , [BizRule] , [BizRuleLanguage] ) Values ( @ParentId ,@ParentType ,@BizRuleImportedPath ,@BizRule ,@BizRuleLanguage ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount = 1 Begin Set @ExistingBizruleID = Cast(SCOPE_IDENTITY() As [int]) -- Update the AzApplication Groups or Task with the new ID if @ExistingBizruleID <> 0 if @ParentType = 3 -- task Begin insert [dbo].[AzMan_BizRule_To_Task] ( [TaskID] , [BizRuleID] ) Values ( @ParentID , @ExistingBizruleID ) End else if @ParentType = 5 -- group Begin insert [dbo].[AzMan_BizRule_To_Group] ( [GroupID] , [BizRuleID] ) Values ( @ParentID , @ExistingBizruleID ) End End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End End Else Begin If @ConsiderNull_BizRuleImportedPath Is Null set @ConsiderNull_BizRuleImportedPath = 0 If @ConsiderNull_BizRule Is Null set @ConsiderNull_BizRule = 0 If @ConsiderNull_BizRuleLanguage Is Null set @ConsiderNull_BizRuleLanguage = 0 Update [dbo].[AzMan_BizRule] Set [ParentId] = @ParentId , [ParentType] = @ParentType , [BizRuleImportedPath] = Case @ConsiderNull_BizRuleImportedPath When 0 Then IsNull(@BizRuleImportedPath, [BizRuleImportedPath]) When 1 Then @BizRuleImportedPath End , [BizRule] = Case @ConsiderNull_BizRule When 0 Then IsNull(@BizRule, [BizRule]) When 1 Then @BizRule End , [BizRuleLanguage] = Case @ConsiderNull_BizRuleLanguage When 0 Then IsNull(@BizRuleLanguage, [BizRuleLanguage]) When 1 Then @BizRuleLanguage End Where [ID] = @ExistingBizruleID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @RowCount = 0 Begin if @Error = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 -- Error updating the Record End Else Begin Set @Return = @Error End End End -- generate an audit IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN -- get info for auditing IF @ParentType = 3 -- task BEGIN SELECT @parentName=task.Name, @parentGuid = task.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] task WHERE task.ID = @ParentId END ELSE IF @ParentType = 5 -- app group BEGIN SELECT @parentName=appGroup.Name, @parentGuid = appGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] appGroup WHERE appGroup.ID = @ParentId END EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit] @Return, @parentType, @parentName, @parentGuid, N'The bizrule of the object may have been modified' END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure dbo.[AzMan_SPIU_AzApplicationGroup_Bizrule] ( @Return [int] output , @GroupId [int] , @ConsiderNull_BizRuleImportedPath bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_BizRule bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_BizRuleLanguage bit = 0 , @BizRuleLanguage [nvarchar](64) = Null -- for [AzMan_BizRule].[BizRuleLanguage] column , @BizRuleImportedPath [nvarchar](512) = Null -- for [AzMan_BizRule].[BizRuleImportedPath] column , @BizRule [ntext] = Null -- for [AzMan_BizRule].[BizRule] column ) As Set @Return = 0 exec AzMan_SPIU_Bizrule @Return output, @GroupId, 5 , @BizRuleImportedPath , @ConsiderNull_BizRuleImportedPath , @BizRule , @ConsiderNull_BizRule , @BizRuleLanguage , @ConsiderNull_BizRuleLanguage Return @Return Go Create Procedure dbo.[AzMan_SPIU_AzTask_Bizrule] ( @Return [int] output , @TaskId [int] , @ConsiderNull_BizRuleImportedPath bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_BizRule bit = 0 , @ConsiderNull_BizRuleLanguage bit = 0 , @BizRuleLanguage [nvarchar](64) = Null -- for [AzMan_BizRule].[BizRuleLanguage] column , @BizRuleImportedPath [nvarchar](512) = Null -- for [AzMan_BizRule].[BizRuleImportedPath] column , @BizRule [ntext] = Null -- for [AzMan_BizRule].[BizRule] column ) As Set @Return = 0 exec AzMan_SPIU_Bizrule @Return output, @TaskId, 3 , @BizRuleImportedPath , @ConsiderNull_BizRuleImportedPath , @BizRule , @ConsiderNull_BizRule , @BizRuleLanguage , @ConsiderNull_BizRuleLanguage Return @Return Go Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Single_SidMember] ( @Return [int] output, @GroupId [int] -- ID Of Application Group , @IsMember [bit] = 0 , @SidMember varbinary(85) , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On INSERT INTO [AzMan_Group_SIDMember] (MemberSID, Member, GroupID) VALUES (@SidMember, @IsMember, @GroupID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1 --Generic Error End End -- get the info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName = appGroup.Name, @parentGuid = appGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] appGroup WHERE appGroup.ID = @GroupId -- generate an audit IF @IsMember = 1 EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit] @Return, 4, -- 4 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_MEMBER_ASSIGN 5, -- 5 for group @parentName, @parentGuid, N'', @SidMember, 1, -- 1 for member N'' -- no other info ELSE EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit] @Return, 4, -- 4 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_MEMBER_ASSIGN 5, -- 5 for group @parentName, @parentGuid, N'', @SidMember, 0, -- 0 for non-member N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzApplicationGroup_Single_SidMember] ( @Return [int] output, @GroupId [int] -- ID Of Application Group , @IsMember [bit] = 1 , @SidMember varbinary(85) , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On Delete From [AzMan_Group_SIDMember] where MemberSID = @SidMember and Member = @IsMember and GroupID = @GroupID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --REcord not found End End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName = appGroup.Name, @parentGuid = appGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] appGroup WHERE appGroup.ID = @GroupId -- generate an audit IF @IsMember = 1 EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit] @Return, 5, -- 5 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_MEMBER_REMOVE 5, -- 5 for group @parentName, @parentGuid, N'', @SidMember, 1, -- 1 for member N'' -- no other info ELSE EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit] @Return, 5, -- 5 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_MEMBER_REMOVE 5, -- 5 for group @parentName, @parentGuid, N'', @SidMember, 0, -- 0 for non-member N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_SidMembers_Internal] ( @Return [int] output , @GroupId [int] -- ID Of Application Group , @IsMember [bit] = 1 , @SidMembers varbinary (4000) ) As DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set NoCount On -- SidMembers are aggregated binary data in the following format: -- The first 4 bytes is a delete/add flag (0/1); the following 4 bytes is the size of the SID, -- followed by the actual SID. The over-usage of these pieces of data is for ease of parsing -- Using string to represent such encoding, the following example which encodes 3 SIDs -- of length 24, 36, and 48 in turn, and the second one is a delete -- 00010024NNNNNNNNN00000036NNNNNNNNNN00010048NNNNNNNNNNNNNN -- Insert each one of them Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@GroupID, 5, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End DECLARE @DataLength int DECLARE @SidLength int DECLARE @SidMember varbinary(85) DECLARE @Pos int DECLARE @isAdd int SET @DataLength = DATALENGTH(@SidMembers) Set @Return = 0 Set @Pos = 1 WHILE @DataLength - @Pos > 8 BEGIN SET @isAdd = CAST(SUBSTRING(@SidMembers, @Pos, 1) AS int) SET @Pos = @Pos + 1 SET @SidLength = CAST(SUBSTRING(@SidMembers, @Pos, 1) AS int) SET @Pos = @Pos + 1 -- make sure that we the SidLength is not lying to us! IF @SidLength >= 12 AND @SidLength < 85 AND @DataLength - @Pos >= @SidLength - 1 BEGIN SET @SidMember = CAST(SUBSTRING(@SidMembers, @Pos, @SidLength) AS varbinary) SET @Pos = @Pos + @SidLength -- if NNNN=0, then it means to delete IF @isAdd <> 0 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Single_SidMember @Return output, @GroupID, @IsMember, @SidMember, @SaclIsOn IF @Return <> 0 Break End ELSE BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPD_AzApplicationGroup_Single_SidMember @Return output, @GroupID, @IsMember ,@SidMember, @SaclIsOn IF @Return <> 0 Break End END ELSE SET @Pos = @DataLength END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_SidMembers] ( @Return [int] output , @GroupId [int] -- ID Of Application Group , @SidMembers varbinary (4000) ) As Exec AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_SidMembers_Internal @Return output, @GroupID, 1 , @SidMembers Return(@Return) go Create Procedure AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_SidNonMembers ( @Return [int] output , @GroupId [int] -- ID Of Application Group , @SidMembers varbinary (4000) ) As Exec AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_SidMembers_Internal @Return output, @GroupID, 0 , @SidMembers Return(@Return) go Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Single_AppMember] ( @Return [int] output, @GroupId [int] -- ID Of Application Group , @ChildID [int] , @IsMember [bit] = 1 , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @groupName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @groupGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @refGroupName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @refGroupGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On INSERT INTO [AzMan_Group_AppMember] (ChildID, Member, GroupID) VALUES (@ChildID, @IsMember, @GroupID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1 --Generic Error End End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @groupName = appGroup.Name, @groupGuid = appGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] appGroup WHERE appGroup.ID = @GroupId SELECT @refGroupName = refGroup.Name, @refGroupGuid = refGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] refGroup WHERE refGroup.ID = @ChildID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 2, -- 2 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_ASSIGN 5, -- 5 for application group @groupName, @groupGuid, 5, -- 5 for application group @refGroupName, @refGroupGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return @Return GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzApplicationGroup_Single_AppMember] ( @Return [int] output, @GroupId [int] -- ID Of Application Group , @ChildID [int] , @IsMember [bit] = 1 , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @groupName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @groupGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @refGroupName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @refGroupGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On Delete From [AzMan_Group_AppMember] where ChildID = @ChildID and Member = @IsMember and GroupID = @GroupID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @groupName = appGroup.Name, @groupGuid = appGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] appGroup WHERE appGroup.ID = @GroupId SELECT @refGroupName = refGroup.Name, @refGroupGuid = refGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] refGroup WHERE refGroup.ID = @ChildID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 3, -- 3 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_REMOVE 5, -- 5 for application group @groupName, @groupGuid, 5, -- 5 for application group @refGroupName, @refGroupGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_AppMembers_Internal] ( @Return [int] output, @GroupId [int] -- ID Of Application Group , @SepChar [char] (1) = "|" , @IsMember [bit] = 1 , @AppMemberIDs [nvarchar] (4000) ) As DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set NoCount On -- First parse the SidMembers string -- Insert each one of them Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@GroupID, 5, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End DECLARE @AppMember varchar(100), @Pos int DECLARE @iAppMemberID int DECLARE @equal char DECLARE @addOrDelete nvarchar(10) DECLARE @isAdd int SET @equal = '=' Set @Return = 0 SET @AppMemberIDs = LTRIM(RTRIM(@AppMemberIDs))+ @SepChar SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @AppMemberIDs, 1) IF REPLACE(@AppMemberIDs, @SepChar, '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @Pos > 0 BEGIN SET @AppMember = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@AppMemberIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @iAppMemberID = CAST(@AppMember as int) -- remove the left part (the id) SET @AppMemberIDs = RIGHT(@AppMemberIDs, LEN(@AppMemberIDs) - @Pos) -- now move to the pipe separator SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@SepChar, @AppMemberIDs, 1) SET @addOrDelete = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@AppMemberIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @isAdd = CAST(@addOrDelete as int) IF @iAppMemberID > 0 BEGIN -- if NNNN=0, then it means to delete IF @isAdd <> 0 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Single_AppMember @Return output, @GroupID, @iAppMemberID , @IsMember, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End End else BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPD_AzApplicationGroup_Single_AppMember @Return output, @GroupID, @iAppMemberID , @IsMember, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End End END SET @AppMemberIDs = RIGHT(@AppMemberIDs, LEN(@AppMemberIDs) - @Pos) SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @AppMemberIDs, 1) END END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_AppMembers] ( @Return [int] output , @GroupId [int] -- ID Of Application Group , @SepChar [char] (1) = "|" , @AppMemberIDs [nvarchar] (4000) ) As Exec AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_AppMembers_Internal @Return output, @GroupID, @SepChar, 1 , @AppMemberIDs Return(@Return) go Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_AppNonMembers] ( @Return [int] output , @GroupId [int] -- ID Of Application Group , @SepChar [char] (1) = "|" , @AppMemberIDs [nvarchar] (4000) ) As Exec AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_AppMembers_internal @Return output, @GroupID, @SepChar, 0 , @AppMemberIDs Return(@Return) go Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_SidMember] ( @Return [int] output, @RoleId [int] -- ID Of Role , @SidMember varbinary (85) , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @roleName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @roleGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On INSERT INTO [AzMan_Role_SIDMember] (MemberSID, RoleID) VALUES (@SidMember,@RoleID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount = 0 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1 -- General Error End End -- get the info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @roleName = Role.Name, @roleGuid = Role.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] Role WHERE Role.ID = @RoleID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit] @Return, 4, -- 4 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_MEMBER_ASSIGN 6, -- 6 for role @roleName, @roleGuid, N'', @SidMember, 1, -- 1 for member N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_SidMember] ( @Return [int] output, @RoleId [int] -- ID Of RoleAssignment , @SidMember varbinary(85) , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @roleName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @roleGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @userName nvarchar(512) Set NoCount On Set @Return = 0 Delete From [AzMan_Role_SIDMember] where MemberSID = @SidMember and RoleID = @RoleID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End -- get the info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @roleName = Role.Name, @roleGuid = Role.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] Role WHERE Role.ID = @RoleID -- We can't lookup names from SID, but XP can do that SET @userName = '' -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit] @Return, 5, -- 5 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_MEMBER_REMOVE 6, -- 6 for role @roleName, @roleGuid, N'', @SidMember, 1, -- 1 for member N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Multi_SidMembers] ( @Return [int] output , @RoleId [int] -- ID Of Role Assignment , @SidMembers varbinary (4000) ) As DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set NoCount On -- First parse the SidMembers string -- Insert each one of them Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@RoleID, 6, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End DECLARE @DataLength int DECLARE @SidLength int DECLARE @Sid varbinary(85) DECLARE @Pos int DECLARE @isAdd int SET @DataLength = DATALENGTH(@SidMembers) Set @Return = 0 Set @Pos = 1 WHILE @DataLength - @Pos > 8 BEGIN SET @isAdd = CAST(SUBSTRING(@SidMembers, @Pos, 1) AS int) SET @Pos = @Pos + 1 SET @SidLength = CAST(SUBSTRING(@SidMembers, @Pos, 1) AS int) SET @Pos = @Pos + 1 -- make sure that we the SidLength is not lying to us! IF @SidLength >= 12 AND @SidLength < 85 AND @DataLength - @Pos >= @SidLength - 1 BEGIN SET @Sid = CAST(SUBSTRING(@SidMembers, @Pos, @SidLength) as varbinary) SET @Pos = @Pos + @SidLength -- if NNNN=0, then it means to delete IF @isAdd <> 0 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_SidMember @Return output, @RoleID, @Sid, @SaclIsOn IF @Return <> 0 Break End ELSE BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_SidMember @Return output, @RoleID, @Sid, @SaclIsOn IF @Return <> 0 Break End END ELSE BEGIN SET @Pos = @DataLength END END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_AppMember] ( @Return [int] output, @RoleId [int] -- ID Of Role Assignment , @ChildID [int] , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @roleName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @roleGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @refGroupName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @refGroupGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On INSERT INTO [AzMan_Role_AppMember] (ChildID, RoleID) VALUES (@ChildID, @RoleID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1 End End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @roleName = role.Name, @roleGuid = role.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] role WHERE role.ID = @RoleId SELECT @refGroupName = refGroup.Name, @refGroupGuid = refGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] refGroup WHERE refGroup.ID = @ChildID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 2, -- 2 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_ASSIGN 6, -- 6 for role @roleName, @roleGuid, 5, -- 5 for application group @refGroupName, @refGroupGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_AppMember] ( @Return [int] output, @RoleId [int] -- ID Of Role Assignment , @ChildID [int] , @SaclIsOn [bit] ) As DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @roleName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @roleGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @refGroupName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @refGroupGuid uniqueidentifier Set @Return = 0 Set NoCount On Delete From [AzMan_Role_AppMember] where ChildID = @ChildID and RoleID = @RoleID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @roleName = role.Name, @roleGuid = role.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] role WHERE role.ID = @RoleId SELECT @refGroupName = refGroup.Name, @refGroupGuid = refGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] refGroup WHERE refGroup.ID = @ChildID -- generate an audit EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 3, -- 3 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_REFERENCE_REMOVE 6, -- 6 for role @roleName, @roleGuid, 5, -- 5 for application group @refGroupName, @refGroupGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Multi_AppMembers] ( @Return [int] output , @RoleId [int] -- ID Of Role Assignment , @SepChar [char] (1) = "|" , @AppMemberIDs [nvarchar] (4000) ) As Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@RoleID, 6, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- Require Admin Access if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 DECLARE @equal char DECLARE @addOrDelete nvarchar(10) DECLARE @isAdd int SET @equal = '=' Set NoCount On -- First parse the SidMembers string -- Insert each one of them DECLARE @AppMember varchar(100), @Pos int DECLARE @iAppMemberID int SET @AppMemberIDs = LTRIM(RTRIM(@AppMemberIDs))+ @SepChar SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @AppMemberIDs, 1) IF REPLACE(@AppMemberIDs, @SepChar, '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @Pos > 0 BEGIN SET @AppMember = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@AppMemberIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @iAppMemberID = CAST(@AppMember as int) -- remove the left part (the id) SET @AppMemberIDs = RIGHT(@AppMemberIDs, LEN(@AppMemberIDs) - @Pos) -- now move to the pipe separator SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@SepChar, @AppMemberIDs, 1) SET @addOrDelete = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@AppMemberIDs, @Pos - 1))) Set @isAdd = CAST(@addOrDelete as int) IF @iAppMemberID > 0 BEGIN IF @isAdd <> 0 BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_AppMember @Return output, @RoleID, @iAppMemberID, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End End ELSE BEGIN Exec AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_AppMember @Return output, @RoleID, @iAppMemberID, @SaclIsOn if @Return <> 0 Begin Break End End END SET @AppMemberIDs = RIGHT(@AppMemberIDs, LEN(@AppMemberIDs) - @Pos) SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@equal, @AppMemberIDs, 1) END END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [spDrop_AzMan_Table] as drop table [AzMan_Role_To_Operation_Link] drop table [AzMan_Role_To_Task_Link] drop table [AzMan_Task_To_Task_Link] drop table [AzMan_Task_To_Operation_Link] drop table [AzMan_AzTask] drop table [AzMan_AzOperation] drop table [AzMan_LDAPQuery] drop table [AzMan_BizRule] drop table [AzMan_Group_SIDMember] drop table [AzMan_Group_AppMember] drop table [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] drop table [AzMan_Role_SIDMember] drop table [AzMan_Role_AppMember] drop table [AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] drop table [AzMan_AzScope_Name] drop table [AzMan_AzScope] drop table [AzMan_AzApplication] drop table [AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] Return(0) GO ----------------------------Select queries---------------------------------------------- Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Get_AzAuthorizationStoreByName] -- Retrieve specific records from the [AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] table depending on the input parameters you supply. ( @Return [int] output, @Name [nvarchar] (512) ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DEclare @ID INT select @ID=ID from [AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] where name = @Name SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin If @RowCount = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 0, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return >= 1 Begin Select [ID] ,[DomainTimeout] ,[ScriptEngineTimeout] ,[MaxScriptEngines] ,[ApplyStoreSacl] ,[GenerateAudits] ,[MajorVersion] ,[MinorVersion] ,[ObjectGuid] ,[TargetMachine] ,[Description] ,[ApplicationData] --,[ChildUpdateTimeStamp] From [AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] where Name = @Name SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin If @RowCount = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End End End Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplications] ( @Return [int] output, @StoreID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@StoreID, 0, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 goto Done Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 Begin Select [ID], [ObjectGuid] , IsNull([ApplyStoreSacl], 0), IsNull([GenerateAudits], 0), IsNull([AuthzInterfaceClsId], 0), IsNull([ApplicationVersion], N''), [Name], IsNull([Description], N''), [ApplicationData] --[ChildUpdateTimeStamp] From [AzMan_AzApplication] where StoreID = @StoreID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End Else if @Return = 3 -- Delegated user Begin -- Get all the child app where the current user has access Select [ID], [ObjectGuid] , [ApplyStoreSacl], [GenerateAudits], [AuthzInterfaceClsId], [ApplicationVersion], [Name], [Description], [ApplicationData] --[ChildUpdateTimeStamp] From [AzMan_AzApplication] where StoreID = @StoreID and ID in ( select ObjectID from [dbo].[Azman_SQLRole] where [dbo].[Azman_SQLRole].[ObjectType] = 1 and is_member([dbo].[Azman_SQLRole].[SQLRoleName]) = 1 ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Get_AzApplication] ( @Return [int] output, @ID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 1, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [StoreId], [ApplyStoreSacl], [GenerateAudits], [AuthzInterfaceClsId], [ObjectGuid], [ApplicationVersion], [Name], [Description], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzApplication] where ID = @ID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin If @RowCount = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End End End Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzScope] ( @Return [int] output, @AppID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at the App level Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@AppID, 1, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 goto Done Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 Begin Select [ID], [NameLen], IsNull([HasSpecificUsers], 0) AS HasSpecificUsers, [NameHash], [ObjectGuid] , [Description], [Name], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzScope] where AppID = @AppID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End end Else if @Return = 3 -- Delegated user Begin Select [ID], [NameLen], IsNull([HasSpecificUsers], 0) AS HasSpecificUsers, [NameHash], [ObjectGuid] , [Description], [Name], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzScope] where AppID = @AppID and ID in ( select ObjectID from [dbo].[Azman_SQLRole] where [dbo].[Azman_SQLRole].[ObjectType] = 4 and is_member([dbo].[Azman_SQLRole].[SQLRoleName]) = 1 ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroup] ( @Return int output, @ParentID int ,@ParentType tinyint ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at the parent Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ParentID, @ParentType, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 goto Done -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated uset at the parent -- So he can see the groups Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin if @ParentType = 0 Begin Select [ID], [GroupType] , [ObjectGuid] , [Name] , ISNULL ( [Description] , N'' ) From [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] where (StoreID = @ParentID ) and ParentType = @ParentType End else if @ParentType = 1 Begin Select [ID], [GroupType], [ObjectGuid], [Name], ISNULL ( [Description] , N'' ) From [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] where (AppID = @ParentID ) and ParentType = @ParentType End else if @ParentType = 4 Begin Select [ID], [GroupType], [ObjectGuid], [Name], ISNULL ( [Description] , N'' ) From [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] where (ScopeID = @ParentID ) and ParentType = @ParentType End SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzTask] ( @Return int output, @ParentID int ,@ParentType tinyint ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at the parent Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ParentID, @ParentType, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 goto Done -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated uset at the parent -- So he can see the Task Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin if @ParentType = 1 Begin Select [ID], [IsRoleDefinition], [ObjectGuid] , [Name] , [Description], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzTask] where AppID = @ParentID End else if @ParentType = 4 Begin Select [ID], [IsRoleDefinition], [ObjectGuid] , [Name] , [Description], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzTask] where ScopeID = @ParentID End else Begin Set @Return = -1 goto Done End SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzTask_Operations] ( @Return int output, @TaskID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at the Task Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@TaskID, 3, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 goto Done -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the parent -- So he can see the task Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [ObjectGuid] From [AzMan_Task_To_Operation_Link] INNER JOIN AzMan_AzOperation ON [AzMan_Task_To_Operation_Link].[OperationID] = AzMan_AzOperation.ID where TaskID = @TaskID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzTask_Tasks] ( @Return int output, @TaskID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at the Task Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@TaskID, 3, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 goto Done -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the parent -- So he can see the task Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [ObjectGuid] From [AzMan_Task_To_Task_Link] INNER JOIN AzMan_AzTask ON [AzMan_Task_To_Task_Link].[ChildID] = AzMan_AzTask.ID where [AzMan_Task_To_Task_Link].[TaskID] = @TaskID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignment_Tasks] ( @Return int output, @RoleID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at the Role Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@RoleID, 6, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated uset at the parent -- So he can see the Role Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [ObjectGuid] From [AzMan_Role_To_Task_Link] INNER JOIN AzMan_AzTask ON [TaskID] = AzMan_AzTask.ID where [RoleID] = @RoleID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return (@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignment_Operations] ( @Return int output, @RoleID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at the Role Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@RoleID, 6, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the parent -- So he can see the role Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [ObjectGuid] From [AzMan_Role_To_Operation_Link] INNER JOIN AzMan_AzOperation ON [AzMan_Role_To_Operation_Link].OperationID = AzMan_AzOperation.ID where [RoleID] = @RoleID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignment] ( @Return int output, @ParentID int ,@ParentType tinyint ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at the parent Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ParentID, @ParentType, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin if @ParentType = 1 Begin Select [ID], [ObjectGuid] , [Name], [Description], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] where AppID = @ParentID and ParentType = @ParentType End else if @ParentType = 4 Begin Select [ID], [ObjectGuid] , [Name], [Description], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] where ScopeID = @ParentID and ParentType = @ParentType End else Begin Set @Return = -1 goto Done End SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure AzMan_SPS_Get_AzApplicationGroup ( @Return int output, @ID int ) as DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 5, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 BEGIN Begin Select [GroupType], [ObjectGuid] , [Name], IsNull([Description], N'') From [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] where [ID] = @ID End SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Set @Return = @Error else Set @Return = 0 END Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Get_AzApplicationGroup_BizruleInfo] ( @Return int output, @ID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 5, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the parent -- So he can see this object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [BizRuleLanguage], [BizRuleImportedPath] , [BizRule] From [AzMan_BizRule] where ParentID = @ID and ParentType = 5 and ID in ( Select [BizruleID] From [AzMan_BizRule_To_Group] where [GroupID] = @ID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin If @RowCount = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Get_AzTask_BizruleInfo] ( @Return int output, @ID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 3, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the parent -- So he can see this object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Set @Return = 0 Select [BizRuleLanguage], [BizRuleImportedPath] , [BizRule] From [AzMan_BizRule] where ParentID = @ID and ParentType = 3 and ID in ( Select [BizruleID] From [AzMan_BizRule_To_Task] where [TaskID] = @ID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin If @RowCount = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Get_AzApplicationGroup_LDAPQuery] ( @Return int output, @GroupID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@GroupID, 5, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the parent -- So he can see this object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Set @Return = 0 Select [LdapQuery] From [AzMan_LDAPQuery] where GroupID = @GroupID and ID in ( Select [LdapQueryID] From [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] where ID = @GroupID ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin If @RowCount = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroup_SIDMembers] ( @Return int output, @GroupID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@GroupID, 5, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the Group -- So he can see this object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [MemberSID] From [AzMan_Group_SIDMember] where GroupID = @GroupID and [Member] = 1 SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroup_SIDNonMembers] ( @Return int output, @GroupID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@GroupID, 5, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the Group -- So he can see this object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [MemberSID] From [AzMan_Group_SIDMember] where GroupID = @GroupID and [Member] = 0 SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroup_AppMembers] ( @Return int output, @GroupID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@GroupID, 5, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the Group -- So he can see this object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [ObjectGuid] From AzMan_AzApplicationGroup where ID in ( Select ChildID from AzMan_Group_AppMember where GroupID = @GroupID and [Member] = 1 ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroup_AppNonMembers] ( @Return int output, @GroupID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@GroupID, 5, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the Group -- So he can see this object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [ObjectGuid] From AzMan_AzApplicationGroup where ID in ( Select ChildID from AzMan_Group_AppMember where GroupID = @GroupID and [Member] = 0 ) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignment_SIDMembers] ( @Return int output, @RoleID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@RoleID, 6, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the Role -- So he can see this object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [MemberSID] From [AzMan_Role_SIDMember] where RoleID = @RoleID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignment_AppMembers] ( @Return int output, @RoleID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@RoleID, 6, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the Role -- So he can see this object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [ObjectGuid] From AzMan_AzApplicationGroup where ID IN ( select ChildID from [AzMan_Role_AppMember] where RoleID = @RoleID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) go Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Get_AzScope] ( @Return int output, @ScopeID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ScopeID, 4, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the App -- So he can see this object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [AppId], [NameLen], IsNull([HasSpecificUsers], 0) AS HasSpecificUsers, [NameHash], [ObjectGuid] , [Description], [Name], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzScope] where ID = @ScopeID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin If @RowCount = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzOperation] ( @Return int output, @AppID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at the Application Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@AppID, 1, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the App -- So he can see the operations Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [ID], [OperationID], [ObjectGuid] , [Name], [Description], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzOperation] where AppID = @AppID SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = 0 End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Get_AzOperation] ( @Return int output, @ID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 2, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the parent -- So he can see the operation Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [OperationID], [ObjectGuid] , [Name] , [Description], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzOperation] where ID = @Id SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin If @RowCount = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End End End Done: Return (@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Get_AzTask] ( @Return int output, @ID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 3, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the parent -- So he can see the object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [IsRoleDefinition], [ObjectGuid] , [Name], [Description], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzTask] where ID = @Id SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin If @RowCount = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End End End Done: Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPS_Get_AzRoleAssignment] ( @Return int output, @ID int ) as Begin DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- we don't care about SACL (0 for the second last parameter) -- Check access at object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 6, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <= 0 Begin goto Done End -- The user either has admin, reader or delegated user at the parent -- So he can see the object Else if @Return = 1 or @Return = 2 or @Return = 3 Begin Select [ObjectGuid] , [Name] , [Description], [ApplicationData] From [AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] where ID = @Id SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin If @RowCount = 0 Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End End End Done: Return (@Return) GO -- Delete Queries Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzOperation] -- Delete a specific record from table [AzMan_AzOperation] ( @Return int output, @ID [int] ,@AppId [int] = Null ) As Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @childName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @childGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 2, 1, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName = App.Name, @parentGuid = App.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] App WHERE App.ID = @AppId SELECT @childName = Op.Name, @childGuid = Op.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzOperation] Op WHERE Op.ID = @ID END Delete From [dbo].[AzMan_AzOperation] Where ((@ID Is Null) Or ([ID] = @ID)) And ((@AppId Is Null) Or ([AppId] = @AppId)) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End -- generate an audit IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 1, -- 1 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_DELETE 1, -- 1 for application @parentName, @parentGuid, 2, -- 2 for Operation @childName, @childGuid, N'' -- no other info END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzScope] -- Delete a specific record from table [AzMan_AzScope] ( @Return int output, @ID [int] ,@AppId [int] = Null ) As DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @childName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @childGuid uniqueidentifier Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 4, 1, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName = App.Name, @parentGuid = App.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] App WHERE App.ID = @AppId SELECT @childName = scope.Name, @childGuid = scope.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] scope WHERE scope.ID = @ID END Delete From [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] Where ((@ID Is Null) Or ([ID] = @ID)) And ((@AppId Is Null) Or ([AppId] = @AppId)) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End -- generate an audit IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 1, -- 1 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_DELETE 1, -- 1 for application @parentName, @parentGuid, 4, -- 4 for scope @childName, @childGuid, N'' -- no other info END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzApplication] -- Delete a specific record from table [AzMan_AzApplication] ( @Return int output, @ID [int] -- for [AzMan_AzApplication].[ID] column ,@StoreId [int] = Null ) As Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @childName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @childGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 1, 1, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName = store.Name, @parentGuid = store.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] store WHERE store.ID = @StoreId SELECT @childName = app.Name, @childGuid = app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID = @ID END Delete From [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] Where ((@ID Is Null) Or ([ID] = @ID)) And ((@StoreId Is Null) Or ([StoreId] = @StoreId)) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End -- generate an audit IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 1, -- 1 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_DELETE 0, -- 0 for store @parentName, @parentGuid, 1, -- 1 for application @childName, @childGuid, N'' -- no other info END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzAuthorizationStore] -- Delete a specific record from table [AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] ( @Return int output, @ID [int] ) As Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 0, 1, @SaclIsOn output -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @parentName = store.Name, @parentGuid = store.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] store WHERE store.ID = @ID END if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Set @Return = -5 End ELSE Begin Set @Return = 0 Delete From [dbo].[AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] Where ((@ID Is Null) Or ([ID] = @ID)) End -- generate an audit IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 1, -- 1 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_DELETE 0, -- 0 for store @parentName, @parentGuid, 0, -- 0 for store @parentName, @parentGuid, N'' -- no other info END Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzApplicationGroup] -- Delete a specific record from table [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] ( @Return int output, @ID [int] ,@ParentId [int] = Null ) As Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @childName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @childGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @ParentType tinyint Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 5, 1, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @ParentType = appGroup.ParentType, @childName = appGroup.Name, @childGuid = appGroup.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] appGroup WHERE appGroup.ID = @ID IF @ParentType = 0 -- store SELECT @parentName = store.Name, @parentGuid = store.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] store WHERE store.ID = @ParentId ELSE IF @ParentType = 1 -- app SELECT @parentName = app.Name, @parentGuid = app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID = @ParentId ELSE IF @ParentType = 4 -- scope SELECT @parentName = scope.Name, @parentGuid = scope.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] scope WHERE scope.ID = @ParentId END Delete From [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] Where ([ID] = @ID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End -- generate an audit IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 1, -- 1 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_DELETE @ParentType, @parentName, @parentGuid, 5, -- 5 for group @childName, @childGuid, N'' -- no other info END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzTask] -- Delete a specific record from table [AzMan_AzTask] ( @Return int output, @ID [int] ,@ParentId [int] = Null ) As Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @childName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @childGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @ParentType tinyint Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 3, 1, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @ParentType = task.ParentType, @childName = task.Name, @childGuid = task.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] task WHERE task.ID = @ID IF @ParentType = 1 -- app SELECT @parentName = app.Name, @parentGuid = app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID = @ParentId ELSE IF @ParentType = 4 -- scope SELECT @parentName = scope.Name, @parentGuid = scope.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] scope WHERE scope.ID = @ParentId END Delete From [dbo].[AzMan_AzTask] Where ([ID] = @ID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End -- generate an audit IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 1, -- 1 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_DELETE @ParentType, @parentName, @parentGuid, 3, -- 3 for task @childName, @childGuid, N'' -- no other info END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO Create Procedure [AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment] -- Delete a specific record from table ( @Return int output, @ID [int] ,@ParentId [int] = Null ) As Set NoCount On DECLARE @RowCount INT, @Error INT DECLARE @parentName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @parentGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @childName nvarchar(512) DECLARE @childGuid uniqueidentifier DECLARE @ParentType tinyint Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 -- Check access at this object Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, 6, 1, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <> 1 Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End Set @Return = 0 -- get info for auditing IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN SELECT @ParentType = role.ParentType, @childName = role.Name, @childGuid = role.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] role WHERE role.ID = @ID IF @ParentType = 1 -- app SELECT @parentName = app.Name, @parentGuid = app.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzApplication] app WHERE app.ID = @ParentId ELSE IF @ParentType = 4 -- scope SELECT @parentName = scope.Name, @parentGuid = scope.ObjectGuid FROM [dbo].[AzMan_AzScope] scope WHERE scope.ID = @ParentId END Delete From [dbo].[AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] Where ([ID] = @ID) SELECT @Error = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT If @RowCount <> 1 Begin if @Error <> 0 Begin Set @Return = @Error End else Begin Set @Return = -1168 --Record not found End End -- generate an audit IF @SaclIsOn = 1 BEGIN EXEC [AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit] @Return, 1, -- 1 for SE_AUDITID_AZ_SQL_OBJECT_DELETE @ParentType, @parentName, @parentGuid, 6, -- 6 for role @childName, @childGuid, N'' -- no other info END Done: Set NoCount Off Return(@Return) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzAuthorizationStoreUpdateTimeStamp' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzAuthorizationStoreUpdateTimeStamp GO -- query the timestamps of a store CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzAuthorizationStoreUpdateTimeStamp ( @ReturnCode int output, @storeID int ) AS SELECT @ReturnCode = 0 SELECT [ID], [ObjectGuid], IsNull([RowUpdateTimeStamp], 0), IsNull([ChildUpdateTimeStamp], 0) FROM [AzMan_AzAuthorizationStore] WHERE [ID] = @storeID Return(@@RowCount) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationUpdateTimeStamp' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationUpdateTimeStamp GO -- query the timestamps of applications CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationUpdateTimeStamp ( @ReturnCode int output, @storeID int ) AS SELECT @ReturnCode = 0 SELECT [ID], [ObjectGuid], IsNull([RowUpdateTimeStamp], 0), IsNull([ChildUpdateTimeStamp], 0) FROM [AzMan_AzApplication] WHERE [StoreID] = @storeID Return(@@RowCount) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzScopeUpdateTimeStamp' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzScopeUpdateTimeStamp GO -- query the timestamps of scopes CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzScopeUpdateTimeStamp ( @ReturnCode int output, @appID int ) AS SELECT @ReturnCode = 0 SELECT [ID], [ObjectGuid], IsNull([RowUpdateTimeStamp], 0), IsNull([ChildUpdateTimeStamp], 0) FROM [AzMan_AzScope] WHERE [AppID] = @appID Return(@@RowCount) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroupUpdateTimeStamp' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroupUpdateTimeStamp GO -- query the timestamps of application groups CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroupUpdateTimeStamp ( @ReturnCode int output, @parentID int, @parentType tinyint ) AS SELECT @ReturnCode = 0 IF (@parentType = 0) SELECT [ID], [ObjectGuid], IsNull([RowUpdateTimeStamp], 0) FROM [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] WHERE [StoreID] = @parentID IF (@parentType = 1) SELECT [ID], [ObjectGuid], IsNull([RowUpdateTimeStamp], 0) FROM [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] WHERE [AppID] = @parentID IF (@parentType = 4) SELECT [ID], [ObjectGuid], IsNull([RowUpdateTimeStamp], 0) FROM [AzMan_AzApplicationGroup] WHERE [ScopeID] = @parentID Return(@@RowCount) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzOperationUpdateTimeStamp' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzOperationUpdateTimeStamp GO -- query the timestamps of operations CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzOperationUpdateTimeStamp ( @ReturnCode int output, @appID int ) AS SELECT @ReturnCode = 0 SELECT [ID], [ObjectGuid], IsNull([RowUpdateTimeStamp], 0) FROM [AzMan_AzOperation] WHERE [AppID] = @appID Return(@@RowCount) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignmentUpdateTimeStamp' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignmentUpdateTimeStamp GO -- query the timestamps of roles CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignmentUpdateTimeStamp ( @ReturnCode int output, @parentID int, @parentType tinyint ) AS SELECT @ReturnCode = 0 IF (@parentType = 1) SELECT [ID], [ObjectGuid], IsNull([RowUpdateTimeStamp], 0) FROM [AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] WHERE [AppID] = @parentID ELSE SELECT [ID], [ObjectGuid], IsNull([RowUpdateTimeStamp], 0) FROM [AzMan_AzRoleAssignment] WHERE [ScopeID] = @parentID Return(@@RowCount) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzTaskUpdateTimeStamp' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzTaskUpdateTimeStamp GO -- query the timestamps of tasks CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzTaskUpdateTimeStamp ( @ReturnCode int output, @parentID int, @parentType tinyint ) AS SELECT @ReturnCode = 0 IF (@parentType = 1) SELECT [ID], [ObjectGuid], IsNull([RowUpdateTimeStamp], 0) FROM [AzMan_AzTask] WHERE [AppID] = @parentID ELSE SELECT [ID], [ObjectGuid], IsNull([RowUpdateTimeStamp], 0) FROM [AzMan_AzTask] WHERE [ScopeID] = @parentID Return(@@RowCount) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPD_SQLRole' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_SQLRole GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_SQLRole ( @Return [int] output, @SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (64) ) AS DECLARE @Ret [int] DECLARE @member [nvarchar] (64) DECLARE roleMember_cursor CURSOR FOR ( select u.name from sysusers u, sysusers g, sysmembers m where g.name = @SQLRoleName and g.uid = m.groupuid and g.issqlrole = 1 and u.uid = m.memberuid ) OPEN roleMember_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM roleMember_cursor INTO @member WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN EXEC @Ret = sp_droprolemember @SQLRoleName, @member FETCH NEXT FROM roleMember_cursor INTO @member END Close roleMember_cursor DEALLOCATE roleMember_cursor Set @Return = -1 Exec @Ret = sp_droprole @SQLRoleName if @Ret <> 0 Begin Set @return = -1 End Else Begin Set @return = 0 End Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPD_All_SQLRole_ForObject' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_All_SQLRole_ForObject GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_All_SQLRole_ForObject ( @Return [int] output, @ID [int], @ObjectType [tinyint] ) AS DECLARE @uid [int] DECLARE @SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (64) Set @Return = 0 SELECT @uid = 0 Select @uid=[uid], @SQLRolename = [SQLRolename] From [dbo].[Azman_SQLRole] where [ObjectID] = @ID and [ObjectType] = @ObjectType and [RoleType] = 1 IF @uid <> 0 Begin Exec AzMan_SPD_SQLRole @Return output, @SQLRoleName End SELECT @uid = 0 Select @uid=[uid], @SQLRolename = [SQLRolename] From [dbo].[Azman_SQLRole] where [ObjectID] = @ID and [ObjectType] = @ObjectType and [RoleType] = 2 IF @uid <> 0 Begin Exec AzMan_SPD_SQLRole @Return output, @SQLRoleName End set @uid = 0 Select @uid=[uid], @SQLRolename = [SQLRolename] From [dbo].[Azman_SQLRole] where [ObjectID] = @ID and [ObjectType] = @ObjectType and [RoleType] = 3 IF @uid <> 0 Begin Exec AzMan_SPD_SQLRole @Return output, @SQLRoleName End if @Return = 0 Begin DELETE AzMan_SQLRole WHERE [ObjectID] = @ID AND [ObjectType] = @ObjectType Set @Return = 0 End Done: Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPD_SQLRole_ForObject' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_SQLRole_ForObject GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPD_SQLRole_ForObject ( @Return [int] output, @ID [int], @ObjectType [tinyint], @DeleteFlag [int] -- bitwise pattern. 0x0001 for deleting only self, 0x0002 for deleting only children ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @SQLRoleName [nvarchar] (64) Declare @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Declare @DbName [nvarchar] (255) Set @SaclIsOn = 0 Set @Return = -1 -- such role deletion audit will be generated by the object deletion. -- so we don't care about SACL (second last parameter) here Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, @ObjectType, 0, @SaclIsOn output if @Return <> 1 Begin -- if the object is deleted we will ignore as we still want to delete all the roles for the object if @Return = -1168 Begin Set @Return = 0 End Else Begin if (@Return >= 2) Begin Set @Return = -5 End goto Done End End -- our deletion flag will switch to delete all because we only need -- to make sure that the acting container object's roles are not deleted -- so that the user still has access -- if we are instructed to delete sub-container's roles if (@DeleteFlag & 2) <> 0 begin -- for applications or stores, we also need to delete the sub-container's roles DECLARE @locReturn int -- we have to press on for this action. No rollback IF @ObjectType = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @AppID int DECLARE app_cursor CURSOR FOR ( select App.ID FROM AzMan_AzApplication App WHERE App.StoreID = @ID ) OPEN app_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM app_cursor INTO @AppID WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- now call recursively to delete the app's roles EXEC AzMan_SPD_SQLRole_ForObject @locReturn output, @AppID, 1, 3 FETCH NEXT FROM app_cursor INTO @AppID END Close app_cursor DEALLOCATE app_cursor END ELSE IF @ObjectType = 1 BEGIN DECLARE @ScopeID int DECLARE scope_cursor CURSOR FOR ( select Scope.ID FROM AzMan_AzScope Scope WHERE Scope.AppID = @ID ) OPEN scope_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM scope_cursor INTO @ScopeID WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- now call recursively to delete the app's roles EXEC AzMan_SPD_SQLRole_ForObject @locReturn output, @ScopeID, 4, 3 FETCH NEXT FROM scope_cursor INTO @ScopeID END Close scope_cursor DEALLOCATE scope_cursor END end -- if we are instructed to delete the self roles if (@DeleteFlag & 1) <> 0 begin If Is_Member('db_owner') = 1 or Is_Member('db_securityadmin') = 1 Begin exec AzMan_SPD_All_SQLRole_ForObject @Return output , @ID, @ObjectType End else begin Set @dbName = db_name() Exec master.dbo.xp_AzManDeleteRole @Return output, @ID, @ObjectType, @dbName End end Done: SET NOCOUNT OFF Return @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SPS_Get_ObjectSecurityOption' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Get_ObjectSecurityOption GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SPS_Get_ObjectSecurityOption ( @Return [int] output, @AccessAtObjType [tinyint] output, @ID [int], @ObjectType [tinyint], @UserType [int] output ) AS DECLARE @SaclIsOn [bit] Set @SaclIsOn = 0 SET @Return = -5 SET @UserType = 0 -- illegal users IF @ObjectType = 0 OR @ObjectType = 1 OR @ObjectType = 4 BEGIN -- no need to know that SACL (Second last parameter) Exec AzMan_SP_AccessCheck @Return output, @AccessAtObjType output,@ID, @ObjectType, 0, @SaclIsOn output IF @Return >= 1 AND @Return <= 3 BEGIN SET @UserType = @Return SET @Return = 0 END END RETURN @Return GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'AzMan_SP_Grant_Permission' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE AzMan_SP_Grant_Permission GO CREATE PROCEDURE AzMan_SP_Grant_Permission AS grant execute on AzMan_SP_GetSQLRole to public grant execute on AzMan_SPI_SQLRole to public --AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_SQLRole grant execute on AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_Role to public --AzMan_SPD_User_From_SQLRole grant execute on AzMan_SPD_User_From_Role to public --AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path_For_Container --AzMan_SP_Get_Object_Path --AzMan_SP_AccessCheck_For_Container --AzMan_SP_AccessCheck grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_StoreIDByName to public --AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Task --AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_RoleAssignment --AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Application --AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Scope --AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Operation --AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Group_For_Given_Parent --AzMan_SP_Check_Dup_Group grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzAuthorizationStore to public grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzApplication to public grant execute on AzMan_SPU_AzApplication to public grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzScope to public grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzOperation to public grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup to public grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzTask to public --AzMan_SPI_AzTask_Single_Operation --AzMan_SPD_AzTask_Single_Operation grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzTask_Multi_Operations to public --AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Operation --AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Operation grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Multi_Operations to public --AzMan_SPI_AzTask_Single_Task --AzMan_SPD_AzTask_Single_Task grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzTask_Multi_Tasks to public --AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Task --AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_Task grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Multi_Tasks to public grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment to public grant execute on AzMan_SPU_AzAuthorizationStore to public grant execute on AzMan_SPU_AzScope to public grant execute on AzMan_SPU_AzOperation to public grant execute on AzMan_SPU_AzApplicationGroup to public grant execute on AzMan_SPU_AzTask to public grant execute on AzMan_SPU_AzRoleAssignment to public grant execute on AzMan_SPIU_AzApplicationGroup_LDAPQuery to public grant execute on AzMan_SPIU_Bizrule to public grant execute on AzMan_SPIU_AzApplicationGroup_Bizrule to public grant execute on AzMan_SPIU_AzTask_Bizrule to public --AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Single_SidMember --AzMan_SPD_AzApplicationGroup_Single_SidMember grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_SidMembers to public grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_SidNonMembers to public --AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Single_AppMember --AzMan_SPD_AzApplicationGroup_Single_AppMember grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_AppMembers to public grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzApplicationGroup_Multi_AppNonMembers to public --AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_SidMember --AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_SidMember grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Multi_SidMembers to public -- AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Single_AppMember -- AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment_Single_AppMember grant execute on AzMan_SPI_AzRoleAssignment_Multi_AppMembers to public -- spDrop_AzMan_Table grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_AzAuthorizationStoreByName to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplications to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_AzApplication to public --AzMan_SPS_Get_AzApplication_AppData --AzMan_SPS_Get_AzScope_AppData --AzMan_SPS_Get_AzAuthorizationStore_AppData grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzScope to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroup to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzTask to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzTask_Operations to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzTask_Tasks to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignment_Tasks to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignment_Operations to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignment to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_AzApplicationGroup to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_AzApplicationGroup_BizruleInfo to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_AzTask_BizruleInfo to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_AzApplicationGroup_LDAPQuery to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroup_SIDMembers to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroup_SIDNonMembers to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroup_AppMembers to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroup_AppNonMembers to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignment_SIDMembers to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignment_AppMembers to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_AzScope to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzOperation to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_AzOperation to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_AzTask to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_AzRoleAssignment to public grant execute on AzMan_SPD_AzOperation to public grant execute on AzMan_SPD_AzScope to public grant execute on AzMan_SPD_AzApplication to public grant execute on AzMan_SPD_AzAuthorizationStore to public grant execute on AzMan_SPD_AzApplicationGroup to public grant execute on AzMan_SPD_AzTask to public grant execute on AzMan_SPD_AzRoleAssignment to public grant execute on AzMan_SPD_SQLRole_ForObject to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzAuthorizationStoreUpdateTimeStamp to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationUpdateTimeStamp to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzScopeUpdateTimeStamp to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzApplicationGroupUpdateTimeStamp to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzOperationUpdateTimeStamp to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzRoleAssignmentUpdateTimeStamp to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Enum_AzTaskUpdateTimeStamp to public grant execute on AzMan_SP_GenerateObjectAudit to public grant execute on AzMan_SP_GenerateMemberAudit to public grant execute on AzMan_SP_GenerateGenericAudit to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_ObjectSecurityOption to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_DBOwners to public grant execute on AzMan_SPS_Get_Role_For_Object to public grant execute on AzMan_SP_GetRoleMemberCount to public grant execute on AzMan_SPI_SQLRole_From_XP to dbo grant execute on AzMan_SPD_All_SQLRole_ForObject to dbo grant execute on AzMan_SPD_User_From_SQLRole_From_XP to dbo grant execute on AzMan_SPI_Add_User_To_SQLRole_From_XP to dbo grant execute on AzMan_SPU_SqlRoleUpdated to public grant execute on AzMan_SPI_Create_SqlRole_For_Object to public GO