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- 21004 UndoDet
- 21005 Repeat
- 21006 ConvAll
- 21007 CnvPhra
- 21008 CnvName
- 21009 DetAll
- 21010 DetPhra
- 21011 Det1stPhra
- 21012 Det1stChar
- 21013 ClearAll
- 21014 RevAll
- 21015 RevPhra
- 21016 A phrase consists of a character
- 21017 CharLeft
- 21018 CharRight
- 21019 StartOfChars
- 21020 EndOfChars
- 21021 DelBackChar
- 21022 DelChar
- 21023 PhraLeft
- 21024 PhraRignt
- 21025 StartOfPhra
- 21026 EndOfPhra
- 21027 NextCand
- 21028 PrevCand
- 21029 NextCands
- 21030 PrevCands
- 21031 RevPhra
- 21032 ShrinkPhra
- 21033 ExtendPhra
- 21034 Code/Radical
- 21035 ToggleInput
- 21036 Hiragana
- 21037 Katakana
- 21038 Full-width Alphanumeric
- 21039 Half-width
- 21040 T-Kana
- 21041 Ascii
- 21042 AssignConversions
- 21043 OptConversion1
- 21044 OptConversion2
- 21045 OptConversion3
- 21046 HalfKana
- 21047 Half-width Alphanumeric
- 21048 DetThenNext
- 21049 DetAll+
- 21050 DetThenNext+
- 21051 ChrWidth
- 21052 CharType
- 21053 OptMode1
- 21054 OptMode2
- 21055 OptMode3
- 21056 StartOfCand
- 21057 EndOfCand
- 21058 RevAfterPhra
- 21059 PhraLeft+
- 21060 PhraRight+
- 21061 Goto1stPhra
- 21062 GotoLastPhra
- 21129 SpaceWidth
- 21130 FullSpace
- 21131 HalfSpace
- 21132 UndoDet
- 21133 Repeat
- 21134 On/Off
- 21135 Reconv
- 21136 OtherSpace
- 21137 Candidate Menu
- 21138 Direct
- 21139 Code
- 21140 Code
- 21141 System
- 21142 Echo
- 21144 CnvMode
- 21145 AutoTuneLevel
- 21146 PuncMark
- 21147 Parentheses
- 21148 I-Method
- 21149 ChrWidth
- 21150 CharKind
- 21151 T-Kana
- 21152 ToggleAscii
- 21153 Hiragana
- 21154 Katakana
- 21155 Full-width Alphanumeric
- 21156 Half-width
- 21157 FixedHiragana
- 21158 FixedKatakana
- 21159 FixedAscii
- 21160 Fixed H-Width
- 21161 Fixed FullWidth
- 21162 Fixed Half size Ascii
- 21163 Release fixed
- 21165 Katakana
- 21166 Half size Ascii
- 21167 Fixed Half Katakana
- 21168 Fixed Half Ascii
- 21169 Fixed
- 21176 DicTool
- 21177 Custom Dictionary
- 21178 OptMode1
- 21179 OptMode2
- 21180 OptMode3
- 21181 CRT Ext.Char
- 21182 PRN Ext.Char
- 21183 Char. Table
- 21184 Sym. Input
- 21192 Func1
- 21193 Func2
- 21195 Hiragana Conversion
- 21196 Full-width Katakana Conversion
- 21197 Conversion in Half-width
- 21198 Full-width Ascii Conversion
- 21199 Half-width Ascii Conversion
- 21200 Alph-Key
- 21201 Katakana
- 21202 Hiragana
- 21204 Code
- 21205 IME ON/OFF
- 21206 IME ON
- 21207 IME OFF
- 21208 I-Mode
- 21209 Prediction
- 21210 Prediction Candidate
- 21211 System line
- 21212 Echo
- 21213 Direct
- 21214 Prop
- 21215 Fixed Input
- 21216 Change Dictionary
- 21217 No Conversion
- 21240 Prop
- 21241 RegWords
- 21242 RegWords
- 21243 DicLearn
- 21244 IME Pad
- 21245 IME Menu
- 21246 CharList
- 22004 Reverts last determined character(s) to undermined state
- 22005 Inserts last determined character(s)
- 22006 Converts all the input characters
- 22007 Converts the current phrase
- 22008 Converts the current phrase in bias for names
- 22009 Determines all the input characters
- 22010 Determines phrases between the first and the current
- 22011 Determines the first phrase
- 22012 Determines the first character
- 22013 Clears all the input characters
- 22014 Reverts all the input characters to readings
- 22015 Reverts the current phrase to readings
- 22016 A phrase consists of a character
- 22017 Moves the insertion point one character to the left
- 22018 Moves the insertion point one character to the right
- 22019 Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the input characters
- 22020 Moves the insertion point to the end of the input characters
- 22021 Deletes the character immediately preceding the insertion point
- 22022 Deletes the next character
- 22023 Moves the focus one phrase to the left
- 22024 Moves the focus one phrase to the right
- 22025 Moves to the first phrase
- 22026 Moves to the last phrase
- 22027 Moves to the next candidate
- 22028 Moves to the previous candidate
- 22029 Moves to the next candidate in the candidate list
- 22030 Moves to the previous candidate in the candidate list
- 22031 Reverts the current phrase to readings
- 22032 Shrinks the current phrase by one character
- 22033 Extends the current phrase by one character
- 22034 Activates IME pad and displays radical lookup applet
- 22035 Toggles among half-width katakana, full-width katakana and hiragana
- 22036 Converts to hiragana
- 22037 Converts to katakana
- 22038 Converts to full-width ascii
- 22039 Converts to half-width
- 22040 Toggles among hiragana, full-width katakana and half-width katakana
- 22041 Converts to ascii
- 22042 Reserved
- 22043 Reserved
- 22044 Reserved
- 22045 Reserved
- 22046 Converts to half size katakana
- 22047 Converts to half size ascii
- 22048 Determines the current phrase and moves to the next candidate list
- 22049 Determines all the undetermined characters and sends them to the host application
- 22050 Determines all the undetermined characters and moves to the next candidates in the candidate list
- 22051 Converts to half-width
- 22052 Toggles among hiragana, katakana and ascii
- 22053 Unknown
- 22054 Unknown
- 22055 Unknown
- 22056 Moves to the beginning of the candidate list
- 22057 Moves to the end of the candidate list
- 22058 Reverts the converted text to reading from current phrase
- 22059 Moves the focus one phrase to the left and displays the candidate list
- 22060 Moves the focus one phrase to the right and displays the candidate list
- 22061 Moves the focus to the first phrase and displays the candidate list
- 22062 Moves the focus to the last phrase and displays the candidate list
- 22129 Inserts a space in full-width or half-width depending on the current input mode
- 22130 Inserts a space in full-width
- 22131 Inserts a space in half-width
- 22132 Reverts last determined character(s) to undermined state
- 22133 Inserts last determined character(s)
- 22134 Turns IME ON or OFF
- 22135 Reverts selected character(s) to undetermined state
- 22136 0JS/hQzz}v0h0Én0E^n0╣0┌0ⁿ0╣0Æ0eQ¢RW0~0Y00
- 22137 Displays the menu for candidate list
- 22138 Direct
- 22139 Opens a table for code input
- 22140 Code
- 22141 System line
- 22142 Echo
- 22144 Changes the current conversion mode
- 22145 Changes the current Auto-tuning level
- 22146 Changes the current set of punctuation marks
- 22147 Changes the current set of parentheses and slash
- 22148 Toggles the input method between romaji input and kana input
- 22149 Toggles between half-width and full-width
- 22150 Toggles among hiragana, full-width katakana and ascii
- 22151 Toggles among hiragana, full-width katakana and half-width katakana
- 22152 Toggles between full-width ascii and half-width ascii
- 22153 Converts to hiragana
- 22154 Converts to full-width katakana
- 22155 Converts to full-width ascii
- 22156 Converts to half-width katakana or half-width ascii
- 22157 Inserts hiragana version of readings
- 22158 Inserts full-width katakana version of readings
- 22159 Inserts in ascii
- 22160 Inserts in half-width
- 22161 Change the input mode to full size ascii
- 22162 Change the input mode to half size ascii
- 22163 Turns fixed input mode off
- 22165 Converts to katakana
- 22166 Converts to half-width
- 22167 Changes to half-width katakana fixed input mode
- 22168 Changes to half-width ascii fixed input mode
- 22169 Fixed Input
- 22176 Activates Dictionary Tool
- 22177 Displays the property dialog box and activates Dictionary/Auto-tuning tab
- 22178 OptMode1
- 22179 OptMode2
- 22180 OptMode3
- 22181 CRTYW[
- 22182 PRNYW[
- 22183 çeW[hê
- 22184 è≈SeQ¢R
- 22192 _j²Ç 1
- 22193 _j²Ç 2
- 22195 Reconversion : Hiragana
- 22196 Reconversion : Full-width Katakana
- 22197 Reconversion : in Half-width
- 22198 Reconversion : Full-width Ascii
- 22199 Reconversion : Half-width Ascii
- 22200 Changes to Alpha input mode
- 22201 Changes to Katakana input mode
- 22202 Changes to Hiragana input mode
- 22203 Changes to Romaji input mode
- 22204 Activates IME Pad and displays Symbol Lookup Applet
- 22205 Turns IME ON or OFF
- 22206 Turns IME ON
- 22207 Turns IME OFF
- 22208 Changes Kanji-input -> Direct-input -> Code-input
- 22209 Execute Prediction
- 22210 Open Prediction Candidate
- 22211 System line
- 22212 Echo
- 22213 Changes to direct input mode
- 22214 Displays property sheet
- 22215 Fixed Input
- 22216 Change Dictionary
- 22217 No Conversion
- 22240 Displays property sheet
- 22241 Displays a dialog box for registering words to a custom dictionary
- 22242 Displays a dialog box for registering words to a custom dictionary
- 22243 Displays the property dialog box and activates Dictionary/Auto-tuning tab
- 22244 Activates IME pad
- 22245 Opens popup menus
- 22246 Displays character list