<When expression="{cpu} >= 20 and {cpu} <= 70" description="CPU usage range for a normal state. The default boundary values are less than 20% and greater than 80% CPU usage.">
<When expression="{utilization} >= 15 and {utilization} < 60" description="Network usage range for the normal state. The default boundary values are greater than 15% and less than 60% memory usage.">
<When expression="{utilization} >= 80" description="Network usage for the high state. The default value is greater than or equal to 60% network usage.">
<When expression="Data[@name='ioRate'] < 100" description="Maximum I/O rate for the idle state. The default value is less than or equal to 100 I/O operations per second.">
<When expression="{diskio} >= 100 and {diskio} <= 500" description="I/O rate range for a normal state. The default boundary values are greater than 100. Minimum I/O rate for a busy state. The default value is greater than or equal to 500 I/O operations per second.">
<When expression="{diskio} >= 500" description="I/O rate is high. The default boundary values are greater than I/O rate for a busy state. The default value is greater than or equal to 500 I/O operations per second.">
<When expression="{mem} >= 15 and {mem} < 60" description="Memory usage range for the low state. The default boundary values are greater than 0% Memory usage range for the normal state. The default boundary values are greater than 15% and less than 75% memory usage.">
<When expression="{mem} >= 75 and {mem} <= 100" description="Memory usage range for the high state. The default boundary values are geater than 75% and less than 100% memory usage.">
<When expression="{userlevel} <= 2" description="This value sets the level of detail in the Server Performance Advisor report. The default value is less than or equal to 2 (least detail).">