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- 20 \nInfo:
- 21 \nWarning:
- 22 \nError:
- 101 Miss input counter definition manifest file.\n
- 102 Memory allocation failure, internal data %1!u!\n
- 103 Invalid manifest format.\n
- 104 Cannot open manifest file %1!ws!, returned error code is %2!u!.\n
- 105 Counter definition manifest %1!ws! is too big, the upper limit is %2!u! bytes.\n
- 106 Cannot read manifest file %1!ws!, returned error code is %2!u!.\n
- 107 Internal error at line %1!u!, returned error code is %2!u!.\n
- 108 Attribute %1!ws! is required for %2!ws! tag.\n
- 109 Invlaid value %1!ws! for attribute %2!ws! in %3!ws! tag.\n
- 110 Invalid GUID %1!ws! for attribute %2!ws! in %3!ws! tag.\n
- 111 Invalid attribute value %1!ws! for attribute %2!ws! in %3!ws! tag, default to %4!ws!.\n
- 112 Invalid attribute value %1!ws! in %2!ws! tag, ignored.\n
- 113 Invalid numeric value %1!ws! for attribute %2!ws! in %3!ws! tag.\n
- 114 Duplicate string definition %1!ws!.\n
- 115 Cannot have 2 providers with the same ProviderGuid.\n
- 116 Cannot have 2 CounterSets with the same CounterSetGuid.\n
- 117 Cannot find matched %1!ws! counter for counter %2!u! with counter type %3!ws!.\n
- 118 CounterType of %1!ws! counter in counter %2!u! should be of type %3!ws!, not %4!ws!.\n
- 119 No <instrumentation> element in manifest.\n
- 120 No <counters> element within <instrumentation> element.\n
- 121 No <provider> element within <counters> element.\n
- 122 No <counterSet> element within <provider> element.\n
- 123 No <counter> element within <counterSet> element.\n
- 124 Multiple <instrumentation> elements in manifest.\n
- 125 Multiple <counters> elements within <instrumentation> element, recommend to combine them together.\n
- 401 \nUNLODCTR
- 402 Removes counter names and explain text for the specified extensible counter.
- 403 \nUsage:
- 404 \n UNLODCTR <driver>
- 405 driver is the name of the device driver which is to have its
- 406 counter name definitions and explain text removed from the system's
- 407 registry.
- 408 \n UNLODCTR /m:<manifest>
- 409 manifest is the name of the manifest file that contains performance
- 410 counter definitions. These counters will be removed from local system.
- 411 \n UNLODCTR /g:{ProviderGuid}
- 412 ProviderGuid identifies the performance counter provider being unloaded.
- 413 \n UNLODCTR /p:<ProviderName>
- 414 ProviderName identifies the performance counter provider being unloaded.
- 415 \nNote: any arguments with spaces in the names must be enclosed within
- 416 Double Quotation marks.\n
- 800 Successfully uninstalled the performance counters from the counter definition XML file %1!ws!.
- 801 Unable to uninstall performance counters defined in the counter definition XML file %1!ws!.
- 802 From %1!ws!, unable to find matched provider %2!ws! in system repository, error code is %3!d!.
- 803 Successfully uninstalled performance counters for provider %1!ws!.
- 804 Unable to uninstall performance counters of the provider %1!ws!, error code %2!d!.