52 Set the date, time, and time zone for your computer.
53 You do not have permission to perform this task. Please contact your computer administrator for help.
54 Your changes could not be saved.
151 Date in Gregorian: %s
152 (GMT%1!+03d!:%2!02u!) Unknown time zone
153 [Date out of range]
160 An error occurred
161 The date on this computer is outside the supported date range for this calendar type.
162 Windows can only display dates between %1 and %2 for the %3 calendar.\n\nWould you like to change your calendar type?
163 Unable to continue
170 Daylight Saving Time is not observed by this time zone.
171 Daylight Saving Time begins on %1!s! at %2!s!.
172 Daylight Saving Time ends on %1!s! at %2!s!.
173 The clock is not set to adjust for this change.
174 The clock is set to go forward 1 hour at this time.
175 The clock is set to go back 1 hour at this time.
176 The clock is set to go forward %1!u! minutes at this time.
177 The clock is set to go back %1!u! minutes at this time.
202 Date and Time Tooltip
203 Local time
302 Change date and time settings...
303 Calendar Control
304 Clock Control
320 Date and Time Information
321 Hyperlink which sets the selection in the calendar grid to the current system date
322 Hyperlink which launches the Date and Time control panel
323 Your computer's date is outside the display range for this calendar.
330 Press
363 Clock 1
364 Clock 2
500 Please wait while Windows synchronizes with %1!s!
501 Next synchronization: %1!s! at %2!s!
502 The clock was successfully synchronized with %3!s! on %1!s! at %2!s!.
503 The clock was successfully synchronized on %1!s! at %2!s!.
504 An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with %1!s!. %2!s!
505 An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with %1!s!.
506 The clock was most recently synchronized on %1!s! at %2!s!.
508 For security reasons, Windows can not synchronize with the server because your date does not match. Please fix the date and try again.
509 An error occurred getting the status of the last synchronization. %s
511 An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing. %1!s!
512 The Windows Time service is not running. \n\nInternet time synchronization cannot occur while this service is stopped. Please start the Windows Time service or contact your system administrator.
513 This computer is set to automatically synchronize with '%1!s!'.
514 This computer is not set to automatically synchronize with an Internet time server.