home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 101 %s K
- 102 %d Days, %d Hours, %d Minutes, %d Seconds
- 103 %s Build %s
- 104 %s MB
- 105 %d Processor(s) Installed.
- 106 [%02d]: %s %s ~%d Mhz
- 107 %d NIC(s) Installed.
- 108 [%02d]: %s
- 109 %d Hotfix(s) Installed.
- 110 [%02d]: %s
- 111 DHCP Enabled: %s
- 112 DHCP Server: %s
- 113 IP address(es)
- 114 [%02d]: %s
- 115 Status: %s
- 116 Connection Name: %s
- 126 list|table|csv
- 127 list
- 128 table
- 129 csv
- 130 Standalone Workstation
- 131 Member Workstation
- 132 Standalone Server
- 133 Member Server
- 134 Additional/Backup Domain Controller
- 135 Primary Domain Controller
- 136 Yes
- 137 No
- 138 Disconnected
- 139 Connecting ...
- 140 Connected
- 141 Disconnecting ...
- 142 Hardware not present
- 143 Hardware disabled
- 144 Hardware malfunction
- 145 Media disconnected
- 146 Authenticating ...
- 147 Authentication succeeded
- 148 Authentication failed
- 151 Host Name
- 152 OS Name
- 153 OS Version
- 154 OS Manufacturer
- 155 OS Configuration
- 156 OS Build Type
- 157 Registered Owner
- 158 Registered Organization
- 159 Product ID
- 160 Original Install Date
- 161 System Boot Time
- 162 System Manufacturer
- 163 System Model
- 164 System Type
- 165 Processor(s)
- 166 BIOS Version
- 167 Windows Directory
- 168 System Directory
- 169 Boot Device
- 170 System Locale
- 171 Input Locale
- 172 Time Zone
- 173 Total Physical Memory
- 174 Available Physical Memory
- 175 Page File: Max Size
- 176 Page File: Available
- 177 Page File: In Use
- 178 Page File Location(s)
- 179 Domain
- 180 Logon Server
- 181 Hotfix(s)
- 182 Network Card(s)
- 201 30
- 202 30
- 203 30
- 204 40
- 205 40
- 206 20
- 207 50
- 208 50
- 209 30
- 210 25
- 211 30
- 212 30
- 213 20
- 214 25
- 215 45
- 216 30
- 217 20
- 218 20
- 219 35
- 220 35
- 221 35
- 222 50
- 223 25
- 224 25
- 225 25
- 226 25
- 227 25
- 228 30
- 229 20
- 230 20
- 231 20
- 232 100
- 501 Invalid syntax. /U can be specified only when /S is specified.\nType "SYSTEMINFO /?" for usage.\n
- 502 Invalid syntax. /P can be specified only when /U is specified.\nType "SYSTEMINFO /?" for usage.\n
- 503 %s Error Code: 0x%08lx was returned\n
- 504 Invalid syntax. User name cannot be empty.\n
- 505 Invalid syntax. /NH option is allowed only for "TABLE" and "CSV" formats.\nType "SYSTEMINFO /?" for usage.\n
- 506 Invalid syntax. System name cannot be empty.\n
- 507 Invalid syntax.\nType "SYSTEMINFO /?" for usage.\n
- 551 Loading Operating System Information ...
- 552 Loading Computer Information ...
- 553 Loading System Performance Information ...
- 554 Loading Processor Information ...
- 555 Loading BIOS Information ...
- 556 Loading Input Locale Information ...
- 557 Loading TimeZone Information ...
- 558 Loading Pagefile Information ...
- 559 Loading Hotfix Information ...
- 560 Loading Network Card Information ...
- 561 Loading Profile Information ...
- 1001 \nSYSTEMINFO [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]] [/FO format] [/NH]\n
- 1002 \n
- 1003 Description:\n
- 1004 This tool displays operating system configuration information for\n
- 1005 a local or remote machine, including service pack levels.\n
- 1006 \n
- 1007 Parameter List:\n
- 1008 /S system Specifies the remote system to connect to.\n\n
- 1009 /U [domain\]user Specifies the user context under which\n
- 1010 the command should execute.\n\n
- 1011 /P [password] Specifies the password for the given\n
- 1012 user context. Prompts for input if omitted.\n\n
- 1013 /FO format Specifies the format in which the output\n
- 1014 is to be displayed.\n
- 1015 Valid values: "TABLE", "LIST", "CSV".\n\n
- 1016 /NH Specifies that the "Column Header" should\n
- 1017 not be displayed in the output.\n
- 1018 Valid only for "TABLE" and "CSV" formats.\n\n
- 1019 /? Displays this help message.\n
- 1020 \n
- 1021 Examples:\n
- 1023 SYSTEMINFO /?\n
- 1024 SYSTEMINFO /S system\n
- 1025 SYSTEMINFO /S system /U user\n
- 1026 SYSTEMINFO /S system /U domain\user /P password /FO TABLE\n
- 1027 SYSTEMINFO /S system /FO LIST\n
- 1028 SYSTEMINFO /S system /FO CSV /NH\n
- 5001 ERROR:
- 5002 WARNING:
- 5003 SUCCESS:
- 5004 INFO:
- 5005 N/A
- 5501 Type the password for %s:
- 5502 Passing the user credential for local connection.\n
- 5503 The target system must be running Windows XP or above.\n
- 5504 The remote system must be running Windows 2000 or above.\n
- 5601 Invalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed for '%s' option.\n%s\n
- 5602 Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5603 Invalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5604 Invalid syntax. Mandatory option '%s' is missing.\n%s\n
- 5605 Invalid syntax. '%s' option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s).\n%s\n
- 5607 Invalid argument/option - '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5608 Invalid syntax. Default argument is missing.\n%s\n
- 5609 Length of the command line argument should not exceed 255 characters.\n
- 5610 Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s).\n%s\n
- 5611 Invalid syntax. Value expected for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5612 Invalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed as default argument.\n%s\n
- 5613 Type "%s /?" for usage.
- 5614 Value for '%s' option cannot be empty.\n%s\n
- 5615 Value for default option cannot be empty.\n%s\n
- 5616 Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for default.\n%s\n
- 5617 Invalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for default.\n%s\n
- 5618 Value for default option cannot be more than %d character(s).\n
- 5619 Invalid syntax. Value cannot be specified with '%s' option.\n%s\n
- 5620 Value for '%s' option cannot be more than %d character(s).\n