10 The computer is processing another action and thus cannot be shut down. Wait until the computer has finished its action, and then try again.
11 The entered computer name is not valid or remote shutdown is not supported on the target computer. Check the name and then try again or contact your system administrator.
15 Warning
18 \nReasons on this computer:\n(E = Expected U = Unexpected P = planned, C = customer defined)\nType Major Minor Title\n
19 Hibernation is not enabled on this system. You must enable hibernation in order to use the -h option.
20 Hibernate
22 Annotate Unexpected Shutdown
23 Please enter a non-zero length comment for the reason you indicated:\n
24 Comm&ent: (This field is REQUIRED for the reason you selected)
25 Comm&ent:
26 The computer did not experience an unexpected shutdown and therefore does not need an annotation.