10000 Usage: %ws [modifiers switches data] computername \nWhere 'computername' can be the name or domain\name\n\nModifiers:\n-F = perform the duplicate checking on forestwide level\n-P = do not show progress (useful for redirecting output to file)\n\nSwitches:\n-R = reset HOST ServicePrincipalName\nUsage: setspn -R computername\n-A = add arbitrary SPN \nUsage: setspn -A SPN computername\n-S = add arbitrary SPN after verifying no duplicates exist\nUsage: setspn -S SPN computername\n-D = delete arbitrary SPN \nUsage: setspn -D SPN computername\n-L = list registered SPNs \nUsage: setspn [-L] computername \n-Q = query for existence of SPN\nUsage: setspn -Q SPN \n-X = search for duplicate SPNs\nUsage: setspn -X \n\nExamples: \nsetspn -R daserver1 \nIt will register SPN 'HOST/daserver1' and 'HOST/{DNS of daserver1}' \nsetspn -A http/daserver daserver1 \nIt will register SPN 'http/daserver' for computer 'daserver1' \nsetspn -D http/daserver daserver1 \nIt will delete SPN 'http/daserver' for computer 'daserver1' \nsetspn -F -S http/daserver daserver1 \nIt will register SPN 'http/daserver' for computer 'daserver1' if no such SPN exists in the forest\n
10002 %ws is registered on these accounts:\n
10003 Error(%#x):
10004 Ldap Error(%#x -- %ws):
10005 unknown
10006 Error getting system path 0x%x
10007 %ws: Server name too long\n
10008 failed
10009 %ws: Domain name too short\n
10010 %ws: DC name too short\n
10011 Could not find account %ws\n
10012 %ws: DsGetDcNameWithAccountW failed!\n
10013 %ws: AccountName too short\n
10014 Failed to bind to DC of domain %ws, error %ws\n
10015 Failed to crack name %ws into the FQDN. DS_NAME_RESULT items: %d %ws\n
10016 %ws: HostSpn too short\n
10017 %ws: FlatSpn too short\n
10019 %ws\n
10021 Unable to locate account %ws\n
10022 Error occured when searching for existing SPN: 0x%08x\n
10023 Duplicate SPN found, aborting operation!\n
10024 Registering ServicePrincipalNames for %ws\n
10025 Unregistering ServicePrincipalNames for %ws\n
10026 Failed to assign SPN on account '%ws', error %ws\n
10027 Failed to remove SPN on account '%ws', error %ws\n
10028 Requested name '%ws' not found in directory.\n
10029 Registered ServicePrincipalNames
10030 for %ws
10031 Existing SPN found!\n
10032 No such SPN found.\n
10033 Updated object\n
10034 Invalid SPN %ws\n\n
10035 Operation will be performed forestwide, it might take a while.\n
10036 calloc (%ld bytes) failed.
10037 Found an ill-formated SPN:%ws. ignored.
10038 found %ld %ws of duplicate SPNs.\n\n
10039 group
10040 groups
10041 entry
10042 entries
10043 Invalid parameter Found.
10044 don't know what to search for.
10045 %ld %ws returned from the query.\n\n
10046 %ws is internally mapped to host/%ws. Please query host/%ws\n