201 Performance counter %1 has tripped its alert threshold. The counter value of %2 is under the limit value of %4. %4 is the alert threshold value.
202 Performance counter %1 has tripped its alert threshold. The counter value of %2 is over the limit value of %4. %4 is the alert threshold value.
203 report.html
204 report.xml
500 Performance Logs & Alerts
501 Performance Logs and Alerts Collects performance data from local or remote computers based on preconfigured schedule parameters, then writes the data to a log or triggers an alert. If this service is stopped, performance information will not be collected. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
601 Events up to this level are enabled
602 Events with all of these keywords are enabled
603 Events with any of these keywords are enabled
604 These additional data fields will be collected with each event
605 List of PIDs that have registered as this provider.