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- 1 \nOPENFILES /Disconnect [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]]\n
- 2 {[/ID id] [/A accessedby] [/O openmode]}\n
- 3 [/OP openfile]\n\n
- 5 Description:\n
- 6 Enables an administrator to disconnect files and folders that\n
- 7 have been opened remotely through a shared folder.\n\n
- 8 Parameter List:\n
- 9 /S system Specifies the remote system to connect to.\n\n
- 10 /U [domain\]user Specifies the user context under which the\n
- 11 command should execute.\n\n
- 12 /P [password] Specifies the password for the given user\n
- 13 context.\n\n
- 14 /ID id Specifies to disconnect open files by file ID.\n
- 15 The "*" wildcard may be used.\n\n
- 16 /A accessedby Specifies to disconnect all open files by\n
- 17 "accessedby" value. The "*" wildcard\n
- 18 may be used.\n\n
- 19 /O openmode Specifies to disconnect all open files by\n
- 20 "openmode" value. Valid values are Read,\n
- 21 Write or Read/Write. The "*" wildcard\n
- 22 may be used.\n\n
- 26 /OP openfile Specifies to disconnect all open file\n
- 27 connections created by a specific "open\n
- 28 file" name. The "*" wildcard may be used.\n\n
- 29 /? Displays this help message.\n\n
- 30 Examples:\n
- 31 OPENFILES /Disconnect /?\n
- 32 OPENFILES /Disconnect /ID 1\n
- 33 OPENFILES /Disconnect /A username\n
- 34 OPENFILES /Disconnect /O Read/Write\n
- 35 OPENFILES /Disconnect /OP "c:\My Documents\somedoc.doc" /ID 234\n
- 36 OPENFILES /Disconnect /S system /U username /ID 5\n
- 37 OPENFILES /Disconnect /S system /U username /P password /ID *\n
- 61 \nSUCCESS:
- 62 \nSUCCESS: The connection to the open file "%s" has been terminated.\n
- 64 ERROR: Could not disconnect the open file "%s".\n
- 66 ERROR: Invalid Syntax. /U option can be specified only when /S option is specified.\n
- 67 ERROR: Invalid Syntax. /P option can be specified only when /U option is specified.\n
- 68 Hostname
- 69 ID
- 71 Accessed By
- 72 Type
- 73 #Locks
- 74 Open Mode
- 75 Open File (Path\executable)
- 76 Windows
- 78 Read
- 79 Write
- 80 Write + Read
- 81 \nINFO: No shared open files found.\n
- 82 list|csv|table
- 83 PID
- 100 \nOPENFILES /parameter [arguments]\n\n
- 101 Description:\n
- 102 Enables an administrator to list or disconnect files and folders\n
- 103 that have been opened on a system.\n\n
- 104 Parameter List:\n
- 105 /Disconnect Disconnects one or more open files.\n\n
- 106 /Query Displays files opened locally or from shared\n
- 107 folders.\n\n
- 108 /Local Enables / Disables the display of local open files.\n\n
- 109 /? Displays this help message.\n\n
- 110 Examples:\n
- 111 OPENFILES /Disconnect /?\n
- 112 OPENFILES /Query /?\n
- 113 OPENFILES /Local /?\n
- 121 \nOPENFILES /Query [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]]\n
- 122 [/FO format] [/NH] [/V]\n\n
- 123 Description:\n
- 124 Enables an administrator to display a list of files and folders\n
- 125 that have been remotely opened on a system.\n\n
- 126 Parameter List:\n
- 127 /S system Specifies the remote system to connect to.\n\n
- 128 /U [domain\]user Specifies the user context under which\n
- 129 the command should execute.\n\n
- 130 /P [password] Specifies the password for the given user\n
- 131 context.\n\n
- 132 /FO format Specifies the format in which the output is\n
- 133 to be displayed.\n
- 134 Valid values: "TABLE","LIST","CSV".\n\n
- 135 /NH Specifies that the "Column Header" should\n
- 136 not be displayed.\n
- 137 Valid only for "TABLE" and "CSV" formats.\n\n
- 138 /V Specifies that verbose output is displayed\n\n
- 140 /? Displays this help message.\n\n
- 141 Examples:\n
- 142 OPENFILES /Query /?\n
- 143 OPENFILES /Query\n
- 144 OPENFILES /Query /FO csv /NH\n
- 145 OPENFILES /Query /FO LIST /V\n
- 146 OPENFILES /Query /S system /U username /P password /NH \n
- 150 LIST
- 151 CSV
- 152 ERROR: Invalid Syntax. No /ID or /A or /O parameter present.\n
- 153 No Access.
- 155 ERROR: Invalid ID.\n
- 156 ERROR:
- 157 ERROR: Unable to retrieve data.\n
- 159 ERROR: Could not connect to the specified system with the given credentials.\n
- 160 read|write|read/write|*
- 161 Invalid syntax.\nType "%s /?" for usage.\n
- 162 ERROR: Could not connect to remote server.\n
- 164 Invalid server name.\n
- 165 ERROR: Invalid Syntax. /NH option is only allowed for TABLE and CSV formats.\n
- 166 WARNING: Ignoring the user credentials for the local connection.\n
- 167 N/A
- 168 ERROR: Invalid syntax. System name cannot be empty.\n
- 169 WARNING:
- 170 ERROR: Invalid syntax. User name cannot be empty.\n
- 171 ERROR: The target system must be running Windows XP or above.\n
- 172 Macintosh
- 173 Read/Write
- 174 Write/Read
- 175 .\n
- 176 \nINFO: There are no shared open files found with the specified criteria.\n
- 177 ERROR: Invalid syntax. Accessed by cannot be empty.\n
- 178 ERROR: Invalid syntax. File name cannot be empty.\n
- 179 Type "%s /Query /?" for usage.\n
- 180 Type "%s /Disconnect /?" for usage.\n
- 183 \nFiles Opened Locally:\n
- 184 \n\nFiles opened remotely via local share points:\n
- 186 ProcessID
- 187 Process Name
- 189 ---------------------\n
- 190 ---------------------------------------------\n
- 192 ERROR: Unable to get system type information.\n
- 193 ERROR: The target system must be running a 32 bit OS.\n
- 194 ERROR: Remote open files is not supported for 64 bit machines.\n
- 195 ERROR: The target system must be running a 64 bit OS.\n
- 196 ERROR: Remote open files is not supported for 32 bit machines.\n
- 197 Type
- 228 \nSUCCESS: The system global flag 'maintain objects list' is enabled.\n This will take effect after the system is restarted.\n
- 229 \nSUCCESS: The system global flag 'maintain objects list' is disabled..\n This will take effect after the system is restarted.\n
- 230 ON
- 231 OFF
- 232 on|off
- 233 \nINFO: The system global flag 'maintain objects list' is currently disabled.\n
- 234 \nINFO: The system global flag 'maintain objects list' is currently enabled.\n
- 235 ERROR: Logged-on user does not have administrative privilege.\n
- 236 \nINFO: The system global flag 'maintain objects list' needs\n
- 237 to be enabled to see local opened files.\n
- 238 See Openfiles /? for more information.\n
- 239 ERROR: Invalid username.\n
- 240 ERROR: Invalid open file name.\n
- 250 \nOPENFILES /Local [ ON | OFF ]\n\n
- 251 Description:\n
- 252 Allows an administrator to enable or disable the system global flag\n
- 253 'maintain objects list' which tracks local file handles. Changes\n
- 254 made by this switch will take effect only after restarting the\n
- 255 system.\n\n
- 256 Note: Enabling this flag reduces system performance.\n\n
- 257 Parameter List:\n
- 258 /? Displays this help message.\n\n
- 259 Examples:\n
- 260 OPENFILES /Local /?\n
- 261 OPENFILES /Local\n
- 262 OPENFILES /Local ON\n
- 263 OPENFILES /Local OFF\n
- 5001 ERROR:
- 5002 WARNING:
- 5003 SUCCESS:
- 5004 INFO:
- 5005 N/A
- 5501 Type the password for %s:
- 5502 Passing the user credential for local connection.\n
- 5503 The target system must be running Windows XP or above.\n
- 5504 The remote system must be running Windows 2000 or above.\n
- 5601 Invalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed for '%s' option.\n%s\n
- 5602 Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5603 Invalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5604 Invalid syntax. Mandatory option '%s' is missing.\n%s\n
- 5605 Invalid syntax. '%s' option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s).\n%s\n
- 5607 Invalid argument/option - '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5608 Invalid syntax. Default argument is missing.\n%s\n
- 5609 Length of the command line argument should not exceed 255 characters.\n
- 5610 Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s).\n%s\n
- 5611 Invalid syntax. Value expected for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5612 Invalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed as default argument.\n%s\n
- 5613 Type "%s /?" for usage.
- 5614 Value for '%s' option cannot be empty.\n%s\n
- 5615 Value for default option cannot be empty.\n%s\n
- 5616 Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for default.\n%s\n
- 5617 Invalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for default.\n%s\n
- 5618 Value for default option cannot be more than %d character(s).\n
- 5619 Invalid syntax. Value cannot be specified with '%s' option.\n%s\n
- 5620 Value for '%s' option cannot be more than %d character(s).\n