40003 Windows did not find any problems with this computer s network connection.
40004 Do you want to report the problem to Microsoft? Additional details about what went wrong can help create a solution. The report will be sent the next time you go online. \n<A HREF="NDF_SENDREPORT">Send information</A>
40005 There are no repair options available.
40007 The problem has been resolved.
40008 Windows cannot resolve the problem.
40009 You must be logged on as an administrator to resolve this problem.
40010 Please log off, have an administrator log on, and then rerun network diagnostics.
40011 \nThis requires Administrator privileges.
40012 Network Diagnostics cannot run because the Diagnostics Policy Service is not running
40013 Click to open Service Control Manager\nYou will need to manually start the Diagnostics Policy Service. Once this service is started, you can run Network Diagnostics.
40014 \nClick here when you are done so that Windows can check if the problem is resolved.
40015 Click here when you are done so that Windows can check if the problem is resolved.
40016 Choose another repair option.\nWindows tried the following repair, '%s', but it did not fix the problem.
40017 If you think there is still a problem, you can do one of the following:
40018 Windows did not find any problems with your Internet connection.
40019 \nClick here to close this dialog box.
40025 Repairing...
40026 Please contact your network administrator or Internet service provider.
40027 Before resuming what you were doing, you might need to close and reopen the program or refresh the page.
40028 If you think there is still a problem, you can send a report to Microsoft. Additional details about what went wrong can help create a solution. The report will be sent the next time you go online. \n<A HREF="NDF_SENDREPORT">Send information</A>
40029 Windows tried a repair but a problem still exists.\n
40040 Checking for other network problems...
40041 There still seems to be a problem with your connection.
40050 The requested help topic was not found.
40060 Checking if the problem is resolved...
40070 See details
40071 Hide details
40072 The following repair was performed:
40073 Performing the following repair:
40074 The following problem was reported:
40080 &Diagnose
40081 Network Error
40082 Windows cannot access %s
40083 Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose.
40084 Error code: 0x%x\n%s
40090 Send a report to Microsoft.
40100 Windows has queued the report for submission to Microsoft.
40101 The data collected will help us improve diagnostics.
40110 Windows found a problem that cannot be repaired automatically\nContact your Internet service provider or network administrator for help or click here for information about things you can try to help resolve the problem.
40111 Additional technical details on this diagnostics session are available for administrators in the event log. <A HREF="NDF_SHOWEVENTS">Click for information about using the event log.</A>
40112 %SystemRoot%\system32\services.msc
40120 Network Error
40121 Windows has detected an IP address conflict
40122 Another computer on this network has the same IP address as this computer. Contact your network administrator for help resolving this issue. More details are available in the Windows System event log.
40123 Another computer on this network has the same IP address as this computer. This computer may have network connectivity issues if this problem is not resolved. If the IP address on this computer was assigned manually, assign this computer a different IP address. More details are available in the Windows System event log.\n\nTo try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose.
40124 Network Diagnostics Events
40125 Network diagnostics cannot run while Windows is in safe mode
40126 To run network diagnostics, restart the computer in normal mode.