1901 Are you sure you want to exit the program? If you exit now, remaining languages in the queue will be skipped.
1902 This computer must be restarted to finalize language pack configuration.
1903 There are other users logged on to the computer. If you continue to shut down, they will be logged off. Do you want to continue?
1904 Language Pack Installation
1905 Language Pack Removal
1906 This computer must be restarted before running this program
1907 A previous task performed on this computer requires a restart. You can add or remove languages after you restart the computer.
1908 Restart now
1909 Restart later
2000 Choose to install or remove languages
2001 You can change the language the user interface is displayed in if you have the right language files on your computer. Some languages are included with your version of Windows and others need to be purchased and installed. <a>How do I get additional language files?</a>
2016 You can change the language the user interface is displayed in if you have the right language files on your computer. Some languages are included with your version of Windows and others can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. <a>How do I get additional language files?</a>
2100 Select the languages to install
2101 Type or browse to the folder that contains the language files
2112 The language can't be selected because the language pack version is incompatible with this version of Windows.
2150 No language packs found
2151 Windows cannot find any valid language packs at the specified location; please try a different location.
2152 Could not access specified location
2153 Windows cannot access the specified location; please try a different location.
2172 The language can't be selected because it is already installed.
2173 The language can't be selected because it is the system language (default language of the user interface).
2174 The language requires other language files which are not installed or selected:
2175 The language can't be selected because it is being used by another language file on this computer.
2176 An error occured when processing the language.
2177 The total number of languages allowed on this computer has been reached.
2178 This computer does not have the required license to install this language.
2179 The contents of the language pack are not valid.
2180 The language cannot be installed on this computer.
2181 The language can't be selected because it is a MUI language but is not in the list of valid MUI languages.
2182 The language can't be selected because it is a LIP language but it is in the list of MUI-only languages.
2183 The size of this language exceeds the free space on the system drive.
2200 Select the languages you want to remove
2300 Review and accept the Microsoft Software License Terms
2301 Review and accept the Microsoft Software License Terms
2302 Language Pack Interface ReadMe Files
2402 The following languages will be installed on your computer
2403 The following languages will be removed from your computer
2404 Install
2405 Remove
2500 Installing languages...
2501 Removing languages...
2502 Currently installing:
2503 Currently removing:
2506 Cancel
2507 Installation is complete.
2508 Removal is complete.
2509 Notifying registered components.
2510 Creating restore point.
2511 Saving restore point.
2512 Canceling current operation.
2600 All selected language files were installed successfully
2601 All selected language files failed to install
2602 Some selected language files failed to install
2603 All selected language files were removed successfully
2604 All selected language files failed to be removed
2605 Some selected language files failed to be removed
2607 Successful installations:
2608 Successful removals:
2609 Failed installations:
2610 Failed removals:
2611 What can I do about languages that were not installed successfully?
2612 What can I do about languages that were not removed successfully?
2613 Close
2614 Restart now
2616 Log off
2620 400
2700 Languages that were not successfully installed:
2701 Languages that were not successfully removed:
2702 Previous installation/removal status
2703 All languages have been installed/removed successfully. To install or remove additional languages, click Next.
2704 The last time this wizard was run, some languages failed to be installed or removed. Details are shown below. You can try to install or remove these languages by clicking Next.
2705 Close
4001 Insufficient memory to complete the requested operations.
4002 Error 0x%1!08X! while initializing %2.
4003 Error 0x%1!08X! while opening the required EULA files.
4004 Error 0x%1!08X! while loading %2.
4005 Error 0x%1!08X! while initializing the application.
4006 Another instance of "Display Language Setup" program is running in the system. Please close it and retry the operation.
4007 You must be logged on to an administrator account to run this program. Please log off, log back on as an administrator, and then try again.