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104 computer`s`computer`Perform the command on specified remote system. 108 create`*`*`Create a new data collector. 109 start`*`*`Start an existing data collector and set the begin time to manual. 112 stop`*`*`Stop an existing data collector and set the end time to manual. 115 delete`*`*`Delete an existing data collector. 118 query`*`name|providers`Query data collector properties. If no name is given all data collectors are listed. 124 begin`b`*`Begin the data collector at specified time. 127 end`e`*`End the data collector at specified time. 130 repeat`r`*`Repeat the data collector daily at the specified begin and end times. 133 name`n`name`Name of the target object. 137 out`o`path|dsn!log`Path of the output log file or the DSN and log set name in a SQL database. 140 format`f`bin|bincirc|csv|tsv|sql`Specifies the log format for the data collector. 144 append`a`*`Append to an existing log file. 147 version`v`nnnnnn|mmddhhmm`Attach file versioning information to the end of the log name. 151 runcmd`rc`task`Run the command specified each time the log is closed. 154 max`max`*`Maximum log file size in MB or number of records for SQL logs. 157 newfile`cnf`*`Create a new file when the specified time has elapsed or when the max size is exceeded. 160 counters`c`path`Performance counters to collect. 164 counterfile`cf`*`File listing performance counters to collect, one per line. 167 sample`si`*`Sample interval for performance counter data collectors. 170 logname`ln`logger_name`Logger name for Event Trace Sessions. 173 realtime`rt`*`Run the Event Trace Session in real-time mode. 176 provider`p`provider [flags [level]]`A single Event Trace provider to enable. 179 providerfile`pf`*`File listing multiple Event Trace providers to enable. 182 usermode`ul`*`Run the Event Trace Session in user mode. 185 buffersize`bs`*`Event Trace Session buffer size in kb. 188 flushtimer`ft`*`Event Trace Session flush timer. 191 buffers`nb`min max`Number of Event Trace Session buffers. 195 flushdisk`fd`*`Flushes all the active buffers of an existing Event Trace Session to disk. 198 update`*`*`Update an existing data collector's properties. 202 user`u`user [password]`User to Run As. Entering a * for the password produces a prompt for the password. The password is not displayed when you type it at the password prompt. 206 runfor`rf`*`Run the data collector for the specified period of time. 209 force`y`*`Answer yes to all questions without prompting. 217 manual`m`[start] [stop]`Change to manual start or stop instead of a scheduled begin or end time. 218 session`ets`*`Send commands to Event Trace Sessions directly without saving or scheduling. 219 agelimit`age`limit`Modify aging decay time to <limit> minutes. 220 mode`mode`trace_mode`Event Trace Session logger mode. 221 counter`*`*`Create a counter data collector. 222 trace`*`*`Create a trace data collector. 223 providers`*`*`Show registered providers. 224 clocktype`ct`perf|system|cycle`Event Trace Session clock type. 225 alert`*`*`Create an alert data collector. 226 cfg`*`*`Create a configuration data collector. 227 api`*`*`Create an API Tracing data collector. 233 registry`reg`path`Registry values to collect. 234 management`mgt`query`WMI objects to collect. 235 filetocollect`ftc`path`Full path to the files to collect. 236 networkinterface`ni`*`Enable/Disable network interface query. 237 threshold`th`threshold`Specify counters and their threshold values for and alert. 238 eventlog`el`*`Enable/Disable event log reporting. 240 rundcs`rdcs`name`Data collector set to start when alert fires. 241 taskname`tn`task`Task to run when alert fires. 242 taskargument`targ`argument`Task arguments. 250 exepath`exe`*`Full path to executable for API Tracing. 251 apinamesonly`ano`*`Log API names only. 252 modules`mods`path`List of modules to log API calls from. 253 includeapis`inapis`module!api`List of API calls to include in logging. 254 excludeapis`exapis`module!api`List of API calls to exclude from logging. 257 samplecount`sc`*`Maximum number of samples to collect with a performance counter data collector. 258 processId`pid`pid`Process identifier. 259 xml`xml`*`Name of the XML file to import or export. 260 overwrite`ow`*`Overwrite an existing log file. 261 import`*`*`Import a data collector set from an XML file. 262 export`*`*`Export a data collector set to an XML file. 263 logrecursively`recursive`*`Log APIs recursively beyond the first layer. 264 async`as`*`Perform the requested operation asynchronously. 600 \nData Collector Set Type Status\n 601 %1!s! %2!-30s!%3!-8s!\n 605 Counter 606 Trace 607 Alert 608 Stopped 609 Running 610 Pending 611 Status: %1!s!\n 612 Name: %1!s!\n 613 Type: %1!s!\n 614 File: %1!s!\n 615 Run As: %1!s!\n 616 Enter the user name for %1!s!: 617 Enter the password for %1!s!: 618 this connection 619 Session Id File\n 620 %1!s! %2!-6s! %3!s!\n 621 %1!-26s! %2!s!\n 622 Counters:\n 623 Logger name: %1!s!\n 624 Buffer Size: %1!d!\n 625 <Invalid Parameter> 626 Start: 627 Stop: 628 <Manual> 629 Duration: 630 (Repeating) 631 <By Size>\n 632 New File: 633 %1!s!\n 634 \nProviders:\n 635 System 636 \nProvider GUID\n 637 Name: 638 Logman 639 Windows 2000 640 Provider Flags Level\n 642 Keyword 643 Level 644 Undefined 645 Configuration 646 Group 647 Begin: 648 End: 649 <Default> 650 Registry Keys:\n 651 ApiTrace 653 Compiling 654 \nThe Data Collector Set '%1!s!' is currently '%2!s!' and cannot be deleted.\n 655 PID 656 Value 657 Description 658 Image 700 output 701 nnnnnn 702 (Process,Thread,Disk) 800 logman start "NT Kernel Logger" -o log.etl -ets 801 logman start perf_log 803 logman update perf_log -si 10 -f csv -v mmddhhmm 804 logman create trace trace_log -nb 16 256 -bs 64 -o c:\logfile 805 logman create counter perf_log -c "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"logman create counter perf_log -c "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -max 10 -rf 01:00 806 logman create alert new_alert -th "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time>50" 807 logman create cfg cfg_log -reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVerion\"logman create cfg cfg_log -mgt "root\wmi:SELECT * FROM MSNdis_VendorDriverVersion" 808 logman create api trace_notepad -exe c:\windows\notepad.exe -o c:\notepad.etllogman create api trace_notepad -exe c:\windows\notepad.exe -mods c:\windows\system32\advapi32.dlllogman create api trace_notepad -exe c:\windows\notepad.exe -exapis kernel32.dll!TlsGetValuelogman.exe create api trace_notepad -exe c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe -bincirc -ano 15000 Logman manages the "Performance Logs and Alerts" service for creating and managing Event Trace Session logs and Performance logs. 15100 debug`d`level`Debug 15101 h`?`*`Displays context sensitive help. 15102 ini`config`*`Settings file containing command options. 15200 The command completed successfully.\n 15201 \nError:\n 15202 You're running with a restricted token, try running elevated.\n 15203 Unknown\n 15204 \nError: 0x%1!08x!\n 15300 value 15301 filename 15302 [[hh:]mm:]ss 15303 y 15400 Arguments '%1!s!' and '%2!s!' are mutually exclusive.\n 15401 Argument '%1!s!' is required.\n 15402 At least one of the following arguments is required:\n 15403 Argument '%1!s!' is not allowed with the other arguments specified.\n 15404 \nVerbs:\n 15405 \nAdverbs:\n 15406 \nOptions:\n 15407 Usage:\n %1!s! 15408 [options]\n 15409 Argument '%1!s!' is unknown.\n 15410 Argument '%1!s!' is not negatable.\n 15411 Argument '%1!s!' has been defined too many times.\n 15412 Argument '%1!s!' requires additional parameters.\n 15413 \nNote:\n Where [-] is listed, an extra - negates the option.\n For example --%1!s! turns off the -%1!s! option.\n 15414 \nExamples:\n 15500 The file "%1!s!" already exists, overwrite? [y/n]