1043 Target Mappings:\n <Target Lun> is the LUN value the target uses to expose the LUN.\n It must be in the form 0x0123456789abcdef\n <OS Bus> is the bus number the OS should use to surface the LUN\n <OS Target> is the target number the OS should use to surface the LUN\n <OS LUN> is the LUN number the OS should use to surface the LUN\n\n
1044 Payload Id Type:\n ID_IPV4_ADDR is 1 - Id format is\n ID_FQDN is 2 - Id format is ComputerName\n ID_IPV6_ADDR is 5 - Id form is IPv6 Address\n
1045 Security Flags:\n TunnelMode is 0x00000040\n TransportMode is 0x00000020\n PFS Enabled is 0x00000010\n Aggressive Mode is 0x00000008\n Main mode is 0x00000004\n IPSEC/IKE Enabled is 0x00000002\n Valid Flags is 0x00000001\n\n
1046 Login Flags:\n ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG_REQUIRE_IPSEC 0x00000001\n IPsec is required for the operation\n\n ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG_MULTIPATH_ENABLED 0x00000002\n Multipathing is enabled for the target on this initiator\n\n
1047 AuthType:\n ISCSI_NO_AUTH_TYPE = 0,\n No iSCSI in-band authenticiation is used\n\n ISCSI_CHAP_AUTH_TYPE = 1,\n One way CHAP (Target authenticates initiator is used)\n\n ISCSI_MUTUAL_CHAP_AUTH_TYPE = 2\n Mutual CHAP (Target and Initiator authenticate each other is used)\n\n
1048 Target Flags:\n ISCSI_TARGET_FLAG_HIDE_STATIC_TARGET 0x00000002\n If this flag is set then the target will never be reported unless it\n is also discovered dynamically.\n\n ISCSI_TARGET_FLAG_MERGE_TARGET_INFORMATION 0x00000004\n If this flag is set then the target information passed will be\n merged with any target information already statically configured for\n the target\n\n
1049 CHAP secrets, CHAP passwords and IPSEC preshared keys can be specified as\na text string or as a sequence of hexadecimal values. The value specified on\nthe command line is always considered a string unless the first two characters\n0x in which case it is considered a hexadecimal value.\n\nFor example 0x12345678 specifies a 4 byte secret\n\n
1050 All numerical values are assumed decimal unless preceeded by 0x. If\npreceeded by 0x then value is assumed to be hex\n\n
1051 iscsicli can also be run in command line mode where iscsicli commands\ncan be entered directly from the console. To enter command line\nmode, just run iscsicli without any parameters\n\n
1052 Status
1053 Security Flags
1054 Tunnel Mode Preferred
1055 Transport Mode Preferred
1056 PFS Enabled
1057 Aggressive Mode Enabled
1058 IPSEC Enabled
1059 Security Flags are Valid
1060 Session Id
1061 Target Name
1062 Initiator
1063 Initiator Scsi Device
1064 Initiator Bus
1065 Initiator Target Id
1066 Target Lun
1067 OS Lun
1068 Version
1069 Information Specified
1070 Header Digest
1071 None
1072 CRC-32C
1073 Data Digest
1074 Maximum Connections
1075 Default Time 2 Wait
1076 Default Time 2 Retain
1077 Login Flags
1078 Require IPsec
1079 Multipath Enabled
1080 Authentication Type
1081 CHAP
1082 Mutual CHAP
1083 Unknown
1084 Username
1085 Password
1086 is established
1087 Out of %d requests with size %d and timeout %dms, %d responses received\n
1088 Use Windows command line Ping tool to perform operation via the Microsoft software initiator.\n
1089 Total of %d sessions\n\n
1090 Session Id : %I64x-%I64x\nInitiator Node Name : %ws\nTarget Node Name : %ws\nTarget Name : %ws\nISID : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\nTSID : %02x %02x\nNumber Connections : %d\n
1091 Session Id : %I64x-%I64x\nInitiator Node Name : %s\nTarget Node Name : %s\nTarget Name : %s\nISID : %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\nTSID : %02x %02x\nNumber Connections : %d\n