17 Saves the RSoP data in the console file for future reference
18 (Archived Data)
19 Archived Data
20 Currently the archived data is being displayed. To switch to the current view, save this console and close this snapin. Then reopen the saved console file.
21 Logging
22 Planning
23 Revision
24 AD (%hu), Sysvol (%hu)
25 Denied (WMI Filter)
26 Disabled (GPO)
27 Current Group Policy Object Links for the forest
28 Name
29 Computer Configuration
30 User Configuration
33 Windows Settings
34 Software Settings
35 Select a computer:
36 Untitled
37 Local
38 Local Computer
39 Remote computer:
40 Group Policy Object Links
41 No Override
42 Disabled
43 Current Group Policy Object Links for %s
44 Inaccessible GPO - Access Denied
45 Add a Group Policy Object Link
46 This list obtained from: %s
47 %s (%s)
48 Applied
49 Denied (Security)
50 This snap-in allows you to edit Group Policy Objects which can be linked to a Site, Domain, or Organizational Unit in the Active Directory or stored on a computer.
51 Microsoft Corporation
52 1.0
53 Group Policy About Information
54 This snap-in allows you to view the Resultant Set of Policy for a user on a machine. The snap-in can be used to view policy that has been applied as well as predict what policy would be applied to a user on a machine.
55 Resultant Set of Policy About Information
56 Selection
57 Settings
58 The information in this saved console file is out of date or invalid. Please create a new console file.
59 You do not have permission to perform this operation.
60 Filtering
61 Scope of Management
62 Disabled (Link)
63 %s on %s - RSoP
64 %s - RSoP
65 Mode
66 User name
67 Computer name
68 Site name
69 Domain controller
70 User Location
71 Computer location
72 User security groups
73 Computer security groups
74 User container
75 Computer container
76 Choose User Container
77 Select the active directory container for the user.
78 Choose Computer Container
79 Select the active directory container for the computer.
80 Group Policy Objects associated with this computer, highest priority first.
81 Group Policy Objects associated with this user, highest priority first.
82 Welcome to the Resultant Set of Policy Wizard
83 Mode Selection
84 You can view policy settings applied to a selected computer and user, or you can simulate a policy implementation.
85 Computer Selection
86 You can view policy settings for this computer or for another computer on this network.
87 You can view policy settings for any users of the selected computer.
88 Summary of Selections
89 The list contains the selections you made in this wizard.
90 User and Computer Selection
91 You can view simulated policy settings for a selected user (or a container with user information) and computer (or a container with computer information).
92 Advanced Simulation Options
93 You can select additional options for your simulation.
94 Alternate Active Directory Paths
95 You can simulate changes to the network location of the selected user and computer.
96 User Security Groups
97 You can simulate changes to the selected user's security groups.
98 Computer Security Groups
99 You can simulate changes to the selected computer's security groups.
100 Group Policy Object
101 (Access Denied)
102 Failed to open the Group Policy Object on this computer. You may not have appropriate rights.
103 Failed to open the Group Policy Object on %s. You may not have appropriate rights.
104 Failed to open the Group Policy Object. You may not have appropriate rights.
105 Failed to create new Group Policy Object. You may not have appropriate rights.
106 Failed to delete the Group Policy Object. You may not have appropriate rights.
107 Failed to link the Group Policy Object with the Active Directory site, domain, or organizational unit. You may not have appropriate rights.
108 Failed to unlink the Group Policy Object with the Active Directory site, domain, or organizational unit. You may not have appropriate rights.
109 Failed to set the display name. You may not have appropriate rights.
110 Failed to query for the list of Group Policy Objects linked to this container.
115 Failed to save the Group Policy Object Link information. You may not have appropriate rights.
116 Failed to query the Group Policy link information with 0x%x. You may not have appropriate rights or no domain controller is available.
117 Failed to delete the Group Policy Object %s. You may not have appropriate rights.
118 Failed to start the Group Policy snapin. The gpedit.msc file may be missing, files with the .msc extension may not be associated with mmc.exe, or you may not have the appropriate rights.
119 Failed to find a domain controller. There may be a policy that prevents you from selecting another domain controller.
120 Failed to find a domain controller for %s with Active Directory support.
121 Are you sure you wish to permanently delete %s?
122 Delete Group Policy Object
123 Disabling part (or all) of this Group Policy Object causes all of the policies it contains to be reversed from the client machine.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?
124 Confirm Disable
125 Are you sure you wish to remove Group Policy Object for %s?
130 The domain controller for Group Policy operations is not available. You may cancel this operation for this session or retry using one of the following domain controller choices:
131 Domain controller not found for %s
132 When Group Policy is selecting a domain controller, it will use the option chosen below. There is a policy that may override this preference. This will take effect the next time this snap-in is started.
133 Options for domain controller selection
136 The RSoP snap-in was unable to generate the user's data due to insufficient permissions. The snap-in will continue to start but only the computer's data will be displayed.
137 The RSoP snap-in was unable to generate the computer's data due to insufficient permissions. The snap-in will continue to start but only the user's data will be displayed.
138 The specified user could not be found in the Active Directory.
139 The specified computer could not be found in the Active Directory.
140 The Active Directory container you selected does not exist on the domain controller Group Policy is using. The following conditions could cause this:\n\n1) The container was recently created on another domain controller and has not replicated to the %s domain controller that Group Policy is using.\n\n2) The container was recently deleted on another domain controller and has not replicated to the %s domain controller that this Active Directory tool is using.
141 The container path entered is actually a user object. Please select a container which holds user objects instead.
142 The container path entered is actually a computer object. Please select a container which holds computer objects instead.
143 The Active Directory query for the specified user failed.
144 The Active Directory query for the specified computer failed.
145 The Active Directory query for the specified user container failed.
146 The Active Directory query for the specified computer container failed.
147 The RSoP snap-in was unable to generate the RSoP data due to the error listed below.
148 Failed to connect to %s due to the error listed below. Ensure that the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service is enabled on the target computer, and consult the event log of the target computer for further details.
149 The selected computer currently does not have RSoP logging enabled. Do you want to continue?
150 RSoP Logging Disabled
151 Browse for a Group Policy Object
152 Open
153 Domains/OUs
154 Sites
155 Computers
156 All
157 New Group Policy Object
158 Users
160 Name
161 Domain
162 All Group Policy Objects stored in this domain:
163 &Domains, OUs and linked Group Policy Objects:
164 &Group Policy Objects linked to this site:
165 Up One Level
166 Create New Group Policy Object
167 View Menu
169 St&op
170 Find N&ow
171 Forest
172 Forest:
174 Group Policy Object Exists
175 Yes
176 No
177 Unknown
178 Local Computer\%s
179 Non-Administrators
180 WMI Filters for Users
181 You can include Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) filters in your simulation.
182 WMI Filters for Computers
190 WMI filters for users
191 WMI filters for computers
192 Slow network simulation
193 Yes
194 No
195 The %s domain does not contain any domain controller with the RSoP planning mode functionality available.
196 Failed to connect to a domain controller.
197 Failed to get the list of domains.
198 Failed to save the Group Policy Object properties.
199 Not Applied (Empty)
200 The domain controller you have selected does not have the RSoP planning mode functionality available. Please select a different domain controller.
225 Component Name
226 Status
227 Success
228 Failed
229 In progress
230 %s completed successfully.
231 %s failed due to the error listed below.\n
232 %s was processing policy settings when this set of data was generated.
233 %s processed successfully but failed to log resultant set of policy information.\n
234 %s has requested to process its policy settings again. This can be due to non-critical errors occurring during the previous processing of policy.
235 Warning
236 (N/A)
237 Success (no data)
238 Failed (no data)
239 %s did not complete policy processing because the user needs to log on again for the settings to be applied. Group Policy will attempt to apply the settings at the user's next logon.
240 Text Documents (*.txt)#*.txt##
241 %s failed due to the error listed below and failed to log resultant set of policy information.\n
251 Administrators use the Computer Configuration node in Group Policy to set policies that are applied to computers, regardless of who logs onto them.
252 Administrators use the User Configuration node in Group Policy to set policies that are applied to users, regardless of which computer they log on to.
253 Software Settings are applied to users regardless of which computer they log on to. This node has a Software Installation subnode.
254 Windows Settings are applied to users regardless of which computer they log on to. This node has five subnodes: Folder Redirection, Security Settings, Scripts, Remote Installation Services, and Internet Explorer Maintenance
255 Software Settings are applied to all users who log on to the computer. This node has a Software Installation subnode.
256 Windows Settings are applied to all users who log on to the computer. This node has two subnodes: Security Settings and Scripts.
257 \n\nWARNING! One or more Group Policy components failed to process their settings. To view the processing details, select the Properties link above and then select the Error Information tab.
258 \n\nWARNING! An error occurred generating this data. Select the item with the red icon for details on how to view the error.
270 Welcome to the Group Policy Wizard
271 (Unknown filter)
272 Failed to find the WMI filter linked to this Group Policy Object.
275 Additional Information:
276 \nNote: Due to the GP Core failure, none of the other Group Policy components processed their policy. Consequently, status information for the other components is not available.
277 Note: This component only reports overall status information. It does not report information about its individual policy settings; consequently, those settings will not appear in this tool.
278 Please contact the vendor of this component to check if an updated version is available.
279 The RSoP snapin was unable to enumerate the users on the selected computer due to the error listed below.
280 The selected computer does not support RSoP logging. Rsop logging support is available in operating system releases after Windows 2000.
281 Please wait. Searching for WMI filters...
282 Display computer policy settings
283 Display user policy settings
284 Resultant Set Of Policy (&Planning)...
285 RSOP Context Menu
286 Resultant Set Of Policy (&Logging)...
287 Blocked (SOM)
289 (All linked WMI filters equal TRUE)
290 (None selected)
291 \nNote: Status information for the other components may be out of date.
292 Loopback mode
293 Replace
294 Merge
295 The RSoP snap-in was unable to generate the computer or user's data due to insufficient permissions.
296 The RSoP snap-in was unable to generate the RSoP data because the target machine is currently running RSoP or processing Group Policy.
297 Please wait. Loading RSoP data from archive...
298 The Domain Controller (%s) does not support RSoP. Please select a Domain Controller that supports RSoP.
299 Failed to connect to %s due to the error listed below. Please select another Domain Controller.
300 Failed to find the WMI filter linked to this Group Policy Object. The filter associated with this GPO will be removed.
301 %s (Domain - %s)
302 There are other Resultant Set of Policy applications running already with the information you requested. If you proceed, without exiting these Resultant Set of Policy applications, it may behave incorrectly. Proceed ?
303 Group Policy Error
304 Unable to generate RSoP Data. In logging mode, likely causes are group policy has never successfully processed for the computer or user, RSoP logging was never enabled, or data is corrupt. In planning mode, verify that the selected Domain Controller supports RSoP.
305 User Selection
306 Verdana
307 12
308 Verdana
309 8
310 Pending
311 Pending (no data)
312 &Generate RSoP Data ...
313 Launches a wizard to obtain Resultant Set of Policy information.
314 &Change Query ...
315 Relaunces the RSoP wizard to allow the user to change the query.
316 Failed to select a default Domain Controller. Please select another Domain Controller.
317 &Refresh Query
318 Refreshes the current query by recollecting the RSoP data.
319 Action required
320 Select 'Generate RSoP Data...' from the Action menu.
321 Cross forest planning mode scenario's are not currently supported.
322 Could not determine whether the specified user and computer are in the same forest.
323 Continuing with this procedure will remove all previous results. Proceed?
324 %s did not complete policy processing because a system restart is required for the settings to be applied. Group Policy will attempt to apply the settings the next time the computer is restarted.
330 Starting with Microsoft Windows Vista, the Resultant Set of Policies (RSoP) report does not show all Microsoft Group Policy settings. To see the full set of Microsoft Group Policy settings applied for a computer or user, use Group Policy Results in Group Policy Management Console (GPMC).
337 Local Group Policy Editor
338 Local Group Policy Editor
339 This snap-in allows you to edit the local Group Policy Objects stored on a computer.
340 Starting with Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1), the Resultant Set of Policies (RSoP) report does not show all Microsoft Group Policy settings. To see the full set of Microsoft Group Policy settings applied for a computer or user, use the command-line tool gpresult.