173 A member from an external domain cannot be viewed until you click Apply.
174 Native mode (no pre-Windows 2000 domain controllers).
177 The name translation for a new group member failed because: %s\nThis may be due to a damaged trust with the other domain. Correct the trust problem and then try adding the member again.
179 A global catalog (GC) cannot be contacted. A GC is needed to list the object's group memberships. The GC may be temporarily unavailable. Or, if your enterprise does not have a Domain Controller configured as a GC, then one should be configured. Contact your system administrator for assistance.
183 The country/region code data is invalid. The file may have become corrupted. Replace dsprop.dll with a new copy and try again.
184 Builtin local
185 Do not require Kerberos preauthentication
186 The UNC name is a required attribute. Please fill in a value or click Cancel to preserve the prior value.
187 Some of the object names cannot be shown in their user-friendly form. This can happen if the object is from an external domain and that domain is not available to translate the object's name.
188 The pre-Windows 2000 domain name for the user cannot be displayed.
189 no value
199 This property is limited to %d values. You must remove some of the existing values before you can add new ones.
203 The object cannot be found in the global catalog. If the object is new, wait for it to replicate (about 5 minutes). It is also possible that the global catalog is unavailable. If so, group memberships outside of the object's domain will not be listed.
204 The object name cannot be shown in its user-friendly form. This can happen if the object is from an external domain and that domain is not available to translate the object's name or the object no longer exists on that domain.
314 The first page was canceled before the second page could initialize. The data on the second page will not be valid. Close the page and then reopen both, and then wait until the second page is completely displayed before canceling the first page.
315 You do not have permission to read the global catalog. This means that membership in groups outside of this domain cannot be listed.
316 Builtin groups cannot be added to other groups.
999 Country/region:
1033 You do not have permission to change the %s attribute, your changes will not be saved.
1034 You do not have permission to modify the group %s.
2000 General
2001 Organization
2002 Account
2003 Member Of
2005 Address
2006 Members
2009 Server
2011 The e-mail address is not valid. Correct it and then try again.
2012 Do you want to remove the selected member(s) from the group?
2016 Telephones
2017 Object
2018 The name %s is not a valid Active Directory object name.
2019 Active Directory
2020 The Active Directory object cannot be found. It may have been deleted by another user or a domain controller may be temporarily unavailable.
2021 Managed By
2027 The membership removal operation failed. The member may have already been removed by another administrator.
2029 The domain %s cannot be found. Verify that it is operational and available on the network.
2030 The specified path is not valid. Enter a valid network server path using the form: \\server\share.
2033 The group membership modification failed possibly because:\n you are trying to add an object a second time\n you are trying to add a group whose type or scope is incompatible with this group\n replication among domain controllers has not completed, or\n the object may no longer exist.
2051 The password and confirmation you typed do not match. Please retype them.
2052 The domain %s cannot be found. Please verify the spelling and then try again.
2053 Access to the domain %s is denied. This can occur if the Restrict Anonymous setting has been changed from the default.
2076 Information for this object is not currently available possibly due to a network or domain controller failure.
2081 Do you want to remove %s from the selected group(s)?
2082 Remove user from group
2083 Workstation or server
2084 Domain controller
2090 The specified path is not valid. Enter a valid network server path using the form: \\server\share\folder.
2091 The following Active Directory error occurred: %s
2093 Name
2094 Active Directory Folder
2095 The object %s is already in the list and cannot be added a second time.
2096 The primary group cannot be removed. Set another group as primary if you want to remove this one.
2097 Windows 2000 Group Info
2098 The object that notifies Active Directory Users and Computers of property changes did not initialize properly. Property changes will not be reflected in Active Directory Users and Computers.
2101 Operating System
2102 The pre-Windows 2000 name field is empty. This is a required field.
2103 Mixed mode (supports both Windows 2000 and pre-Windows 2000 domain controllers)
2104 A group cannot be made a member of itself.
2105 The account name or the password is incorrect.
2110 The security identifier stored in the object is invalid. You should delete and re-create the object.
2113 The %s attribute cannot be changed on this object.
2200 Error
2201 Page
2911 This is the member's primary group, so the member cannot be removed. Go to the Member Of tab of the member's property sheet and set another group as primary. You can then remove the member from this group.
3029 Yes
3030 No
3054 The object that notifies the Active Directory user interface of property changes did not initialize because:\n%s\nProperty changes will not be reflected in the Active Directory user interface.
3060 This object must have a pre-Windows 2000 name. Enter a pre-Windows 2000 name, and then try again
3089 Unable to view attribute or value. You may not have permissions to view this object.
3090 The specified user was not found. If the user exists on another domain controller in the enterprise, it may take 15 minutes or more for the user to be replicated to the global catalog.
3095 Active Directory failure with code '0x%08x'!
3096 This list displays only groups from the local domain.
3109 The following objects that you selected for universal group membership are from a mixed-mode domain. The membership will not take effect for the selected objects until you convert the domain to native mode. However, membership will take effect immediately for Exchange resources such as Public folders.\n\nObjects: %s\n\nDo not grant or deny access to network resources such as files, shares, and printers by using the universal group until you convert the domain to native mode.
3208 The operation failed with error code %d (0x%08x)
3215 &The following errors occurred on the %s tab:
3216 A global catalog cannot be located to retrieve the icons for the member list. Some icons may not be shown.
3289 The operation failed. The error is '%s'
3401 %s is no longer a member of this group. It may still appear due to standard delays in replication between domain controllers.
3402 The object is no longer a member of this group. It may still appear due to standard delays in replication between domain controllers.
3403 A global catalog cannot be contacted to retrieve the icons for the member list because access was denied. Some icons may not be shown.
3406 The pre-Windows 2000 group name %1 contains one or more of the following illegal characters: / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < > "\nIf you continue Windows will replace these characters with _.\nDo you want to continue?