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- 100 Start
- 101 this system
- 102 set to start at boot
- 103 set to start at system start
- 104 set to start automatically
- 105 set to start on demand
- 106 set to never start
- 107 undefined
- 201 \n\nDISKPERF [-Y[D|V] | -N[D|V]] [\\computername]\n
- 202 \n -Y Sets the system to start all disk performance counters
- 203 \n when the system is restarted.\n
- 204 \n -YD Enables the disk performance counters for physical drives.
- 205 \n when the system is restarted.
- 206 \n -YV Enables the disk performance counters for logical drives
- 207 \n or storage volumes when the system is restarted.
- 208 \n -N Sets the system to disable all disk performance counters
- 209 \n when the system is restarted.\n
- 210 \n -ND Disables the disk performance counters for physical drives.
- 211 \n -NV Disables the disk performance counters for logical drives.
- 212 \n \\computername Is the name of the computer you want to
- 213 \n see or set disk performance counter use.
- 214 \n The computer must be a Windows 2000 system.
- 215 \n NOTE: Disk performance counters are permanently enabled on
- 216 \n systems beyond Windows 2000.
- 301 \n\nDISKPERF=====================
- 302 \n\nStarts and stops system disk performance counters.
- 303 \n\nUsed without the command switches, DISKPERF reports what disk
- 304 \nperformance counters are enabled on the specified Windows 2000 computer.
- 305 \n\nDisk performance counters can be specified to report the
- 306 \nperformance of the individual physical drives, or the individual
- 307 \nlogical drives or storage volumes. Note that these two sets of
- 308 \nperformance counters are measured independently. The user
- 309 \nhas the option of enabling and disabling them independently
- 310 \nusing the command line switches.
- 311 \nNOTE: This command can only be used to control remote
- 312 \nWindows 2000 systems. In newer systems, these performance counters
- 313 \nare automatically enabled.
- 401 \n%sDisk Performance counters on %s are currently %s.
- 402 \nUnable to read Diskperf Start value
- 403 \nUnable to read registry database
- 404 \nUnable to connect to %s
- 405 \nUnable to modify Diskperf initialization value
- 406 \n%sDisk Performance counters on %s are now %s.
- 407 \nThis change will take effect after the system is restarted.
- 408 : Status=0x%8.8x
- 409 %s
- 410 All
- 411 \nNote that Logical Disk counters of striped disk sets may not be correct.
- 412 Physical
- 413 Logical
- 414 \nBoth Logical and Physical Disk Performance counters on %s\n are currently %s.
- 415 \nBoth Logical and Physical Disk Performance counters on %s\n are now %s.
- 416 \nNo changes are made.
- 417 \nBoth Logical and Physical Disk Performance counters on %s\n are automatically enabled on demand.
- 418 \nFor legacy applications using IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE to retrieve raw counters,
- 419 \nyou can use -Y or -N to forcibly enable or disable. No restart is required.
- 420 \nRaw counters are also enabled for IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE.