2004 Having Caps Lock on may cause you\nto enter your password incorrectly.\n\nYou should press Caps Lock to turn it\n off before entering your password.
2005 Logon unsuccessful:
2006 Windows is unable to log you on.\nBe sure that your user name and\npassword are correct.
2007 Windows is unable to log you on.\nBe sure that your user name and\npassword are correct.\n\nYou should press Caps Lock to turn\nit off before typing your password.
2008 Connect to %s
2009 Connect to %s in %s
2010 Connect to %s
2011 Welcome to %s
2012 Welcome back to %s
2013 Connecting to %s
2014 &Password:
2015 &PIN:
2016 &User name:
2017 &Certificate:
2019 Searching...
2027 The smart card is in backwards:
2028 Please remove the card and insert\ncorrectly.
2029 &Smart card:
2030 Incorrect password:
2031 You typed your old password\nincorrectly. Please type it again.
2032 Passwords do not match:
2033 Your confirmation does not match\nthe new password you typed.\nPlease try again.
2034 Password is invalid:
2035 Your password is too short or\ndoes not meet other minimum\nrequirements. Please type a more\nsecure password.
2036 &Remember my password
2051 &Sign me in automatically
2052 &E-mail address:
2056 The user name you typed is the same\nas the user name you logged in with.\nThat user name has already been\ntried. A domain controller cannot be\nfound to verify that user name.
2058 Type your full address:
2059 Example: me@xyz.com
2061 Problem:
2062 The password information is not correct.
2100 There is no Help available for this item.
2101 Provides a space for you to type or select the user name that is required by the server.
2102 Provides a space for you to type the password of the selected user.
2103 Specifies whether the user name and password will be saved for future reuse.