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- 1 Invalid syntax.\nType "CHOICE /?" for usage.\n
- 2 Invalid syntax. /D can only be specified when /T is specified.\nType "CHOICE /?" for usage.\n
- 3 Invalid syntax. Valid range for /T is %d - %d.\nType "CHOICE /?" for usage.\n
- 4 Invalid syntax. /D only accepts single character.\nType "CHOICE /?" for usage.\n
- 5 Invalid syntax. Default choice is not found in the specified choices.\nType "CHOICE /?" for usage.\n
- 6 Invalid syntax. /T can be specified only when /D is specified.\nType "CHOICE /?" for usage.\n
- 7 Type "CHOICE /?" for usage.\n
- 9 List of choices cannot be empty.\n
- 10 Duplicate choices are not allowed.\n
- 11 Invalid choice. The valid choice characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and ASCII values of 128 to 254.\n
- 12 Message cannot be more than 254 characters.\n
- 13 The specified choices are not acceptable.\n
- 14 The timeout factor cannot be empty.\n
- 15 The timeout factor is invalid.\n
- 16 \nERROR: The file is either empty or does not contain the valid choices.\n
- 17 YN
- 18 The characters cannot be converted to upper case.\n
- 19 The default choice cannot be empty.\n
- 50 \nCHOICE [/C choices] [/N] [/CS] [/T timeout /D choice] [/M text]\n\n
- 51 Description:\n
- 52 This tool allows users to select one item from a list \n
- 53 of choices and returns the index of the selected choice.\n\n
- 56 Parameter List:\n
- 57 /C choices Specifies the list of choices to be created.\n
- 58 Default list is "YN".\n\n
- 60 /N Hides the list of choices in the prompt.\n
- 61 The message before the prompt is displayed\n
- 62 and the choices are still enabled.\n\n
- 64 /CS Enables case-sensitive choices to be selected.\n
- 65 By default, the utility is case-insensitive.\n\n
- 67 /T timeout The number of seconds to pause before a default \n
- 68 choice is made. Acceptable values are from 0 to \n
- 69 9999. If 0 is specified, there will be no pause \n
- 70 and the default choice is selected.\n\n
- 72 /D choice Specifies the default choice after nnnn seconds.\n
- 73 Character must be in the set of choices specified\n
- 74 by /C option and must also specify nnnn with /T.\n\n
- 76 /M text Specifies the message to be displayed before \n
- 77 the prompt. If not specified, the utility \n
- 78 displays only a prompt.\n\n
- 80 /? Displays this help message.\n\n
- 81 NOTE:\n
- 82 The ERRORLEVEL environment variable is set to the index of the\n
- 83 key that was selected from the set of choices. The first choice\n
- 84 listed returns a value of 1, the second a value of 2, and so on.\n
- 85 If the user presses a key that is not a valid choice, the tool \n
- 86 sounds a warning beep. If tool detects an error condition,\n
- 87 it returns an ERRORLEVEL value of 255. If the user presses \n
- 88 CTRL+BREAK or CTRL+C, the tool returns an ERRORLEVEL value\n
- 89 of 0. When you use ERRORLEVEL parameters in a batch program, list\n
- 90 them in decreasing order.\n\n
- 92 Examples:\n
- 93 CHOICE /?\n
- 94 CHOICE /C YNC /M "Press Y for Yes, N for No or C for Cancel."\n
- 95 CHOICE /T 10 /C ync /CS /D y \n
- 96 CHOICE /C ab /M "Select a for option 1 and b for option 2."\n
- 98 CHOICE /C ab /N /M "Select a for option 1 and b for option 2."\n
- 5001 ERROR:
- 5002 WARNING:
- 5003 SUCCESS:
- 5004 INFO:
- 5005 N/A
- 5501 Type the password for %s:
- 5502 Passing the user credential for local connection.\n
- 5503 The target system must be running Windows XP or above.\n
- 5504 The remote system must be running Windows 2000 or above.\n
- 5601 Invalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed for '%s' option.\n%s\n
- 5602 Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5603 Invalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5604 Invalid syntax. Mandatory option '%s' is missing.\n%s\n
- 5605 Invalid syntax. '%s' option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s).\n%s\n
- 5607 Invalid argument/option - '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5608 Invalid syntax. Default argument is missing.\n%s\n
- 5609 Length of the command line argument should not exceed 255 characters.\n
- 5610 Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s).\n%s\n
- 5611 Invalid syntax. Value expected for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5612 Invalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed as default argument.\n%s\n
- 5613 Type "%s /?" for usage.
- 5614 Value for '%s' option cannot be empty.\n%s\n
- 5615 Value for default option cannot be empty.\n%s\n
- 5616 Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for default.\n%s\n
- 5617 Invalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for default.\n%s\n
- 5618 Value for default option cannot be more than %d character(s).\n
- 5619 Invalid syntax. Value cannot be specified with '%s' option.\n%s\n
- 5620 Value for '%s' option cannot be more than %d character(s).\n