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1 CertConfig Class 2 CertGetConfig Class 3 CertRequest Class 5 CertServerPolicy Class 6 CertServerExit Class 101 Request ID 102 Binary Request 103 Old Certificate 104 Request Attributes 105 Request Type 106 Request Flags 107 Request Status 108 Request Status Code 109 Request Disposition 110 Request Disposition Message 111 Request Submission Date 112 Request Resolution Date 113 Revocation Date 114 Effective Revocation Date 115 Revocation Reason 116 Requester Name 117 Requester Address 118 Request Distinguished Name 119 Request Binary Name 120 Request Name Type 121 Request Country/Region 122 Request Organization 123 Request Organization Unit 124 Request Common Name 125 Request City 126 Request State 127 Request Title 128 Request First Name 129 Request Initials 130 Request Last Name 131 Request Domain Component 132 Request Email Address 133 Request Street Address 134 Issued Request ID 135 Binary Certificate 136 Certificate Hash 137 Certificate Type 138 Serial Number 139 Issuer Name ID 140 Certificate Effective Date 141 Certificate Expiration Date 142 Binary Public Key 143 Public Key Algorithm 144 Public Key Algorithm Parameters 145 Issued Distinguished Name 146 Issued Binary Name 147 Issued Name Type 148 Issued Country/Region 149 Issued Organization 150 Issued Organization Unit 151 Issued Common Name 152 Issued City 153 Issued State 154 Issued Title 155 Issued First Name 156 Issued Initials 157 Issued Last Name 158 Issued Domain Component 159 Issued Email Address 160 Issued Street Address 161 Issued Unstructured Name 162 Issued Unstructured Address 163 Request Unstructured Name 164 Request Unstructured Address 165 Request Device Serial Number 166 Issued Device Serial Number 167 Active Directory Certificate Services share 168 Issued SMIME Capabilities 169 Extension Request ID 170 Extension Name 171 Extension Flags 172 Extension Raw Value 173 Attribute Request ID 174 Attribute Name 175 Attribute Value 176 CRL Row ID 177 CRL Number 178 CRL Minimum Base Number 179 CRL Name ID 180 CRL Count 181 CRL This Update 182 CRL Next Update 183 CRL This Publish 184 CRL Next Publish 185 CRL Effective 186 CRL Propagation Complete 187 CRL Raw CRL 188 File Version 189 Product Version 190 Exit Module Count 191 Exit Module Description 192 Policy Module Description 193 CA Name 194 Sanitized CA Name 195 Shared Folder 196 Parent CA 197 CA Type 198 CA Certificate Count 199 CA Certificate 200 CA Certificate Chain 201 CA Exchange Certificate Count 202 CA Exchange Certificate 203 CA Exchange Certificate Chain 204 Base CRL 205 Delta CRL 206 CA Certificate State 207 CRL State 208 Maximum CA PropId 209 Issued Subject Key Identifier 210 Error 211 Unexpected method call sequence. 212 Expected INF file section name 213 Bad INF file section name line 214 INF file section name too long 215 INF file syntax error 216 Wrong INF file type 217 INF file section name not found 218 INF file line not found 219 Archived Key 220 Key Recovery Agent Hashes 221 DNS Name 222 Certificate Template 223 Signer Policies 224 Signer Application Policies 225 Template Enrollment Flags 226 Template General Flags 227 Public Key Length 228 Used KRA Certificate Count 229 KRA Certificate Count 230 KRA Certificate 231 KRA Certificate State 232 Role Separation Enabled 233 Advanced Server 234 CRL Last Published 235 CRL Publish Attempts 236 CRL Publish Flags 237 CRL Publish Status Code 238 CRL Publish Error Information 239 Caller Name 240 Certificate Templates 241 Base CRL Publish Status 242 Delta CRL Publish Status 243 CA Certificate Chain with CRLs 244 CA Exchange Certificate Chain with CRLs 245 User Principal Name 246 Possible data alignment fault. 247 CA Certificate verification status code 248 OK to continue with request 249 Server has switched protocols in upgrade header 250 Request completed 251 Object created, reason = new URI 252 Async completion (TBS) 253 Partial completion 254 No info to return 255 Request completed, but clear form 256 Partial GET furfilled 257 Server couldn't decide what to return 258 Object permanently moved 259 Object temporarily moved 260 Redirection w/ new access method 261 If-modified-since was not modified 262 Redirection to proxy, location header specifies proxy to use 263 HTTP/1.1: keep same verb 264 Invalid syntax 265 Access denied 266 Payment required 267 Request forbidden 268 Object not found 269 Method is not allowed 270 No response acceptable to client found 271 Proxy authentication required 272 Server timed out waiting for request 273 User should resubmit with more info 274 The resource is no longer available 275 The server refused to accept request w/o a length 276 Precondition given in request failed 277 Request entity was too large 278 Request URI too long 279 Unsupported media type 280 Retry after doing the appropriate action. 281 Internal server error 282 Required not supported 283 Error response received from gateway 284 Temporarily overloaded 285 Timed out waiting for gateway 286 HTTP version not supported 287 Forward Cross Certificate 288 Backward Cross Certificate 289 Forward Cross Certificate State 290 Backward Cross Certificate State 291 CA Certificate Version 292 Sanitized CA Short Name (DS Name) 293 Active Directory Certificate Services 294 MSCEP 295 Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) Add-On 296 Officer 297 OCSP 298 Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Add-On 900 User 901 Authenticated Session 902 Smartcard Logon 903 Basic EFS 904 Administrator 905 EFS Recovery Agent 906 Code Signing 907 Trust List Signing 908 Computer 909 Domain Controller 910 Web Server 911 KDC 912 Root Certification Authority 913 Subordinate Certification Authority 914 Enrollment Agent 915 Smartcard User 917 User Signature Only 919 The value for the following key is incorrect in the INF file. It should be a non-zero numeric value. 923 IPSec 924 The value for RenewalValidityPeriodUnits is incorrect in CAPolicy.inf. It should be a non-zero numeric value. 925 IPSec (Offline request) 926 The value for RenewalValidityPeriod is incorrect in CAPolicy.inf. It should be one of the following: Years, Months, Weeks or Days (in English). 927 Router (Offline request) 928 req 929 Open Request File 930 Request Files (*.req; *.txt; *.cmc; *.der)|*.req;*.txt;*.cmc;*.der|Certificate Files(*.cer; *.crt; *.der)|*.cer;*.crt;*.der|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 931 Please enter a computer name. 932 Please make sure there is a running CA on the computer. 933 There is no matched CA on the computer. This might be caused by the computer being offline. Please contact the system adminstrator or select a different CA. 934 Cannot ping the selected CA. Please make sure the CA is running. 935 Exchange Enrollment Agent (Offline request) 936 Exchange User 937 Exchange Signature Only 938 There are no published CAs available. Please contact the system adminstrator or select a CA by name. 939 Enrollment Agent (Computer) 940 Save Request File 941 CEP Encryption 942 Built Policy 943 Policy Element 944 Policy Statement Extension 945 Policy inf missing section or key 946 Opened Policy inf 947 Cannot open Policy inf 948 Begin 949 End 950 Manage CA 951 Issue and Manage Certificates 952 Manage Audit Logs 953 Backup and Restore 954 Read 955 Request Certificates 964 Closed Policy inf 965 Message Box 966 The value for RenewalValidityPeriod is incorrect in unattended answer file. It should be one of the following: Years, Months, Weeks or Days (in English). 967 Key Recovery Agent 968 CA Exchange 969 970 Cross Certification Authority 971 Domain Controller Authentication 972 Directory Email Replication 974 \nYou have configured this Web client to forward requests to an enterprise CA. If the CA is using the enterprise default policy module, this computer must have delegation enabled and use Kerberos authentication. To enable delegation, see 'Allow computer accounts to be trusted for delegation' help topic. 976 The Web client cannot be configured to forward requests to the selected CA. 977 The value for the following key is incorrect in the INF file. It should be a boolean value (Yes/No/True/False/0/1). 978 Workstation Authentication 979 RAS and IAS Server 980 Low Assurance 981 Medium Assurance 982 High Assurance 983 OCSP Response Signing 984 Kerberos Authentication 1000 Key recovery agent 1001 Directory e-mail replication 1002 Cross-certified certification authority 1003 Certification authority (CA) 1004 Computer 1005 User 1006 Unknown 1007 Active Directory KRA 1008 Active Directory AIA