3016 Enumerating applications in the Active Directory for user %1!s! with flags %2!x!.
3017 Cannot bind to the Active Directory to enumerate applications, error code %1!x!.
3018 Assigning application %1!s! from policy %2!s!.
3019 Cannot get the current set of managed applications from the registry, error %1!d!.
3020 Cannot create the local application script directory, error %1!d!.
3021 Policy has not changed. Only assigned applications will be advertised.
3022 Enumerating the managed applications which are currently applied to this user.
3023 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was found and has flags %3!x!.
3024 Set the Active Directory path to %1!s!.
3025 No Active Directory path.
3026 Found assigned application %1!s! from policy %2!s! in the registry.
3027 Found published application %1!s! from policy %2!s! in the registry.
3028 Application %1!s! is in an unrecognized state!
3029 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was not found.
3030 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is set for removal because it was removed from the policy.
3031 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is set for installation because it is assigned to this computer policy.
3032 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is set for assignment because it is assigned to this user policy.
3033 No managed applications are currently applied to this user.
3034 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is set to be assigned because it is a published application that this user had installed previously on another computer.
3035 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is set to be assigned because it is an upgrade for an application that applies to this user.
3036 The script file for application %1!s! from policy %2!s! cannot be copied. Copy from %3!s! to %4!s! failed, error %5!d!.
3037 Calling the Windows Installer to advertise application %1!s! from script %2!s! with flags %3!x!.
3038 Windows Installer cannot advertise application %1!s! from script %2!s!, error %3!d!..
3039 Calling the Windows Installer to install application %1!s! from policy %2!s!.
3040 Application %1!s! has been applied on more than one computer. It will be marked as unmanaged in the software installation database.
3041 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is reset to no action because application %3!s! from policy %4!s! is a forced upgrade or a previously applied optional upgrade.
3042 The following %1!d! managed applications are currently applied to this user.
3043 Calling Windows Installer to remove application %1!s! from policy %2!s!.
3044 Application %1!s! has been applied on more than one computer. It will be marked as removed in the software installation database.
3045 Calling Windows Installer to remove application advertisement for application %1!s! from script %2!s!.
3046 Windows Installer cannot remove application advertisement for application %1!s! from script %2!s!, error %3!d!.
3047 Removing application %1!s! from the software installation database.
3048 Software installation service request to install returning final error code %1!x!.
3049 Enumerating applications in the Active Directory for computer %1!s! with flags %2!x!.
3050 Software installation service called to install application %1!s!.
3051 Software installation service called to install application for file extension %1!s!.
3052 Software installation service called to install application for program identifier %1!s!.
3053 Software installation service called to install application for class %1!s! with context %2!x!.
3054 Cannot get the application information from the Active Directory, error %1!x!.
3055 Software installation service request to install returning final error code %1!d!.
3056 Cannot initialize the data structure for application %1!s!.
3057 Cannot initialize the data structure for local script %1!s!.
3058 Found %1!d! applications locally that are not included in the set of applications from the Active Directory.
3059 Software installation service called to remove product identifier %1!s!.
3060 Software installation service call to remove returning final error code %1!d!.
3061 Found published application %1!s! with product identifier %2!s!.
3062 Found assigned application %1!s! with product identifer %2!s!.
3063 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was reset to unmanaged because application %3!s! from policy %4!s! is a higher precedence application with the same product identifier that is already installed.
3064 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was set to be unmanaged because it was removed from policy.
3065 Cannot find an Active Directory for policy %1!s!. The error was %2!x!.
3066 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was reset to no action because it has been previously upgraded by application %3!s! from policy %4!s!.
3067 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was reset to no action because it is an upgrade of application %3!s! from policy %4!s! and is not set to force an upgrade.
3068 Ignoring removal of policy %3!s!.
3069 %1!s! from policy %2!s! with state %3!x! and assign count %4!d!.
3070 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is set for installation because it is assigned to this user policy and is configured with the install option.
3071 Applications belonging to category %1!s! are now being selected for inclusion in the final list of enumerated applications.
3072 Install application request found Windows Installer type application %1!s! from policy %2!s!.
3073 Install application request found legacy setup type application %1!s! from policy %2!s!.
3074 Install application request found unknown (%1!d!) type application %2!s! from policy %3!s!.
3075 The following applications were found in policy %1!s!.
3076 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was set to be unmanaged because it was no longer found in the policy set, perhaps because of a permission change.
3077 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was set for removal because it was no longer found in the policy set, perhaps because of a permission change.
3078 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! kept at no action because it is a published application that has already been applied to the user on this computer.
3079 Could not determine if there is an unmanaged install of application %2!s!, error %3!d!
3080 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was set for reinstallation because it was configured to be redeployed. The local revision count is less then the Active Directory revision count.
3081 Calling Windows Installer to reinstall application %1!s!.
3082 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was reset for installation into new default feature states because of a transform conflict with an existing installation of the product.
3083 The following policies are to be removed, flags are %1!x!.
3084 The following policies are to be applied, flags are %1!x!.
3085 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is marked as managed but was not in the list of active applications from the Active Directory, checking now to see if it was removed.
3086 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! could not be found in the Active Directory, the error was %3!d!.
3087 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was set to be unmanaged because it is a published application which has been removed.
3088 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was reset from unmanaged to no action because it is not applied to this user.
3089 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is a potential upgrade of application %3!s! from policy %4!s!, states are %5!d! %6!d! %7!d! %8!d! %9!d!.
3090 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was reset to unmanaged because application %3!s! from policy %4!s! is a higher precedence application with the same product identifier.
3091 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! has an upgrade of application %3!s! from policy %4!s! which conflicts with the precedence of the policies. The upgrade relationship will be reversed.
3092 Found unmanaged application %1!s! from policy %2!s! in the registry.
3093 Found removed application %1!s! from policy %2!s! in the registry.
3094 The install of %1!s! will be prevented because a similar product is already installed.
3095 The install of %1!s! will be prevented because there is an upgrade relationship with a product that is already installed.
3096 Found Windows Installer information for program identifier %1!s!.
3097 Found Windows Installer information for an in process server for the class.
3098 Found Windows Installer information for a local server for the class.
3099 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is configured to remove any unmanaged install before being assigned.
3100 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was set for reinstallation because it was configured to be redeployed. The local script time is %3!s! and the Active Directory script time is %4!s!.
3101 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was reset to unmanaged because application %3!s! from policy %4!s! has the same product identifier and is a better language match.
3102 The Active Directory path could not be updated at the client.
3103 The list of applications in the Active Directory could not be retrieved.
3104 Local software installation state could not be retrieved.
3105 Software changes could not be applied. A previous log entry with details should exist.
3106 Policy Logging for Software Managment failed to initialize, the error was %1!x!.
3108 Policy Logging for Software Management failed to write a policy record, the error was %1!x!.
3109 Policy Logging for Software Management is attempting to log application %1!s! from policy %2!s!.
3110 Policy Logging for Software Management failed to clear the log, the error was %1!x!.
3111 Policy Logging for Software Management is attempting to write the log entry for application category %1!s!.
3112 Policy Logging for Software Management failed to write the log entry for application category %1!s!, the error was %2!x!.
3113 Policy Logging for Software Management failed to set attribute %1!s!, the error was %2!x!.
3114 Policy Logging for Software Management failed to log conflict entries for application %1!s! from policy %2!s!, the error was %3!x!.
3115 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was superseded by application %3!s! from policy %4!s! with reason %5!d!.
3116 Found a cached script for an application which was not in the client's list of managed applications.
3117 Found the application for the cached script in the policy logging database, querying the Active Directory for its current state.
3118 Did not find the application for the cached script in the policy logging database. The script will be deleted.
3119 Could not find the application for the cached script in the policy logging database, error %1!x!. The script will not be deleted.
3120 Found application %1!s! from policy %2!s! which matches the cached script. It will be added to the client's list of managed applications.
3121 An application matching the cached script could not be found in the Active Directory. The script will be deleted.
3122 Could not find an application matching the cached script, error %1!x!. The script will not be deleted.
3123 Detected one or more applications which are missing from the client's list of managed applications. A full policy refresh will be enforced.
3124 Found application %1!s! from policy %2!s! which matches the cached script. It was in the original list of applications gathered from the Active Directory. It will be added to the client's list of managed applications.
3200 CSTORE: Deletion of script file %1!s! returned error code %2!x!.
3201 CSTORE: Gathering list of scripts from packages removed before (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d for deletion.
3202 CSTORE: Deletion of package with DN %1!s! using package flags %2!x! returned error code %3!x!.
3203 CSTORE: Removing class store entry %1!s! from class store cache.
3204 CSTORE: Found class store %1!s! in class store cache.
3205 CSTORE: Failed to bind to class store %1!s!, the error was %2!x!.
3206 CSTORE: Getting details for package %1!s!.
3207 CSTORE: Enumerating packages with search filter %1!s! and flags %2!x!.
3208 CSTORE: Evaluating package %1!s! to determine if it satisfies on-demand criteria.
3209 CSTORE: Skipping package %1!s! in on-demand evaluation due to upgrade in same GPO by %2!s!.
3210 CSTORE: Package %1!s! chosen as best match for on-demand criteria.
3211 CSTORE: Removing element from CLSID cache due to expiration.
3212 CSTORE: Found CLSID in miss cache.
3213 CSTORE: Performing on-demand search across GPO's with filter %1!s!.
3214 CSTORE: Retrieved %1!d! packages with error code %2!x!.
3215 CSTORE: On-demand search for single GPO returned error code %1!x!.
3216 CSTORE: Attempting to bind to class store %1!d! with path %2!s!.
3217 CSTORE: Bind attempt returned error code %1!x!.
3218 CSTORE: On-demand class specifier type %1!x! with criteria %2!s!.
3219 CSTORE: Client-side filter skipping package due to missing attribute %1!s!.
3220 CSTORE: Client-side filter skipping package %1!s! due to failure to satisfy package flag %2!x!.
3221 CSTORE: Client-side filter skipping package %1!s! due to mismatch between filter flag %2!x! and package flag %3!x!.
3222 CSTORE: Client-side filter skipping package %1!s! because no inclusive constraints were satisfied.
3223 CSTORE: Retrieving class store path for the system account.
3224 CSTORE: Retrieving class store path for impersonated user.
3225 CSTORE: Retrieving class store path for non-impersonated user.
3226 CSTORE: Retrieved %1!d! class stores for the user or machine.
3227 CSTORE: Failed to add package -- attempting to delete partially deployed package at path %1!s!.
3228 CSTORE: Examining retrieved package %1!s!.
3229 CSTORE: Client-side filter skipping package %1!s! due to language mismatch for package language id %2!x!.
3230 CSTORE: Client-side filter skipping package %1!s! due to architecture mismatch.
3231 CSTORE: Client-side filter skipping package %1!s! due to clsid mismatch.
3232 CSTORE: Client-side filter skipping package %1!s! due to file extension mismatch.
3233 CSTORE: Client-side filter skipping package %1!s! because package type %2!x! is not an MSI package.
3234 CSTORE: Failed to retrieve RSoP specific attributes, the error was %1!x!.
3235 CSTORE: Error %1!x! was remapped to error %2!x!.
3236 CSTORE: Retrieved package cannot be applied to clients because it was deployed with a pre-release version of Windows.
3238 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is being restored to the policy set with state %3!x! because this policy was previously removed but now applies to this user.
3239 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! is being re-advertised because it was a published application and this policy was previously removed but now applies to this user.
3240 Software installation extension has been called for asynchronous policy refresh
3241 Software installation extension has been called for background policy refresh
3242 Software installation extension cannot perform removal or install operations during asynchronous policy refresh and will force a synchronous foreground refresh.
3243 Software installation extension has been called for foreground synchronous policy refresh.
3244 Software installation extension has detected changes that require a synchronous foreground policy refresh.
3245 Software installation extension has detected that the RSoP version of the target's profile is out of sync with the machine's RSoP data
3246 Application %1!s! from policy %2!s! was reset to reinstall because an unmanaged application with the same product identifier was already present on the machine.
3247 The installation of software deployed through Group Policy for this user has been delayed until the next logon because the changes must be applied before the user logon.
3248 The installation of software deployed through Group Policy for this computer has been delayed until the next system restart because the changes must be applied before any user logons.
3249 Detected user assigned application %1!s! from policy %2!s! that was uninstalled on another machine. This uninstall will be ignored to allow normal processing to decide whether to uninstall the application.
3250 Application Management
3251 Processes installation, removal, and enumeration requests for software deployed through Group Policy. If the service is disabled, users will be unable to install, remove, or enumerate software deployed through Group Policy. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
3252 Software Installation
4000 Profiles notification: Failed to delete the profiles directory for %1!s!, the error was %2!x!.
4001 Profiles notification: Failed to delete the profiles registry data for %1!s!, the error was %2!x!.
4002 Profiles notification: Succeeded in deleting cached profiles data for %1!s!.