50 You have successfully unblocked your smart card.
51 You have successfully changed your PIN.
60 Unblock smart card
61 Change PIN
70 No valid certificates found
71 Please contact your administrator for instructions on how to unblock your smart card.
72 Check that the card is inserted correctly and fits tightly
80 Input Credential
81 Credential passed in
100 The card supplied was not recognized. Please check that the card is inserted correctly, and fits tightly.
101 The card supplied requires drivers that are not present on this system. Please try another card.
102 Wrong smart card inserted
103 Please insert the correct smart card.
1000 Your credentials could not be verified.
1001 Your account has time restrictions that prevent you from logging on at this time. Please try again later.
1002 Your account has been disabled. Please see your system administrator.
1003 The domain specified is not available. Please try again later
1004 The system's primary domain password is missing.
1005 The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.
1006 Windows cannot connect to the domain, either because the domain controller is down or otherwise unavailable, or because your computer account was not found. Please try again later. If this message continues to appear, contact your system administrator for assistance.
1007 Your account has expired. Please see your system administrator.
1008 The netlogon service is not running on this machine.
1009 Your account has been locked out. Please contact your administrator.
1010 An incorrect PIN was presented to the smart card.
1011 The smart card is blocked.
1012 The smart card was removed.
1013 The requested key container does not exist on the smart card.
1014 The requested certificate does not exist on the smart card.
1015 The requested keyset does not exist on the smart card.
1016 A communication error with the smart card has been detected.
1017 An error occurred trying to use this smart card. You can find further details in the event log. Please report this error to the system administrator.
1018 The smart card certificate used for authentication has expired.
1019 The smart card certificate used for authentication has been revoked.
1020 An untrusted certificate authority was detected while processing the smart card certificate used for authentication.
1021 The revocation status of the smart card certificate used for authentication could not be determined.
1022 The smart card certificate used for authentication was not trusted.
1023 You must use a smart card to log on.
1024 Your password has expired and must be changed. You must log in with your password in order to change it.
1025 An untrusted certificate authority was detected while processing the domain controller certificate used for authentication. There is additional information in the system event log. Please contact your system administrator.
1026 The revocation status of the domain controller certificate used for smart card authentication could not be determined. There is additional information in the system event log. Please contact your system administrator.
1027 You cannot log on because the logon method you are using is not allowed on this computer. Please see your network administrator for more information.
1028 Your account is configured to prevent you from using this computer. Please try another computer.
1029 The PINs supplied do not match.
1050 Your credentials could not be verified.
1051 Please ensure that your response is correct and your new PIN meets the complexity requirements of your organization.
1052 The PIN supplied did not meet the pin complexity requirements for the smart card.
1053 The smart card does not support unblock.
1054 The smart card does not support PIN change.
2000 Enter PIN
2005 Click here for more information
3000 PIN
3001 Wrong Card Inserted
3010 Your PIN is returned in plaintext
3011 Your PIN is returned encrypted
3012 The system will securely transfer your PIN to the card without the application knowing it.
3013 The application could have access to your PIN. Only enter your PIN if you trust the calling application.
3014 Information about this request
4000 Error validating PIN
4001 A wrong PIN was presented to the card: %d retries left
4002 A wrong PIN was presented to the card
4003 Your smart card is blocked
4004 There was an error while validating your PIN.\nError Code: 0x%X.
4005 The smart card does not support the operation.
4006 The smart card was removed or it is not the one requested.
4010 Computer Policy prohibits performing this operation because the card does not support the required level of security.