110 This program does not run on this type of Windows
111 Windows Server Customer Experience Program cannot\naccess the registry. Verify that you have the\nappropriate permissions to manage opt-in settings.
112 Windows Server Customer Experience Program could\nnot save your selected option.
113 The opt-in setting cannot be modified unless\nyou have the appropriate permissions.
114 This setting is managed by system administrator;\nthe opt-in state cannot be modified.
115 This opt-in setting is currently managed by system administrator.
302 This tool allows you to participate in the\nWindows Server Customer Experience Improvement\nProgram. For more information about this program,\nrefer to the privacy policy at\nhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=52095
303 Parameter list:
304 /query Displays Windows Server Customer Experience\n Improvement Program participation status,\n and the privacy policy.
305 /enable Enables the Windows Server Customer Experience\n Improvement Program.
306 /disable Disables the Windows Server Customer Experience\n Improvement Program.
307 /help Displays parameters and syntax for this command.
308 Examples:
320 ServerCEIPOptin /query
321 ServerCEIPOptin /enable
400 If you join the Windows Server Customer Experience\nImprovement Program (CEIP), we will collect statistical\ninformation about your system, and Windows will\nperiodically upload a small file to Microsoft\nthat contains a summary of the information collected.
401 The uploaded data contains no information that allows\nus to identify you or your company. If you participate\nand then decide to use imaging technology on this server\nto build other servers, those servers will be included\nin the CEIP program.
402 For more information, please visit\nhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=52095
500 Current Customer Experience Improvement participation:
501 participating
502 not participating
503 You have chosen to participate in the Windows\nServer Customer Experience Improvement Program.\nFor more information, visit\nhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=52095
504 You have declined to participate in the Windows\nServer Customer Experience Improvement Program.\nFor more information, visit\nhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=52095