501 This computer does not meet the requirements of this network\nNetwork access is limited.
502 The Network Access Protection (NAP) service on this computer is not running\nThis might limit access on networks that use NAP to verify that computers meet network requirements.
503 The Network Access Protection (NAP) service does not have information about the connection on this computer\nThis might limit access on networks that use NAP to verify that computers meet network requirements.
504 This computer is missing a System Health Authentication certificate\nThis certificate is required by the computer that is hosting the resource you want to access.
505 The computer hosting the resource you tried to access is missing a required System Health Authentication certificate.
601 Network Access Protection is restricting your access to the network\nClick for more information
602 View the Network Access Protection event log to determine what prevented the Network Access Protection service from obtaining a System Health Authentication certificate for this computer.