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- 101 ERROR
- 106 success|error|information|warning
- 150 SUCCESS: An event of type '%s' was created with '%s' as the log.\n
- 151 SUCCESS: An event of type '%s' was created with '%s' as the source.\n
- 152 SUCCESS: An event of type '%s' was created in the '%s' log with '%s' as the source.\n
- 153 '%s' log does not exist. Cannot create the event.\n
- 154 Invalid syntax. /U can be specified only when /S is specified.\nType "EVENTCREATE /?" for usage.\n
- 155 Invalid syntax. /P can be specified only when /U is specified.\nType "EVENTCREATE /?" for usage.\n
- 156 Invalid syntax. Event ID must be in the range of 1 - 1000.\nType "EVENTCREATE /?" for usage.\n
- 157 Invalid syntax. Description cannot be empty.\nType "EVENTCREATE /?" for usage.\n
- 158 Invalid syntax. Log/Source cannot be empty.\nType "EVENTCREATE /?" for usage.\n
- 159 Invalid syntax. Either /L or /SO or both should be specified.\nType "EVENTCREATE /?" for usage.\n
- 160 New source can be created only if log name is also specified.\nINFO: Use /L switch to specify the log name.\n
- 161 Source already exists in '%s' log. Source cannot be duplicated.\n
- 162 Invalid syntax. User name cannot be empty.\n
- 163 Invalid syntax.\nType "EVENTCREATE /?" for usage.\n
- 164 Invalid syntax. System name cannot be empty.\n
- 165 EventID must be in the range of %d - %d.\nType "EVENTCREATE /?" for usage.\n
- 166 Source parameter is used to identify custom applications/scripts only (not installed applications).\n
- 167 Access is denied. Custom events cannot be created into security log.\n
- 1001 \nEVENTCREATE [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]] /ID eventid\n
- 1002 [/L logname] [/SO srcname] /T type /D description\n
- 1003 \n
- 1004 Description:\n
- 1005 This command line tool enables an administrator to create\n
- 1006 a custom event ID and message in a specified event log.\n
- 1007 \n
- 1008 Parameter List:\n
- 1009 /S system Specifies the remote system to connect to.\n\n
- 1010 /U [domain\]user Specifies the user context under which\n
- 1011 the command should execute.\n\n
- 1012 /P [password] Specifies the password for the given\n
- 1013 user context. Prompts for input if omitted.\n\n
- 1014 /L logname Specifies the event log to create\n
- 1015 an event in.\n\n
- 1016 /T type Specifies the type of event to create.\n
- 1018 /SO source Specifies the source to use for the\n
- 1019 event (if not specified, source will default\n
- 1020 to 'eventcreate'). A valid source can be any\n
- 1021 string and should represent the application\n
- 1022 or component that is generating the event.\n\n
- 1023 /ID id Specifies the event ID for the event. A\n
- 1024 valid custom message ID is in the range\n
- 1025 of 1 - 1000.\n\n
- 1026 /D description Specifies the description text for the new event.\n\n
- 1028 /? Displays this help message.\n\n
- 1029 \n
- 1030 Examples:\n
- 1031 EVENTCREATE /T ERROR /ID 1000\n
- 1032 /L APPLICATION /D "My custom error event for the application log"\n\n
- 1036 /SO WinWord /D "Winword event 999 happened due to low diskspace"\n\n
- 1037 EVENTCREATE /S system /T ERROR /ID 100\n
- 1038 /L APPLICATION /D "Custom job failed to install"\n\n
- 1039 EVENTCREATE /S system /U user /P password /ID 1 /T ERROR\n
- 1040 /L APPLICATION /D "User access failed due to invalid user credentials"\n
- 5001 ERROR:
- 5002 WARNING:
- 5003 SUCCESS:
- 5004 INFO:
- 5005 N/A
- 5501 Type the password for %s:
- 5502 Passing the user credential for local connection.\n
- 5503 The target system must be running Windows XP or above.\n
- 5504 The remote system must be running Windows 2000 or above.\n
- 5601 Invalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed for '%s' option.\n%s\n
- 5602 Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5603 Invalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5604 Invalid syntax. Mandatory option '%s' is missing.\n%s\n
- 5605 Invalid syntax. '%s' option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s).\n%s\n
- 5607 Invalid argument/option - '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5608 Invalid syntax. Default argument is missing.\n%s\n
- 5609 Length of the command line argument should not exceed 255 characters.\n
- 5610 Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '%d' time(s).\n%s\n
- 5611 Invalid syntax. Value expected for '%s'.\n%s\n
- 5612 Invalid syntax. '%s' value is not allowed as default argument.\n%s\n
- 5613 Type "%s /?" for usage.
- 5614 Value for '%s' option cannot be empty.\n%s\n
- 5615 Value for default option cannot be empty.\n%s\n
- 5616 Invalid syntax. Specify valid numeric value for default.\n%s\n
- 5617 Invalid syntax. Specifiy valid floating point value for default.\n%s\n
- 5618 Value for default option cannot be more than %d character(s).\n
- 5619 Invalid syntax. Value cannot be specified with '%s' option.\n%s\n
- 5620 Value for '%s' option cannot be more than %d character(s).\n