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Windows Setup INFormation  |  2008-01-19  |  5KB  |  106 lines

  1.  ■;
  2. ; WpdFs.inf
  3. ;
  4. ; WPD File System driver
  5. ;
  6. ;;++ Added by AddSDisk.cmd
  7. [SourceDisksNames]
  8. 3426=windows cd
  9. [SourceDisksFiles]
  10. wpdfs.dll         = 3426
  11. ;;--
  12. [Version]
  13. Signature="$Windows NT$"
  14. Class=WPD
  15. ClassGuid={EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}
  16. Provider=%Msft%
  17. ;; Commented by AddSDisk.cmd
  18. ;; LayoutFile=layout.inf
  19. DriverVer=06/21/2006,6.0.6001.18000
  20. [Manufacturer]
  21. %MSFTWUDF%=Microsoft,NTx86,NTia64,NTamd64
  22. [Microsoft.NTx86]
  23. %BasicDeviceName%=Basic_Install,wpdbusenum\fs
  24. [Microsoft.NTia64]
  25. %BasicDeviceName%=Basic_Install,wpdbusenum\fs
  26. [Microsoft.NTamd64]
  27. %BasicDeviceName%=Basic_Install,wpdbusenum\fs
  28. ; =================== WPDFS Device ==================================
  29. [Basic_Install]
  30. CopyFiles=System32Copy
  31. [Basic_Install.hw]
  32. AddReg=Device_AddReg
  33. [Basic_Install.Services]
  34. AddService=WUDFRd,0x000001fa,WUDFRD_ServiceInstall
  35. [Basic_Install.CoInstallers]
  36. AddReg=Basic_Install.CoInstallers_AddReg
  37. [Basic_Install.CoInstallers_AddReg]
  38. HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"WUDFCoInstaller.dll"
  39. [Basic_Install.Wdf]
  40. UmdfService=WpdFs, WpdFs_Install
  41. UmdfServiceOrder=WpdFs
  42. UmdfImpersonationLevel = Impersonation
  43. [WpdFs_Install]
  44. UmdfLibraryVersion=1.0.0
  45. DriverCLSID="{112DE495-AC4C-46F8-B663-6A4266C53313}"
  46. ServiceBinary=%12%\UMDF\WpdFs.dll
  47. [Device_AddReg]
  48. ; Add custom property
  49. ; Use WIA Autoplay
  50. ;HKR,,"UseWiaAutoPlay",0x10001,1
  51. ; Enable both WIA and WMDM support for legacy applications
  52. HKR,,"EnableLegacySupport",0x10001,3
  53. HKR,"WpdFs","EnableLegacySupport",0x10001,3
  54. HKR,"WUDF\Device Parameters\WpdFs","EnableLegacySupport",0x10001,3
  55. HKR,,"UseExtendedWmdm",0x10001,1
  56. HKR,,"WMDMSPCLSID",,"{77F7F122-20B0-4117-A2FB-059D1FC88256}"
  57. HKR,,"OptimalTransferSize",0x10001,262144
  58. ; Disable appearance in shell extension
  59. HKR,,"PortableDeviceIsMassStorage",0x10001,1
  60. ; WPDSP Should convert unicode serial numbers from WPD to ANSI
  61. HKR,,"ConvertSerialNumberToANSI",0x10001,1
  62. [WUDFRD_ServiceInstall]
  63. ServiceType=1
  64. StartType=3
  65. ErrorControl=1
  66. ServiceBinary=%12%\WUDFRd.sys
  67. [DestinationDirs]
  68. System32Copy=12,UMDF ; copy to system32\drivers\umdf
  69. [System32Copy]
  70. WpdFs.dll,,,0x0100
  71. ; =================== Strings ==================================
  72. [Strings]
  73. Msft="Microsoft"
  74. MSFTWUDF="(WPD file system device)"
  75. ; MediaDescription="Microsoft WPD FileSystem Volume Driver Installation Media"
  76. BasicDeviceName="Microsoft WPD FileSystem Volume Driver"
  77. REG_DWORD = 0x00010001
  78. WDF_ROOT="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WUDF"
  79. WDF_SERVICES="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WUDF\Services"
  81. ; Remove the following line after UMDF RI (mid-Aug)
  82. WPD_FS_DEVICE_PARAM2="WUDF\Device Parameters\WpdFs"