<?Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3" company="Microsoft Corporation" copyright="Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved." description="MSMQ Features for client and server Windows operating systems" displayName="MSMQ Package" manifestVersion="1.0" supportInformation="http://support.microsoft.com">
<update description="Message Queue Triggers enables the invocation of a COM component or an executable depending on the filters that you define for the incoming messages in a given queue." displayName="MSMQ Triggers" name="MSMQ-Triggers">
<update description="Active Directory Domain Services Integration feature enables publishing of queue properties to Active Directory Domain Services, out-of-the-box authentication and encryption of messages using certificates registered in Active Directory Domain Services, and routing of messages across Windows sites. This feature becomes operational only when the computer joins a domain." displayName="MSMQ Active Directory Domain Services Integration" name="MSMQ-ADIntegration" restart="required">
<update description="The HTTP Support feature allows you to expose a queue to the internet such that applications can send messages to the queue using HTTP protocol. This feature requires Internet Information Server." displayName="MSMQ HTTP Support" name="MSMQ-HTTP">
<update description="The Multicast support feature enables you to send messages to a Multicast IPAdress. Queues can be associated with a Multicast IPAddress. Messages sent to a Multicast IPAddress will be delivered to the queues that are associated with that IPAddress." displayName="Multicasting Support" name="MSMQ-Multicast">
<update description="The DCOM proxy feature enables MSMQ applications to use MSMQ DCOM API to connect to a remote MSMQ Server." displayName="MSMQ DCOM Proxy" name="MSMQ-DCOMProxy">
<update description="The Windows 2000 client support feature enables you to run MSMQ on Windows 2000 computers in domain mode joined to a Longhorn Server domain. This feature can only be installed on a server that is acting as a Domain Controller." displayName="MSMQ downlevel client server" name="MSMQ-DownlevelClient">
<update description="The Routing Service feature enables you to route messages between different sites and within a site." displayName="MSMQ routing server" name="MSMQ-RoutingServer">