home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- ;;++ Added by AddSDisk.cmd
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 3426=windows cd
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- bulltlp3.sys = 3426
- gpr400.sys = 3426
- grserial.sys = 3426
- lit220p.sys = 3426
- pscr.sys = 3426
- scmstcs.sys = 3426
- stcusb.sys = 3426
- scr111.sys = 3426
- cmbp0wdm.sys = 3426
- cxbp0wdm.sys = 3426
- sccmn50m.sys = 3426
- sccmusbm.sys = 3426
- ;;--
- [Version]
- Signature="$Windows NT$"
- Class=SmartCardReader
- ClassGuid={50DD5230-BA8A-11D1-BF5D-0000F805F530}
- Provider=%Msft%
- DriverVer=06/21/2006,6.0.6001.18000
- ;; Commented by AddSDisk.cmd
- ;; LayoutFile=layout.inf
- [Manufacturer]
- %HP%=HP,NTx86
- %SCM%=SCM,NTx86
- %SLB%=SLB,NTx86
- %SNI%=SNI,NTx86
- ; ============ Add reg for all readers ===============
- [Reader.Install.AddReg]
- HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\Readers,,,
- HKLM, System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SCardSvr,Start,0x00010001,2
- HKLM, System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CertPropSvc,Start,0x00010001,2
- ; ========================================
- ; =========== Compaq readers =============
- ; ========================================
- [COMPAQ.NTx86]
- ; DisplayName Section DeviceId
- ; ----------- ------- --------
- %COMPAQ410.DeviceDesc% = COMPAQ410.Install, SERENUM\CPQB18D
- [COMPAQ410.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = GCR410P.Install.CopyFiles
- [COMPAQ410.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = COMPAQ410.Install.AddReg.HW
- [COMPAQ410.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"COMPAQ"
- HKR,,"IfdType",,"GCR410P Serial Smart Card Reader"
- [COMPAQ410.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = GCR410P, 2, GCR410P.Service, GCR410P.EventLog
- ; ===================================================
- ; =============== Gemplus readers ===================
- ; ===================================================
- ; DisplayName Section DeviceId
- ; ----------- ------- --------
- %GPR400.DeviceDesc% = GPR400.Install, PCMCIA\GEMPLUS-GPR400-72B1
- %GPR400.DeviceDesc% = GPR400.Install, PCMCIA\GEMPLUS-GPR400-43E8
- %GCR410P.DeviceDesc% = GCR410P.Install, SERENUM\GEM0410
- [GPR400.Install.NT]
- AddReg = GPR400.Install.AddReg,Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = GPR400.Install.CopyFiles
- [GPR400.Install.AddReg]
- HKR,,PcmciaExclusiveIrq,0x00010001,1
- [GPR400.Install.NT.LogConfigOverride]
- LogConfig=GPR400.LogConfigOverride
- [GPR400.LogConfigOverride]
- ConfigPriority=NORMAL
- IOConfig=22@100-FCFF%FF00
- IRQConfig=3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
- PcCardConfig=1(S0)
- [GPR400.Install.CopyFiles]
- gpr400.sys,,,2
- [GPR400.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = GPR400, 2, GPR400.Service, GPR400.EventLog
- [GPR400.Service]
- DisplayName = %GPR400.DeviceDesc%
- ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
- StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START%
- ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
- ServiceBinary = %12%\gpr400.sys
- [GPR400.EventLog]
- AddReg = GPR400.AddEventLog.reg
- [GPR400.AddEventLog.reg]
- HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\GPR400.sys"
- HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7
- [DestinationDirs]
- GPR400.Install.CopyFiles = 12
- ; ***************
- ; Gemplus GCR 410
- ; ***************
- [GCR410P.Install.NT]
- AddReg = GCR410P.Install.AddReg,Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = GCR410P.Install.CopyFiles
- [GCR410P.Install.AddReg]
- HKR,, MaximalBaudRate,0x00010001,38400
- [GCR410P.Install.CopyFiles]
- grserial.sys,,,2
- [GCR410P.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = GCR410P, 2, GCR410P.Service, GCR410P.EventLog
- [GCR410P.Service]
- DisplayName = %GCR410P.DeviceDesc%
- ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
- StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START%
- ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
- ServiceBinary = %12%\grserial.sys
- [GCR410P.EventLog]
- AddReg = GCR410P.AddEventLog.reg
- [GCR410P.AddEventLog.reg]
- HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\grserial.sys"
- HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7
- [DestinationDirs]
- GCR410P.Install.CopyFiles = 12
- ; ==================================================
- ; ================= HP readers =====================
- ; ==================================================
- [HP.NTx86]
- ; DisplayName Section DeviceId
- ; ----------- ------- --------
- %HPSCR111.DeviceDesc% = HPSCR111.Install, SERENUM\SCM0009
- [HPSCR111.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = SCMSCR111.Install.CopyFiles
- [HPSCR111.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = HPSCR111.Install.AddReg.HW
- [HPSCR111.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"Hewlett Packard"
- HKR,,"IfdType",,"ProtectTools Smart Card reader"
- [HPSCR111.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = SCR111, 2, SCMSCR111.Service, SCMSCR111.EventLog
- ; ============================================================
- ; ================= Schlumberger readers =====================
- ; ============================================================
- [SLB.NTx86]
- ; DisplayName Section DeviceId
- ; ----------- ------- --------
- %SLBREFLEX30.DeviceDesc% = SLBREFLEX30.Install, PCMCIA\Reflex_30-smart_card_reader-E8F8
- %SLBREFLEX30.DeviceDesc% = SLBREFLEX30.Install, PCMCIA\SLB-Reflex30_SmartCard_Reader-12C6
- %SLBREFLEX72.DeviceDesc% = SLBREFLEX72.Install, SERENUM\SCM0003
- %SLBSCR111.DeviceDesc% = SLBSCR111.Install, SERENUM\SCM000F
- ; ****************************
- ; SLB PCMCIA Smart Card Reader
- ; ****************************
- ; This is actually an SCM pcmcia reader, so we reference the SCM reader here
- [SLBREFLEX20.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = SCM488C.Install.CopyFiles
- [SLBREFLEX20.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = SLBREFLEX20.Install.AddReg.HW
- [SLBREFLEX20.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"Schlumberger"
- HKR,,"IfdType",, "Reflex 20"
- [SLBREFLEX20.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = SCM488C, 2, SCM488C.Service, SCM488C.EventLog
- ; ***************************
- ; SLB Reflex 30 PCMCIA reader
- ; ***************************
- ; This is actually an OMNIKEY reader, so we reference this reader here
- [SLBREFLEX30.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = OMNCMBP.Install.CopyFiles
- [SLBREFLEX30.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = SLBREFLEX30.Install.AddReg.HW
- [SLBREFLEX30.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"Schlumberger"
- HKR,,"IfdType",,"Reflex 30"
- [SLBREFLEX30.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = OMNCMBP, 2, OMNCMBP.Service, OMNCMBP.EventLog
- ; ****************************
- ; SLB Serial Smart Card Reader
- ; ****************************
- ; This is actually an SCM serial reader, so we reference the SCM reader here
- [SLBREFLEX72.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = SCMSTCS.Install.CopyFiles
- [SLBREFLEX72.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = SLBREFLEX72.Install.AddReg.HW
- [SLBREFLEX72.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"Schlumberger"
- HKR,,"IfdType",, "Reflex 72"
- [SLBREFLEX72.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = SCMSTCS, 2, SCMSTCS.Service, SCMSTCS.EventLog
- ; *************************************
- ; SLB Serial Smart Card Reader (SCR111)
- ; *************************************
- ; This is actually an SCM serial reader, so we reference the SCM reader here
- [SLBSCR111.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = SCMSCR111.Install.CopyFiles
- [SLBSCR111.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = SLBSCR111.Install.AddReg.HW
- [SLBSCR111.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"Schlumberger"
- HKR,,"IfdType",,"Reflex Lite"
- [SLBSCR111.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = SCR111, 2, SCMSCR111.Service, SCMSCR111.EventLog
- ; ===================================================
- ; ================= SCM readers =====================
- ; ===================================================
- [SCM.NTx86]
- ; DisplayName Section DeviceId
- ; ----------- ------- --------
- %SCM488C.DeviceDesc% = SCM488C.Install, PCMCIA\PSCR-Smart_Card_Reader-488C
- %SCMSTCS.DeviceDesc% = SCMSTCS.Install, SERENUM\SCM0002
- %SCMUSB.DeviceDesc% = SCMUSB.Install, USB\VID_0066&PID_1001
- %ACTIVECARD.DeviceDesc% = SCMUSB.Install, USB\VID_04E6&PID_1001
- %SCMSCR111.DeviceDesc% = SCMSCR111.Install, SERENUM\SCM000B
- %SCMSCR111.DeviceDesc% = SCMSCR111.Install, SERENUM\SCM000C
- ; ****************************
- ; SCM PCMCIA Smart Card Reader
- ; ****************************
- [SCM488C.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = SCM488C.Install.CopyFiles
- [SCM488C.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = SCM488C.Install.AddReg.HW
- [SCM488C.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"SCM Microsystems"
- HKR,,"IfdType",, "SCR120"
- [SCM488C.Install.CopyFiles]
- pscr.sys,,,2
- [SCM488C.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = SCM488C, 2, SCM488C.Service, SCM488C.EventLog
- [SCM488C.Service]
- DisplayName = %SCM488C.DeviceDesc%
- ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
- StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START%
- ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
- ServiceBinary = %12%\pscr.sys
- [SCM488C.EventLog]
- AddReg = SCM488C.AddEventLog.reg
- [SCM488C.AddEventLog.reg]
- HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\pscr.sys"
- HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7
- [DestinationDirs]
- SCM488C.Install.CopyFiles = 12
- ; ***********************************
- ; SCM Serial Smart Card Reader (STCS)
- ; ***********************************
- [SCMSTCS.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = SCMSTCS.Install.CopyFiles
- [SCMSTCS.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = SCMSTCS.Install.AddReg.HW
- [SCMSTCS.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"SCM Microsystems"
- HKR,,"IfdType",, "SCR200"
- [SCMSTCS.Install.CopyFiles]
- scmstcs.sys,,,2
- [SCMSTCS.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = SCMSTCS, 2, SCMSTCS.Service, SCMSTCS.EventLog
- [SCMSTCS.Service]
- DisplayName = %SCMSTCS.DeviceDesc%
- ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
- StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START%
- ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
- ServiceBinary = %12%\scmstcs.sys
- [SCMSTCS.EventLog]
- AddReg = SCMSTCS.AddEventLog.reg
- [SCMSTCS.AddEventLog.reg]
- HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\scmstcs.sys"
- HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7
- [DestinationDirs]
- SCMSTCS.Install.CopyFiles = 12
- ; *************************
- ; SCM USB Smart Card Reader
- ; *************************
- [SCMUSB.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = SCMUSB.Install.CopyFiles
- [SCMUSB.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = SCMUSB.Install.AddReg.HW
- [SCMUSB.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"SCM Microsystems"
- HKR,,"IfdType",, "SCR300"
- [SCMUSB.Install.CopyFiles]
- stcusb.sys,,,2
- [SCMUSB.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = SCMUSB, 2, SCMUSB.Service, SCMUSB.EventLog
- [SCMUSB.Service]
- DisplayName = %SCMUSB.DeviceDesc%
- ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
- StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START%
- ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
- ServiceBinary = %12%\stcusb.sys
- [SCMUSB.EventLog]
- AddReg = SCMUSB.AddEventLog.reg
- [SCMUSB.AddEventLog.reg]
- HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\stcusb.sys"
- HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7
- [DestinationDirs]
- SCMUSB.Install.CopyFiles = 12
- ; ***********************************
- ; SCM SCR111 Serial Smart Card Reader
- ; ***********************************
- [SCMSCR111.Install.NT]
- AddReg = SCMSCR111.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = SCMSCR111.Install.CopyFiles
- [SCMSCR111.Install.CopyFiles]
- SCR111.sys,,,2
- [SCMSCR111.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = SCMSCR111.Install.AddReg.HW
- [SCMSCR111.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"SCM Microsystems"
- HKR,,"IfdType",,"SCR111 Serial SmartCard Reader"
- [SCMSCR111.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = SCR111, 2, SCMSCR111.Service, SCMSCR111.EventLog
- [SCMSCR111.Service]
- DisplayName = %SCMSCR111.DeviceDesc%
- ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
- StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START%
- ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
- ServiceBinary = %12%\SCR111.sys
- [SCMSCR111.EventLog]
- AddReg = SCMSCR111.AddEventLog.reg
- [SCMSCR111.AddEventLog.reg]
- HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\SCR111.sys"
- HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7
- [DestinationDirs]
- SCMSCR111.Install.CopyFiles = 12
- ; =======================================================
- ; ================= Siemens readers =====================
- ; =======================================================
- [SNI.NTx86]
- ; DisplayName Section DeviceId
- ; ----------- ------- --------
- %SNISCR111.DeviceDesc% = SNISCR111.Install, SERENUM\SCM000D
- [SNISCR111.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = SCMSCR111.Install.CopyFiles
- [SNISCR111.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = SNISCR111.Install.AddReg.HW
- [SNISCR111.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"Systemneeds, Inc."
- HKR,,"IfdType",, "Systemneeds Smart Card Reader"
- [SNISCR111.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = SCR111, 2, SCMSCR111.Service, SCMSCR111.EventLog
- ; =======================================================
- ; ================= OMNIKEY readers =====================
- ; =======================================================
- ; DisplayName Section DeviceId
- ; ----------- ------- --------
- %OMNCMBP.DeviceDesc% = OMNCMBP.Install, PCMCIA\CardMan-Mobile-379F
- %OMNCMBP.DeviceDesc% = OMNCMBP.Install, PCMCIA\CardMan-4000-5626
- %OMNCMBP.DeviceDesc% = OMNCMBP.Install, PCMCIA\Smart_Card_Reader-PC-Card-324D
- %OMNCXBP.DeviceDesc% = OMNCXBP.Install, PCMCIA\OMNIKEY-CardMan_4040-FE82
- ; ********************************
- ; OMNIKEY PCMCIA Smart Card Reader
- ; ********************************
- [OMNCMBP.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = OMNCMBP.Install.CopyFiles
- [OMNCMBP.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = OMNCMBP.Install.AddReg.HW
- [OMNCMBP.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"OMNIKEY"
- HKR,,"IfdType",, "CardMan 4000"
- [OMNCMBP.Install.CopyFiles]
- cmbp0wdm.sys,,,2
- [OMNCMBP.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = OMNCMBP, 2, OMNCMBP.Service, OMNCMBP.EventLog
- [OMNCMBP.Service]
- DisplayName = %OMNCMBP.DeviceDesc%
- ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
- StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START%
- ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
- ServiceBinary = %12%\cmbp0wdm.sys
- [OMNCMBP.EventLog]
- AddReg = OMNCMBP.AddEventLog.reg
- [OMNCMBP.AddEventLog.reg]
- HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\cmbp0wdm.sys"
- HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7
- [DestinationDirs]
- OMNCMBP.Install.CopyFiles = 12
- ; **************************************
- ; OMNIKEY Cardman 4040 Smart Card Reader
- ; **************************************
- [OMNCXBP.Install.NT]
- AddReg = Reader.Install.AddReg
- CopyFiles = OMNCXBP.Install.CopyFiles
- [OMNCXBP.Install.NT.HW]
- AddReg = OMNCXBP.Install.AddReg.HW
- [OMNCXBP.Install.AddReg.HW]
- HKR,,"VendorName",,"OMNIKEY"
- HKR,,"IfdType",, "CardMan 4040"
- [OMNCXBP.Install.CopyFiles]
- cxbp0wdm.sys,,,2
- [OMNCXBP.Install.NT.Services]
- AddService = OMNCXBP, 2, OMNCXBP.Service, OMNCXBP.EventLog
- [OMNCXBP.Service]
- DisplayName = %OMNCXBP.DeviceDesc%
- ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
- StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START%
- ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
- ServiceBinary = %12%\cxbp0wdm.sys
- [OMNCXBP.EventLog]
- AddReg = OMNCXBP.AddEventLog.reg
- [OMNCXBP.AddEventLog.reg]
- HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\cxbp0wdm.sys"
- HKR,, TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7
- [DestinationDirs]
- OMNCXBP.Install.CopyFiles = 12
- [Strings]
- Msft = "Microsoft"
- COMPAQ410.DeviceDesc = "COMPAQ GCR410P Serial Smart Card Reader"
- GPR400.DeviceDesc = "GEMPLUS GPR400 PCMCIA Smart Card Reader"
- GCR410P.DeviceDesc = "GEMPLUS GCR410P Serial Smart Card Reader"
- HP = "Hewlett Packard"
- HPSCR111.DeviceDesc = "HP ProtectTools Serial smart Card reader"
- SLB = "Schlumberger"
- SLBREFLEX20.DeviceDesc = "Schlumberger Reflex 20 PCMCIA Smart Card Reader"
- SLBREFLEX30.DeviceDesc = "Schlumberger Reflex 30 PCMCIA Smart Card Reader"
- SLBREFLEX72.DeviceDesc = "Schlumberger Reflex 72 Serial Smart Card Reader"
- SLBSCR111.DeviceDesc = "Schlumberger Reflex Lite Serial Smart Card Reader"
- SCM = "SCM Microsystems"
- SCM488C.DeviceDesc = "SCM Microsystems SCR120 PCMCIA Smart Card Reader"
- SCMSTCS.DeviceDesc = "SCM Microsystems SCR200 Serial Smart Card Reader"
- SCMUSB.DeviceDesc = "SCM Microsystems SCR300 USB Smart Card Reader"
- SCMSCR111.DeviceDesc = "SCM Microsystems SCR111 Serial SmartCard Reader"
- ACTIVECARD.DeviceDesc = "ActivCard SCR301 USB Smart Card Reader"
- SNI = "Systemneeds Inc."
- SNISCR111.DeviceDesc = "Systemneeds External Serial Smart Card Reader"
- OMNIKEY = "Omnikey AG"
- OMNCMBP.DeviceDesc = "Omnikey AG CardMan 4000 PCMCIA Smart Card Reader"
- OMNCXBP.DeviceDesc = "Omnikey AG CardMan 4040 PCMCIA Smart Card Reader"