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- ; 61883.INF
- ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- ;;++ Added by AddSDisk.cmd
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 3426=windows cd
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- 61883.sys = 3426
- ;;--
- [Version]
- signature="$CHICAGO$"
- Class=61883
- ClassGuid={7EBEFBC0-3200-11d2-B4C2-00A0C9697D07}
- Provider=%Msft%
- DriverVer=06/21/2006,6.0.6001.18000
- ;; Commented by AddSDisk.cmd
- ;; LayoutFile=Layout.inf
- [DestinationDirs]
- defaultdestdir=10,system32\drivers
- 61883Class.CopyFiles=10,system32\drivers
- [ControlFlags]
- ; All PnP devices should be excluded from manual AddDevice Applet list
- ExcludeFromSelect=*
- ; =================== Table of content =========================
- [Manufacturer]
- %MicrosoftMfg%=Microsoft,NTx86
- [SignatureAttributes]
- 61883.sys=SignatureAttributes.DRM
- ; =================== Microsoft ========================
- [Microsoft.NTx86]
- %61883Class.DeviceDesc%=61883_Unit,1394\A02D&10000
- %61883Class.DeviceDesc%=61883_Unit,1394\A02D&10001
- %V61883Class.DeviceDesc%=V61883_Unit,V1394\A02D&10000
- %V61883Class.DeviceDesc%=V61883_Unit,V1394\A02D&10001
- ; dynamically loaded 61883
- [61883_Unit]
- AddReg=61883_Unit.AddReg
- CopyFiles=61883_Unit.CopyFiles
- [61883_Unit.AddReg]
- HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern
- HKR,,NTMPDriver,,61883.sys
- [61883_Unit.NT]
- CopyFiles=61883_Unit.CopyFiles
- [61883_Unit.CopyFiles]
- 61883.sys,,,0x100
- [61883_Unit.NT.Services]
- AddService = 61883, 2, 61883_Unit.ServiceInstall
- [61883_Unit.ServiceInstall]
- DisplayName = %61883_Unit.ServiceDesc%
- ServiceType = 1
- StartType = 3
- ErrorControl = 1
- ServiceBinary = %12%\61883.sys
- ; statically loaded 61883
- [V61883_Unit]
- AddReg=61883_Unit.AddReg,V61883_Unit.DevDesc
- CopyFiles=61883_Unit.CopyFiles
- [V61883_Unit.NT]
- AddReg=V61883_Unit.DevDesc
- CopyFiles=61883_Unit.CopyFiles
- [V61883_Unit.NT.Services]
- AddService = 61883, 2, 61883_Unit.ServiceInstall
- [V61883_Unit.ServiceInstall]
- DisplayName = %V61883_Unit.ServiceDesc%
- ServiceType = 1
- StartType = 3
- ErrorControl = 1
- ServiceBinary = %12%\61883.sys
- [V61883_Unit.DevDesc]
- HKR,VDL,VendorId,0x10001,0x50F2
- HKR,VDL,ModelId,0x10001,0x0
- HKR,VDL,SwVersion,0x10001,0x10001
- HKR,VDL,szVendorId,,%Msft%
- HKR,VDL,szModelId,,%61883.ModelID%
- [SignatureAttributes.DRM]
- DRMLevel=1200
- [Strings]
- ;-----------------
- ; Localizable
- ;-----------------
- Msft="Microsoft"
- MicrosoftMfg="Microsoft"
- 61883Class.DeviceDesc="61883 Class Bus Device"
- 61883_Unit.ServiceDesc="61883 Unit Device"
- V61883Class.DeviceDesc="Virtual 61883 Class Bus Device"
- V61883_Unit.ServiceDesc="Virtual 61883 Unit Device"
- 61883.ModelID="61883 Device"