<string id="Event.JobStart" value="Task Scheduler started "%3" instance of the "%1" task for user "%2"."></string>
<string id="Event.JobStartFailed" value="Task Scheduler failed to start "%1" task for user "%2". Additional Data: Error Value: %3."></string>
<string id="Event.JobSuccess" value="Task Scheduler successfully finished "%3" instance of the "%1" task for user "%2"."></string>
<string id="Event.JobFailure" value="Task Scheduler failed to start instance "%2" of "%1" task for user "%3" . Additional Data: Error Value: %4."></string>
<string id="Event.LogonFailure" value="Task Scheduler failed to log on "%1" . Failure occurred in "%2" . User Action: Ensure the credentials for the task are correctly specified. Additional Data: Error Value: %3."></string>
<string id="Event.TimeTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%2" instance of task "%1" due to a time trigger condition."></string>
<string id="Event.EventTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%2" instance of task "%1" according to an event trigger."></string>
<string id="Event.ImmediateTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%2" instance of task "%1" according to a registration trigger."></string>
<string id="Event.Run" value="Task Scheduler launched "%2" instance of task "%1" for user "%3" ."></string>
<string id="Event.JobTermination" value="Task Scheduler terminated "%2" instance of the "%1" task due to exceeding the time allocated for execution, as configured in the task definition. User Action: Increase the configured task timeout or investigate external reasons for the delay."></string>
<string id="Event.TaskNoStartWithoutNetwork" value="Task Scheduler could not start task "%1" because the network was unavailable. User Action: Ensure the computer is connected to the required network as specified in the task. If the task does not require network presence, remove the network condition from the task configuration."></string>
<string id="Event.TaskRegisteredWithoutSomeTriggers" value="Task registered task "%1" , but not all specified triggers will start the task. User Action: Ensure all the task triggers are valid as configured. Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.MissedTaskLaunched" value="Task Scheduler could not launch task "%1" as scheduled. Instance "%2" is started now as required by the configuration option to start the task when available, if schedule is missed."></string>
<string id="Event.TransactionRollbackFailure" value="Task Scheduler failed to roll back a transaction when updating or deleting a task. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.TaskRegisteredWithoutCredentials" value="Task Scheduler saved the configuration for task "%1" , but credentials could not be stored. User Action: Re-register the task ensuring the credentials are valid. Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.IdleTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%2" instance of task "%1" due to an idle condition."></string>
<string id="Event.BootTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%2" instance of task "%1" due to system startup."></string>
<string id="Event.LogonTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%3" instance of task "%1" due to user "%2" logon."></string>
<string id="Event.ConsoleConnectTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%3" instance of task "%1" due to user "%2" connecting to the console trigger."></string>
<string id="Event.ConsoleDisconnectTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%3" instance of task "%1" due to user "%2" disconnecting from the console trigger."></string>
<string id="Event.RemoteConnectTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%3" instance of task "%1" due to user "%2" remotely connecting trigger."></string>
<string id="Event.RemoteDisconnectTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%3" instance of task "%1" due to user "%2" remotely disconnecting trigger."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionLockTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%3" instance of task "%1" due to user "%2" locking the computer trigger."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionUnlockTrigger" value="Task Scheduler launched "%3" instance of task "%1" due to user "%2" unlocking the computer trigger."></string>
<string id="Event.FailedTaskRestart" value="Task Scheduler failed to execute task "%1" . Attempting to restart. Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.RejectedTaskRestart" value="Task Scheduler failed to execute task "%1" due to a shutdown race condition. Attempting to restart."></string>
<string id="Event.IgnoredTaskStart" value="Task Scheduler did not launch task "%1" , because current time exceeds the configured task end time. User Action: Extend the end time boundary for the task if required."></string>
<string id="Event.CreatedTaskProcess" value="Task Scheduler launch task "%1" , instance "%2" with process ID %3."></string>
<string id="Event.TaskNotRunServiceBusy" value="Task Scheduler failed to start task "%1" due to the service being busy."></string>
<string id="Event.TaskNotStartedTaskQuotaExceeded" value="Task Scheduler failed to start task "%1" because the number of tasks in the task queue exceeding the quota currently configured to %2%. User Action: Reduce the number of running tasks or increase the configured queue quota."></string>
<string id="Event.TaskQuotaApproaching" value="Task Scheduler task launching queue quota is approaching its preset limit of tasks currently configured to %1%. User Action: Reduce the number of running tasks or increase the configured queue quota."></string>
<string id="Event.TaskNotStartedEngineQuotaExceeded" value="Task Scheduler failed to start task %1" in TaskEngine "%2" for user "%3". User Action: Reduce the number of tasks running in the specified user context."></string>
<string id="Event.EngineQuotaApproaching" value="Task Engine "%1" for user "%2" is approaching its preset limit of tasks. User Action: Reduce the number of tasks running in the specified user context."></string>
<string id="Event.ComputerWakeupToStartTask" value="Task Scheduler woke up the computer to run a task."></string>
<string id="Event.TaskEventSubscriptionFailed" value="Task Scheduler failed to subscribe for the event trigger for task "%1". Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.ActionStart" value="Task Scheduler launched action "%2" in instance "%3" of task "%1"."></string>
<string id="Event.ActionLaunchFailure" value="Task Scheduler failed to launch action "%3" in instance "%2" of task "%1". Additional Data: Error Value: %4."></string>
<string id="Event.EventRenderFailure" value="Task Scheduler failed to retrieve the event triggering values for task "%1" . The event will be ignored. Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.EventAggregateFailure" value="Task Scheduler failed to match the pattern of events for task "%1" . The events will be ignored. Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionLaunch" value="Task Scheduler started Task Engine "%1" with process ID %2 as user "%3" ."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionExit" value="Task Scheduler is shutting down Task Engine "%1" "></string>
<string id="Event.SessionError" value="Task Scheduler is shutting down Task Engine "%1" due to an error in "%2" . Additional Data: Error Value: %3."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionSentJob" value="Task Scheduler sent "%1" task to Task Engine "%2" . The task instance Id is "%3" ."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionSentJobFailed" value="Task Scheduler did not send "%1" task to Task Engine "%2" . Additional Data: Error Value: %3."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionFailedToProcessMessage" value="For Task Scheduler Task Engine "%1" , the thread pool failed to process the message. Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionManagerConnectFailed" value="Task Scheduler service failed to connect to the Task Engine "%1" process. Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionConnected" value="Task Scheduler connected to the Task Engine "%1" process."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionJobsOrphaned" value="Task Scheduler %1 tasks orphaned during Task Engine "%2" shutdown. User Action: Find the process run by this task in the Task Manager and kill it manually."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionProcessLaunchFailed" value="Task Scheduler failed to start Task Engine "%1" process due to an error occurring in "%3" . Command="%2" . Additional Data: Error Value: %4."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionWin32ObjectCreated" value="Task Scheduler created the Win32 job object for Task Engine "%1" ."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionChannelReady" value="Task Scheduler channel with Task Engine "%1" is ready to send and receive messages."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionIdle" value="Task Scheduler has no tasks running for Task Engine "%1" , and the idle timer has started."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionProccessConnectFailed" value="Task Engine "%1" process failed to connect to the Task Scheduler service. Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionMessageSendFailed" value="Task Engine "%1" failed to send a message to the Task Scheduler service. Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionProcessMainStarted" value="Task Scheduler started Task Engine "%1" process."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionProcessReceivedStartJob" value="Task Engine "%1" received a message from Task Scheduler service requesting to launch task "%2" ."></string>
<string id="Event.SessionProcessReceivedStopJob" value="Task Engine "%1" received a message from Task Scheduler service requesting to stop task instance "%2" ."></string>
<string id="Event.NewInstanceIgnored" value="Task Scheduler did not launch task "%1" because instance "%2" of the same task is already running."></string>
<string id="Event.RunningInstanceStopped" value="Task Scheduler stopped instance "%2" of task "%1" in order to launch new instance "%3" ."></string>
<string id="Event.NewInstanceQueued" value="Task Scheduler queued instance "%2" of task "%1" and will launch it as soon as instance "%3" completes."></string>
<string id="Event.NotLaunchingOnBatteries" value="Task Scheduler did not launch task "%1" because computer is running on batteries. User Action: If launching the task on batteries is required, change the respective flag in the task configuration."></string>
<string id="Event.StoppingOnBatteries" value="Task Scheduler stopped instance "%2" of task "%1" because the computer is switching to battery power."></string>
<string id="Event.StoppingOffIdle" value="Task Scheduler stopped instance "%2" of task "%1" because computer is no longer idle."></string>
<string id="Event.StoppingOnTimeout" value="Task Scheduler stopped instance "%2" of task "%1" because it timed out."></string>
<string id="Event.StoppingOnRequest" value="Task Scheduler stopped instance "%2" of task "%1" as request by user "%3" ."></string>
<string id="Event.TimeoutWontWork" value="Task Scheduler will continue to execute Instance "%2" of task "%1" even after the designated timeout, due to a failure to create the timeout mechanism. Additional Data: Error Value: %3."></string>
<string id="Event.NoStartUserNotLogged" value="Task Scheduler did not launch task "%1" because user "%2" was not logged on when the launching conditions were met. User Action: Ensure user is logged on or change the task definition to allow launching when user is logged off."></string>
<string id="Event.ServiceStart" value="Task Scheduler service has started."></string>
<string id="Event.ServiceStartFailed" value="Task Scheduler service failed to start due to an error in "%1" . Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.ServiceStop" value="Task Scheduler service is shutting down."></string>
<string id="Event.ServiceError" value="Task Scheduler service has encountered an error in "%1" . Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.ServiceRpcInitError" value="Task Scheduler service has encountered RPC initialization error in "%1". Additional Data: Error Value: %2."></string>
<string id="Event.ServiceCOMInitFailed" value="Task Scheduler service has failed to initialize COM. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.ServiceCredStoreInitFailed" value="Task Scheduler service failed to initialize credentials store. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.ServiceLSAInitFailed" value="Task Scheduler service failed to initialize LSA. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.ServiceIdleServiceInitFailed" value="Task Scheduler service failed to initialize idle state detection module. Idle tasks may not be started as required. Additional Data: Error Value: %1. "></string>
<string id="Event.ServiceTimeChangeInitFailed" value="Task Scheduler service failed to initialize time change notification. System time updates may not be picked by the service and task schedules may not be updated. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.SetWakeupTimerFailed" value="Task Scheduler service failed to set a wakeup timer. As a result, some scheduled tasks may not run while the system is suspended. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.TimeChangeSignaled" value="Task Scheduler service received a time system change notification."></string>
<string id="Event.LoadBootJobsFailed" value="Task Scheduler service failed to launch tasks triggered by computer startup. Additional Data: Error Value: %1. User Action: restart task scheduler service."></string>
<string id="Event.IdleTaskRegister" value="Process ID %2 has registered idle task ID %1."></string>
<string id="Event.IdleTaskUnregister" value="Process ID %2 has completed idle task ID %1."></string>
<string id="Event.IdleTaskExecute_Start" value="Execution of idle task ID %1 has started."></string>
<string id="Event.IdleTaskExecute_Stop" value="Execution of idle task ID %1 has ended."></string>
<string id="Event.IdleTaskNotify_Start" value="Idle task ID %1 has been notified that explicit processing has been requested."></string>
<string id="Event.IdleTaskNotify_Stop" value="Idle task ID %1 has returned from its explicit processing notification."></string>
<string id="Event.ExplicitProcessing_Start" value="Explicit execution of all idle tasks has been requested."></string>
<string id="Event.ExplicitProcessing_Stop" value="Explicit execution of all idle tasks has completed."></string>
<string id="Event.CompatStart" value="Task Scheduler service started Task Compatibility module."></string>
<string id="Event.CompatStartFailed" value="Task Scheduler service failed to start Task Compatibility module. Tasks may not be able to register on previous Window versions. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.CompatStartRpcFailed" value="Task Scheduler failed to initialize the RPC server for starting the Task Compatibility module. Tasks may not be able to register on previous Window versions. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.CompatStartNetScheduleFailed" value="Task Scheduler failed to initialize Net Schedule API for starting the Task Compatibility module. Tasks may not be able to register on previous Window versions. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.CompatStartLsaFailed" value="Task Scheduler failed to initialize LSA for starting the Task Compatibility module. Tasks may not be able to register on previous Window versions. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.CompatDirectoryMonitorFailed" value="Task Scheduler failed to start directory monitoring for the Task Compatibility module. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.CompatTaskStatusUpdateFailed" value="Task Compatibility module failed to update task "%1" to the required status %2. Additional Data: Error Value: %3."></string>
<string id="Event.UpgradeStartFailed" value="Task Compatibility module failed to upgrade existing tasks. Upgrade will be attempted again next time 'Task Scheduler' service starts. Additional Data: Error Value: %1. "></string>
<string id="Event.UpgradeNeedNotDetermined" value="Task Compatibility module failed to determine if upgrade is needed. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="Event.Beta2CredStoreUpgradeFailed" value="Task scheduler was unable to upgrade the credential store from the Beta 2 version. You may need to re-register any tasks that require passwords. Additional Data: Error Value: %1."></string>
<string id="description2" value="Enables users, applications, and system components to configure, schedule, and trigger automated tasks on this computer. If this service is stopped, these tasks will not be run at their scheduled times or triggered by their associated events." buildFilter=""></string>
<string id="description3" value="Security on the jobs folder." buildFilter=""></string>
<string id="displayName4" value="Task Scheduler Service Security Settings" buildFilter=""></string>
<string id="description6" value="Security on private registry settings" buildFilter=""></string>