home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <duixml>
- <stylesheets>
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- <!-- For one of a series of alternatives -->
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- <!-- Text that describes a major task heading -->
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- <!--
- -->
- <!-- The root element of a wizard -->
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- <!-- 1142424: wizard background color -->
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- -->
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- <!--
- -->
- <!-- The root element of hosted task dialog content -->
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- <!--
- -->
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- <!--
- -->
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- <!-- the pane itself is id=atom(buttonpane) -->
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- <!--
- -->
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- <!--
- -->
- <!-- if you need support for 3-state checkboxes (i.e. checkboxes that can assume
- an indeterminate state as indicated by a grayed box in the checkbox), specify:
- id="atom(CheckBox)" (and to indicate the indeterminate state, set class="mixed")
- otherwise, you should specify:
- class="CheckBox"
- -->
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- </if>
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- <!--
- -->
- <if class="RadioButton">
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- <!--
- -->
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- <!--
- -->
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- -->
- <!-- cannot animate against transparent background, hence the background -->
- <!--
- <clipper
- alpha = "0"
- background = "rgb(238,238,238)"
- animation = "alpha | s | fast"
- />
- <if expanded="true">
- <clipper alpha="255"/>
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- -->
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- <!--
- -->
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- -->
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