<displayName>enter display name here</displayName>
<description>enter description here</description>
<string id="W32TIME_CONFIG_EXPLAIN">Specifies a set of parameters for all time providers installed on your system. There are two sets of parameters: clock discipline parameters, which control how the Windows Time Service processes the time samples it receives from providers, and general parameters. The general parameters allow you to configure the following: whether the time service is discoverable through DsGetDcName, the verbosity of event logging, the reliability of the local CMOS clock, and the minimum and maximum suggested polling intervals for time providers.</string>
<string id="W32TIME_CONFIGURE_NTPCLIENT_EXPLAIN">Specifies whether the Windows NTP Client synchronizes time from the domain hierarchy or a manually configured NTP server. Specifies whether the client can synchronize time from a source outside its site, how long the Windows NTP Client waits before attempting to re-resolve an unsuccessfully resolved NTP server name, and the verbosity of the NTP Client's event logging.</string>
<string id="W32TIME_ENABLE_NTPCLIENT_EXPLAIN">Specifies whether the Windows NTP Client is enabled. Enabling the Windows NTP Client allows your computer to synchronize its computer clock with other NTP servers. You may want to disable this service if you decide to use a third-party time provider.</string>
<string id="W32TIME_ENABLE_NTPSERVER_EXPLAIN">Specifies whether the Windows NTP Server is enabled. Enabling the Windows NTP Server allows your computer to service NTP requests from other machines.</string>