<description>This file contains the configuration options for Windows PowerShell</description>
<string id="AllScripts">Allow all scripts</string>
<string id="AllScriptsSigned">Allow only signed scripts</string>
<string id="EnableScripts">Turn on Script Execution</string>
<string id="EnableScripts_Explain">This settings lets you configure the script execution policy, controlling what scripts are allowed to run.
If you enable this setting, the scripts selected in the drop down list will be allowed to run.
The "Allow only signed scripts" setting allows script to execute only if they are signed by a trusted publisher.
The "Allow local scripts and remote signed scripts" setting allows any local scrips to run; scripts that originate from the Internet must be signed by a trusted publisher.
The "Allow all scripts" setting allows all scripts to run.
If you disable this setting, no scripts are allowed to run.
Note: This setting exists under both "Computer Configuration" and "User Configuration" in the group policy editor. The "Computer Configuration" has precedence over "User Configuration."
If this policy setting is not configured or disabled, the setting reverts to a per-machine preference setting; the default if that is not configured is "No scripts allowed."</string>