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/ PC World Komputer 2010 April / PCWorld0410.iso / WindowsServerTrial / server.iso / sources / dlmanifests / video-tvvideocontrol-dl.man < prev    next >
Extensible Markup Language  |  2008-01-19  |  2KB  |  39 lines

  1. ∩╗┐<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <assembly manifestVersion="1.0" description="$(resourceString.description1)" displayName="$(resourceString.displayName0)" company="Microsoft" copyright="" supportInformation="" creationTimeStamp="2005-01-15T22:05:19.3174185-08:00" lastUpdateTimeStamp="2005-01-21T04:26:41.2030344-08:00" authors="kreneris" owners="seanmcd" testers="" buildFilter="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
  3.   <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft-Windows-Video-TVVideoControl-DL" version="" publicKeyToken="$(Build.WindowsPublicKeyToken)" processorArchitecture="*" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS"></assemblyIdentity>
  4.   <migration>
  5.     <migXml xmlns="">
  6.       <rules context="System">
  7.           <detects>
  8.               <detect>
  9.                   <condition>MigXmlHelper.IsOSEarlierThan("NT", "")</condition>
  10.               </detect>
  11.           </detects>
  12.           <!--
  13.             we're doing something a little cheesy here.  we depending on the fact that the tuning spaces are either
  14.             in wow6432(xpsp2 x64 pro) or not(everything else).  so, we're not messing with detects to separate these two
  15.             cases.  note, that we move out of wow6432node in the uplevel manifest
  16.           -->
  17.           <include>
  18.               <objectSet>
  19.                   <pattern type="Registry">HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Tuning Spaces\* [*]</pattern>
  20.               </objectSet>
  21.           </include>
  22.           <include>
  23.             <objectSet>
  24.                 <pattern type="Registry">HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Tuning Spaces\* [*]</pattern>
  25.             </objectSet>
  26.         </include>
  27.       </rules>
  28.     </migXml>
  29.   </migration>
  30.   <localization>
  31.     <resources culture="en-US">
  32.       <stringTable>
  33.         <string id="displayName0" value="Microsoft-Windows-Video-TVVideoControl-DL" buildFilter=""></string>
  34.         <string id="description1" value="Migrates downlevel tuning space settings." buildFilter=""></string>
  35.       </stringTable>
  36.     </resources>
  37.   </localization>
  38. </assembly>