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- <!-- *************** Down Level Manifest For Upgrade from R2 to LH ********************** -->
- <assembly xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- manifestVersion="1.0"
- description="$(resourceString.description)"
- displayName="$(resourceString.displayName)"
- company="Microsoft Corp"
- copyright="Microsoft"
- supportInformation="sanuidev"
- authors="sanuidev"
- owners="sanuidev"
- testers="sanuidev"
- buildFilter=""
- xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
- <assemblyIdentity type=""
- publicKeyToken="$(Build.WindowsPublicKeyToken)"
- buildType="$(build.buildType)"
- versionScope="nonSxS"
- buildFilter=""
- name="Microsoft-Windows-SanMmc-DL"
- version=""
- processorArchitecture="*"
- language="neutral" />
- <migration>
- <!-- Declare for which Longhorn equivalent OC this manifest corresponds to -->
- <registerSDF name="StorageManagerForSANs"/>
- <!-- Begin migration to Vista from non-Vista Server OS -->
- <!-- In-place section. Declarations here will not be migrated pc-to-pc. -->
- <migXml xmlns="">
- <detects>
- <!-- Make sure this DL manifest is called only on DownLevel machine - Storage Manager for SANs was introduced in OS W2k3 R2 prior to LH -->
- <detect>
- <condition>MigXmlHelper.DoesOSMatch("NT", "5.2.*")</condition>
- </detect>
- <detect>
- <condition>MigXmlHelper.DoesObjectExist("File","%windir%\system32\Microsoft.Storage.SanMmc.dll")</condition>
- </detect>
- </detects>
- <rules context="System">
- </rules>
- </migXml>
- </migration>
- </assembly>