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- ; FDC.INF -- This file contains descriptions of all the
- ; Floppy Drive Controllers supported in Windows NT
- ;
- ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- ;;++ Added by AddSDisk.cmd
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 3426=windows cd
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- fdc.sys = 3426
- ;;--
- [Version]
- Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"
- Class=fdc
- ClassGuid={4D36E969-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- Provider=%MSFT%
- DriverVer=06/21/2006,6.0.6001.18000
- ;; Commented by AddSDisk.cmd
- ;; LayoutFile=layout.inf
- [fdc_copyfiles]
- fdc.sys,,,0x100
- [DestinationDirs]
- fdc_copyfiles=12
- [Manufacturer]
- %GenManufacturer%=fdc_device,NTx86
- [fdc_device.NTx86]
- %fdc_devdesc%=fdc_install,*PNP0700
- [fdc_install.NT]
- CopyFiles=fdc_copyfiles
- [fdc_install.NT.Services]
- AddService=fdc,2,fdc_ServiceInstallSection
- [fdc_ServiceInstallSection]
- DisplayName=%fdc_ServiceDesc%
- ServiceType=1
- StartType=3
- ErrorControl=1
- ServiceBinary = %12%\fdc.sys
- [Strings]
- MSFT="Microsoft"
- GenManufacturer="(Standard floppy disk controllers)"
- fdc_devdesc="Standard floppy disk controller"
- fdc_ServiceDesc="Floppy Disk Controller Driver"