105 INFO: No manifest, or manifest is less or equal than 4 bytes long. Nothing to do. Returning.
110 INFO: Parsing Manifest File %ws.
111 INFO: Manifest parse finished.
113 INFO: Manifest Definition Identity is %ws.
114 INFO: Reference: %ws
115 INFO: Parsing Application Config File %ws.
117 INFO: Parsing Publisher Policy %ws.
119 ERROR: Component identity found in manifest does not match the identity of the component requested. Reference is %ws. Definition is %ws.
120 ERROR: Line %d: The required attribute %ws is missing from element %ws.
121 ERROR: Line %d: The value %ws of attribute %ws in element %ws is invalid.
122 ERROR: Line %d: The attribute %ws is not permitted in this context on element %ws.
123 ERROR: Line %d: The root or application manifest contains the noInherit element but the dependent assembly manifest does not contain the noInheritable element. If an application manifest contains the noInherit element, the assembly manifests of all assemblies on which the application depends are required to contain the noInheritable element.
124 ERROR: Line %d: The root element of a manifest file is required to be the assembly element.
125 ERROR: Line %d: The value specified for the manifest assembly element manifestVersion attribute is not currently supported.
126 ERROR: Line %d: The manifest assembly element is missing the required manifestVersion attribute.
127 ERROR: Line %d: The element %ws appears as a child of element %ws which is not supported by this version of Windows.
128 ERROR: Line %d: A subelement is not allowed for the <noInherit> element.
129 ERROR: Line %d: Multiple top level ASSEMBLY elements found.
130 ERROR: Line %d: The manifest defines multiple identities for this assembly or application.
131 ERROR: Line %d: Attributes are not allowed for the <noInherit> element.
132 ERROR: Line %d: The manifest contains multiple <noInherit> elements.
133 ERROR: Line %d: The element %ws may only appear before the %ws element.
134 ERROR: Line %d: Only manifests may contain <noInherit> elements.
135 ERROR: Line %d: The requestedPrivileges element is not allowed in the component manifest.
136 ERROR: Line %d: Multiple requestedPrivileges elements are not allowed in the manifest.
137 ERROR: Line %d: The DependentAssembly element is missing its assemblyIdentity subelement.
138 ERROR: Line %d: An application configuration manifest contains more than one dependentAssembly element for configuring the same assembly identity.
139 ERROR: Line %d: The publisher policy config contains more than one dependentAssembly element.
140 ERROR: Line %d: Multiple dependentAssembly elements within one dependency element is not allowed.
141 ERROR: Line %d: The manifest contains multiple noInheritable elements.
142 ERROR: Line %d: Multiple dependentAssembly elements within one dependency element is not allowed.
143 ERROR: Line %d: The bindingRedirect element is only permitted in policy files.
144 ERROR: Line %d: The root element of a configuration file is required to be the configuration element.
145 ERROR: Line %d: XML Syntax error.
146 ERROR: Line %d: The application element is not allowed in the component manifest.
147 ERROR: The file %ws is included by multiple assemblies.
149 ERROR: Line %d: Version overlaps in bindingRedirect. oldVersion = %ws. newVersion = %ws.
150 ERROR: Assemblies that require branch version logic can not be privately deployed.
200 INFO: Resolving reference %ws.
201 INFO: Reference resolve finished.
202 INFO: Resolving reference for culture %ws.
203 INFO: Culture probing finished.
204 INFO: Applying Binding Policy.
206 INFO: Begin assembly probing.
207 INFO: End assembly probing.
208 INFO: Resolving reference for ProcessorArchitecture %ws.