home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1998-08-19 | 31.5 KB | 1,214 lines |
- #******************************************************************************
- #
- # Copyright (C) 1995 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
- # All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # The information in this file is provided for the exclusive use of
- # the licensees of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Such users have the
- # right to use, modify, and incorporate this code into other products
- # for purposes authorized by the license agreement provided they include
- # this notice and the associated copyright notice with any such product.
- # The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
- #
- #===============================================================================
- buildDate="3.5.2 - Mon Jan 27 13:22:20 1997"
- # This script was built from shell library
- # $Id: install.shlib,v 1997/02/11 19:58:19 tobyd Exp $
- GLOB_VISION_FILE=/etc/vision.conf
- VISION_FILE=/etc/vision.conf
- REQDIR=/var/sadm/pkg/${PKGINST}/install
- SCOARCH=i3un0210
- INST_RCFILE=S90visionfs
- INST_RCSTRING="##VisionFS##"
- POST_ISL_RCFILE=/etc/rc3.d/S90isl_visionfs
- # Version numbers
- PRODUCT_VERSION="2.01.901"
- # Product names
- PRODUCT_NAMED_NAME="SCO VisionFS Name Server Daemon"
- OK=0
- FAIL=1
- requestReturnVal=$OK
- SAVE_FILE=/tmp/vfs.resp
- # set up install log
- INSTALL_LOG=/tmp/$$_visionfs.log
- exec 2> $INSTALL_LOG
- echo "$0" 1>&2
- # error routines
- ccsError()
- {
- echo "$*" 1>&2
- }
- ccsWarning()
- {
- echo "$*" 1>&2
- }
- getDefaults()
- {
- # get the hostname of this system
- hostname="`uname -n | sed 's@^\([^\.]*\).*@\1@'`"
- # if the defaults are changed here they must also be changed in
- # the request.sh script.
- a_namingflags=$a_namingflags
- a_workgroup="*"
- a_uniquenames="$hostname"
- a_wadmin="root"
- a_uadmin="root"
- a_adddirs="yes"
- a_addadmin="yes"
- a_addauth="yes"
- a_addnaming="yes"
- a_addprint="yes"
- a_addconnman="yes"
- a_addshare="yes"
- a_checkpoint="yes"
- a_restart="yes"
- a_startnow="yes"
- a_time=04
- a_day=0
- a_deleteexisting="yes"
- a_keepnaming="no"
- c_upgrade="N"
- # Setup directory pointers
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- c_globdir=`grep "^VISION_DIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_DIR=/s///"`
- else
- c_globdir=""
- fi
- [ -z "$c_globdir" ] && c_globdir=$GLOBDIR
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- c_bindir=`grep "^VISION_BINDIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_BINDIR=/s///"`
- else
- c_bindir=""
- fi
- [ -z "$c_bindir" ] && c_bindir=$c_globdir/bin
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- c_etcdir=`grep "^VISION_ETCDIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_ETCDIR=/s///"`
- else
- c_etcdir=""
- fi
- [ -z "$c_etcdir" ] && c_etcdir=$c_globdir/etc
- c_dir=$c_globdir/visionfs
- c_etc=$c_globdir/vfsprofile
- c_data=$c_globdir/vfsdata
- c_globscript=$c_bindir/visionfs
- }
- doPostConfigure()
- {
- # STATUS output
- echo "1\b\c"
- # unmunch the big files that were cut up in the packaging
- # STATUS steps 1 thru 5
- assemble_files
- [ "$?" != "0" ] && {
- ccsError "ERROR: VisionFS - assemble_files failed"
- return $FAIL
- }
- # STATUS output
- echo "6\b\c"
- # Setup new profiles and binaries
- config_filename=${GLOBDIR}/vfsprofile/current.prf
- factory_filename=${GLOBDIR}/vfsprofile/factory.prf
- c_progcfg=${GLOBDIR}/visionfs/bin/$SCOARCH/vfscfg
- # make sure the umask allows the creation of readable files
- umask 022
- VFSDIR=${GLOBDIR}/visionfs
- VFSETC=${GLOBDIR}/vfsprofile
- filenameargs=""
- if [ -f ${VFSDIR}/config/en_US/defaults ]; then
- filenameargs="--filename ${VFSDIR}/config/en_US/defaults"
- fi
- if [ -f ${VFSETC}/current.prf ]; then
- filenameargs="$filenameargs --filename ${VFSETC}/current.prf"
- fi
- export filenameargs
- VFSDIR=$c_dir
- export VFSDIR
- if [ ! -x "$c_progcfg" ]; then
- ccsError "$lf_noexe $c_progcfg"
- return $FAIL
- fi
- if [ "$a_deleteexisting" = "yes" ]
- then
- rm -f $config_filename
- if [ -f $factory_filename ]
- then
- rm -f $factory_filename
- fi
- else
- cp $c_etc/current.prf $config_filename 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- if [ ! -f $config_filename ]
- then
- echo "$msg_preprof" > $config_filename
- fi
- # make sure the latest version is in there
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "setup/version"
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set setup/version "$PRODUCT_VERSION_FULL"
- # New for 97
- if [ "$c_upgrade" = "C" ]; then
- if [ -f $config_filename -a `echo "$filenameargs" | grep $config_filename 1>/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
- filenameargs="$filenameargs --filename $config_filename"
- fi
- _namdir=`sh -c "$c_progcfg $filenameargs --print smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/dir"`
- if [ -z "$_namdir" ]; then
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/dir $c_data/naming
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$a_adddirs" = "yes" ]; then
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/diagnostics/dir $c_data/logs
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/shares/unix/defaults/printer/spool/dir $c_data/spool
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/shares/unix/defaults/printer/queue/dir $c_data/queues
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/dir $c_data/naming
- fi
- # Map file / old key
- if [ -f $config_filename -a `echo "$filenameargs" | grep $config_filename 1>/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
- filenameargs="$filenameargs --filename $config_filename"
- fi
- mapfile=`sh -c "$c_progcfg $filenameargs --print smbserver/server/authentication/names"`
- mapfile=`echo "$mapfile" | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}{if ($2=2) print $3}'`
- if [ "$c_upgrade" != "F" ]; then
- if [ ! -z "$mapfile" ]; then
- # sort out the old mappings
- if [ -f $config_filename -a `echo "$filenameargs" | grep $config_filename 1>/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
- filenameargs="$filenameargs --filename $config_filename"
- fi
- old_mappings=`sh -c "$c_progcfg $filenameargs --print smbserver/server/authentication/mappings"`
- if [ ! -z "$old_mappings" ]; then
- echo "$old_mappings" | while read a_mapping; do
- wmapname=`echo $a_mapping | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} {print $1}'`
- umapname=`echo $a_mapping | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} {print $2}'`
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- _addmapresult=""
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- _addmapresult=`grep -i "^$wmapname": $mapfile | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}{print $2}'`
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$_addmapresult" ]; then
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- cat $mapfile | grep -vi "^$wmapname": > $mapfile.$$$
- sort $mapfile.$$$ > $mapfile
- rm -f $mapfile.$$$
- chmod 600 $mapfile
- fi
- fi
- fi
- echo "$wmapname:$umapname::::" >> $mapfile
- chmod 600 $mapfile
- done
- fi
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/authentication/mappings"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$a_addadmin" = "yes" ]; then
- if [ -z "$a_uadmin" ]; then
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/admin"
- echo "$a_wadmin" | while read an_admin; do
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --append smbserver/server/admin "$an_admin"
- done
- else
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/admin "$a_wadmin"
- if [ ! -z "$mapfile" ]
- then
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- _addmapresult=""
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- _addmapresult=`grep -i "^$a_wadmin": $mapfile | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}{print $2}'`
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$_addmapresult" ]; then
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- cat $mapfile | grep -vi "^$a_wadmin": > $mapfile.$$$
- sort $mapfile.$$$ > $mapfile
- rm -f $mapfile.$$$
- chmod 600 $mapfile
- fi
- fi
- fi
- echo "$a_wadmin:$a_uadmin::::" >> $mapfile
- chmod 600 $mapfile
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$mapfile" ]
- then
- # final check to make sure that all admins are in mapfile
- echo "$a_wadmin" | while read an_admin; do
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- _tmpuadmin=`grep -i "^$an_admin": $mapfile | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}{print $2}'`
- fi
- if [ -z "$_tmpuadmin" ]; then
- if [ -z "$a_uadmin" ]; then
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- _addmapresult=""
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- _addmapresult=`grep -i "^$a_wadmin": $mapfile | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}{print $2}'`
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$_addmapresult" ]; then
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- cat $mapfile | grep -vi "^$a_wadmin": > $mapfile.$$$
- sort $mapfile.$$$ > $mapfile
- rm -f $mapfile.$$$
- chmod 600 $mapfile
- fi
- fi
- fi
- echo "$a_wadmin:*::::" >> $mapfile
- chmod 600 $mapfile
- else
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- _addmapresult=""
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- _addmapresult=`grep -i "^$a_wadmin": $mapfile | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}{print $2}'`
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$_addmapresult" ]; then
- if [ -f $mapfile ]; then
- cat $mapfile | grep -vi "^$a_wadmin": > $mapfile.$$$
- sort $mapfile.$$$ > $mapfile
- rm -f $mapfile.$$$
- chmod 600 $mapfile
- fi
- fi
- fi
- echo "$a_wadmin:$a_uadmin::::" >> $mapfile
- chmod 600 $mapfile
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ "$a_addauth" = "yes" ]; then
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/authentication/method "0"
- fi
- servercomment=""
- if [ -f $config_filename -a `echo "$filenameargs" | grep $config_filename 1>/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
- filenameargs="$filenameargs --filename $config_filename"
- fi
- servercomment=`sh -c "$c_progcfg $filenameargs --print smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/names/comment"`
- if [ -z "$servercomment" ]; then
- servercomment="%%SERVERNAME%% %%VERSION%%"
- fi
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/names/comment"
- if [ "$a_addnaming" = "yes" ]; then
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/names"
- if [ "$a_keepnaming" = "yes" ]; then
- if [ "$a_resetwg" = "yes" ]; then # wg -> *
- a_namingstuff=`echo "$a_namingstuff" |
- awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"; RS="\n"}
- {
- printf "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", $1, "*", $3, $4, $5, $6
- if ( NF > 6 )
- for (r=7; r <= NF; r=r+1)
- printf ":%s", $r
- printf "\n"}'`
- fi
- if [ "$a_addconnman" = "yes" ]; then # connect redirect -> ""
- a_namingstuff=`echo "$a_namingstuff" |
- awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"; RS="\n"}
- {
- printf "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", $1, $2, $3, $4, "", $6
- if ( NF > 6 )
- for (r=7; r <= NF; r=r+1)
- printf ":%s", $r
- printf "\n"}'`
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$a_namingstuff" ]; then
- echo "$a_namingstuff" | while read vfsname; do
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --append smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/names "$vfsname"
- done
- else
- echo "$a_uniquenames" | while read vfsname; do
- if [ "$vfsname" = "$l_unixhostname" ]; then
- vfsname="*";
- fi
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --append smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/names "$vfsname:*::::$servercomment"
- done
- fi
- else
- if [ "$a_uniquenames" = "$l_unixhostname" ]; then
- a_uniquenames="*";
- fi
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --append smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/names "$a_uniquenames:*::::$servercomment"
- fi
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/flags"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/names/unique"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/netbios/ip/naming/names/workgroup"
- fi
- if [ "$a_addconnman" = "yes" ]; then
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/netbios/ip/sessionmanager/port"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/netbios/ip/connectionmanager/port"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/netbios/ip/connectionmanager/accesses"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/netbios/ip/connectionmanager/redirectpatterns"
- fi
- if [ "$a_addprint" = "yes" ]; then
- cat ${GLOBDIR}/visionfs/_inst/"$SCOARCH".prf >> $config_filename
- fi
- if [ "$a_addlistprint" = "yes" ]; then
- if [ -f ${GLOBDIR}/_inst/"$SCOARCH".prf -a `echo "$filenameargs" | grep ${GLOBDIR}/_inst/"$SCOARCH".prf 1>/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` -ne 0 ]; then
- filenameargs="$filenameargs --filename ${GLOBDIR}/_inst/"$SCOARCH".prf"
- fi
- listprint=`sh -c "$c_progcfg $filenameargs --print smbserver/server/shares/unix/defaults/printer/command/listprinters"`
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/shares/unix/defaults/printer/command/listprinters "$listprint"
- fi
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- else
- /bin/rm -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE
- echo "# This file is machine processed" > $GLOB_VISION_FILE.tmp
- echo "# Edit it at your own risk" >> $GLOB_VISION_FILE.tmp
- fi
- if [ -n "${c_globdir}/bin/pctools" ]; then
- echo VISION_TOOLSDIR="${c_globdir}/bin/pctools" >> $GLOB_VISION_FILE.tmp
- fi
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE.tmp ]; then
- /bin/rm -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE.tmp
- fi
- chmod 644 $GLOB_VISION_FILE
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- _toolsdir=`grep "^VISION_TOOLSDIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_TOOLSDIR=/s///"`
- else
- _toolsdir=""
- fi
- if [ -z "$_toolsdir" ]; then
- ccsError "$lf_notoolsdir"
- return $FAIL
- fi
- # Find our language as a subdir of $_toolsdir
- if [ ! -d $_toolsdir ]
- then
- echo "!10! Parent of language directories doesn't exist: $_toolsdir"
- exit 10
- fi
- langs=`(cd $_toolsdir ; ls -d ??_?? 2>/dev/null)`
- if [ $trace ] ; then echo " trace: langs=$langs" ; fi
- case $langs in
- "" ) # no languages!
- echo "!11! Can't find any languages in directory $_toolsdir"
- exit 11
- ;;
- ??_?? ) # Good; just one
- ;;
- * ) # Choices, choices
- case $LANG in
- ""|C|POSIX )
- ;; # Ignored
- * ) # Some OS specific string
- LA=`expr $LANG : "\(..\)"` # 1st two chars
- # must ensure tr uses C locale to lower case!
- la=`echo $LA | LANG=C LC_ALL=C tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
- if [ $trace ] ; then echo " trace: la=$la"; fi
- goodlangs=`echo "$langs" | grep "^$la"`
- if [ -n "$goodlangs" ]
- then
- langs=$goodlangs # ones that match $LANG
- fi
- esac
- # Pick the first language in langs, or en_US if that is empty
- VISIONLANG=`expr "$langs en_US" : "\(.._..\)"`
- ;;
- esac
- if [ $trace ] ; then echo " trace: VISIONLANG=$VISIONLANG" ; fi
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- c_deploydir=`grep "^VISION_DEPLOYDIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_DEPLOYDIR=/s///"`
- else
- c_deploydir=""
- fi
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- c_globdir=`grep "^VISION_DIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_DIR=/s///"`
- else
- c_globdir=""
- fi
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visionfs/type"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visionfs/comment"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visionfs/active"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visionfs/browsable"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visionfs/writable"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visionfs/path"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visionfs/privileges"
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/licensing/model "5"
- # clear 1.1 key
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/licenses"
- if [ "$a_addshare" = "yes" -o "$c_upgrade" = "C" ]; then
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visiontools/type "0"
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visiontools/comment "SCO Vision97 tools and information"
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visiontools/active "1"
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visiontools/browsable "1"
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visiontools/writable "0"
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visiontools/path $_toolsdir/$VISIONLANG
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/visiontools/privileges "*:*:1:*:*:r"
- fi
- if [ "$a_addshare" = "yes" ]; then
- $c_progcfg --filename $config_filename --set smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/config$/comment "Profile Editor only - do not delete"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/config$/type"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/config$/active"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/config$/browsable"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/config$/writable"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/config$/path"
- $c_progcfg --filename "$config_filename" --remove "smbserver/server/shares/unix/disk/config$/privileges"
- fi
- # convert old substitution strings
- if [ "$c_upgrade" != "F" ]; then
- confighomeset=`grep %%CONFIGHOME%% $config_filename`
- producthomeset=`grep %%PRODUCTHOME%% $config_filename`
- if [ ! -z "$confighomeset" -o ! -z "$producthomeset" ]; then
- cat $config_filename | sed 's;%%CONFIGHOME%%;%%VISION_DIR%%/vfsprofile;; s;%%PRODUCTHOME%%;%%VISION_DIR%%/visionfs;;' > $config_filename.$$$
- rm $config_filename
- mv $config_filename.$$$ $config_filename
- fi
- fi
- # STATUS output
- echo "7\b\c"
- # add to the rc after removing existing setup
- # set the defaults
- _delete=false
- _files="dummy"
- # create the list of files to check
- case "$a_rctype" in
- "svr4")
- _delete=true
- for _i in S 1 2 3 4
- do
- if [ -f /etc/rc$_i.d/$INST_RCFILE ]
- then
- _files="$_files /etc/rc$_i.d/$INST_RCFILE"
- fi
- done
- ;;
- "sbin")
- _delete=true
- for _i in S 1 2 3 4
- do
- if [ -f /sbin/rc$_i.d/S90visionfs ]
- then
- _files="$_files /sbin/rc$_i.d/S90visionfs" # !!!visionfs???
- fi
- done
- ;;
- "local")
- _files="$_files /etc/rc.local"
- ;;
- "rcd")
- _files="$_files /etc/rc.d/rc.local"
- ;;
- "nfs")
- _files="$_files /etc/rc.nfs"
- ;;
- "basic")
- _files="$_files /etc/rc"
- ;;
- esac
- # either delete the files, or substitute them
- if [ "$_delete" = "true" ]
- then
- for _i in $_files
- do
- if [ "$_i" = "dummy" ]
- then
- continue
- fi
- rm -f $_i
- done
- else
- for _i in $_files
- do
- if [ "$_i" = "dummy" ]
- then
- continue
- fi
- # delete everything between the start and stop markers
- echo "BEGIN {" > $_i.awk
- echo " doprint=1;" >> $_i.awk
- echo "}" >> $_i.awk
- echo "\$1 == \"$INST_RCSTRING\" {" >> $_i.awk
- echo " if (\$2 == \"start\") {" >> $_i.awk
- echo " doprint = 0;" >> $_i.awk
- echo " } else {" >> $_i.awk
- echo " doprint = 1;" >> $_i.awk
- echo " continue;" >> $_i.awk
- echo " }" >> $_i.awk
- echo "}" >> $_i.awk
- echo "{" >> $_i.awk
- echo " if (doprint == 1) {" >> $_i.awk
- echo " print" >> $_i.awk
- echo " }" >> $_i.awk
- echo "}" >> $_i.awk
- # run the newly created awk script on the file
- if [ -f $_i.awk ]
- then
- cp -p $_i $_i.tmp1 #for perms
- awk -f $_i.awk $_i > $_i.tmp1
- rm -f $_i.awk
- fi
- # move the new copy over the old
- if [ -f $_i.tmp1 ]
- then
- cp -p $_i.tmp1 $_i
- rm -f $_i.tmp1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ "$a_restart" = "yes" ]
- then
- # work out the rctype
- a_rccurrun=""
- a_rcinstrun=""
- if [ -d /etc/rc2.d -o -d /etc/rc3.d ]
- then
- a_rctype="svr4"
- a_rcfile="/etc"
- elif [ -d /sbin/rc2.d -o -d /sbin/rc3.d ]
- then
- a_rctype="sbin"
- a_rcfile="/sbin"
- elif [ -f /etc/rc.local ]
- then
- a_rctype="local"
- a_rcfile="/etc/rc.local"
- elif [ -f /etc/rc.d/rc.local ]
- then
- a_rctype="rcd"
- a_rcfile="/etc/rc.d/rc.local"
- elif [ -f /etc/rc.nfs ]
- then
- a_rctype="nfs"
- a_rcfile="/etc/rc.nfs"
- elif [ -f /etc/rc ]
- then
- a_rctype="basic"
- a_rcfile="/etc/rc"
- else
- a_rctype="unknown"
- a_rcfile=""
- fi
- if [ "$a_rctype" = "svr4" -o "$a_rctype" = "sbin" ]; then
- a_rccurrun=`who -r | awk '{print $3;}'`
- if [ "a_rctype" = "svr4" ]; then
- _rcbase=/etc/rc
- else
- _rcbase=/sbin/rc
- fi
- for _i in S 1 2 3 4
- do
- if [ -f $_rcbase$_i.d/$INST_RCFILE ]
- then
- a_rcinstrun=$_i
- break
- fi
- done
- a_rcfile=$a_rcfile/rc$a_rccurrun.d/$INST_RCFILE
- fi
- if [ "$a_rctype" != "unknown" ]
- then
- case "$a_rctype" in
- "svr4"|"sbin")
- # check the directory exists, doesn't get here unless they've already been
- # asked if they want it created
- _rcdir=`echo $a_rcfile | sed -e "s,^\(.*\)/[^/]*$,\1,"`
- if [ ! -d "$_rcdir" ]
- then
- mkdir $_rcdir
- fi
- # overwrite current file even though user may have changed it
- cat ${REQDIR}/${PKGINST}/rc.full > $a_rcfile.tmp1
- chmod a+x $a_rcfile.tmp1
- ;;
- "local"|"nfs"|"basic")
- cp -p $a_rcfile $a_rcfile.tmp1
- echo "$INST_RCSTRING start" >> $a_rcfile.tmp1
- cat ${REQDIR}/${PKGINST}/rc.append >> $a_rcfile.tmp1
- echo "$INST_RCSTRING stop" >> $a_rcfile.tmp1
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
- if [ -f $a_rcfile.tmp1 ]; then
- rm -f $a_rcfile
- mv $a_rcfile.tmp1 $a_rcfile
- if [ -f $a_rcfile.tmp1 ]; then
- rm -f $a_rcfile.tmp1
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # STATUS output
- echo "8\b\c"
- # add to the crontab if requested
- crontab -l 2>/dev/null | grep -v "/visionfs checkpoint" | crontab 2>/dev/null
- if [ "$a_checkpoint" = "yes" ]; then
- c_croncomm="$c_globscript checkpoint 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/console"
- # sunday at xxx o'clock
- ( crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "0 $a_time * * $a_day $c_croncomm" ) | crontab 2>/dev/null
- fi
- # make a copy into factory if created file
- cp $config_filename $factory_filename 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- return $OK
- }
- doPostExport()
- {
- # STATUS output
- echo "9\b\c"
- # copy the NET_vfsN.latebreaking.html file into the networking doc
- # to update information for this release
- doc_file=NET_vfsN.latebreaking.html
- new_doc_file=${REQDIR}/visionfs/${doc_file}.new
- save_doc_file=${REQDIR}/visionfs/${doc_file}.save
- old_doc_file=/usr/lib/scohelp/en_US.ISO8859-1/NET_vfs/$doc_file
- if [ -f "$new_doc_file" -a -w "$old_doc_file" ]
- then
- cp $old_doc_file $save_doc_file
- cp $new_doc_file $old_doc_file
- chown bin:bin $old_doc_file
- chmod 664 $old_doc_file
- removef BASEdoc "$old_doc_file" 1>&2
- removef -f BASEdoc 1>&2
- installf BASEdoc "$old_doc_file" file 0664 bin bin 1>&2
- installf -f BASEdoc 1>&2
- fi
- # STATUS output
- echo "10\b\b\c"
- # pkgadd doesn't update the file creation time/date
- # on the file
- if [ -f $c_globdir/bin/visionfs ]
- then
- touch $c_globdir/bin/visionfs
- fi
- # print out the messages and start the server if requested
- if [ ! -z "$c_instsconb" -a -z "$c_usingsconb" ]; then
- ccsWarning "$msg_instsconb"
- fi
- # start the server
- if [ "$a_startnow" = "yes" ]; then
- if [ "$iqmDriven" != TRUE ]
- then
- TMPOUT=/tmp/vfsout.$$
- nohup $c_globdir/bin/visionfs start 1> $TMPOUT 2>&1
- cat $TMPOUT
- rm -f $TMPOUT
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- ccsWarning "Failed to start visionfs server"
- fi
- else
- if [ ! -z "$c_usingsconb" ]; then
- ccsWarning "$msg_usingsconb"
- fi
- fi
- return $OK
- }
- #############################################################################
- #
- # @(#) rebuild_file.sh_h 11.2 97/09/18
- #
- # Standard routine to take a file that has been cut into pieces for
- # shipment as a package, and piece that file back together from its
- # component parts in a postinstall script.
- #
- # The routine looks for parts of the file as $1.Pnn, where nn are
- # digits, 01..99
- #
- # Arguments are:
- #
- # $1 - name of the file to rebuild (the target)
- # $2 - target file mode (e.g. 0711)
- # $3 - target file owner (e.g. root)
- # $4 - target file group (e.g. other)
- # $5 - optional argument; the checksum for the completed file
- #
- # Return values are:
- #
- # 0 - success
- # 1 - failure (for example, piece of the file missing)
- #
- #############################################################################
- rebuild_file()
- {
- target="$1"
- mode="$2"
- owner="$3"; group="$4"
- checksum="$5"
- # count the number of pieces to the file
- piececount=`echo $target.P[0-9][0-9] | wc -w | tr -d ' '`
- if [ $piececount -lt 1 ]; then
- ccsError "$ME: rebuild_file: $piececount is invalid"
- return $FAIL
- else
- if [ $piececount -gt 99 ]; then
- ccsError "$ME: rebuild_file: $piececount is too many pieces"
- return $FAIL
- fi
- fi
- # build the file by appending these pieces one after another
- >$target
- piece=0; while [ $piece -lt $piececount ]; do
- extn="`expr $piece + 1`"
- [ `expr length $extn` -lt 2 ] && extn="0$extn"
- if [ -f $target.P$extn ]; then
- cat $target.P$extn >>$target
- rm $target.P$extn >/dev/null 2>&1
- echo "$target.P$extn" >> $REMOVEF_TMP
- else
- ccsError "$ME: rebuild_file: missing file piece $extn of $target"
- return $FAIL
- fi
- piece=`expr $piece + 1`
- done
- echo "$target f $mode $owner $group" >> $INSTALLF_TMP
- return $OK
- }
- CreateVConf()
- {
- if [ ! -f $VISION_FILE ]
- then
- p_vfileheader="# Vision master configuration file."
- echo $p_vfileheader > $VISION_FILE
- fi
- temp=""
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- temp=`grep "^VISION_ADMINDIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_ADMINDIR=/s///"`
- else
- temp=""
- fi
- [ -z "$temp" ] && echo "VISION_ADMINDIR=$c_globdir/admin" >> $VISION_FILE
- temp=""
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- temp=`grep "^VISION_BINDIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_BINDIR=/s///"`
- else
- temp=""
- fi
- [ -z "$temp" ] && echo "VISION_BINDIR=$c_bindir" >> $VISION_FILE
- temp=""
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- temp=`grep "^VISION_DEBUGDIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_DEBUGDIR=/s///"`
- else
- temp=""
- fi
- [ -z "$temp" ] && echo "VISION_DEBUGDIR=$c_globdir/log" >> $VISION_FILE
- temp=""
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- temp=`grep "^VISION_DIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_DIR=/s///"`
- else
- temp=""
- fi
- [ -z "$temp" ] && echo "VISION_DIR=$c_globdir" >> $VISION_FILE
- temp=""
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- temp=`grep "^VISION_ETCDIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_ETCDIR=/s///"`
- else
- temp=""
- fi
- [ -z "$temp" ] && echo "VISION_ETCDIR=$c_etcdir" >> $VISION_FILE
- temp=""
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- temp=`grep "^VISION_TMPDIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_TMPDIR=/s///"`
- else
- temp=""
- fi
- [ -z "$temp" ] && echo "VISION_TMPDIR=$c_globdir/log" >> $VISION_FILE
- temp=""
- if [ -f $GLOB_VISION_FILE ]; then
- temp=`grep "^VISION_TOOLSDIR=" $GLOB_VISION_FILE | tail -1 | sed -e "/^VISION_TOOLSDIR=/s///"`
- else
- temp=""
- fi
- [ -z "$temp" ] && echo "VISION_TOOLSDIR=$c_bindir/pctools" >> $VISION_FILE
- chmod 644 $VISION_FILE
- }
- create_postisl_rcfiles()
- {
- # create the isl postreboot file to do the silent default
- # configuration of the server. It runs the visionfs postinstall
- # script and removes itself if successful.
- cp ${REQDIR}/${PKGINST}/postisl_configure $POST_ISL_RCFILE
- chmod 444 $POST_ISL_RCFILE
- # create the S90visionfs rcfile to start the server on system
- # bootup. This will run after the POST_ISL_RCFILE S90isl_visionfs
- cp ${REQDIR}/${PKGINST}/rc.full /etc/rc3.d/$INST_RCFILE
- chmod 444 /etc/rc3.d/$INST_RCFILE
- }
- assemble_files()
- {
- # STATUS output
- #echo "1\b\c"
- # set up some paths for removef and installf temp files
- # which are used at the end of this routine to update the
- # /var/sadm/install/contents file.
- REMOVEF_TMP=/tmp/$$_vfs.removef
- INSTALLF_TMP=/tmp/$$_vfs.installf
- # paste the big files that have been split up for distribution back
- # together
- VFSD_FILE=${c_dir}/bin/${SCOARCH}/vfsd
- rebuild_file $VFSD_FILE 555 bin bin
- [ "$?" != "0" ] && {
- ccsError "ERROR: VisionFS - postinstall assembly of vfsd binary failed"
- return $FAIL
- }
- # paste the 16bit acrobat files that have been split up for distribution
- # back together
- # STATUS output
- echo "2\b\c"
- ACROBAT16=${c_bindir}/pctools/en_US/docs/acrobat/16bit/ARCHIVE.Z
- rebuild_file $ACROBAT16 555 bin bin
- [ "$?" != "0" ] && {
- ccsError "ERROR: VisionFS - postinstall assembly of 16bit/ARCHIVE.Z"
- return $FAIL
- }
- # paste the 32bit acrobat files that have been split up for distribution
- # back together
- # STATUS output
- echo "3\b\c"
- ACROBAT32=${c_bindir}/pctools/en_US/docs/acrobat/32bit/ARCHIVE.Z
- rebuild_file $ACROBAT32 555 bin bin
- [ "$?" != "0" ] && {
- ccsError "ERROR: VisionFS - postinstall assembly of 32bit/ARCHIVE.Z"
- return $FAIL
- }
- # update /var/sadm/install/contents file for visionfs - final
- # STATUS output
- echo "4\b\c"
- [ -f "$REMOVEF_TMP" ] && {
- cat $REMOVEF_TMP | removef $PKGINST - 1>&2
- removef -f $PKGINST 1>&2
- }
- # STATUS output
- echo "5\b\c"
- [ -f "$INSTALLF_TMP" ] && {
- cat $INSTALLF_TMP | installf $PKGINST - 1>&2
- installf -f $PKGINST 1>&2
- }
- return $OK
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- #-------------------------------Main-------------------------------
- #
- # set up debug
- #
- SCRIPTS=/usr/sbin/pkginst
- . ${SCRIPTS}/updebug
- [ "$UPDEBUG" = YES ] && set -x
- #
- # set defaults
- #
- iqmDriven="FALSE"
- # Also check SILENT-INSTALL just in case we want a silent NORMAL install
- [ -n "$SILENT_INSTALL" ] && iqmDriven=TRUE
- # There are three scenarious in which this script will run:
- #
- #
- # (a) NORMAL: It is called from pkgadd'ing the individual package
- # or from the network set installation.
- #
- # (b) ON_BFLOP: It is called from foundation set installation on the
- # boot floppies. This is the extraction phase. Pkgadd
- # is run to do the initial load of the pkg.
- #
- # (c) POSTREBOOT: It is called upon reboot from set installation on the
- # boot floppies. This is the postreboot phase.
- #
- [ -f /tmp/VISIONFS_ON_BFLOP -o -f /etc/inst/scripts/postreboot.sh ] && {
- iqmDriven="TRUE"
- }
- [ -f $POST_ISL_RCFILE ] && {
- iqmDriven="TRUE"
- }
- if [ "${HOW_INSTALL}" = "ON_BFLOP" ]
- then
- # visionfs is being installed at isl time. A post install reboot
- # script is need to do the default configuration of the server cuz
- # we can't do it now.
- create_postisl_rcfiles
- else
- # we are in POSTREBOOT or NORMAL install mode and all files have
- # been laid down but the server has not been configured.
- if [ "${HOW_INSTALL}" = "POSTREBOOT" ]
- then
- # need to get our default configuration information
- getDefaults
- else
- # NORMAL pkgadd install - request script created a SAVE_FILE
- # containing server configuration information.
- . ${SAVE_FILE}
- fi
- # vision.conf may not exist or may not contain stuff visionfs needs
- # so go check this out and create/update vision.conf with the
- # paramters we have. We don't want to write over a vision.conf file
- # if this is an upgrade.
- CreateVConf
- # fix up echo characteristics for menuing if any
- N=""
- C=""
- if echo -n | grep n > /dev/null
- then
- C="\c"
- else
- N="-n"
- fi
- _ss_headlines="--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- # set message catalogs
- . ${REQDIR}/${PKGINST}/setup
- . ${REQDIR}/${PKGINST}/common
- # do the work
- doPostConfigure
- requestReturnVal="$?"
- [ "$requestReturnVal" = "0" ] && {
- doPostExport
- requestReturnVal="$?"
- }
- # cleanup a bit
- [ "$requestReturnVal" = "0" -a -f "$SAVE_FILE" ] && rm $SAVE_FILE
- fi
- exit $requestReturnVal