home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ident "@(#)postinstall 17.19 98/08/10"
- #copyright "%c%"
- #!/usr/bin/sh
- # Load Vars, and export any which child procs may need
- export UPDINST
- [ -f /tmp/${PKGINST}.vars ] && . /tmp/${PKGINST}.vars
- # Load RC Scripts.
- . ${UPDINST}/updpkg.rc
- MenuLang
- LogMsg "postinstall: `GetText STARTED`"
- DbgMsg "postinstall: STARTED"
- UPD_instrm="${UPD_instrm_i}"
- DbgMsg " UPD_instrm=${UPD_instrm}"
- DbgMsg " ProcMsg=${ProcMsg}"
- DbgMsg " GenericProcMsg=${GenericProcMsg}"
- #
- # Define trap and trap command for interruption (delete key)
- # of the Update Installation.
- #
- TrapCmd ()
- {
- MsgHandler 1 UpdIntrMsg
- RmExit 3
- }
- trap 'TrapCmd' 2 3 15
- #
- # Routine to delete all files which need to be deleted
- #
- DeleteFiles ()
- {
- LogMsg "DeleteFiles: `GetText STARTED`"
- DbgMsg "DeleteFiles: STARTED"
- #
- # Delete files that should be deleted after
- # installation is successful. Directories
- # to be deleted should follow their files
- # to be deleted in Files.
- #
- ${BIN}/grep "^D" ${UPDINST}/Files |
- while read key pkg type size file
- do for class in ${CLASSES}
- do [ "$class" = "$pkg" ] || continue
- case "${type}" in
- # d) ${BIN}/rmdir "${file}" && echo "${file}" ;;
- # *) ${BIN}/rm "${file}" && echo "${file}" ;;
- d) if ${BIN}/rmdir "${file}"
- then
- echo "${file}"
- else
- echo rmdir failed "${file}"
- fi;;
- *) if ${BIN}/rm "${file}"
- then
- echo "${file}"
- else
- echo rm failed "${file}"
- fi;;
- esac >> ${UPDTMP}/DFiles.${pkg}
- done
- done 2>/dev/null
- #
- # Update the software installation
- # database for the deleted files.
- #
- for pkg in ${CLASSES}
- do [ -s ${UPDTMP}/DFiles.${pkg} ] && {
- RemoveF ${pkg} ${UPDTMP}/DFiles.${pkg}
- RemoveFClose ${pkg}
- }
- ${BIN}/rm -f ${UPDTMP}/DFiles.${pkg}
- done
- unset pkg class
- LogMsg "DeleteFiles: `GetText COMPLETED`"
- DbgMsg "DeleteFiles: COMPLETED"
- return 0
- }
- #
- # Point to temporary work directory.
- #
- export UPDTMP
- DbgMsg " UPDTMP=${UPDTMP}"
- > ${UPDTMP}/installf
- ################################################
- # define any uw7rs specific functions here BEGIN
- ################################################
- # networking tlibs in scoadm package
- SCOADM="/usr/lib/netadm"
- # networking tlibs in inet package
- INET="/usr/lib/scoadmin/ncm/hosts /usr/lib/scoadmin/ncm/dns /usr/lib/scoadmin/ncm/main /usr/lib/scoadmin/ncm/nis /usr/lib/scoadmin/ncm/ntp"
- do
- [ -f $FILE.tlib ] && /bin/touch $FILE.tlib
- [ -f $FILE.tndx ] && /bin/touch $FILE.tndx
- done
- # datestamp tcl.tndx later than tcl.tlib
- TCL_PATH=/usr/lib/tclX7.6.0
- touch ${TCL_PATH}/tcl.tndx
- # datestamp vtcl.tndx later than vtcl.tlib
- VTCL_PATH=/usr/lib/vtcl
- touch ${VTCL_PATH}/vtcl.tndx
- ################################################
- # define any uw7rs-specific functions here END
- ################################################
- ################################################
- # Update 1 specific functions BEGIN here
- ################################################
- # ul98-16307 alexma (Xenix removal)
- # remove by hand those Xenix files which don't exist in the contents file
- rm -f /usr/bin/restore /usr/sbin/restore /sbin/restore /usr/bin/backup /usr/sbin/backup > /dev/null 2>&1
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Xenix restore and backup files deleted."
- # ul98-16307
- # ul98-02137 andrewma/donaldp
- [ -f /usr/lib/scoadmin/account/account.tlib ] && {
- /sbin/osaconf -A sco accountOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa /usr/lib/scoadmin/account/account.tlib
- /sbin/osaconf -A sco accounts LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa /usr/lib/scoadmin/account/account.tlib
- /sbin/osaconf -A sco groupOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa /usr/lib/scoadmin/account/account.tlib
- /sbin/osaconf -A sco groups LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa /usr/lib/scoadmin/account/account.tlib
- DbgMsg " SCOadmin object service agents have been registered with osaconf (account.tlib)"
- }
- # ul98-14106 anurags start
- [ -d /usr/lib/scoadmin/hotplug/hotplug.obj ] && {
- if /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Hardware -f -c /usr/lib/scoadmin/hotplug/hotplug.obj
- then
- DbgMsg "scoadmin -f -c of hotplug successful"
- else
- DbgMsg "scoadmin -f -c of hotplug failed"
- fi
- }
- # ul98-14106 end
- # ul98-06811a0 kd start
- cp /sbin/rc1 /usr/sbin/rc1
- installf base /usr/sbin/rc1
- installf -f base
- DbgMsg "postinstall for ul98-06811a0 done"
- # ul98-06811a0 kd end
- # PTF 7002 specific postinstall function start
- # edit the mpio depend file - change first field from R to P and add ident line
- [ -f /var/sadm/pkg/mpio/install/depend ] && {
- sed "s/^R/P/" /var/sadm/pkg/mpio/install/depend > /var/sadm/pkg/mpio/install/depend_tmp
- sed '1i\
- #ident "@(#)pkg.mpio:depend"' /var/sadm/pkg/mpio/install/depend_tmp > /var/sadm/pkg/mpio/install/depend
- rm /var/sadm/pkg/mpio/install/depend_tmp
- DbgMsg "postinstall: /var/sadm/pkg/mpio/install/depend file has been manipulated for PTF7002"
- }
- # PTF 7002 specific postinstall function end
- # edit the file /etc/conf/init.d/kernel to add an entry for /etc/scsi/sdistatic
- # after the entry for ckroot.
- # ul98-15517 rene
- file=/etc/conf/init.d/kernel
- cp $file $file.new
- ed - $file.new <<-'!'
- /^[^:]*::sysinit:\/sbin\/ckroot/a
- pdi0::sysinit:/etc/scsi/sdistatic -B >/dev/sysmsg 2>&1
- .
- w
- q
- !
- mv $file.new $file
- DbgMsg "postinstall: entry for /etc/scsi/sdistatic added to /etc/conf/init.d/kernel"
- # PTF 7003 specific postinstall function start
- # Create the /etc/.snum file, empty, required for Oracle 7
- > /etc/.snum
- chown root:sys /etc/.snum
- chmod 444 /etc/.snum
- installf ${PKGINST} /etc/.snum f 444 root sys > /dev/null 2>&1
- installf -f ${PKGINST} > /dev/null 2>&1
- DbgMsg "postinstall for PTF7003, empty /etc/.snum created"
- # PTF7003 postinstall specific functions end
- # PTF7011 postinstall specific function start
- # Check whether the dlpi driver is in the kernel already and if so
- # idinstall the new dlpi driver
- [ -f /etc/conf/pack.d/dlpi/Driver.o ] && {
- cd /etc/inst/nd/dlpi
- if ${CONFBIN}/idinstall -u -k dlpi
- then
- DbgMsg "idinstall of new dlpi driver into the linkkit"
- else
- DbgMsg "DLPI Driver installation failed"
- fi
- }
- # PTF7011 postinstall specific function end
- # ul98-11502a0 postinstall specific function start
- # Check whether the dlpibase driver is in the kernel already and if so
- # idinstall the new dlpibase driver
- [ -f /etc/conf/pack.d/dlpibase/Driver_atup.o ] && {
- cd /etc/inst/nd/dlpibase
- if ${CONFBIN}/idinstall -u -k dlpibase
- then
- DbgMsg "idinstall of new dlpibase driver into the linkkit"
- else
- DbgMsg "DLPIbase Driver installation failed"
- fi
- }
- # ul98-11502a0 postinstall specific function end
- # ul97-16935a1 start
- if `/bin/pkginfo inet >/dev/null 2>&1`
- then
- /bin/touch /usr/lib/scoadmin/ncm/hosts.tndx
- /bin/touch /usr/lib/scoadmin/ncm/dns.tndx
- /bin/touch /usr/lib/scoadmin/ncm/main.tndx
- /bin/touch /usr/lib/scoadmin/ncm/nis.tndx
- /bin/touch /usr/lib/scoadmin/ncm/ntp.tndx
- fi
- if `/bin/pkginfo ppp >/dev/null 2>&1`
- then
- /bin/touch /usr/lib/ppp/pppadm.tndx
- fi
- DbgMsg "postinstall for ul97-16935a1 done - touch /usr/lib/scoadmin/ncm/*.tndx"
- # ul97-16935a1 end
- # ul98-11806 start
- if `/bin/pkginfo inet >/dev/null 2>&1`
- then
- /bin/touch /usr/lib/osa.tlib
- /bin/touch /usr/lib/osa.tndx
- fi
- DbgMsg "postinstall for ul98-11806 done - touch /usr/lib/osa.tndx & osa.tlib"
- # end ul98-11806
- # fixes ul98-04801 start
- if `/bin/pkginfo ppp >/dev/null 2>&1`
- then
- PPPFILES="/usr/lib/ppp/psm/pred1_rt.so /usr/lib/ppp/psm/pred1_parse.so \
- /usr/lib/ppp/psm/ppppred1Osa"
- for f in $PPPFILES
- do
- if [ -f $f ]
- then
- removef ppp $f > /dev/null 2>&1
- rm -f $f
- DbgMsg "postinstall for ul98-04801, $f removed"
- fi
- done
- removef -f ppp
- fi
- [ -f /etc/conf/pack.d/pred1/Driver.o ] && {
- if ${CONFBIN}/idinstall -d pred1 >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- DbgMsg "idinstall -d of pred1 driver"
- else
- DbgMsg "idinstall -d of pred1 driver failed"
- fi
- }
- # fixes ul98-04801 end
- # ul98-08202a1 start
- CLASSCONF=/sbin/classconf
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dhcp dhcpOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dhcpOptionVendorClass dhcpOsa
- DbgMsg "postinstall of ul98-08202a1 done"
- # ul98-08202a1 end
- # fix acp links
- ${BIN}/ln -f /usr/bin/ls /usr/bin/lx >/dev/null 2>&1
- ${BIN}/ln -f /usr/bin/ls /usr/bin/l >/dev/null 2>&1
- ${BIN}/ln -f /usr/bin/ls /usr/bin/lc >/dev/null 2>&1
- ${BIN}/ln -f /usr/bin/ls /usr/bin/lf >/dev/null 2>&1
- ${BIN}/ln -f /usr/bin/ls /usr/bin/lr >/dev/null 2>&1
- ################################################
- # Update 1 specific functions END here
- ################################################
- if [ "$SILENT_INSTALL" != "true" ]
- then
- #
- # Display working menu
- #
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 0%"
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 5%"
- WorkMenu "" 5
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 10%"
- WorkMenu "" 10
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 15%"
- WorkMenu "" 15
- fi
- #
- # Merge the Master files
- #
- DbgMsg " postinstall: merge the master files"
- if [ -d ${UPDTMP}/mdevice ]
- then
- cd ${UPDTMP}/mdevice
- for file in *
- do
- if [ -f /etc/conf/mdevice.d/${file} ]
- then
- DbgMsg " preinstall: merge on /etc/conf/mdevice.d/${file}"
- DbgMsg " ORIG ${file} BEFORE START:"
- DbgAddFile ${file}
- DbgMsg " NEW ${file} BEFORE START:"
- DbgAddFile /etc/conf/mdevice.d/${file}
- oldlin=`${BIN}/cat ${file} | ${BIN}/grep "^${file}"`
- newlin=`${BIN}/cat /etc/conf/mdevice.d/${file} | ${BIN}/grep "^${file}"`
- mname="`echo ${newlin} | ${BIN}/cut -d' ' -f1`"
- mpref="`echo ${newlin} | ${BIN}/cut -d' ' -f2`"
- mchar="`echo ${newlin} | ${BIN}/cut -d' ' -f3`"
- mordr="`echo ${oldlin} | ${BIN}/cut -d' ' -f4`"
- mbmaj="`echo ${oldlin} | ${BIN}/cut -d' ' -f5`"
- mcmaj="`echo ${oldlin} | ${BIN}/cut -d' ' -f6`"
- while read inlin
- do
- DbgMsg " '${mname}':'${inlin}'?"
- if [ "`echo ${inlin} | ${BIN}/cut -d' ' -f1`" = "${mname}" ]
- then
- echo "${mname} ${mpref} ${mchar} ${mordr} ${mbmaj} ${mcmaj}"
- else
- echo "${inlin}"
- fi
- done < /etc/conf/mdevice.d/${file} > ${file}.new
- ${BIN}/mv -f ${file}.new /etc/conf/mdevice.d/${file} >/dev/null 2>&1
- DbgMsg " MERGED ${file} START:"
- DbgAddFile /etc/conf/mdevice.d/${file}
- DbgMsg " MERGED END"
- fi
- done
- unset file inlin oldlin newlin mname pref mchar mordr mbmaj mcmaj
- cd /
- else
- DbgMsg " postinstall: no mdevice files to merge"
- fi
- ${BIN}/rm -rf ${UPDTMP}/mdevice
- if [ "$SILENT_INSTALL" != "true" ]
- then
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 20%"
- WorkMenu "" 20
- fi
- DbgMsg " postinstall: exec DeleteFiles"
- DeleteFiles
- # ul98-16307 alexma, Xenix removal
- # /etc/conf/pack.d/{xnamfs,i286x,XENIX} directories should have been removed
- # by the DeleteFiles function above. However, mod_reg files may be left lying
- # around from idbuild. If so, delete and remove directories manually.
- # xnamfs seems to associated with both base and acp package. To make it
- # disappear, do removef for both packages.
- # Also, the link for /etc/xinstall=/sbin/xinstall doesn't want to
- # disappear so do it manually as well.
- XDIR_LIST="xnamfs i286x XENIX"
- removef base /etc/conf/pack.d/xnamfs >/dev/null 2>&1
- removef -f base >/dev/null 2>&1
- for i in ${XDIR_LIST}
- do
- if [ -d /etc/conf/pack.d/${i} ]
- then
- rm -rf /etc/conf/pack.d/${i} >/dev/null 2>&1
- removef acp /etc/conf/pack.d/${i} >/dev/null 2>&1
- DbgMsg " postinstall: /etc/conf/pack.d/${i} directory removed manually"
- fi
- done
- removef acp /etc/xinstall >/dev/null 2>&1
- removef acp /usr/sbin/xinstall >/dev/null 2>&1
- removef -f acp >/dev/null 2>&1
- # ul98-16307 end
- if [ "$SILENT_INSTALL" != "true" ]
- then
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 25%"
- WorkMenu "" 25
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 30%"
- WorkMenu "" 30
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 35%"
- WorkMenu "" 35
- fi
- #
- # Tidy up the /tmphba kludge
- #
- #I2OOSM_LIST="pkginfo pkgmap root/tmp/hbacpio.z root/tmp/i2oOSM/Drvmap \
- # root/tmp/i2oOSM/Master root/tmp/i2oOSM/System root/tmp/i2oOSM/modcpio.z"
- #
- #for i in ${I2OOSM_LIST}
- #do
- # removef ${PKGINST} /tmphba/hbaflop/i2oOSM/${i} >/dev/null 2>&1
- # DbgMsg " postinstall: /tmphba/hbaflop/i2oOSM/${i} file removef'd"
- #done
- #removef -f ${PKGINST} >/dev/null 2>&1
- #
- #if [ "$ISL_INSTALL" != "true" ]
- #then
- # DbgMsg " postinstall: /tmphba removed manually"
- # rm -rf /tmphba >/dev/null 2>&1
- #fi
- #
- # For the temp files installed in /usr/lib/tmp and /usr/ccs/lib/tmp,
- # move the new ones in place (do not copy, running programs would
- # core dump). Make sure these directories are the same as the
- # ones in the postremove script.
- #
- TempFiles=""
- DbgMsg " postinstall: installing files from /usr/lib/tmp and /usr/ccs/lib/tmp"
- for file in /usr/lib/tmp/* /usr/ccs/lib/tmp/*
- do
- if [ -f "${file}" ]
- then
- orig=`echo ${file} | ${BIN}/sed 's%/tmp/%/%'`
- DbgMsg " installing ${orig}"
- ${BIN}/mv -f ${file} ${orig} >/dev/null 2>&1
- rc=${?}
- DbgMsg " mv to lib rc=${rc}"
- TempFiles="${TempFiles} ${orig}"
- GetPerms ${orig}
- . ${UPDTMP}/perms
- echo "${orig} f ${perm} ${own} ${grp}" >> ${UPDTMP}/installf
- fi
- done
- unset file orig rc perm own grp
- ${BIN}/rm -rf ${UPDTMP}/perms
- [ -d /usr/lib/tmp ] && RemoveTemps /usr/lib/tmp
- [ -d /usr/ccs/lib/tmp ] && RemoveTemps /usr/ccs/lib/tmp
- DbgMsg " postinstall: tmp files from /usr/ccs/tmp and /usr/lib/tmp installed."
- DbgMsg " postinstall: TempFiles=${TempFiles}"
- if [ "$SILENT_INSTALL" != "true" ]
- then
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 45%"
- WorkMenu "" 45
- fi
- #
- # Make any links to the files just moved in.
- #
- if [ "$ISL_INSTALL" = "true" ]
- then
- echo "## Processing links." >&2
- fi
- DbgMsg " postinstall: relinking tmp files and removing old tmp files"
- for file in ${TempFiles}
- do
- case "${file}" in
- /usr/lib/libsocket.so)
- DbgMsg " postinstall: special processing for libsocket.so"
- ${BIN}/ln -f /usr/lib/libsocket.so /usr/lib/libsocket.so.1 >/dev/null 2>&1
- ${BIN}/ln -f /usr/lib/libsocket.so /usr/lib/libsocket.so.2 >/dev/null 2>&1
- echo "/usr/lib/libsocket.so.1=/usr/lib/libsocket.so l"
- echo "/usr/lib/libsocket.so.2=/usr/lib/libsocket.so l"
- ;;
- /usr/lib/libresolv.so)
- DbgMsg " postinstall: special processing for libresolv.so"
- ${BIN}/ln -f /usr/lib/libresolv.so /usr/lib/libresolv.so.2 >/dev/null 2>&1
- echo "/usr/lib/libresolv.so.2=/usr/lib/libresolv.so l"
- ;;
- /usr/lib/libnsl_i.so)
- # ul98-05506
- # check for pkginfo of "crypt" package
- # if crypt is installed or installing on BL15.3v1s, then print
- # warning message that libnsl has been overwritten (see part2 below)
- ${BIN}/ln -f /usr/lib/libnsl_i.so /usr/lib/libnsl.so >/dev/null 2>&1
- ${BIN}/ln -f /usr/lib/libnsl_i.so /usr/lib/libnsl.so.1 >/dev/null 2>&1
- DbgMsg "postinstall for ul98-05506, libnsl links made"
- # end ul98-05506
- echo "/usr/lib/libnsl.so=/usr/lib/libnsl_i.so l"
- echo "/usr/lib/libnsl.so.1=/usr/lib/libnsl.so l"
- ;;
- *)
- DbgMsg " postinstall: getting contents entries for ${file}"
- ${BIN}/grep "=${file} l " /var/sadm/install/contents |
- while read line
- do
- link="`echo $line | ${BIN}/cut -d'=' -f1`"
- ${BIN}/ln -f ${file} ${link} >/dev/null 2>&1
- echo "${link}=${file} l"
- DbgMsg " postinstall: link=${link}, file=${file}"
- done
- ;;
- esac
- done >> ${UPDTMP}/installf
- unset file line TempFiles perm own grp
- if [ "$SILENT_INSTALL" != "true" ]
- then
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 50%"
- WorkMenu "" 50
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 55%"
- WorkMenu "" 55
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 60%"
- WorkMenu "" 60
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 65%"
- WorkMenu "" 65
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 70%"
- WorkMenu "" 70
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 75%"
- WorkMenu "" 75
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 80%"
- WorkMenu "" 80
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 85%"
- WorkMenu "" 85
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 90%"
- WorkMenu "" 90
- fi
- #
- # Remove and add Update information to the
- # installation software database as needed.
- #
- if [ "$ISL_INSTALL" = "true" ]
- then
- echo "## Updating the software installation database." >&2
- fi
- ${BIN}/sort -u ${UPDTMP}/installf |
- ${USBIN}/installf ${PKGINST} - >/dev/null 2>&1
- DbgMsg " postinstall: run ${USBIN}/removef -f ${PKGINST}"
- ${USBIN}/removef -f ${PKGINST} >/dev/null 2>&1
- DbgMsg " postinstall: run ${USBIN}/installf -f ${PKGINST}"
- ${USBIN}/installf -f ${PKGINST} >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$SILENT_INSTALL" != "true" ]
- then
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 95%"
- WorkMenu "" 95
- fi
- #
- # Markup updated packages
- #
- for pkg in ${CLASSES}
- do
- case ${pkg} in
- merge) for pkg in merge demerge esmerge frmerge itmerge jamerge
- do [ -d /var/sadm/pkg/${pkg} ] &&
- > /var/sadm/pkg/${pkg}/${PKGINST}
- done
- ;;
- nwsrvr) for pkg in nwsrvr nwsrvrJ
- do [ -d /var/sadm/pkg/${pkg} ] &&
- > /var/sadm/pkg/${pkg}/${PKGINST}
- done
- ;;
- acp|base|cmds|compaq|inet|kdb|ls|nfs|nics|nsu|nuc|nwnet|osmp|rpc|vxfs|vxvm)
- # those packages include updates to /etc/conf
- EXITRC=10 # please reboot
- > /var/sadm/pkg/${pkg}/${PKGINST}
- ;;
- *) [ -d /var/sadm/pkg/${pkg} ] &&
- > /var/sadm/pkg/${pkg}/${PKGINST}
- ;;
- esac
- done
- #
- # Postinstall script addition from u701p2
- # Mail: conversion of sendmail.cf to current version
- # add charsetlist variable to mailx.rc
- # add sticky bit to /var/mail
- # MR's ul96-24714 and ul97-14212
- #
- /etc/mail/convertcf /etc/sendmail.cf
- if [ -f /etc/mail/mailx.rc ]
- then
- cp /etc/mail/mailx.rc /etc/mail/mailx.rc.bak
- fi
- echo '# mapping of charsets to translation dlls' >> /etc/mail/mailx.rc
- echo 'set charsetlist="ISO-2022-JP,/etc/mail/charset/jis.dll"' >> /etc/mail/mailx.rc
- chmod 1777 /var/mail
- #
- # Postinstall script for man command
- # - save /etc/default/man as /etc/default/man.bak
- # - add /usr/lib/scohelp/%L/man: to MANPATH
- # - change PAGER=/usr/bin/more to PAGER=/usr/bin/pg
- # - MR's ul98-21508
- #
- config_file=/etc/default/man
- temp_file=/tmp/man.0001
- if [ -f $config_file ]
- then
- cp /etc/default/man /etc/default/man.bak
- sed -e 's!PAGER=.*.$!PAGER=/usr/bin/pg!' $config_file | \
- sed 's!MANPATH=!MANPATH=/usr/lib/scohelp/%L/man:!g' > $temp_file
- mv $temp_file $config_file
- fi
- #
- # Postinstall script addition from update701
- # Scohelp: start up scohelp server after scohelp packaging
- # files have been installed. The server will only
- # start when doing a layered install, not at ISL
- # time.
- # MRs: ul98-13416 and ul98-03517
- # Preinstall stops the daemon, code moved there 7/13/98
- #
- if [ "$ISL_INSTALL" = "true" ]
- then
- :
- else
- if [ -x /etc/scohelphttp ]
- then
- /etc/scohelphttp start >> /var/adm/log/scohelphttp.log 2>&1
- fi
- fi
- #
- # Morepkgs: MR #ul98-17516, added on 7/11/98.
- # Add symbolic link from /etc/rc2.d to morepkgs script to invoke
- # morepkgs for ISL installation only.
- #
- if [ "$ISL_INSTALL" = "true" ]
- then
- MOREPKGS_DEBUG=`grep "^DEBUG_ALL=" /isl/ifile`
- SEC_MED_TYPE=`grep "^SEC_MEDIUM_TYPE=" /isl/ifile`
- eval $SEC_MED_TYPE
- #
- # Make the symbolic link to invoke morepkgs if this is a
- # cd-rom install or DEBUG_ALL=1... (IVAR_DEBUG_ALL=1 at boot time)
- #
- if [ "$SEC_MEDIUM_TYPE" = "cdrom" -o "$DEBUG_ALL" = "1" ]
- then
- ln -s /var/sadm/pkg/update701/install/update701/morepkgs/scripts/morepkgs.sh /etc/rc2.d/S03morepkgs
- chmod 555 /etc/rc2.d/S03morepkgs
- chmod 555 /etc/rc2.d/S03morepkgs.sh
- fi
- fi
- [ ${EXITRC} = 10 ] && > /etc/conf/.rebuild # idbuild on shutdown
- if [ "$SILENT_INSTALL" != "true" ]
- then
- DbgMsg " postinstall: Display working menu at 100%"
- WorkMenu "" 100
- ${BIN}/sleep 2
- MenuClear
- fi
- # ul98-05506, part 2 - issue warning (can't do above, goes to installf)
- Ver=`grep "^VERSION=" /var/sadm/pkg/base/pkginfo | cut -f2 -d'='`
- if [ "${Ver}" = "7" ] || `/bin/pkginfo crypt >/dev/null 2>&1`
- then
- echo "WARNING: lost domestic crypt functionality in libnsl by installing the ${NAME} package"
- DbgMsg "postinstall: lost domestic crypt functionality in libnsl by installing the ${NAME} package"
- fi
- # ul98-05506 part 2 end
- LogMsg "postinstall: `GetText COMPLEXIT` - ${EXITRC}"
- DbgMsg "postinstall: COMPLEXIT - ${EXITRC}"
- RmExit ${EXITRC}