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- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *
- * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended
- * publication of such source code.
- */
- #ident "@(#)libetitam:tamwin.h 1.1"
- # ifndef WINDOW
- #include "tam.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define WNAME "/dev/window"
- #define HS_DEFAULT 9
- #define VS_DEFAULT 12
- #define BASE_DEFAULT 9
- #define reg register
- typedef char bool;
- #define CHAR(a) (((achr_t)a) & 0x7F)
- # define TRUE (1)
- # define FALSE (0)
- # define ERR (0)
- # define OK (1)
- #ifdef SYS5
- #include <termio.h>
- typedef struct termio TTY;
- #else
- #include <sgtty.h>
- typedef struct sgttyb TTY;
- #endif /*SYS5*/
- /*
- * Capabilities from termcap
- */
- extern bool AM, BS, CA, NC, slkshort;
- extern bool MS;
- extern char *BC, *BE, *BO, *CD, *CE, *CI, *CL, *CM,
- *CV, *EE, *FE, *FL, *HO, *KM, *LL, *ND,
- *SE, *SO, *TI, *UE, *UP, *US, *VE, *VS,
- *XE, *XS, PC;
- extern short SG;
- /*
- * From the tty modes...
- */
- extern char ttytype[];
- /*
- * window definitions
- */
- typedef int (*Fint)();
- typedef unsigned short achr_t;
- /* ansi attributes */
- #define ATTRUNDER (A_UNDERLINE << 8) /* underlined */
- #define ATTRREV (A_REVERSE << 8) /* inverse video*/
- #define ATTRBOLD (A_BOLD << 8) /* bold */
- #define ATTRSTRIKE (A_STRIKE << 8) /* strike-out */
- #define ATTRFONT 0xE000 /* high 3 bits are font */
- /* ansi interpreter states */
- #define NORM 0 /* normal characters */
- #define ESC 1 /* received ESC (0x1b) */
- #define CSI 2 /* received CSI (ESC [) */
- #define PARAM 3 /* parsing parm string */
- /* other ansi parameters */
- #define NAPARAM 16 /* max number of parameters */
- #define NAROW 27 /* max number of char rows/w */
- #define ERRCHR '?' /* error character */
- /* Generic Rectangle */
- struct recdef
- {
- unsigned short rec_ulx; /* upper-left x */
- unsigned short rec_uly; /* upper-left y */
- unsigned short rec_lrx; /* lower-right x (exclusive) */
- unsigned short rec_lry; /* lower-right y (exclusive) */
- };
- /* Window Structure */
- struct dirt { short firstc, lastc; };
- typedef struct dirt DIRT;
- struct window {
- struct recdef w_rec; /* window dimensions */
- struct recdef w_inrec; /* dimensions within borders */
- struct oldef *w_ol; /* obscured list */
- struct window *w_back; /* window behind this one */
- struct window *w_front; /* window in front of this one */
- unsigned short w_uflags; /* user specified flags */
- short w_astate; /* ansi parser state */
- short w_iparam; /* parameter index */
- short w_nparam; /* parameter count */
- short w_aparam[NAPARAM]; /* parameters */
- Fint *w_adisp; /* ptr to dispatch table */
- unsigned char w_sflags; /* window state flags */
- short w_cury, w_curx;
- achr_t w_attr;
- achr_t **w_rptr;
- DIRT *w_dirt;
- char w_nflags; /* noise line dirty flags */
- char w_noise[WTXTNUM][WTXTLEN];/* noise line storage */
- FILE *w_outf; /* output stdio file descriptor */
- };
- typedef struct window WINDOW;
- /* Obscured Rectangle */
- struct oldef
- {
- struct recdef ol_rec; /* dimensions of obs. on screen */
- WINDOW *ol_lobs; /* ptr to frontmost wp */
- struct oldef *ol_next; /* next oldef in a chain */
- struct oldef *ol_last; /* prev oldef in a chain */
- };
- typedef union { WINDOW *w; FILE *f; int i; } WF;
- WF wnmap(); /* map window/file # to WINDOW/FILE pointer */
- /* window state flags (w_sflags) */
- #define _DIRTY 1 /* window contents modified */
- #define _SS2 2 /* pending single-shift 2 */
- #define _CUROFF 4 /* cursor turned off */
- #define _BELL 8 /* bell char seen */
- #define _MAPNL 0x10 /* map nl to cr-nl on output */
- #define _NSCROLL 0x20 /* window doesn't scroll */
- /* user specified window flags (w_uflags) */
- /* #define NBORDER 1 /* window has borders (window.h)*/
- #define _NOCHANGE -1
- extern WF window[];
- extern WINDOW physcr;
- extern achr_t aspace;
- extern bool tbtflg;
- extern bool twbflg;
- #endif /*WINDOW*/