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- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *
- * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended
- * publication of such source code.
- */
- #ident "@(#)libetitam:chartam.h 1.12"
- /********************************************************************
- * chartam.h *
- ********************************************************************
- * *
- * This file attempts to successfully map all tam function calls *
- * to function calls within the conversion library for character *
- * terminals. If a particular function is not supported in the *
- * conversion library then nasty preprocessor demons should prevent *
- * user source from compiling. *
- * *
- ********************************************************************/
- /* The following is from window.h */
- #define NBORDER 0x1 /* Borderless */
- #define TRUE (1)
- #define FALSE (0)
- #define CERR (-1)
- /***
- *** First define away all true TAM entry points
- ***/
- #ifndef lint
- #define winit() TAMwinit()
- #define iswind() 0
- #define wtargeton() 0
- #define wrastop(w,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9,d10,d11,d12,d13) 0
- #define wcreate(r,c,h,w,f) TAMwcreate((short)(r),(short)(c),(short)(h),(short)(w),(unsigned short) (f))
- #define wexit(s) TAMwexit(s)
- #define wdelete(w) TAMwdelete((short)(w))
- #define wselect(w) TAMwselect((short)(w))
- #define wgetsel() TAMwgetsel()
- #define wgetstat(w,s) TAMwgetstat((short)(w),(WSTAT *)(s))
- #define wsetstat(w,s) TAMwsetstat((short)(w),(WSTAT *)(s))
- #define wputc(w,c) TAMwputc((short)(w),(char)(c))
- #define wputs(w,c) TAMwputs((short)(w),(char*)(c))
- #define wprintf TAMwprintf
- #define printw TAMprintw
- #define wslk TAMwslk /* 2 forms of this call */
- #define wcmd(w,c) TAMwcmd((short)(w),(char*)(c))
- #define wprompt(w,c) TAMwprompt((short)(w),(char*)(c))
- #define wlabel(w,c) TAMwlabel((short)(w),(char*)(c))
- #define wrefresh(w) TAMwrefresh((short)(w))
- #define wuser(w,c) TAMwuser((short)(w),(char*)(c))
- #define wgoto(w,r,c) TAMwgoto((short)(w),(short)(r),(short)(c))
- #define wgetpos(w,r,c) TAMwgetpos((short)(w),(int*)(r),(int*)(c))
- #define wgetc(w) TAMwgetc((short)(w))
- #define kcodemap(c) (char *)Virtual2Ansi((unsigned int)(c))
- #define keypad(d,f) TAMkeypad((int)(d),(int)(f))
- #define wsetmouse(w,ms) 0
- #define wgetmouse(w,ms) 0
- #define wreadmouse(w,a,b,c,d) 0
- #define wprexec() TAMwprexec()
- #define wpostwait() TAMwpostwait()
- #define wnl(w,f) 0
- #define wicon(w, r, c, i) 0
- #define wicoff(w, r, c, i) 0
- #define track(w, t, o, b, w1) TAMtrack ((short)(w))
- #define wndelay(w, b) TAMwnodelay((short)(w),(int)(b))
- /***
- *** Compatibility routines from the TAM file "wcurses.c"
- ***/
- #define initscr() TAMinitscr()
- #define nl() 0
- #define nonl() 0
- #define cbreak() TAMcbreak()
- #define nocbreak() TAMnocbreak()
- #define echo() TAMecho()
- #define noecho() TAMnoecho()
- #define inch() TAMinch()
- #define getch() TAMgetch()
- #define flushinp() TAMflushinp()
- #define attron(m) TAMattron((long)(m))
- #define attroff(m) TAMattroff((long)(m))
- #define savetty() TAMsavetty()
- #define resetty() TAMresetty()
- /***
- *** Define TAM entry points that are really #define's in TAM
- ***/
- #define stdscr wncur /* In tam.h */
- #define addch(c) wputc(wncur,c)
- #define addstr(s) wputs(wncur,s)
- #define beep() TAMbeep()
- #define clear() TAMclear((short)(wncur))
- #define clearok(dum1, dum2)
- #define clrtobot() TAMclrtobot((short)(wncur))
- #define clrtoeol() TAMclrtoeol((short)(wncur))
- #define delch() TAMdelch((short)(wncur))
- #define deleteln() TAMdeleteln((short)(wncur))
- #define erase() clear()
- #define flash() beep()
- #define getyx(d,r,c) wgetpos(wncur,&r,&c);
- #define insch(c) TAMinsch((short)(wncur), (char)(c))
- #define insertln() TAMinsertln((short)(wncur))
- #define leaveok(a,b) 0
- #define move(r,c) wgoto(wncur,r,c)
- #define mvaddch(r,c,ch) (move(r,c)==CERR?CERR:addch(ch))
- #define mvaddstr(r,c,s) (move(r,c)==CERR?CERR:addstr(s))
- #define mvinch(r,c) (move(r,c)==CERR?CERR:inch())
- #define nodelay(d,b) TAMwnodelay((short)(wncur),(int)(b))
- #define refresh() wrefresh(wncur)
- extern void TAMwinit ();
- extern void TAMwexit ();
- #else
- extern void winit ();
- extern void wexit ();
- #endif /* lint */