PC World Komputer 1999 March B
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C/C++ Source or Header
231 lines
* Copyright (c) 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended
* publication of such source code.
#ident "@(#)sgs-head:common/head/dwarf.h 1.7"
#ifndef DWARF_H
#define DWARF_H
/* dwarf.h - manifest constants used in the .debug section of ELF files */
/* the "tag" - the first short of any legal record */
#define TAG_padding 0x0000
#define TAG_array_type 0x0001
#define TAG_class_type 0x0002
#define TAG_entry_point 0x0003
#define TAG_enumeration_type 0x0004
#define TAG_formal_parameter 0x0005
#define TAG_global_subroutine 0x0006
#define TAG_global_variable 0x0007
#define TAG_label 0x000a
#define TAG_lexical_block 0x000b
#define TAG_local_variable 0x000c
#define TAG_member 0x000d
#define TAG_pointer_type 0x000f
#define TAG_reference_type 0x0010
#define TAG_compile_unit 0x0011
#define TAG_string_type 0x0012
#define TAG_structure_type 0x0013
#define TAG_subroutine 0x0014
#define TAG_subroutine_type 0x0015
#define TAG_typedef 0x0016
#define TAG_union_type 0x0017
#define TAG_unspecified_parameters 0x0018
#define TAG_variant 0x0019
#define TAG_common_block 0x001a
#define TAG_common_inclusion 0x001b
#define TAG_inheritance 0x001c
#define TAG_inlined_subroutine 0x001d
#define TAG_module 0x001e
#define TAG_ptr_to_member_type 0x001f
#define TAG_set_type 0x0020
#define TAG_subrange_type 0x0021
#define TAG_with_stmt 0x0022
#define TAG_lo_user 0x8000
#define TAG_hi_user 0xffff
/* old name for compatibility */
#define TAG_source_file TAG_compile_unit
/* attribute forms are encoded as part */
/* of the attribute name and must fit */
/* into 4 bits */
#define FORM_MASK 0xf
#define FORM_NONE 0x0 /* error */
#define FORM_ADDR 0x1 /* relocated address */
#define FORM_REF 0x2 /* reference to another .debug entry */
#define FORM_BLOCK2 0x3 /* block with 2-byte length */
#define FORM_BLOCK4 0x4 /* block with 4-byte length (unused) */
#define FORM_DATA2 0x5 /* 2 bytes */
#define FORM_DATA4 0x6 /* 4 bytes */
#define FORM_DATA8 0x7 /* 8 bytes (two 4-byte values) */
#define FORM_STRING 0x8 /* NUL-terminated string */
/* attribute names, halfwords with low 4 bits indicating the form */
#define AT_padding (0x0000|FORM_NONE) /* just padding */
#define AT_sibling (0x0010|FORM_REF) /* next owned declaration */
#define AT_location (0x0020|FORM_BLOCK2) /* location description */
#define AT_name (0x0030|FORM_STRING) /* symbol name */
#define AT_fund_type (0x0050|FORM_DATA2) /* fund type enum */
#define AT_mod_fund_type (0x0060|FORM_BLOCK2) /* modifiers & fund type enum */
#define AT_user_def_type (0x0070|FORM_REF) /* type entry */
#define AT_mod_u_d_type (0x0080|FORM_BLOCK2) /* modifiers & type entry ref */
#define AT_ordering (0x0090|FORM_DATA2) /* array row/column major */
#define AT_subscr_data (0x00a0|FORM_BLOCK2) /* list of array dim info */
#define AT_byte_size (0x00b0|FORM_DATA4) /* number bytes per instance */
#define AT_bit_offset (0x00c0|FORM_DATA2) /* number bits padding */
#define AT_bit_size (0x00d0|FORM_DATA4) /* number bits per instance */
#define AT_element_list (0x00f0|FORM_BLOCK4) /* list of enum data elements */
#define AT_stmt_list (0x0100|FORM_DATA4) /* offset in .line sect */
#define AT_low_pc (0x0110|FORM_ADDR) /* first machine instr */
#define AT_high_pc (0x0120|FORM_ADDR) /* beyond last machine instr */
#define AT_language (0x0130|FORM_DATA4) /* compiler enumeration */
#define AT_member (0x0140|FORM_REF) /* class description */
#define AT_discr (0x0150|FORM_REF) /* discriminant entry */
#define AT_discr_value (0x0160|FORM_BLOCK2) /* value of discr */
#define AT_string_length (0x0190|FORM_BLOCK2) /* runtime string size */
#define AT_common_reference (0x01a0|FORM_REF) /* referenced common block*/
#define AT_comp_dir (0x01b0|FORM_STRING) /* current working dir of compiler*/
#define AT_const_value 0x01c0 /* constant valued object - can have multiple forms*/
#define AT_containing_type (0x01d0|FORM_REF)/* class containing ptr to member type*/
#define AT_default_value 0x01e0 /* default value of parameter -can have multiple forms */
#define AT_friends (0x01f0|FORM_BLOCK2) /* list of friends*/
#define AT_inline (0x0200|FORM_STRING) /* declaration of inlined function*/
#define AT_is_optional (0x0210|FORM_STRING) /* FORTRAN optional parameters*/
#define AT_lower_bound 0x0220 /* lower bound of subrange - can have multiple forms */
#define AT_program (0x0230|FORM_STRING) /* FORTRAN main program*/
#define AT_private (0x0240|FORM_STRING) /* prvivate class members*/
#define AT_producer (0x0250|FORM_STRING) /* compiler version and vendor */
#define AT_protected (0x0260|FORM_STRING) /* protected class members*/
#define AT_prototyped (0x0270|FORM_STRING) /* function is prototyped*/
#define AT_public (0x0280|FORM_STRING) /* public class members*/
#define AT_pure_virtual (0x0290|FORM_STRING) /* pure virtual member function*/
#define AT_return_addr (0x02a0|FORM_BLOCK2) /* where return addr is stored*/
#define AT_specification (0x02b0|FORM_REF) /* ptr from inlined subroutine instance to declaration */
#define AT_start_scope (0x02c0|FORM_DATA4) /* scope of object begins after enclosing scope*/
#define AT_stride_size (0x02e0|FORM_DATA4) /* non-standard element size */
#define AT_upper_bound 0x02f0 /* upper bound of subrange - can have multiple forms */
#define AT_virtual (0x0300|FORM_STRING) /* virtual member function*/
#define AT_lo_user 0x2000
#define AT_hi_user 0x3ff0
/* atoms which compose a location description; must fit in a byte */
#define OP_UNK 0x00 /* error */
#define OP_REG 0x01 /* push register (number) */
#define OP_BASEREG 0x02 /* push value of register (number) */
#define OP_ADDR 0x03 /* push address (relocated address) */
#define OP_CONST 0x04 /* push constant (number) */
#define OP_DEREF2 0x05 /* pop, deref and push 2 bytes (as a long) */
#define OP_DEREF 0x06 /* pop, deref and push 4 bytes (as a long) */
#define OP_ADD 0x07 /* pop top 2 items, add, push result */
/* old name for compatibility */
/* fundamental types; must fit in two bytes */
#define FT_none 0x0000 /* error */
#define FT_char 0x0001 /* "plain" char */
#define FT_signed_char 0x0002
#define FT_unsigned_char 0x0003
#define FT_short 0x0004 /* "plain" short */
#define FT_signed_short 0x0005
#define FT_unsigned_short 0x0006
#define FT_integer 0x0007 /* "plain" integer */
#define FT_signed_integer 0x0008
#define FT_unsigned_integer 0x0009
#define FT_long 0x000a /* "plain" long */
#define FT_signed_long 0x000b
#define FT_unsigned_long 0x000c
#define FT_pointer 0x000d /* (void *) */
#define FT_float 0x000e
#define FT_dbl_prec_float 0x000f
#define FT_ext_prec_float 0x0010
#define FT_complex 0x0011
#define FT_dbl_prec_complex 0x0012
#define FT_void 0x0014
#define FT_boolean 0x0015
#define FT_ext_prec_complex 0x0016
#define FT_label 0x0017
#define FT_long_long 0x0018
#define FT_signed_long_long 0x0019
#define FT_unsigned_long_long 0x001a
#define FT_lo_user 0x8000
#define FT_hi_user 0xffff
/* type modifiers; must fit in a byte */
#define MOD_none 0x00 /* error */
#define MOD_pointer_to 0x01
#define MOD_reference_to 0x02
#define MOD_const 0x03
#define MOD_volatile 0x04
#define MOD_lo_user 0x80
#define MOD_hi_user 0xff
/* the "format" byte for array descriptions; formed from three */
/* one-bit fields */
#define FMT_FT 0 /* fundamental type */
#define FMT_UDT 1 /* user-defined type */
#define FMT_CONST 0 /* 4-byte constant */
#define FMT_EXPR 1 /* block with 2-byte length (loc descr) */
#define FMT_FT_C_C ( (FMT_FT <<2) | (FMT_CONST<<1) | (FMT_CONST) )
#define FMT_FT_C_X ( (FMT_FT <<2) | (FMT_CONST<<1) | (FMT_EXPR) )
#define FMT_FT_X_C ( (FMT_FT <<2) | (FMT_EXPR <<1) | (FMT_CONST) )
#define FMT_FT_X_X ( (FMT_FT <<2) | (FMT_EXPR <<1) | (FMT_EXPR) )
#define FMT_UT_C_C ( (FMT_UDT<<2) | (FMT_CONST<<1) | (FMT_CONST) )
#define FMT_UT_C_X ( (FMT_UDT<<2) | (FMT_CONST<<1) | (FMT_EXPR) )
#define FMT_UT_X_C ( (FMT_UDT<<2) | (FMT_EXPR <<1) | (FMT_CONST) )
#define FMT_UT_X_X ( (FMT_UDT<<2) | (FMT_EXPR <<1) | (FMT_EXPR) )
#define FMT_ET 8 /* element type */
/* ordering of arrays */
#define ORD_row_major 0
#define ORD_col_major 1
/* language - allocated 4 bytes, but should fit in 2*/
enum LANG {
LANG_C89 = 0x0001,
LANG_C = 0x0002,
LANG_ADA83 = 0x0003,
LANG_C_PLUS_PLUS = 0x0004,
LANG_COBOL74 = 0x0005,
LANG_COBOL85 = 0x0006,
LANG_FORTRAN77 = 0x0007,
LANG_FORTRAN90 = 0x0008,
LANG_PASCAL83 = 0x0009,
LANG_MODULA2 = 0x000a,
LANG_LO_USER = 0x8000,
LANG_HI_USER = 0xffff
/* old name for compatibility */
#define LANG_ANSI_C_V1 LANG_C89
#endif /* DWARF_H */