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- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988
- * The Regents of the University of California
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * Portions of this document are derived from
- * software developed by the University of
- * California, Berkeley, and its contributors.
- */
- /* PROTOLIB1 */
- #ifdef __STDC__
- #include <curses.h>
- #include <term.h>
- #else /* __STDC__ */
- #include <curses.h>
- #include <term.h>
- static char *sp;
- static chtype cht;
- static WINDOW *wp;
- static SCREEN *scp;
- static TERMINAL *tp;
- /*************** START SVR3 ********************/
- int del_curterm(old) TERMINAL *old; { return 0; }
- TERMINAL *set_curterm(term) TERMINAL *term; { return tp; }
- void termerr() {}
- int mvprintw(y, x, fmt, args) int y, x; char *fmt; { return 0; }
- /*VARARGS3*/
- int mvscanw(y, x, fmt, args) int y, x; char *fmt; { return 0; }
- int mvwprintw(win, y, x, fmt, args) WINDOW *win; int y, x; char *fmt; { return 0; }
- int mvwscanw(win, y, x, fmt, args) WINDOW *win; int y, x; char *fmt; { return 0; }
- int putp(str) char * str; { return 0; }
- /*VARARGS1*/
- int printw(fmt, args) char *fmt; { return 0; }
- /*VARARGS1*/
- int scanw(fmt, args) char *fmt; { return 0; }
- /*VARARGS2*/
- int vwscanw(win, fmt, ap) WINDOW *win; char *fmt; { return 0; }
- /*VARARGS2*/
- int vwprintw(win, fmt, ap) WINDOW *win; char *fmt; { return 0; }
- /*VARARGS2*/
- int wprintw(win, fmt, args) WINDOW *win; char *fmt; { return 0; }
- /*VARARGS2*/
- int wscanw(win, fmt, args) WINDOW *win; char *fmt; { return 0; }
- char *UP, *BC, PC;
- short ospeed;
- WINDOW *stdscr, *curscr;
- TERMINAL *cur_term;
- struct _bool_struct *cur_bools;
- struct _num_struct *cur_nums;
- struct _str_struct *cur_strs;
- TERMINAL _first_term;
- struct _bool_struct _frst_bools;
- struct _num_struct _frst_nums;
- struct _str_struct _frst_strs;
- char *boolnames[], *boolcodes[], *boolfnames[],
- *numnames[], *numcodes[], *numfnames[],
- *strnames[], *strcodes[], *strfnames[];
- /*
- * Various tricks to shut up lint about things that are perfectly fine.
- */
- char *Def_term, ttytype[1];
- char *_unctrl[];
- chtype *acs_map;
- static
- _dummy_init()
- {
- Def_term[0] = ttytype[0] = 0;
- _unctrl[0] = "abc";
- _dummy_init();
- LINES = COLS = 1;
- stdscr = curscr = NULL;
- }
- /* internal routines and variables that no one else should be using */
- int outchcount;
- int _use_slk;
- int _ripcounter;
- char *curses_version;
- FILE *outf;
- struct term *cur_term;
- int _called_before;
- /*************** END SVR3 ********************/
- int waddch(win, c) WINDOW *win; chtype c; { return 0; }
- int waddnstr(win, str, i)
- WINDOW *win; char *str; int i; { return 0; }
- int baudrate() { return 0; }
- int wbkgd(win, ch) WINDOW *win; chtype ch; { return 0; }
- int wborder(win, ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8)
- WINDOW *win; chtype ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8;
- { return 0; }
- int cbreak() { return 0; }
- int copywin(Srcwin,Dstwin,minRowSrc,minColSrc,
- minRowDst,minColDst,maxRowDst,maxColDst,over_lay)
- WINDOW *Srcwin,*Dstwin;
- int minRowSrc,minColSrc,minRowDst,minColDst,maxRowDst,
- maxColDst, over_lay; { return 0; }
- int curs_set(vis) int vis; { return 0; }
- int def_prog_mode() { return 0; }
- void delscreen(s) SCREEN *s; {}
- void curserr() {}
- void filter() {}
- int delterm(t) TERMINAL *t; { return 0; }
- int delay_output(ms) int ms; { return 0; }
- int m_addch(c) _ochtype c; { return 0; }
- WINDOW *m_initscr() { return wp; }
- SCREEN *m_newterm(type, outfptr, infptr)
- char *type; FILE *outfptr, infptr; { return scp; }
- int m_addstr(str) char * str; { return 0; }
- int m_clear() { return 0; }
- int m_erase() { return 0; }
- int m_move(y, x) int x, y; { return 0; }
- int m_refresh() { return 0; }
- int wdelch(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int delkey(cp,i) char *cp; int i; { return 0; }
- void delkeymap(i) TERMINAL * i; {}
- int delwin(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- WINDOW *derwin(win, i1, i2, i3, i4)
- WINDOW *win; int i1, i2, i3, i4; { return wp; }
- int doupdate() { return 0; }
- int draino(ms) int ms; { return 0; }
- WINDOW *dupwin(win) WINDOW *win; { return wp; }
- int echo() { return 0; }
- int endwin() { return 0; }
- int isendwin() { return 0; }
- char erasechar() { return 'a'; }
- int flushinp() { return 0; }
- int garbagedlines(win, beg, num)
- WINDOW *win; int beg, num; { return 0; }
- int garbagedwin(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int wredrawln(win, beg, num)
- WINDOW *win; int beg, num; { return 0; }
- int redrawwin(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int wgetstr(win, str) WINDOW *win; char *str; { return 0; }
- int wgetnstr(win, str, n) WINDOW *win; char *str; int n; { return 0; }
- int _getsyx(y,x) int *y, *x; { return 0; }
- WINDOW *getwin(fp) FILE *fp; { return wp; }
- int has_ic() { return 0; }
- int has_il() { return 0; }
- int idlok(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; { return 0; }
- WINDOW *initscr() { return wp; }
- int winsch(win, c) WINDOW *win; chtype c; { return 0; }
- int winsdelln(win,i) WINDOW *win; int i; { return 0; }
- int winsnstr(win, c, i) WINDOW *win; char *c; int i; { return 0; }
- char *keyname(key) int key; { return sp; }
- int keypad(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; { return 0; }
- char killchar() { return 'a'; }
- char *longname() { return sp; }
- int meta(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; { return 0; }
- int wmove(win, y, x) WINDOW *win; int y, x; { return 0; }
- int mvcur(ly, lx, y, x) int ly, lx, y, x; { return 0; }
- int mvderwin(win, c, i) WINDOW *win; int c, i; { return 0; }
- int mvwin(win, by, bx) WINDOW *win; int by, bx; { return 0; }
- int napms(ms) int ms; { return 0; }
- int newkey(c, i1, i2) char *c; int i1,i2; { return 0; }
- SCREEN *newscreen(c, i1, i2, i3, f1, f2)
- char *c; int i1, i2, i3; FILE *f1, *f2; { return 0; }
- WINDOW *newwin(num_lines, num_cols, begy, begx)
- int num_lines, num_cols, begy, begx; { return wp; }
- int nl() { return 0; }
- int nocbreak() { return 0; }
- int nodelay(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; { return 0; }
- int noecho() { return 0; }
- int nonl() { return 0; }
- int noraw() { return 0; }
- void qiflush() {}
- void noqiflush() {}
- int pechochar(pad, ch) WINDOW *pad; chtype ch; { return 0; }
- int pnoutrefresh(pad, pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol)
- WINDOW *pad;
- int pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol;
- { return 0; }
- int prefresh(pad, pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol)
- WINDOW *pad;
- int pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol;
- { return 0; }
- int putwin(win,fp) WINDOW *win; FILE *fp; { return 0; }
- int raw() { return 0; }
- int wrefresh(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int reset_shell_mode() { return 0; }
- int resetty() { return 0; }
- int restartterm(term, file, err) char *term; int file, *err; { return 0; }
- int ripoffline(line, init) int line, (*init)(); { return 0; }
- int getcury(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int getcurx(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int getmaxy(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int getmaxx(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int getbegy(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int getbegx(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int getpary(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int getparx(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- chtype getbkgd(win) WINDOW *win; { return cht; }
- chtype getattrs(win) WINDOW *win; { return cht; }
- int savetty() { return 0; }
- int scr_dump(file) char *file; { return 0; }
- int scr_init(file) char *file; { return 0; }
- int scr_ll_dump(file) FILE *file; { return 0; }
- int scr_reset(file,i) FILE *file; int i; { return 0; }
- int scr_restore(file) char *file; { return 0; }
- int scr_set(file) char *file; { return 0; }
- int wscrl(win,i) WINDOW *win; int i; { return 0; }
- SCREEN *setcurscreen(new) SCREEN *new; { return scp; }
- TERMINAL *setcurterm(new) TERMINAL *new; { return (TERMINAL *)0; }
- int setkeymap() { return 0; }
- int wsetscrreg(win, i1, i2) WINDOW *win; int i1, i2; { return 0; }
- int setsyx(y,x) int y, x; { return 0; }
- int setupterm(term, file, err) char *term; int file, *err;
- { return 0; }
- int reset_prog_mode() { return 0; }
- int def_shell_mode() { return 0; }
- int slk_clear() { return 0; }
- char *slk_label(num) int num; { return sp; }
- int slk_noutrefresh() { return 0; }
- int slk_refresh() { return 0; }
- int slk_restore() { return 0; }
- int slk_set(num, lab, fmt) int num, fmt; char *lab; { return 0; }
- int slk_start(i, ip) int i, *ip; { return 0; }
- int slk_touch() { return 0; }
- int slk_attron(a) chtype a; { return 0; }
- int slk_attroff(a) chtype a; { return 0; }
- int slk_attrset(a) chtype a; { return 0; }
- void wsyncdown(win) WINDOW *win; {}
- void wsyncup(win) WINDOW *win; {}
- void wcursyncup(win) WINDOW *win; {}
- int tgetent(bp, name) char *bp, *name; { return 0; }
- int tgetflag(id) char *id; { return 0; }
- int tgetnum(id) char *id; { return 0; }
- char *tgetstr(id, area) char *id, **area; { return sp; }
- int tgetch(i) int i; { return 0; }
- char *tgoto(cap, col, row) char *cap; int col, row; { return sp; }
- int tifgetflag(id) char *id; { return 0; }
- int tifgetnum(id) char *id; { return 0; }
- char *tifgetstr(id) char *id; { return sp; }
- int tigetflag(id) char *id; { return 0; }
- int tigetnum(id) char *id; { return 0; }
- char *tigetstr(id) char *id; { return sp; }
- void tinputfd(i) int i; {}
- char *tparm(instring, parms)
- char *instring; long parms; { return sp; }
- int tputs(cp, affcnt, outc) char *cp; int affcnt, (*outc)(); { return 0; }
- int traceon() { return 0; }
- int traceoff() { return 0; }
- int ttimeout(i) int i; { return 0; }
- int typeahead(fd) int fd; { return 0; }
- void vidupdate(a, b, c) chtype a, b; int (*c)(); {}
- int waddchnstr(win, b, c)
- WINDOW *win; chtype *b; int c; { return 0; }
- int wclrtobot(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int wclrtoeol(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int wechochar(win, ch) WINDOW *win; chtype ch; { return 0; }
- int wgetch(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int winnstr(win, b, c) WINDOW *win; char *b; int c; { return 0; }
- int wnoutrefresh(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int whline(win, a, b) WINDOW *win; chtype a; int b; { return 0; }
- int mvwhline(win, y,x,a, b) WINDOW *win; chtype a; int y,x,b; { return 0; }
- int mvwvline(win, y,x,a, b) WINDOW *win; chtype a; int y,x,b; { return 0; }
- int wvline(win, a, b) WINDOW *win; chtype a; int b; { return 0; }
- int addch(ch) chtype ch; { return 0; }
- int addnstr(s,n) char *s; int n; { return 0; }
- int addstr(str) char *str; { return 0; }
- int attroff(at) chtype at; { return 0; }
- int attron(at) chtype at; { return 0; }
- int attrset(at) chtype at; { return 0; }
- int bkgd(c) chtype c; { return 0; }
- int border(ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8)
- chtype ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8;
- { return 0; }
- int clear() { return 0; }
- int clrtobot() { return 0; }
- int clrtoeol() { return 0; }
- int delch() { return 0; }
- int deleteln() { return 0; }
- int echochar(ch) chtype ch; { return 0; }
- int erase() { return 0; }
- int getch() { return 0; }
- int getstr(str) char *str; { return 0; }
- chtype inch() { return cht; }
- int insch(c) chtype c; { return 0; }
- int insdelln(id) int id; { return 0; }
- int insertln() { return 0; }
- int insnstr(s,n) char *s; int n; { return 0; }
- int insstr(s) char *s; { return 0; }
- int move(y, x) int y, x; { return 0; }
- int refresh() { return 0; }
- int scrl(n) int n; { return 0; }
- int setscrreg(t,b) int t, b; { return 0; }
- int standend() { return 0; }
- int standout() { return 0; }
- void timeout(tm) int tm; {}
- void bkgdset(c) chtype c; {}
- chtype termattrs() { return cht; }
- /* functions to define environment flags of a window */
- int syncok(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; { return 0; }
- void immedok(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; {}
- /* The following used to be functions in SVR3. */
- int notimeout(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; { return 0; }
- int clearok(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; { return 0; }
- int leaveok(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; { return 0; }
- int scrollok(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; { return 0; }
- /* functions for handling video attributes */
- int wattroff(w,a) WINDOW *w; chtype a; { return 0; }
- int wattron(w,a) WINDOW *w; chtype a; { return 0; }
- int wattrset(w,a) WINDOW *w; chtype a; { return 0; }
- /* functions for move and update */
- int mvaddch(y,x,ch) int y,x; chtype ch; { return 0; }
- int mvaddchstr(y,x,ch) int y,x; chtype *ch; { return 0; }
- int mvaddchnstr(y,x,ch,n)
- int y,x,n; chtype *ch; { return 0; }
- int mvinstr(y,x,s) int y,x;char *s; { return 0; }
- int mvwinstr(win,y,x,s) WINDOW *win;int y,x;char *s; { return 0; }
- int mvinnstr(y,x,s,n) int y,x,n;char *s; { return 0; }
- int mvwinnstr(win,y,x,s,n) WINDOW *win;int y,x,n;char *s; { return 0; }
- int mvinchstr(y,x,s) int y,x;chtype *s; { return 0; }
- int mvwinchstr(win,y,x,s) WINDOW *win;int y,x;chtype *s; { return 0; }
- int mvwinchnstr(win,y,x,s,n) WINDOW *win;int y,x,n;chtype *s; { return 0; }
- int mvwaddchstr(win,y,x,ch) WINDOW *win;int y,x; chtype *ch; { return 0; }
- int mvwaddchnstr(win,y,x,ch,n) WINDOW *win;int y,x; chtype *ch; int n; { return 0; }
- int mvaddnstr(y,x,s,n) char *s; int n, y, x; { return 0; }
- int mvaddstr(y,x,str) int y, x; char *str; { return 0; }
- int mvwaddstr(win,y,x,str) WINDOW *win;int y, x; char *str; { return 0; }
- int mvdelch(y,x) int y, x; { return 0; }
- int mvgetch(y,x) int y, x; { return 0; }
- int mvgetstr(y,x,str) int y, x; char *str; { return 0; }
- chtype mvinch(y,x) int y, x; { return cht; }
- int mvinsch(y,x,c) int y, x; chtype c; { return 0; }
- int mvinsnstr(y,x,s,n) int y, x, n; char *s; { return 0; }
- int mvinsstr(y,x,s) int y, x; char *s; { return 0; }
- int mvwaddch(win,y,x,ch)
- WINDOW *win; int y,x; chtype ch; { return 0; }
- int mvwaddnstr(win,y,x,s,n)
- WINDOW *win; char *s; int n, y, x; { return 0; }
- int mvwdelch(win,y,x) int y, x; WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int mvwgetch(win,y,x) int y, x; WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int mvwgetstr(win,y,x,str)
- int y, x; WINDOW *win; char *str; { return 0; }
- chtype mvwinch(win,y,x) WINDOW *win; int y, x; { return cht; }
- int mvwinsch(win,y,x,c)
- int y, x; WINDOW *win; chtype c; { return 0; }
- int mvwinsnstr(win,y,x,s,n)
- int y, x, n; WINDOW *win; char *s; { return 0; }
- int mvwinsstr(win,y,x,s)
- WINDOW *win; int y, x; char *s; { return 0; }
- int overlay(Src, Dst) WINDOW *Src, *Dst; { return 0; }
- int overwrite(Src, Dst) WINDOW *Src, *Dst; { return 0; }
- int wdeleteln(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int winsertln(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int wstandend(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int wstandout(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int beep() { return 0; }
- int flash() { return 0; }
- WINDOW *newpad(nlines, ncols) int nlines, ncols; { return wp; }
- SCREEN *set_term(new) SCREEN *new; { return scp; }
- int scroll(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int slk_init(fmt) int fmt; { return 0; }
- WINDOW *subpad(orig, nlines, ncols, by, bx)
- WINDOW *orig; int nlines, ncols, by, bx; { return wp; }
- WINDOW *subwin(orig, nlines, ncols, by, bx)
- WINDOW *orig; int nlines, ncols, by, bx; { return wp; }
- int box(win, vert, hor) WINDOW *win; chtype vert, hor; { return 0; }
- SCREEN *newterm(type, ofd, ifd)
- char *type; FILE *ofd, *ifd; { return scp; }
- int vidputs(nmode, outc) chtype nmode, (*outc)(); { return 0; }
- int touchline(win, fline, num)
- WINDOW *win; int fline, num; { return 0; }
- int wtouchln(win, y, n, flag) WINDOW *win; int y,n,flag; { return 0; }
- int touchwin(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- chtype winch(win) WINDOW *win; { return cht; }
- int waddstr(win,str) WINDOW *win; char *str; { return 0; }
- int werase(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int wclear(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int intrflush(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; { return 0; }
- int ungetch(key) int key; { return 0; }
- int crmode() { return 0; }
- int nocrmode() { return 0; }
- int saveterm() { return 0; }
- int fixterm() { return 0; }
- int resetterm() { return 0; }
- int setterm(type) char *type; { return 0; }
- int gettmode() { return 0; }
- int halfdelay(tenths) int tenths; { return 0; }
- int winstr(win,str) WINDOW *win; char *str; { return 0; }
- int winchstr(win, s) WINDOW win; chtype *s; { return 0; }
- int winchnstr(win,s,n) WINDOW *win;chtype *s;int n; { return 0; }
- int waddchstr(win,str) WINDOW * win; char *str; { return 0; }
- int winsstr(win,str) WINDOW *win; char *str; { return 0; }
- int untouchwin(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- /* functions for setting time-out length on inputs */
- void wtimeout(win,tm) {}
- int vidattr(newmode) chtype newmode; { return 0; }
- char *unctrl(i) int i; { return sp; }
- int is_wintouched(win) WINDOW *win; { return 0; }
- int is_linetouched(win,line) WINDOW *win; int line; { return 0; }
- void wbkgdset(win, ch) WINDOW *win; chtype ch; {}
- char *termname() { return sp; }
- void idcok(win,bf) WINDOW *win; int bf; {}
- int color_content (color, r, g, b) short color, *r,*g,*b; { return 0; }
- char has_colors() { return 'a'; }
- int init_color(color, r, g, b) short color, r, g, b; { return 0; }
- int start_color() { return 0; }
- int init_pair (pair, f, b) short pair, f, b; { return 0; }
- int pair_content (pair, f, b) short pair, *f, *b; { return 0; }
- char can_change_color() { return 'a'; }
- void use_env(bf) bool bf; {}
- int mouse_set(mbe) long int mbe; { return 0 ; }
- int mouse_on(mbe) long int mbe; { return 0 ; }
- int mouse_off(mbe) long int mbe; { return 0 ; }
- int request_mouse_pos() {}
- void wmouse_position (win, x, y) WINDOW *win; int *x, *y; {}
- int map_button (a) unsigned long a; { return 0 ; }
- unsigned long getmouse() { }
- unsigned long getbmap() { }
- #endif /* __STDC__ */